4 True Scary Stories with Footage

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[Music] i live in jeddah saudi arabia it was a tuesday night i was laying on my bed trying to get some sleep i laid there for about three hours until i decided to get up and take a walk around my neighborhood just to clear my head it was two in the morning i was walking down the street when i remembered there's an abandoned building in our neighborhood i decided to visit it people say that this building is haunted and i've always wanted to see what's inside of it the building itself looked really creepy broken windows a huge metal door which said no entry with red paint as an 18 year old college student i wanted to be adventurous i climbed through one of the broken windows and got inside the building i took out my phone and started to record so i could show off in front of my friends just to let you guys know my phone works completely fine there's no problem with it the place was really dark the only source of light in that building was from my phone it took me a couple of seconds to realize i was inside a small room i walked out the door into the hallway it was an apartment i was doing commentary while recording to make it look cool i got out of the apartment and into the main hall of the building here's a picture of the main hall on the left side of the elevator there's a small passageway which leads to a really small room under the stairs as seen in this picture i went there to investigate when i got close to the room i heard a clicking noise from the first door i was frozen for a split second i walked back to the main hall still recording then i heard a loud sound of metal dropping on concrete i almost cracked my pants i wanted to get the hell out of there but something inside me told me to go upstairs and find out what it was i started walking up the stairs as slowly as i could i don't even know what i was expecting to see up there i got to the first floor as usual it was dark but it got colder this event took place in the middle of august so it was hot outside i'm into paranormal stuff and when i suddenly felt cold i firmly believed something was going on here i should have turned back but i still wanted to see where that sound came from there were four apartments on each floor i investigated all four of them and saw nothing a chill ran down my spine when i realized the whole second floor and the ground floor were covered in sand there was no concrete and no sign of anything metal the cold temperature on the floor and the fact that i was alone gave me the chills i hurried down the stairs made my way back to the apartment climbed out through the window and ran back to my home when i got home i drank gallons of water calmed myself down and took out my phone i wanted to hear that sound again so i played the video and to my horror the audio on the video was messed up my commentary wasn't there at all like i said earlier there's no problem with my phone it works fine i didn't get any sleep that night i told my friends about it and they told me that it was really stupid to go inside that building alone i didn't delete the video i decided to keep it as a memory fast forward to december i was going through my gallery and i came across that video i decided to play it i fast forwarded to the part where i heard the sound and surprisingly that sound is clearly heard in the video i don't know how it could be heard clearly but here's a small clip from the video i got goosebumps and closed my phone i promised myself not to go near that building ever again [Music] let me start out by saying i was a non-believer of the paranormal until this night i was with four buddies i won't list any names for safety reasons we went to hang out and talk in an old supposedly haunted trailer late at night the owner and multiple people who lived there all told me that it was haunted by demons and me being the new guy to the group i needed to be initiated this initiation consisted of walking into the haunted back room i did as they said after they convinced me and walked in and then quickly ran out my friends thought it was hilarious and went to prove to me that it was all not real i went behind them to record them and see if we could get any proof of the demon my friend went to open the closet and that's when i got spooked by a loud audible crash in the closet and ran away my friend thought it was hilarious and after more convincing dragged me back inside the house to record him my buddy and i got outside of the trailer to re-watch our footage and what we caught scared me beyond belief dude i just heard [ __ ] in the closet yup yo yo bro oh [ __ ] hey what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] dude i saw it get the hell out of there dude the closet opening and closing loud knocking and windows being tapped on all the while i captured orbs outside of the room while i was outside waiting for my friend to come back out i heard the trash cans rattle and immediately called my friends out we didn't see them move but a little later on we had things thrown at us from an unknown place i had a live bullet tossed into my leg and one more land inches away from my buddy's leg i have it on video you were making that [ __ ] wait if you're there then who's throwing [ __ ] huh i just came back from smoking with roy yeah they just passed by i took a hit and they kept walking we have actual [ __ ] proof of that ghost eventually we went to get out after i practically dragged my friend into the car only to have our car alarm go off as we open the car door when we got home my buddy showered and said his back hurt and when i checked i saw he had multiple scratches up and down his back as you can see in this image it was a normal evening my best friend and i decided to go for a walk it was around 10 o'clock in the evening so it was as dark out as it was gonna get i live in a small village so we usually just walk around the streets there weren't many people out at this hour we were kind of just walking and talking a little while into our walk we started to head home we went up some hill which led to the little town area and the only store we had in our village but as soon as we came up the hill we saw a weird-looking figure in the distance it looked like an abnormally tall woman covered in a sheet of some sort and it had its neck tied with a string or a rope this is the video we took of the figure honestly it reminded us of the movie the nun it was really hard to see since it was totally dark and the street lights weren't exactly the brightest it was moving very slowly and it was waddling left and right like it was drunk or injured or something we couldn't figure out if it was walking our way or not because it was moving so slowly it was a really disturbing sight at that moment at that hour of the night after half a minute of standing there we realized it was walking towards us we ran as fast as we could when we realized it didn't even have a visible face or just anything to take note of specifically we walked around to go home hoping we wouldn't see her again but we thought we would because if we calculated it right we would meet again on one intersecting street but luckily we didn't the next day i told my friend about what happened and she told me she also saw her or it while she was driving with her sister past the bar which is on the street we thought we would see her again she moved slower than us i really don't know how we missed her but luckily we did my friend described the figure just as horrifically as it appeared from the distance to us that night and since that night we never saw her again [Music] this just happened a couple days ago this isn't something that happened to me but rather something that happened to a family friend our family friend who i'll call buddy for the sake of this video believes that something has attached itself to him something paranormal it started when he moved into a new house almost right away buddy and his family started experiencing paranormal activity such as shadows and voices one night buddy had found a weird discovery in the basement of his new home upon doing some moving in the basement he found something that he had not seen prior to the move in he found a stolen cemetery reef this made partial sense because the town cemetery was in walking distance of the house buddy was aggravated with the activity going on in his new home so out of anger he snapped the cemetery reef and in his own words when i snapped the reef every dog in that town started howling there must have been 20 dogs all howling at the same time i was scared to death after that the activity worsened and they had no choice but to move but it seemed the activity followed them to every house they went to recently they've had some of the worst experiences in this apartment they currently live in buddy and his wife who i'll call pam have been repeatedly followed by some kind of entity they decided to set up a phone recording for the night and try to capture anything that might seem paranormal as evidence that they weren't crazy what buddy found on the phone was horrifying he woke up at three to review some footage and found a five second video that had been taken after the previous recording had stopped keep in mind they have no pets no children that live with them no tv or radios on at the time and both buddy and pam were in bed when this happened you can clearly see something pick up the phone and a female voice speak into it i can assure you that is not pam's voice or any other voice that they're familiar with everyone thinks it says did you tell daddy to rape me but you guys take a listen for yourself and come to your own conclusion almost a night after this recording one of buddy and pam's daughters died from an overdose she was 30 years old and seven months pregnant and a mother of four getting ready to be five but this video has something to do with it we don't know but if it is a coincidence and it sure is one hell of a scary one you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,687,853
Rating: 4.9214554 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, true horror stories, narration, horror, scary, disturbing, nightmarish, shocking, police stories, scary true date stories, disturbing date stories, computer virus horror stories, scary stories with footage, scary videos, scary stories with videos, scary true stories videos, scary footage, real scary video, ghost footage, haunted house footage, horror footage, stories with videos
Id: wkS18U-E8cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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