4 Things to Master When you Receive Your Prophetic Word- Part 3 with Apostle Innocent Java

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[Music] [Music] plenty all right uh my apologies for that greeting to everyone in jesus name blessings blessings blessings blessings blessed and blessed jesus blessings to everybody thank you holy ghost blessings to everybody watching blessings to everybody um kindly share the broadcast as many people as you can um kindly share the broadcast to as many people as you can share the broadcast as many people as you can let's share the broadcast let's spread the broadcast to as many people as we can there's a special blessing that's coming to people today hallelujah if you're watching me through zoom share the link to you to your what's up contacts and to your friends and there's going to be a special blessing that's going to rest upon you today in jesus name amen so quickly let's share the broadcast to our loved ones to our friends our family i can see anointed or a light or or a tile okay anointed god bless you masha mumbai blessings to you lucky blessings to you [Music] blessings to you natasha god bless you um joseph oladipo that's my son from nigeria listens to you in jesus name on facebook i can see new people today god bless everybody watching helena blesses to you rajesh god bless you um god bless everybody watching sicilia god bless you in jesus mighty name somebody just type i'm blessed and highly favored i want to see people who are blessed and those who are highly favored today just type i'm blessed and highly favored i know you're blessed and i know you're highly favored so just type i'm blessed and highly favored in jesus name amen amen glory be to god thank you joseph thank you jesus thank you jesus um i can see some people on zoom i can see shirish chand god bless you prophet is your very blessings to you uh michelle blesses to you rondon our job blessings marcus island blessings there will be blessings of the daya dj blessings to you chanel shooks god bless you so secatu blessings to you uh call your blessings to you jerry prince blessings to you amen prophet prince god bless you in the name of jesus uh blessings joey blesses to you yvette god bless you um elisa parker avril smith blessings to you in the name of jesus matony kamau blessings to you and josh myth god bless you in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we're excited about what god is about to do and there is a special blessing that god is going to release upon your life in jesus name so i want you to share this broadcast to as many people as you can i want you to share this broadcast to as many people as you can if you're watching me through facebook i want you to share this broadcast to at least three people or a shade to three times shade three times there is a special blessing that god is going to release over your life and over the lives of your loved ones in jesus name so quickly let's share the broadcast to as many people as we can let's push so that many people can get the notification so that we can kickstart this thing in jesus name let's share the broadcast three times if you're watching me on facebook let's see the broadcast three times to our friends to our family in jesus mighty name [Music] there is a special blessing that god is doing that god has started to release upon your life stacy god bless you in jesus mighty name hallelujah there's a special blessing that god is releasing upon your life and you you'll fulfill that work until the day of jesus christ in jesus mighty name hallelujah so quickly let's share the broadcast to as many people as we can praise god right now i want us to do something prophetic um oh by the way before i go there we are having a prophetic school tomorrow it's tomorrow right we're having a prophetic school a prophetic and apostolic school tomorrow with uh prophet pashon java um a father in the lord together with um apostle wambiwa apostle b java and we also have prophet lovey so it's gonna be a special one in the presence of god i don't want you to miss it for anything i want you to be a part of it because it's going to be shifting lives it's going to be a life shifting event it's going to be mind-blowing so i want you to quickly register for for that program is the apostolic and the prophetic program that's going to change your life and catapult you from one dev of glory to another in jesus name so make sure you register for that one and be a part of that special program in jesus mighty name then the second thing i want to talk about um papa was live on when was it wednesday and uh papa is building a special studio it's a moving studio whereby wherever he is is able to go live and preach especially now is a little bit busy with work and business and also ministry at the same time so it's building um what you call is building a studio where it is right now um in africa wherever you'll be going that studio has to be uh has to be there so they've been building and building and building and 3700 is the one that's remaining for the building of that studio to be completed so i'm going to challenge some few people here um you're doing this for god you're doing this for the love that you have for your spiritual father also for the work of god to move forward so i want seven people if possible that can stand with the seed of 700. if you know you have it and if you know you want to be a part of this blessing i want you to go straight to prophetpassion.com i want you to give your seed of seven hundred dollars the reason why you are giving this seed you are giving it to stand with the studio of prophet passion of papa studio that is building right now it's a moving studio that he will be having um everywhere he travels so that he can be a special blessing to you in the comfort of your homes wherever you are so if you're amongst the seven that are going to give the 700 please kindly do those go to prophet passion.com give you a seed of 700 and after you give your seed of 700 text pasta wallace that you have given i personally am going to call you papa is going to call you and bless you yeah papa is going to call you and papa is going to release a special blessing upon your life in jesus mighty name so quickly if you're able to do it um i want you to do it give you a seat of 700 and make sure you know the special blessing of god will rest upon you if you're able to do it now just type down if you're going to do it tomorrow or maybe this coming week just up i'll do it so that i will know how many people i'll be having amen so god bless you for that those who are giving and those who are going to give god who bless you i know