3 Disturbing True Snapchat Stories

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Got sent the channel by my brother and decided to watch another vid on it. Well half watch as I’m scrolling Reddit on my phone.. story seemingly ends and my attention is suddenly directed towards to the TV.. is that....?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nerdowellinever 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this was not even a month ago so all the small details are still fresh in my mind i have been using dating apps on and off for years i think tinder sucks along with its customer service and i was never a fan of hinge or okcupid i mainly use bumble in my bumble bio i have my height which is 411 i make a joke about being short and then i have my instagram and snap at the bottom because of that i get a decent amount of random follow requests on instagram half the time i don't follow them back i also get a lot of random people adding me on snap probably more on there than on instagram i usually only add them back if i recognize their name from a recent conversation on bumble or if their bitmoji looks pretty normal i know that sounds weird i deal with a lot of stupid disgusting boys on bumble but it's not as bad as tinder still i'll often have the typical douche frat boy asking if i do hookups or sending any kind of provocative messages usually when that happens i'll mess with them a little bit and then unmatch them this one time i guess three almost four weeks ago i matched this actually pretty attractive guy he sent some pickup line that was kind of creative and got my attention pretty soon he asked for my snap then seconds later he added me after noticing i had my snap in my bio anyway so i added him back because why not he started messaging me on snap i screenshotted the first two picks on his bumble profile and sent it to my girlfriends mentioning how attractive he is my friend gianna replied right away saying it's a catfish she matched it too so i decided i'd mess with them a little bit the things he was messaging me on snap were slowly progressing to be more sexual so i started saying the most unattractive things possible and they started getting noticeably salty i said i would be down to come over if they sent me a selfie he didn't send a selfie of course he just replied with a message asking what my address is i didn't reply at first asking my girls what i should do next but then i got a notification that the guy screenshotted my snapchat profile i immediately blocked him and remembered i had my location on the snapmap as public the problem is the houses in my area are spaced out enough where he could easily identify which house i was in i panicked asking my girlfriends what to do they tried to calm me down assuring me there was no chance he'd come to my house they did a good job because they made me realize how ridiculous i'm coming to my house sounded i was watching new girl on netflix the doorbell suddenly rang they paused the show and i felt my heart jump into my throat i was home alone not expecting my parents or siblings and it was past 10. i turned off my bedroom light and tv screen i wanted total darkness to give the illusion no one was home i suddenly got a notification that someone added me on snap the username was it's me add me back i blocked the account immediately two minutes later another account added me on snap this one the username was i'm outside your house i screenshotted that and sent it to my friends and family now in tears i blocked it as well there was a long pause now i hoped maybe he had given up during that time i was texting friends and family but ignoring all their phone calls because i was so paranoid that i'd be heard from outside finally i got another dreaded notification from snap saying someone added me this time the username said i'm looking right at you i turn to the window naturally i wish i hadn't i wish i just ran out of the room and called 9-1-1 but i looked and saw him looking into my room this disgusting smiling man i'm sure my face turned completely ghostly white as i looked at him i ran out of the entire house screaming at the top of my lungs down the street two neighbors came outside in response and i basically ran into one of their arms crying for help the neighbor called the police for me but the man was not found in or around the house i somehow had to gather the courage to go back into that house and stay there for the night i locked myself in my parents room since it's the only bedroom upstairs with a lock and i prayed i'd be able to fall asleep i only awake for seemingly hours though and eventually i knew for a fact i heard something outside the door like tiny soft footsteps causing ever so slight cracks in the wood i sat up and stared at the bottom of the door dreading the lights outside turning on or someone trying to open the door i grabbed my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1 i immediately said to the operator in a quiet whisper that someone was inside my house and i was alone but maybe i didn't say it quietly enough because footsteps on the other side of the door confirmed that i was right i wasn't just hearing things the footsteps walked away from the door quickly i heard them go down the stairs and eventually i heard the front storm door slammed shut cops arrived shortly the same cops had returned this time they wouldn't allow me to sleep there the rest of the night i called my friend gianna who was still awake and she said i could