4 True Scary Stories with Footage

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[Music] [Music] it was january of 2016. my buddies and i live right next to a nature preserve and used to love to explore it it was a weekend and we were looking for something to do and being mischievous we decided to go explore the storm drain that supplied water to the creek in the nature preserve it had a barred barricade blocking entry into it so we decided we'd throw some rocks in to see if the rocks made contact at any point so we could figure out the depth however we received something much more in return after throwing a rock against the wall in the storm drain a couple seconds passed and we heard a terrifying thump or bang in return what the hell dusk was approaching so we called it a day and watched back over the video we recorded of it the next weekend i gathered a few more buddies and we decided we would unbolt the barricade to the drain and go inside i got the barricade to fall down and we made our entrance it went in about 20 feet until it hit a dead end however there was a second branch of the drain to our left that we'd have to take a step up to get into we proceeded in one by one all five of us at first it was nothing but spider webs and mud we traveled about 500 to a thousand feet into the drain as it kept getting skinnier and we had to duck to proceed we were all frozen in our tracks as we heard the same exact thump we heard the weekend before a scary and hard to describe sound we had no signal and were beyond terrified at that point because we were all right next to each other and the noise had come from much further away at this point my friend decided to start recording in case anything else happened we made it out of the drain safely without anything else happening the scariest and most chilling part of this whole story was when i reviewed the video and saw a slight outline of a head at one of the turns of the drain this couldn't possibly have been one of us because we had all been together i took a screenshot of it and zoomed in as far as i could and well i was horrified there in the frame was a demon-shaped looking head with glowing eyes and what appeared to be pointy ears to this day we have never gone back into that nature preserve let alone the storm drain it all started when a group of friends and i decided to start exploring abandoned warehouses due to the stories and myths surrounding them in our hometown laredo texas the story surrounding the area of warehouses was that the buildings were haunted due to immigrant workers being worked and mistreated to death the local news covered the death of many of the workers many of the deaths were also ignored by the authorities due to the illegal status of the workers and the warehouse that we visited the company was in charge of the maintenance of the railroad tracks as well as the disposing of hazardous material in the video i recorded the barrels filled with chemical wastes are seen spilled open the warehouses are located in a part of town where there's nothing really around except for train tracks the predominantly hispanic culture of my city gave rise to the stories about railroad workers that had lost their lives in the area we decided to explore the warehouse during the day and then during the night on our daytime exploration we found remains of what seemed to be remnants of satanic rituals because we found a chicken's foot and pentagrams drawn in permanent marker we figured that was the work of local groups trying to communicate with the damn souls of the workers we also spotted a makeshift couch or bed where the workers would sleep the night we visited we had the feeling we were being watched we were actually also being followed and attacked by crows inside the building while we were exploring that night on several occasions we spotted shadows and heard noises throughout the area as we delved deeper we got the feeling that someone or something didn't want us in the warehouse a creepy laugh can be heard in the video footage i captured and that was our cue to get the hell out nah now i think there's no power oh my god did you hear that yeah let's just get out of here things only got weirder though as the satanic drunks and the chickenfoot were gone the next time we passed that spot yet they were spotted only earlier that day i'm completely convinced that someone or something was stalking us in that warehouse that night i believe the lost souls of the workers were a satanic group of people that frequented the place were there that night with us watching as we walked out of the warehouse we noticed that the crows were very on edge and tried to attack us like i mentioned earlier the events that happened that night still sometimes keep me up at night [Music] i'm a freshman at the university of nebraska-lincoln some friends of mine came home from a hockey party after their game and asked me to come hang at their dorm they brought some girls to the party that they knew from high school and happened to be in the city they came back to the dorm to hang as well one of the girls that came in was super friendly but very drunk i didn't see her drink anything in the dorms i left with my girlfriend at about 2am at around 3 i heard sirens and could see lights outside of my window i figured it was just another kid that came home with alcohol poisoning then i heard the most gut-wrenching scream of my life i walked out of my room