personally god will definitely bless you then i want you also to give your special offering for the day give your offering of 24 if you have it i want you to quickly do it now go to profitpassion.com and give your offering of 24. let's quickly do that if you are done just type i'm done so that i will know that you are done in jesus name if you are done just type i am done so that i know that you are done in jesus mighty name so quickly let's go and give our daily offering um let's quickly go and give our daily offering let's quickly go and give our daily offering of 24. let's go to prophetpassion.com and give our daily offering for today in jesus name hallelujah i give you a special offering for the day so if you are done with your offering just type i'm done with my offering if you're done with your offering just type nyenna god bless you for your offering i reach god bless you offering prophet prince god bless you for your offering in jesus name amen um god bless those who are giving their special offerings god bless you god increase you paul melroy my son how are you doing in jesus name where is it okay blessings blessings blessings so if you are you're giving a samurai is given yes god bless you samurai god bless you god bless you to those who are giving their offerings just type i'm done with my offering as stacy clark i've been trying to contact stacy clark for some time now i've been trying to contact her theopa was still god bless you for offering in jesus name thank you bless you bless you in jesus name god bless you amen all right uh prophetess yvette is done with the offering may god bless you prophetess in jesus mighty name all right bless as opposed to uh stacy clerk i'm gonna pray for you and i'm gonna speak a special blessing over your life okay lift up your hands everybody wherever you are i'm gonna pray for you now and be a blessing over your life and speak a specific specialized anointed world that's going to cut upon you in jesus name amen it's your hands heavenly father we thank you for your presence we thank you for your grace upon your children may your anointing rest upon them may your power rest upon them may your grace rest upon them no weapon formed against them shall prosper no congress against them shall come to pass i decline their decree they're experiencing a move and the shift in every area of their lives i pray father their lives have been catapulted shifted elevated from one day of glory to another in jesus mighty name somebody shout amen amen and amen all right uh first of all i want to thank you for being faithful and loyal um i know i got to hear about this yesterday i didn't know um there are people who are here in this broadcast and um right now it's about 3am 4am your time right yes and you have been very very loyal coming here every sun every morning every broadcast you are here and the reason why you are here you are here to be lifted and to be blessed joe it's 4 00 a.m you know it's 4 a.m your time i want to thank you very much for sacrificing and your sacrificing is never in vain i'm telling you you know leaving your bed at 4am just to hear a word from god to some people they can't do it you know and i was i was speaking to the church yesterday and i say that you people you stay in maryland you you can't even do it you can't even wake up at 6 00 a.m to be part and parcel of the morning devotions but there are people that that are waking up every morning 4 a.m 3 a.m just to hear the word of god it's a special blessing and i love you guys and i love your commitment may god bless you may god continue to increase you may god lift you may god elevate you in the name of jesus christ amen so i'm praying for you just know that i'm praying for you every day i'm praying for you i'm interceding for you may god bless you in jesus name amen praise god i appreciate you too praise god so today we're going to talk about why are you experiencing delay why are you experiencing delay why are you facing a lot of resistance why is it that the children of god after the lord had spoken and said that they are going to come out of 400 years they still couldn't come out what happened amen i'm going to explain to many of you why you can't experience acceleration why are you still in delay why are you still in delay you need to understand something that whenever god speaks a prophetic word he's not a man that he should lie nor is he a son of man that repents of his word which means whatever that god said that he will do over your life you will surely do so when god gives you a promise you need to tap into that word or into that promise and begin to move in the manifestation of that promise i don't want you to be at a place whereby you lose hope and you become wary because many people they have become so wary and become so tired especially when it comes to the prophetic word released over their lives they become so weary and they become so tired but i pray for you today i pray for divine strength in the name of jesus i pray that god gives you strength especially after you have received a prophetic word i pray that god strengthens you from your inner men from your inner spirit and that nowhere performed against you shall ever prosper no congress against you shall come to pass i declare wherever you're watching me in the mighty name of jesus christ may they be strength may god give you strength in your bones in your body in your spirit and in every area of your life in jesus mighty name no no stronghold shall stand before you no stronghold shall stand to attack and to stand before you in jesus mighty name you shall be equipped you shall be empowered in jesus mighty name amen and amen somebody type amen and amen all right thank you lord mark so this is what the lord had spoken the lord spoke and he said after 400 years the children of israel are going to come out from this captivity after 400 good years but the children of israel did not come out after 400 years they came out after 430 years which means that there was a delay that took place for them to come out from the land of captivity even though the lord had spoken so i'm going to speak on that part why they couldn't come out after 400 years all right i'm gonna speak on that part but also you understand now when you read your bible in the book of first samuel first kings the bible declares that the prophet elijah made a word of prophecy and he said tomorrow next year by this time you're going to hold a baby you spoke to that woman he spoke to the shunammite and the bible says next year by that time the child came that prophetic word was released and the manifestation came immediately after one year then there was the prophet