come sleep over for the rest of the weekend the police escorted me there after i locked up my house i'm grateful i didn't fall asleep that night as i wouldn't have heard those tiny footsteps outside my room and i might not have called the cops in time i hardly use snap i find it to be an immature form of communication i only have one so i can receive snaps from friends and occasionally send people snaps while i'm on vacation somewhere or doing something fun i do not view snapchat as a viable replacement for simply texting someone that being said when this girl kate that i hadn't heard from in months who i was kind of into one night randomly snapped me my face lit up a bit she snapped me a picture in a dark room presumably her bedroom saying what are you doing i replied with an awkward selfie saying watching friends made more awkward with the obnoxiously bright flash from my phone another reason i hate snapchat because i looked terrible in selfies expecting her to run away after my selfie she actually snapped back i could barely make out part of her face it was 90 black wherever she was with a hint of red glow she said in the snap to come to her place i was done with the stupid selfies so i just messaged her back asking where she sent an address it was 10 minutes away i was bored so why not i got my chevy and started following towards the address it wasn't that far i was there quicker than expected but i'm also a speedy driver the address was of a house at the edge of the same town i live in since i have her number i just texted her but with my car idling and her not answering right away i decided to just call her the call was answered but she didn't say anything on the other end in fact all i heard was garbled background noise likely because the phone was answered by accident i said hello a few times hoping maybe she'd hear me in her back pocket or wherever her phone might have been i listened for a little while and eventually i started hearing a man's voice in the background i screamed hello two more times into the phone and then i distinctly heard in a girl's scream help me before the call was hung up i didn't know what to make of all that i texted her one more time what's going on minutes later i got a text back saying come in i just opened the front door i looked at the house and sure enough the front door was left open now at the same time i got another snap from kate i opened it immediately it was a picture of her legs in a dark room she was wearing ripped jeans and it looked like she was sitting on the floor something wasn't right here i wasn't going in that house i called kidnapping 911 in the meantime while waiting for the cops i texted back the number saying one second i'm on a phone call then i'll come right in but there was no answer in fact the next time i looked at the front door of the house it was closed now i was worried that what i was imagining was coming true the cop car eventually pulled up behind my car and i pointed them at the house another cop car pulled up quickly across the street and two more cops got out a total of four cops were knocking at the front door a man opened the door and they identified that they received a reported kidnapping in the house one of the police officers actually let himself into the house past the man the other two followed while once stood with me by the front porch not even 30 seconds later one of the cops yelled at the other two to get him in cuffs and then a girl's cries for help soon became apparent from the basement i was in absolute shock when the girl i recognized as kate was being escorted out of the house in tears she was a wreck she looked like she just experienced a life-changing trauma i can't even imagine this wasn't even her house this was apparently the man's house but the girl's aunt didn't live too far so she was brought there obviously the man was brought to jail and i'm sure he's now in prison that cake girl really didn't seem to want to talk to me too much beyond thanking me for saving her life a bunch of times i'm not mad about it though i understand experiencing whatever she went through in that basement is probably something no one wants to think about greetings my name is terry carnation of the podcast dark air with terry carnation reading a story for the aptly named mr nightmare i am an eighteen-year-old guy and a freshman in college i go to school in my hometown so that for my first year i can live with my parents and save money on student housing i go to montana state university in billings the state's largest city and no we don't ride horses to school we have cars in school i still knew and hung out with most of my high school friends that decided to stay in town for school as well but in my calculus class i didn't know anyone i am pretty outgoing and can easily start a conversation with a stranger but i strangely found it hard to make friends in that class eventually i just gave up and went to class to learn rather than make friends about two weeks into school this guy i hadn't seen in class before started to sit near me he would always come in around 10 minutes late and would sit as close to me as possible it weirded me out so i would sit as far from the door as possible to see if he was actually trying to sit near me i observed that he would enter class late and walk past at least 10 open chairs just to sit beside in front of or behind me he had this creepy vibe his hair was always messed up and greasier than a mcdonald's burger his clothes were ripped up