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[Music] welcome to our channel today we're here with another amazing video today's video will bless you in no small way if you have yet to subscribe to our channel please subscribe and also click on the notification button below so you'll be notified every time we upload a new video if you feel this video can bless someone kindly join us to spread the gospel to the world please sit back watch and enjoy the biblical pathway to finding a life partner who end there bring tongues for one minute thank you jesus i believe that this will heal relationships and heal homes [Music] just give me a few minutes and let me say what i'm about to say very seriously thank you jesus [Music] the biblical pathway to finding a life partner please look up everyone is there a method or a formula if you want to say to finding a life partner because it looks like the church is largely confused i shared with you a few things from prophetic confusion to here and there the interesting thing when i was doing a little research for this message i found something that shocked me there were all kinds of ways that people married in the bible let me give you a few all kinds of ways good bad ugly for instance josiah finds a marriage a prostitute hosea chapter one verse one to three you don't need to write it just listen moses finds a man with seven daughters he waters the flock and carries a wife free of charge exodus 2 verse 16 to 21 [Music] buys a land and with that property he finds a poor lady and she becomes his wife what a coincidence rule chapter 4 from verse 5 to 10. are you blessed the benjaminites in june 21 verse 19 to 25 they stole women and ran away with them that's how the women speak that's how they married so just go to a camp steal a woman disappear with her [Music] jacob he labored for seven years times two genesis 29 verse 15 to 30. seven years of toiling and labor got the wrong wife labored for another seven years got the one he wanted 14 years later to get a wife 29 verse 15 to 30 of genesis david he kills goliath gets rich marries the king's daughter and frees his house from paying tax that's how he got his wife first samuel 17 verse 25 the king swore that whoever defeats goliath he will give him his wife he will make him rich and the family will no longer pay tax a hazardous was rich enough to organize a beauty contest where all the virgins in the land were brought and he got a wife esther chapter two from verse three to four david kills uriah and marries his wife so in the bible people killed people and married their wife second samuel 11. solomon found out that marrying one or two is not the way so he had 700 wives and 300 concubines second kings 11 verse 1 to 3. these are different skills and strategies people explore this marriage thing in the bible 1000 women in his life so that he can be faithful [Music] and then paul in first corinthians 7 32 to 35 just said look all this thing is a mess let me just serve god and leave and so he refused to get married now you see i just did a little rundown there were times when there are more like capturing slaves you capture a slave and turn to your wife so if you read the bible without the wisdom of the spirit you will be deceived which of the method will you choose kill a man's wife kill a man's husband a woman's husband a marriage and marry her or go to a vineyard and buy real estate and everything in it plus a woman is a sanders your wife or organize a beauty contest and then do it like the bachelor and then the finance becomes your wife or marry one thousand women [Music] or defeat us federal government what they will give you if you will fight terrorism maybe you marry the president's daughter anyway the point here is this there are many examples the bible interestingly now i don't know why exactly but the bible does not exactly give us a direct formula like salvation you know when it comes to salvation there's a formula is that true there is a way you know you are not saved there is a way you know you are saved but for marriage um it seemed as though there was no exact formula and i believe the reason is because we are dealing with human beings here hallelujah but then i've been able to bring up a few things that i want us to look at we may not have the time to consider two incidences in the bible adam the first marriage in genesis 2 21 let's just look at it if you can help us okay genesis 2 21 let's just turn there so that we'll hurry up and pray genesis 2 21 i want to bring out a few points that will bless us genesis 2 [Music] 21. [Music] genesis 2 21 if you are there say amen and the reap listen and the reap which the lord god had taken from the man made he a woman and brought her onto the man now the point here the key verse is verse 23 and adam said this is now what bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman why because she was taken out of man watch this so the wife that other married was made of the same material the same substance the same ideology the same conviction are we getting some points there now so adam married a woman who was made of the same substance if she was a lion their substance would not be compatible so we see compatibility as a key here it had to be a woman who was taken out of him had the same composition with him spiritual composition psychological composition biological composition you never marry a man or a woman that does not sustain the same composition with you there will be big trouble i wanted to talk on genesis 24 the story of isaac that's the first show in the bible where a man goes to look for a wife for another person but let's just jump that points to note there are no f there is no physical formula provided for finding a wife but there are scriptural guidelines there is no physical formula