elijah who spoke a prophetic word also and he said tomorrow by this time you are going to be having uh food in this place hunger would have disappeared and the bible says that prophetic word took 24 hours for manifestation all right so the first prophetic word took 430 years the second prophetic word took one year the third prophetic word took 24 hours then we understand now when jesus was speaking to peter i said peter you you are going to deny me and the bible says it took few hours which was only six hours for that prophetic word to manifest and it manifested after six hours then we read now in the bible uh in the book of isaiah the bible declares and the bible says and the prophet isaiah came to hezekiah and he told hezekiah that you should put your house in order for you are about to die he spoke to him and you told him that there is a time span for you put your house in order for you are about to die the bible says hezekiah tend himself to the war and he prayed and after he prayed the bible says immediately the lord changed his mind immediately the lord changed his mind and when the lord changed his mind the prophet had to go back and the prophet had to speak to the man and tell him that the lord has added upon you 15 more years so you need to understand that whenever god speaks there is a time span that he deals with the first one there was 400 years for manifestation the second one there was a year for manifestation the third one it was six hours for manifestation the fourth one it was six hours for manifestation the fifth one was an immediate manifestation am i speaking to somebody here but as i'm talking to people here as i'm speaking to people here i know that there is an immediate word that you are waiting for god to manifest now i know you cannot wait for 400 years i know you cannot wait some of you you cannot even wait for one year i know some of you cannot even wait for six hours but you need an immediate word you need an immediate conviction inside of your spirit that can align your spirit to assure you that god is indeed going to bring forth manifestation as i make this declaration right now people on facebook are sleeping as i make this declaration right now in jesus mighty name there is an immediate manifestation that is taking place in your family an immediate manifestation that's taking place in your business immediate manifestation that's taking place in your home there is no more delay that's going to take place as you shall turn your face to the world jehovah god is going to bring a manifestation and there is going to be a shift in the atmosphere i declare that decree this as an apostle of god as a prophet of god there is an immediate manifestation there is a shift that's taking place in the realms of the spirit the seasons are changing in jesus mighty name as i declare this in the atmosphere right now there is a shift taking place yes i know you had received a word of prophecy that your children are going to prosper yes there is a manifestation happening now i'm talking about the now god i'm not talking about the tomorrow god i'm talking about the now god yes it was spoken it was spoken you are most kepler handed that you are going to be married next year by this time when the time comes there is going to be a manifestation yes it was spoken uh yeah that three days from now there is going to be financial shift that's going to come to you and to your business i declare that decree that financial shift become to you now in the name of jesus christ it was spoken that you are coming out of that sickness may the holy spirit touch you right now as i'm speaking to you may the holy ghost touch you right now as i'm speaking to you in the name of jesus christ i'm watching now on facebook i see when the angus there is a shift taking place now witness entabling there is a shift taking place now chris rams there is a shift taking place right now in jesus mighty name type amen and receive for what god is about to do yes i see people on zoom there is a shift that is about to take place right about now in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name receive it wherever you are receive it wherever you are receive it wherever you are receive it wherever you are now today and forevermore in jesus mighty name somebody just say amen and amen and amen thank you holy ghost i feel like prophesying i don't know why i feel the prophetic moving in my spirit thank you holy ghost baby thank you holy ghost all right all right all right all right okay let's move let's move all right the reason okay so the lord spoke to the children of israel and he said 400 years you come out of captivity 400 years but it took them what 430 years there was an extension why was that an extension there wasn't a delay that took place so my question now today is why was the delay taking place all right number one the reason why their prophetic word was delayed it was because they were living like egyptians god spoke to the children of israel that you are coming out after 400 years but they had to come out after 430 years which means that there was a delay that took place so now my question was why were they delayed why were they delayed you are not egyptians you are israelites but why were you delayed they were delayed because they started living like egyptians why listed their israelites amen which means that their lifestyle their lifestyle affected their prophetic way to manifest or i feel like talking to somebody here their lifestyle affected the manifestation of their prophetic word they started living like egyptians instead of living like israelites so them living like egyptians it quickly delayed their prophetical there are people here who are living a life that is not theirs the moment you start living a life that's not yours there is a delay to your prophetic word i don't know i'm talking to somebody here the moment you start living a life that is not yours the moment you start living a fake life effect identity definitely i will tell you the truth there will not be any manifestation of any prophetic word whatsoever so many people they are living a life that is not theirs they are trying to portray an image that's not theirs like the children of israel they lived so much in is in egypt to a point whereby they started living like egyptians but it was not their identity so whenever god would look at them god was no longer seeing israelites god was seeing egyptians so he was just thinking it's the same let me just put these people in bondage let me continue bondaging these people it matters the way god sees you because there's a way that certain people have actually portrayed themselves before god to