3 True Scary Wedding Horror Stories

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[Music] my wife and i got married in the church of the little flower in coral gables florida in 2017 we invited all of our close friends and family including the family that neither of us really liked because that's just what you're supposed to do my wife ally has this estranged aunt chelsea that no one in her family is really close with she used to have serious drug problems it spiraled her down a path that just led to a rift between her and the rest of the family well aunt chelsea was invited to the wedding and when she showed up she surprisingly came with a date but unsurprisingly he didn't look like the kind of guy you want to bring home to mom and dad right from the first time i laid eyes on him i knew he was different not in a pleasant quirky way after the wedding ceremony of course came picture time the six bridesmaids six groomsmen and my wife and i all went to this nice backyard section of the church campus to have pictures taken by the hired photographer some close family from both sides came along as well to watch while most others went to the party hall and chelsea and her day came to watch us take pictures as well this was when i first got his name rob the two of them were making everyone uncomfortable like everyone in the bridal party would joke around and we genuinely left then either chelsea or rob would yell out these weird inappropriate things they just kept doing it to the point where they created awkward silences and all of us were just internally cringing dreading what weird things they'd say next it got very awkward very quickly let's just say that to the point i wanted them to leave altogether anyway we eventually finished with pictures and we migrated to comber hall the party hall connected to the church where food and drinks were being served being the groom all the attention is on you at all times you barely have a chance to sit down and gather your thoughts or even eat every second i had someone else coming up to congratulate me and eventually that person was robbed he shook my hand again his breath terrible and his arms scarred up he wasn't wearing a long-sleeved shirt rather a stained gray polo he seemed like a filthy person all around he started talking to me with this loud almost demeaning tone i did my best to just be polite and eventually he walked back to chelsea this was the last time i saw him that day eventually i saw chelsea sitting by herself at the table so i asked ally where that rob guy went she had no idea either after a while of chelsea sitting by herself ally went up to her to ask her where her date was chelsea didn't know she hadn't seen him in an hour chelsea also explained that they met in rehab and that she had only gone out with him four times ali grew concerned with this man being here after hearing this we asked our parents and some close family to look around for the man to confirm if he was still there or not there was some concerning news when one of my relatives said that some of the gifts in the room where the gifts were being stored were missing we immediately attributed this to rob and had an employee ask over the microphone for everybody to keep an eye out for rob chelsea wanted to call his cell but she couldn't find her phone this put a slight damper on things but we didn't let it ruin our wedding day our parents called the police and dealt with them on the side with the help of chelsea giving information about rob after the wedding reception a few close friends came back to our hotel room for a little after party of sorts chelsea texted ali asking for our home address because she had to drop off her gift that she forgot to give ali responded and then our good time was interrupted by a distressing phone call from chelsea's phone number ally turned off the music and put it on speakerphone there was a male's breathing on the other end like horror movie like he was trying to creep us out ali kept asking where chelsea was to no avail eventually the person on the other end hung up ally called her grandma who was the only one close enough with chelsea to know where she would be and she confirmed that chelsea was staying with her for the night chelsea got on the phone and said she lost her phone at the wedding and she didn't know her apple id or password therefore she couldn't even track it with find my iphone our best guess was that it was that rob guy we were now concerned that he knew our address and that we weren't home we were too drunk to go home so we asked my dad to stay there for the night and watch the house he gladly did so and the next morning he woke up to texts and missed calls for my dad he said someone kept tapping on different windows to the house as if to be messing with them he called the police but they didn't find anyone that same day we went to the police station to see what could be done about pursuing rob who we suspected was the one behind all of this but without video cameras catching the thief in comber hall and given that chelsea's phone had been turned off or destroyed there was little to nothing the police could do chelsea told us that she and rob had gotten into a verbal argument and that he blamed us for whatever she was saying he thought we didn't like him and in his words we sabotaged him this just further led us to believe he was responsible for that weird phone call and coming to our house in an attempt to scare or harass us we never saw or heard from that robb guy again and we have only started to further distance ourselves from chelsea after that i had a pretty low-key beach wedding mostly just family and friends my wife who i'll just call trisha invited more people than me for sure she even invited her ex-boyfriend kyle i didn't know exactly how i felt about that at the time but i acted accepting and fine with it because i knew they remained close friends there were about 75 people at the wedding ceremony including kyle i didn't paid much mind the day of the wedding because it was such a big day and my mind was obviously racing kyla was friendly to me but throughout the wedding reception i noticed kyle would constantly be talking to trisha and when he wasn't talking to her he'd be looking in her general direction i mean trisha and i were married now it's not like he had any shot at all so at the time i started to think maybe i was just being a little too paranoid even if it was slightly annoying kyle came alone to the wedding though which i thought was just a tad weird that he didn't bring a date my wife and i stayed in a fancy waterfront hotel that night and the next day we went back home a couple people who didn't make the wedding came by the house to congratulate us and drop off gifts surprisingly kyle stopped by as well trisha and i had recently moved into a new house together and kyle claimed to have stopped by to check out her new place and to drop off his gift that he didn't get to give us yesterday he handed us well trisha specifically an envelope and a little footlong teddy bear holding a heart on the heart was our initials which i actually found to be a nice thoughtful gift we gave kyle a tour of the house and he stayed for a beer but after that he said he'd better get going and congratulated us once more before leaving inside the