and looked ancient and his hands were always black with dirt i'm a neat freak and always keep myself and my things clean and organized so just looking at him repulsed me a little bit he also looked way older than the rest of the class almost like he was 40. he started to fall behind in class since he never took notes and he started asking me for help even though he looked creepy and gross he seemed very nice and shy i felt bad for him and would explain problems to him when he asked me to but tried to keep it casual and not be overly nice one day he asked me for my snapchat so that he could get help when we weren't in class since calc was only a monday wednesday friday class after hesitation i gave him my username strangely he wrote it on his arm in huge letters with a king-sized sharpie after class i was getting in my car to go home and saw that he had already added me and snapchatted me i groaned and regretted giving him my username i got in my car and drove the 20 minutes home by the time i arrived i had forgotten about it and went about my day i should mention now a girl's name added me on snapchat on this day too so i added her back even though i didn't know who it was later that night i got another snapchat from him i opened it the first one from earlier that day was of his arm with my username on it the caption had a ton of blushing faces on it more than i could care to count the second was a shirtless picture of him in a bathroom mirror but it looked like a gas station bathroom it said the jeans you wore today were so tight around you and i couldn't stop staring i was immediately weirded out and considered blocking him i thought better of it though and wanted to avoid an awkward situation in the next class we had together i didn't reply to him and went about my night i had a few friends over and left my phone sitting on the couch and one of my friends picked it up and said dude who's this jefferson guy he sent you like 20 snaps i grabbed my phone and scrolled through my notifications i clicked on one and it brought me to the chat section of snapchat the messages started off with him asking why i never replied and got increasingly more angry and aggressive as they went down then a picture popped up and i opened it it was of my front door and it read come out right now in all caps with about 100 exclamation points i suddenly remembered i had my location on for snap maps and he attracted me to my house i immediately screenshotted the picture and the messages one of my friends recommended calling the police but i wasn't worried since i didn't think he could get in flash forward two weeks and i hadn't seen the guy since one night i was watching people's stories and came across jefferson again i was horrified because i thought i blocked him i looked at the username and saw that it was the username that i thought was a girl adding me all that time ago he had made a fake snapchat knowing i would probably end up blocking him his story was even creepier though it was a picture of me walking with my friends in a parking lot earlier that day i was pissed now i messaged him and asked why he wouldn't just leave me alone why he couldn't realize i didn't want to be his friend he only replied with more pictures of me taken over the last couple of weeks me walking me driving me at the movies with my friends me at a restaurant downtown with a girl i liked i was so completely creeped out that i blocked him again i wish i had saved the pictures but after i press charges for stalking i imagine the photos will be subpoenaed for evidence i have since turned off my location for snapchat and i only add back people that i know thank you mr nightmare for that nightmarish story thank you tristan for that indelible nightmare of a story that you've shared with us blood curdling no if i only knew what snapchat was i don't i don't know what that is is that is it is it a device i'm not sure um but i can only imagine one can only imagine and frankly i'm most surprised by the fact that someone in montana is studying calculus i didn't know they had universities in montana let alone courses like calculus i bet i bet they ride horses to class instead of cars oh tristan stay safe out there buddy stay safe tristan and only add people do you know to your your chap snacks only add friends and not creepy dudes full confession that was me but i am however a little older than forty so it was me tristan it was me this is terry carnation i host the podcast dark air with terry carnation new episodes out every thursday follow me on my misadventures as i host a paranormal radio call-in show featuring well me terry carnation thank you mr nightmare thank you tristan thank you listeners everywhere remain open to all possibilities i couldn't resist doing an evil laugh i love doing evil laughs here's another one all right that's enough
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,421,010
Rating: 4.9587345 out of 5
Keywords: snapchat stories, snapchat horror stories, fortnite stories, snapchat horror, snapchat scary stories, scary snapchat stories, snap map stories, snap map horror, snap map stalker, snapchat map horror, scary snap map stories, scary true snapchat stories, true snapchat stories, scary snapchat, snapchat creep, creepers, stalker, horror, scary, true scary stories, true stories, scary true stories, scary horror stories, snap map horror stories
Id: I2jvfPQ5wvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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