an extent that god no longer sees the origin of them but god is actually seeing an image that they are trying to portray so there is an image that you are presenting before god which is not you so when god looks at you he does not see you he sees that image oh i feel like sowing a seed you know whenever i mention things like this i feel like sowing a seed right now because i feel like connecting to what i'm saying am i talking to somebody here many people are portraying an image that is not theirs it's not an image of you it's not your image you are portraying a life that's not your life you're portraying something that's not you and even when the angels look at you they don't see you they see what you have to portray that's the reason why when they bring the blessing that they are supposed to release upon your life those blessings they don't come to you those blessings are not even on you why because those angels when they come they don't see you they see someone else they see something else and they cannot give that blessing or those blessing to a wrong person so they pass so instead of you receiving what god wants you to receive in the now you can't receive it why because you have a wrong image there is a wrong image of you that they are portraying or that you are portraying so in as much as god wanted to take them out he couldn't after 400 years they had to be transformed they had to repent for 30 years so certain people that are watching me right now you need to repent in order for that prophetic word to manifest it was spoken that you are coming out it was spoken that you are married or you are going to be married but the reason why you are not where you are supposed to be is because of an image that you are portraying i don't know if i'm speaking to somebody here in the book of two corinthians chapter number six verse number 17 write this down the bible says come out away of them and be separated come out away from them and be separated which means that you need to come out away from a particular culture and be separated let me talk about culture christianity has nothing to do with culture christianity has nothing to do with any form of culture because many people they want to put culture in christianity the moment you do that it becomes a problem of course yes we've got different cultures from where we come from but never implement culture in christianity because christianity is not culture christianity is not a religion christianity is the life of god at work in humanity christianity is the life of god in you so the life of god in you goes beyond culture so the lord is simply saying come out from them and be separated there is a life that god wants you to live which is different from culture which is different from religion he's saying come out from them and be separated and the moment you come out from them and you are separated that's where a manifestation begins to place to take place why because that's that's what your true identity is the moment you check everybody from scripture anybody that was separated or that separated himself there was no delay on that person because god was seeing the original person not a person that is under a particular spell or under a particular thing so the bible saying come out from them and be separated which means the moment you are going to make a decision to come out from that particular place from that particular hold and be separated is the moment you are actually going to experience the power and the shift of god upon your life hallelujah first john chapter number two verse number 15 the bible says love not the world not of the things of the world for if any man loves the world the love of the father is not in him the bible says love not the world not the things of the world right for if any man loves the world the love of the father is not in him there are many people who are moved by our earthly and physical things and they are waiting for a prophetic manifestation unless you separate yourself unless you distance yourself from the love of the world that's the only way you are going to experience a supernatural shift or even a manifestation upon your life many people are delayed because of the love they have for the world you mix god with pleasure today you are in church tomorrow you're in a nightclub it does not work like that i know many people be like but apostle yeah it's true you know me i always tell you the truth you cannot mix that life today you are in church tomorrow you are drinking it does not work some of you what you are doing is the one that's stopping your prophetic word from manifesting and i'll be honest with you there is no way i would lie to you why would i lie you cannot mix the two if you are if you have made your decision to follow god you need to go in line with what god is saying god called us differently don't do something that somebody else is doing and justify yourself because of what someone is doing because this is what many people do you ask them why are you having two women in your life solomon a day 700. solomon had 700 and god supported him you have to and god will destroy your life i'm telling you the truth do you even know that it was god who said that moses should not marry in ethiopia god had said that no one should marry from ethiopia right god said that moses none of your tribe should marry from ethiopia moses went and married from ethiopia miriam was correct in going to his to to to your brother said say you're out of line this is not what god said aaron was correct because aaron was a high priest he was correct to go to him and say say you have lost it but you know what happened god came down and said how dare you speak to my prophet like that who are you you will speak to your envisions in doing dreams but this man i speak to him face to face how dare you speak to my prophet like that so there are certain matters that you think that you are trying to help god but when god now comes after you you you that's why i always tell people rather not mention anything when you hear something about a prophet maybe god is supporting him to do it there was a prophet from the scripture the lord told him that he should go and marry a prostitute straight up from the nightclub his family tried to go against it but the lord had spoken you hear me so i always tell people never speak against a man that god speaks to privately because god might have spoken to him to do that and you you are saying no it's not according to it it must not even be according to there is a prophetic class i was doing on wednesday and i was teaching people and i was saying that a prophet's true attributes he goes against the wind a true