envelope was a card containing a hundred dollars as nice as i thought the gifts were i still believed he had some serious feelings for trisha and i asked her to ease back on the friendship a bit she couldn't see what i saw though apparently she swore up and down that they were just very close friends and that there were no feelings left on either side trisha put the teddy bear next to some of the other gifts on our dressers while my wife and i were in bed together having a romantic moment i stopped her when i heard this weird noise i couldn't put my finger on what it was but it sounded like a small electrical component i looked around for my phone and found it was on my nightstand i chalked it up to being a vibration from a text notification like half an hour later laying in bed with the light off i once again brought up kyle asking if he'd texted her since the day before she said he has and i got a little annoyed i repeated myself saying i don't want her talking to him anymore she got a little mad at me for accusing her of being interested in him at all i assured her he was still interested in her why else would he stick around in his ex's life like this she got back at me with her assurance that she doesn't view him romantically at all that she's no longer attracted to him and that she broke up with him for a reason she followed this with she will ease back on her contact with him i apologize for coming at her like that and we went to sleep the next day when i got home from work trisha exclaimed that kyle randomly blocked her on instagram and when she texted him asking what's wrong he replied what do you care i heard the things you said when she tried texting back asking what he was talking about she saw that he blocked her number now too i wondered if maybe she butt dialed him on her phone while we had that conversation the previous night but when she checked her call history his name wasn't there i wasn't angry though him blocking her meant i was right he did still have feelings and now he'd be gone that night while in bed we talked about it some more then i heard the little electronic vibrating sound again i looked at the teddy bear on the dresser then i got up and went to pick it up and my heart dropped i grabbed a knife from the kitchen and started to tear the bear open tracia realized it immediately too the inside of the bear's head was a square electrical component wired to what was very obviously a camera behind the left eye and a microphone box wired to the left ear this was connected to some kind of bluetooth device that would probably allow a phone to send and receive data we went to the police that night with a teddy bear and filed a police report we then hired a lawyer and pressed charges against kyle for invasion of privacy and the judge ruled in our favor and required kyle to pay us fifteen thousand dollars each trisha also got a restraining order against him and that was the end of him in our lives though we still do sometimes worry that he may pay us an unexpected visit if he was crazy enough to wire a teddy bear to spy on us and possibly watch us in bed together who knows how far someone like that is capable of going i live in a safe town the kind of town that you can leave your car doors unlocked hell you can usually get away with leaving the doors to your house unlocked the crime rate is very low and i live on a dead-end block i had just gotten home from work around 8 pm after a 12-hour shift and was preparing a late dinner when the phone rang the second i picked up i heard the sound of the person on the other end hanging up i don't know if this has any correlation with what's to come but if it does that's even more horrifying on nights where i get home late especially after 12 hour shifts usually i'll just cook eat clean up take a shower then lay in bed watching tv for an hour before going to sleep this was one of those nights i was physically and mentally exhausted which led me to making what i learned that night was a serious mistake i was laying in bed watching the sopranos for my third run sometimes i'll drift off to sleep with the tv still on when i'm just completely beat and that's exactly what happened this night i woke up to the tv still playing the sopranos i had slept through two episodes i felt around the bed for the remote and turned it off in the now freshly silent room i was able to hear little creaks in the wood under the carpet i felt adrenaline kick in as i looked across the dark room i felt i could vaguely see the shape of a very wide figure as i aimed the remote at the tv to turn it back on to light up the room before the tv was even on i started choking on my own spit as i tried to say please leave the tv came back on and the room lit up a tint of blue revealing her this woman in a wedding dress looking at me with the veil covering her face i tried to scream at first but nothing came out of my mouth because i was just in pure shock i sat up pressed against the headboard of my bed frozen that's the best way i can describe what i was doing in that moment the woman in the dress whose face i could barely see walked over to the bed whispering where is my groom over and over but each time she said it she got louder her whisper quickly turned to a yell and she grabbed the edge of my mattress and started shaking it i screamed back at her to leave me alone then i got off the bed pushed her and ran to the bathroom across the hall and locked the door she followed me trying to open the door banging on it and repeating the words where's my groom i yelled at her i'm calling the cops and luckily i had my cell phone on me the woman was crying now on the other side of the door still knocking and banging the last thing i heard her say was i have to get to my wedding i heard her stomp down my stairs screaming and crying then i heard the front door slammed shut i was on the phone with 9-1-1 and i explained what just happened i checked the living room and she was gone i stepped outside to see if i could see which way she ran but she was out of sight a police officer showed up shortly and i described her as some larger woman in a white wedding dress and veil how she was screaming where's my groom and i have to get to my wedding i couldn't help with the direction she ran to it was either down the only direction the street goes or the woods to the right because of my exhaustion after my 12 hour shift i had forgotten to simply lock my door something i honestly never even thought was a problem in my neighborhood but this just goes to show that even the best of neighborhoods you're not always safe from crazy people out there i think this woman was off her rocker and belonged in a mental asylum and i hope police or somebody found her roaming the streets that night and brought her somewhere to get her help [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,194,747
Rating: 4.9626346 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, shocking, disturbing, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, lockdown stories, wedding horror stories, marriage horror stories, scary wedding stories, true scary wedding stories, scary wedding horror stories, groom horror stories, scary bride
Id: z_lTP7oVOyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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