and saw my friends from the dorm i had just left running down the hall wanting my help i started running down the hall following them and saw blood on the floor and thought for sure someone had been stabbed then i saw three police officers and a paramedic team strapping the friendly girl down to a stretcher while she was screaming and thrashing i went to ask my friends what happened and they looked exhausted they said her eyes rolled back into her head she started growling and bleeding heavily from both nostrils she attacked some of our friends yanking their hair and biting them like an animal this girl fought off three six foot tall fairly muscular guys by herself keep in mind this girl is probably five foot one 110 pounds and was possessing superhuman strength all while screaming at the top of her lungs the scariest part is when the r.a came over to pray over the situation as he's a devoted christian and she started screaming f god f jesus the devil is coming for you all at this point my heart was sinking in pure fear of the situation as was everyone else who was present the emergency responders said they had never seen anything like this even if she was possibly drugged at the party i was able to capture a roughly 20 second video of her screaming in the dorms you can't really see her as the paramedics are in the way but if you listen closely towards the end of the video you can hear her scream they're coming for you all they're coming for you next last i heard she woke up with no memory of the situation but is in a very dark place at the moment this is the video that was captured i love you [Music] in my small town there's not much to do so my friends and i make the best of it in the winter we sometimes throw snowballs at cars this was after we got done ice fishing one day we went to my house and decided it would be fun to throw snowballs at cars for a while usually no one would get too angry as they were just snowballs but one person got really mad at us my friend drake decided to throw snowball at one more car and he told me to record he hid right under the back passenger side it sounded like a hard hit we stayed there for a second laughing until he slowed down and eventually threw it in reverse [Music] oh he's right there we ran and hid behind a car in a different parking lot and he pulled in about five feet from us but he didn't see us so we ran home and that's when i stopped recording when we got home we took off our jackets and sat down to watch the video i just took but we were interrupted by this sound i froze in my seat then again i didn't think this guy would find us but still i turned off the lights my dogs went crazy drake and i are 14 we don't get scared that easily but this was freaking us out we hid in my bathroom in my room and turned off the light we actually laughed thinking he would leave in a couple minutes our friends thought we were joking so we took videos of him still pounding on the door our friends thought it was funny in karma but we didn't find it amusing anymore we thought we were in danger because he wouldn't leave so i called my mom who was at the walmart about 10 minutes away she sounded more like she was angry at us for throwing snowballs at cars than concerned that someone was banging on the door she said she would call one of the neighbors to come scare him off then she hung up it felt like an eternity before he stopped banging on the front door but only a couple minutes passed and then the banging sounds came from a different door then it hit me that i didn't lock that door and he could easily come in then i got a disturbing call from my mom telling me one of the neighbors said she could see a deranged looking man possibly drugged out looking through my room's window and the front door window we sat there for as long as we could and decided to make a plan to get the 410 shotgun in my mom's room load it and then make a break for it but when we entered my mom's room to look for the gun we saw his face at the window his hairy withered looking face and we screamed and ran drake had the idea to blast a police siren sound on my speaker in my room so we ran to set the speaker up while doing so we heard the back door open the one which was left unlocked drake managed to get the siren sound effect to play on my speaker and that apparently worked as we heard him leave through the same door he entered moments later one of the neighbors paul rang the doorbell i led him inside and he stayed with us and waited for the cops and my mom to get there we explained everything the cops and my mom all said we shouldn't have been throwing snowballs at cars like that obviously and that we got lucky that they showed up when they did my advice is to never mess with people like we did you never know who you're dealing with [Music] so you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,531,984
Rating: 4.9316087 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, true horror stories, narration, horror, scary, disturbing, nightmarish, shocking, police stories, scary true date stories, disturbing date stories, computer virus horror stories, scary stories with footage, scary videos, scary stories with videos, scary true stories videos, scary footage, real scary video, ghost footage, haunted house footage, horror footage, stories with videos
Id: I5U-uDsvrxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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