prophet will never go against your own way of life if you see a prophet that goes again goes in line with whatever that's happening then something is wrong with that prophet a true prophet goes against the wind why because an eagle when it flies it flies against the wind it does not go with the wind it flies against the wind the wind is coming through this way and then ego goes the opposite it goes against the wind that's why i always tell people never open your mouth to speak against the prophet of god why because you never know what god spoke to him about it's not part of my message today but i just felt i should say it never open your mouth to comment on anything that a prophet do or does it's not your place because this is what's happening right now many people feel like they are mediums and adults but they don't read the full scripture what happened to medium there was leprosy on media and many people the reason why there is leprosy on their lives they don't see it now was they think that if i speak there's going to be leprosy on my skin no the leprosy is on your finances check their finances those people their finances are crippled right now check their families they don't have families they are full of divorce they are drunkards they are not entities check their lives those people who do videos and say they're exposing men over check their lives they have a case upon their lives a serious case upon their destiny in jesus mighty name thank you holy ghost there are people who live a life that is not correct there are people actually you are in church and you are busy duping people you are in church and you are busy for a nighting people you are a believer and you are doing a business that is not straight and you are expecting god to bless you you are expecting a manifestation upon your life nothing like that is going to happen nothing like that is going to happen you understand so some of you the delay of the prophetic word is coming because of your lifestyle the way you live your life is delaying your prophetic word how are you living your life is the way you are living your life exalting god is it exalting god is it in line with what god is saying i say this yesterday sin stops your prophecy from manifesting and the enemy will make sure that you invest in the department of sin and you become a master in that area and many people they will think that we are trying to you know just uh i'll be honest with you if even if i remain with five people here you know it's true just stop the sin and see what god will do because sin delays your breakthrough sin stops your breakthrough if there is a prophetic word check this check this from everybody check it check it even upon your life there was a prophetic word that was released over your life but the moment you engaged in that scene there was a delay you know it's true the moment you just find yourself in that situation there was a serious delay there was a lady i was mentioning this lady yesterday great preacher a friend of mine a great preacher a great minister of the gospel people were following her crowds were coming to her she was doing great in mighty things but the moment she tested the life of sin everything about her started falling apart even the promises of god that was spoken upon her life stopped happening you say i used to pray for the sick and they would be healed i used to lay my hands on this like me in my time oh me i used to be deep me i used to be deep me ah me i used to be mr professor it's just that these days you know what happened to you you are doing some deep stuff let's talk about it why can't why are you saying you used to and you're no longer doing it now i used to play five hours why are you no longer playing five hours now what happened to you me i used to preach oh wait where were you preaching i used to preach in trains i used to preach i used to win so you used to you are no longer doing it why i used to be rich because you have money i always meet those people many stuff man maybe not oh the cars i heard i tell you man of god you'll be shocked i had the bugatti i have that the mercedes had buildings right there these are that what happened sir what happened to the flow money changed you okay money did not change you money reflected the original character of you so the manifestation of your prophetic word is no longer manifesting why because of your lifestyle i want you to make this prayer right now because this is a very serious prayer that we're gonna do i want you to make this prayer right now and i want you to say oh lord separate me from the lusts and the love of the world open up your mouth and begin to pray wherever you are if you are on facebook just type oh lord separate me from the love and the lust of the world in jesus name separate me father marquis da behind it begin to pray mendele bossy calabande de boshia oh lord god of heaven separate me mendele bros que bajan de la bosque begin to pray separate me separate me separate me separate me man tall abraham and they all lord separate me enrique diaz de begin to pray raise your voice and pray make this prayer oh lord separate me from any shackles of delay separate me from any shackles from any connection of delay open your mouth if you are driving begin to pray ma bababosha open your mouth and begin to pray separate you from any form of delay oh lord separate me from any form of delay must see kaba separate me from the love and the lust of this world in jesus mighty name father i do not want to lose what you have spoken over my life because of my character because of the lust that i have for the things of the world in jesus mighty name father separate me from the lost and from the things of the world mandela death begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray open up your mouth and speak in other tongues wherever you are watching me khali bo santa abraham mendolo oh lord separate me from the last and the love of the world in the name of jesus malika brandelle bosta lebowski father separate me from any form of delay any form of delay any form of delay that wants to stand in my life separate me or father begin to pray come and position yourself position yourself spiritually position yourself right now this is the time for you to position this is the time for you to align yourself this is the time for you to position yourself speak in other tongues come on raise your voice and pray learn about samantha nebuchika separate me heavenly father oh father separate me separate me separate me separate me oh father separate me disconnect me heavenly father disconnect me heavenly father disconnect me heavenly father in the name that is above every name somebody shout amen and amen hallelujah i pray that there is a separation taking place right now in jesus name somebody shout amen okay write this down egypt was so much in them that they made reference of it at all times do you know that the moment they were coming out of egypt every time they were complaining to moses they were saying in egypt we used to in egypt we used to in egypt we used to moses you brought us this far for you to die here if we were in egypt this and this could have happened remember the time they were hungry they made references and they said that moses why did you bring us from egypt in egypt we were living a good life you brought us in this world or in this life or in this place for us to die and suffer so they made references of egypt but when we look at egypt what was happening to them in egypt the bible says they were making bricks with saliva and they were lying at the same time people who don't get a manifestation of their prophetic word they have a problem with lying and they have a problem with making references at all times i'll be honest with you and i'll never lie to you because i want you to come out and i want you to be delivered egyptians not egyptians israelites they developed their lying spirit they had a lying tongue and every time they would make references of egypt every time not knowing that the same scripture gave us revelation and insight about them that they were making saliva with the bricks bricks with eleven and they were saying that they lived a good life what life what good life were they talking about being slaves i don't know if if anybody is is listening to the sound of my voice there were slaves in egypt and they made references when they come out of egypt to say we lived a good life why did you bring us here moses for us to die if we were in egypt we were going to be living a good life there are people who are not experiencing a manifestation of their prophetic word because of their mouth they lie too much and whatever they are saying is being a reference in the realms of the spirit it's even stopping what is supposed to come amen that's the reason why god called moses outside of egypt that's the reason why god had to move moses outside of egypt for those years that's why moses had to call okay that's why god had to call moses outside of egypt for those years so that the system of egypt will not be in him when he takes them out of egypt you did not hear moses had to leave egypt in order for god to use him to take people outside of egypt out of egypt sorry so the problem with you is you really want your prophetic word to manifest you really want to change but the problem with you is this you still have a worldly mentality and there won't be character in you even though you want god to touch you so the reason why the delay is taking place even though a prophetic word has been released there is a a world in you inside of you this is what paul said paul said i'm in prison but the prison is not in me i'm in jail but the jail is not in me he said i refuse to be controlled by my environment paul refused to be controlled by his environment he said my environment shall not control the way i think and the way i operate and many people need to make this decision right now that i refuse to be controlled by my environment because your environment can delay your prophecy if your environment enters inside of you and become a part of you it can delay you from processing your prophetic word you are not supposed to live by your environment you are supposed to control and influence your environment the environment is not supposed to come and live in you the first prayer i made when i arrived in america i said father i refuse to for africa to come for me to bring africa in america because the moment i have an african mentality in america i will never make it you didn't hear me the moment i bring a jamaican mentality to america i will never make it i always smile and laugh at people yes you are from africa i understand you yes you are from africa but when you go to the house it's looking like an african house so why did you leave africa no no no no why did you leave africa talk to me enough you get into the house the smell of the house it's african smell but you're in america so why did you leave india if you brought india to america why did you leave it you see you are refusing to influence the environment rather you actually the environment i don't know you have messed it up so some people they are in america but they are still in africa some people they are in america but they are still in jamaica do you even know that there are some people who refused to learn english they still speak in their mother language in this america and you are proud of it those things will bring delay to your prophecy imagine your prophet said that you are going to work at coca-cola how are you going to communicate with them you're going to communicate to them in hindu and you know it's not going to work you yourself you are the one that's stopping your prophecy from manifesting why because you've allowed your environment to control you you have allowed your nature your egypt nature to control you you can never live a good life with your husband if you always make references of how your mother treated your father or how your father treated your mother it's not gonna work [Laughter] every time you make references of your your your parents marriage oh my father used to do this to my mother but you don't do this to me it will never work when you bring your father's house in your house and you're a woman and you're trying your husband to become your father it does not work so certain things will never happen in your life unless you move out from that place unless you you distance yourself from that egypt mentality because many people they still have it they still have that egypt thing they still have that egypt mentality you need to disconnect yourself from the egypt mentality in order for god to work and operate in you so the delay is at work because there is a way you used to operate in your past church you see you are not receiving the impartation upon your life and you think the pastor hates you the pastor does not hate you you are trying to bring a certain type of chechish from where you came from to bring it in the church you're trying to teach the pastor how to teach you people are not getting what i'm saying it's like i'm speaking in gibberish you came from wx ministries you came to kingdom members you are trying to teach prophet passion how to father you because there is a way you were taught from the church away oh from the church i was in they used to do this and do that but you guys you don't do it they are not supposed to do it ah people so what do you need to do you need to separate yourself from that lifestyle from that nature from that ability you need to separate yourself from that connection the moment you separate yourself you're going to experience a shift in your life delay it's taking place in your life today because of the egypt nature in you you need to distance yourself from your past nature from your egypt nature from whatsoever nature that is not connected to your destiny there has to be a disconnection immediately in jesus name thank you holy ghost 2 corinthians 7 verse number 1 the bible says brethren let us lay aside every filthiness of the flesh for the perfecting of our spirits for holiness and in the fear of the lord let us lay aside every filthiness of the flesh which means that this scripture is simply trying to tell us that what delays our prophetic word is a filthiness of our flesh our fleshly desires most of the times they make us delay all right matthew 5 48 the bible says be perfect as your master is perfect which means that for a prophetic word to manifest there has to be perfection in you genesis 17 verse number one he says i'm the lord almighty walk with me and be perfect he says i'm the lord almighty walk with me and be perfect don't do things because other people are doing them the moment you start operating in that realm is the moment you are going to experience a lot of delay all right so number one separate yourself the egypt nature has to come out of you what delays your prophecy is the egypt nature that you invade or invest in all right the way of living delays your prophecy number two the prophecy was delayed because there was no men wait wait all right the reason why their prophetic word was delayed it was because i thought personally that the children of israel the reason why they left oh my god i just received a revelation thank you holy ghost the reason why their prophetic word was released it was because of wickedness what stops your prophecy from manifesting its wickedness wickedness somebody type wickedness what stops your prophecy from manifesting its wickedness what stops your prophecy from happening its wickedness what do i mean when i say wickedness okay let me explain from the perspective of the children of israel it was spoken that they are supposed to come out but there was a delay in them coming out why was they delaying them coming out the bible says in the bible declares around pharaoh they were magicians around pharaoh they were magicians that were influencing pharaoh so in as much as they wanted to come out they couldn't why because the magicians could not allow them no let me go back they were magicians that were advisers of pharaoh so every decision that happened in that palace it would go through the magicians so the reason why even the children of israel wanted to come out it was because of the council of the magicians they would say no there was a time whereby the children of israel were released by pharaoh when the magicians were not around but when the magicians headed the bible says they went back to pharaoh and they advised him that they should not go and the bible says then pharaoh sent his soldiers to stop them and to bring them back the magicians are the ones that influenced pharaoh even for his heart to be hardened so these magicians were wicked men they were weaker the bible calls them wicked and unreasonable men these magicians were wicked and unreasonable men they are the ones that influenced pharaoh to even make things difficult for the children of god do you know that around you there are wicked people that are around you i'm about to close i'm about to pray for you around you there are wicked people inspired and influenced by the enemy to make sure that every prophetic word that has been spoken over your life will not manifest there are magicians around your boss there are magicians around the person that is supposed to give you that car because every time you talk or that person talks about you those people they speak against you to the to the person that is supposed to give you a breakthrough oh i feel like talking to somebody here do you know that the reason why you are not where you are supposed to be is because the person that is supposed to bless you every time they talk about you there are people that are around those people and every time they talk about you those people they talk against you to the person that is supposed to release a special blessing upon your life that's the reason why there is no manifestation why because those people are used by the enemy to discourage the people that are supposed to bless you so a prophetic word has been released that irene is supposed to give you a car but every time irene speaks around her vicinity or around the people around them there are people that have been inspired by the enemy to make sure that whatever that irene will say they will contradict against it so yes it was supposed to be released the breakthrough was supposed to be released the business was supposed to be released but somebody conspired in the company of those that were supposed to bless you amen speaking so there were magicians around pharaoh every time when pharaoh wanted to release them pharaoh never had a problem with these people he never wanted them whatsoever but the magicians would always go and say no we need these people we need these people for them to build this place we need these people for them to to to to to make the the bricks we need these people for them to do this and that they never wanted them he never wanted them you wanted them to go but magicians always would come and influence the reason why you constantly have spiritual attacks constantly have spiritual confrontations especially after you receive a word of prophecy you need to know that there are magicians around the person that is supposed to bless you imagine somebody here there are people who are wicked around your breakthrough there is that evil secretary who make sure that your life is never the same again she will make your life difficult i'm telling you the boss wants to promote you but there is a board where they sit to discuss your promotion the reason why your promotion is not coming is because on the board they made a decision that you will not receive the promotion there is someone who just said ah i don't like yvette i don't like it why they don't even have a reason why they don't like you they don't have a reason why they do not like you they don't i'm telling you why because there are people around the person that is supposed to bless you who are an influence do you even know that there are people who move around and start talking lies about you things that you never did or that one she's a witch we didn't know she's a witch that one i saw her naked the other day in my house witchcraft pure you ask them where did you get it from it's not even true it's not even happening and you begin to wonder why is that every time people when they look at me they see me different they look at me different they look at me funny people no longer want to be associated with you anymore why because of what someone else had said about you wickedness wickedness stops the manifestation of your prophetic word and whenever you receive a prophecy get this you need to be very cautious of whom you tell because some of you after receiving a prophecy you go straight to that person that always speaks against you oh my bestie oh my bestie my queenie oh my twinny my cho me oh my those chummys are the problem i said something in south africa and people were like very uncomfortable with what i said but it was true anybody that calls you tween has an evil agenda against you accepted deny it is true twinnie for way are you okay if you are real twins tweeny if you're real twins you can call yourself twins but if you are not real twins distance yourself from that place this is my revelation i will be honest with you anybody that calls themselves queenie or something is wrong why because they see something on you that they desire on them and they are trying to associate and image themselves through you to themselves so it can be jealous that's leading them to call you that they are trying by all means to be like you twins are identical but when i look at you you are not identical whatsoever so there is something that you located in that person that you desire but you never mentioned it and the only way you can actually say it is to call that person my twin the agenda might not be pure the agenda might be very evil or that agenda might be led by jealousy if anybody calls you tweening tell them no my dear you can call me my sister my sister my beloved it's not a problem amen so that you destroy and you kill that evil agenda that naive that envy spirit that is trying to rise in that person whenever a prophetic word is released over your life celebrate by yourself go and pray i said this yesterday you need to use what you call neurology use your knees neurology anointing use your knees to pray go and make the prophetic word manifest begin to deal with resistance stagnation begin to address limitation and begin to address delay the moment you do that separate yourself from the worldly kind of life begin to concentrate on the life that you're supposed to concentrate on because whenever a prophetic word is released you need to be spiritually attuned spiritually aligned and when you are spiritually attuned and spiritually aligned it helps you to be always connected to where and to what you're supposed to do but i pray for you today in the name of jesus i declared a decree by the reason of the anointing yen jali in the mighty name of jesus lift up your hands everybody begin to pray i want you to pray and say oh lord help me in the name of jesus every wicked person around me may that person be removed in jesus name every wickedness around me may that wickedness be removed be thrown into extinction in jesus mighty name begin to pray malcolm rendezvous begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray begin to pray come on somebody begin to pray marika bahan de la bosoma adiata begin to pray oh lord in the name of jesus christ remember in the name of jesus christ any wickedness around me any wicked person around my destiny around my future around my life may that wickedness or a wicked person be separated from me in jesus mighty name my prophetic word is coming to pass my prophetic word is manifesting now today and forevermore in jesus mighty name i declare that decree by the reason of the anointing i'm moving forward and i'm moving upward i'm moving forward and i'm moving upward there is a progress that's taking place i'm moving forward and i'm moving upward there is a progress that's taking place in jesus mighty name begin to pray man begin to pray begin to pray every wickedness every wickedness every egypt mentality be disconnected from me in the name of jesus christ man telegram disconnection disconnection disconnection from egypt mentality disconnection and moving forward and upward by the power of the holy spirit in jesus name somebody shout amen and amen god bless everybody may god increase you in jesus mighty name amen i love you all guys with a special love of god i celebrate you i honor you in jesus mighty name amen make sure that you register for the prophetic school tomorrow it's going to be a special time in the presence of god is going to be powerful it's going to be loaded i cannot wait for the prophetic school to take place in jesus name then those who are going to give their seed of 700. i want you to do it if possible uh i want you to give your seed of 700 make sure you give it and as you give it there's going to be a special blessing that god is going to do there are some people already um in jesus mighty name there's some people already that are watching me there are some people already that are watching me you know you are the one that is supposed to give the 700 in jesus mighty name there are actually two people that are watching me you're watching me from california amen you're watching me from california you are also going to give the seed of 700. so make sure you prepare it's for papa studio all right we are doing it for papa remember what we spoke about two weeks ago let's meet let's try the almonds to meet the needs of our father all right he's doing the work of god is doing the work that is supposed to do to make sure that our spirits are nourished and our spirits are elevated from one level of glory to another so make let's make that sacrifice let's make that sacrifice and let's give our best maybe if you might not be able to give 700 you have 200 or 500 do it and make sure you're in contact with pastor wallace make sure you're in contact with pastor wallace and then we'll contact you or we'll connect you to papa or i myself i'll pray for you and i'll speak a special blessing upon your life in jesus name god bless you all may god increase you in jesus mighty name shalom you
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 975
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Ne1aov7Q_Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 33sec (4413 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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