in the bible the bible scatters guidelines and i've been able to bring five scriptures that if you use they will guide you to make a very godly decision ready number one proverbs 18 22 proverbs 18 22. if you can help us media let's just hurry up proverbs 22 proverbs 18 verse 22 okay look up please read with me inside and outside want to read who saw what find that a wife find that a good thing and obtain favor so automatically the bible shows us that the process of getting a wife will demand responsibility on the part of the man there will be action it will involve you the word fine it then say whosoever picks a wife or whosoever praises a wife to come whosoever finds a wife it gives an idea of searching it gives an idea of desire that means there will be commitment if you want to get married action will be required on your own part the bible says whosoever finds a wife you are not going to sit down where you are and want a lady to come and meet you it's not going to happen that way regardless of whether you saw a vision or not there will be an initiation there will be a step you must take number two amos chapter three verse three it buttresses on genesis chapter two amos three verse three very quickly please hemos three verse three this is the grand key i believe to a successful marriage and relationship the key to a successful marriage is not love it has been proven again and again that love is not enough to keep marriage can two work together accept the word be agreed the word be agreed is the word compatible compatible compatible measures your degree of agreeableness spiritual agreeableness psychological agreeableness similarity in ideologies about god about money about life about parenting two will work together if they are compatible are you getting what i'm saying now very important that means come that means it doesn't matter whether i saw her in a vision or in a dream whether i saw myself wearing a bow tie and she was wearing a white wedding gown and a flower came from heaven and said this flower is your marriage flower i don't care what you saw or did not see if there is no compatibility imagine for instance that this is my wife i get married to this young lady right and i'm praying in tongues or she's praying in tongues and i'm turning and say what is that i don't believe in praying in tongues two are not working together i believe in spending and wastage i believe in my ego i rather let children die to be giving donations to church and that's not our mindset you see that there is friction so what is your ideology about god bless you what is your ideology about god what is your ideology about money what is your ideology about culture culture culture what's your ideology about ministry a man of god for instance goes to get a lady because she's fine have you seen whether what is her passion about ministry otherwise she will be fined for nothing and destroy your church when she's supposed to be a model she cannot sacrifice she can lay down her life to be the mother figure for the church is god speaking to us i want you to write this down and style it never i don't care what you see in the spirit never brothers ask a lady out who you are not compatible with you are going to destroy her or she will destroy you even if she does not have every ideology straightened out does she have the teachability sisters does he have the teachability it's not just that he's in egypt what is his ideology about managing challenges otherwise you are a christian you will get married to him he tells you he's a christian and the next thing he brings the tale of an antelope or the tale of any animal and hangs it as a just and say see i know i'm a christian but let me tell you my great grandfather had this thing it's like that in our culture everybody brings it if you don't understand just keep it there that's supposed to be a christian he wakes up in the morning and he's making incantations on that tale and you are saying my goodness what did i get married to and you know by spiritual intelligence that you are in trouble but you claimed you were marrying a rich man now you've married disaster even if you never see one vision even if you never hear anybody's name by the time you find a lady that is compatible in ideology i guarantee you except the word of god is a lie you will have an exceptional marriage that is the reason why unbelievers although when they married they were not born again because they had compatibility they still are together and christians who are born again because they think born again will solve compatibility the bible says it is better to sit at the roof of your house than to be with a contentious and angry woman you're a man of god you know where god is taking you to now you go and carry a lady that is lazy you carry a lady that is weak crying over everything let me tell you two of you are born again but just know that that that family is on his way to crash down i tell you the truth don't don't unnecessarily just spiritualize things and say no i know my god is able this girl the way she prays mr man can is she going to be able to cook for you [Music] that's the reason why i encourage people the moment you start a relationship part of the many responsibilities of the man is take the lady to your whether your church or your meeting place wherever is your primary place of spiritual feeding do you know what let me tell you if a brother in koinonia asked a lady out in koinonia the probability of them having an exceptional marriage is even above 90 percent why because their ideologies are similar they are hearing the same thing and they believe the same thing [Music] are you getting what i'm saying now not that we say okay we're fasting for 10 days and the wife is pulling her mouth all around and angry and saying this this this to me i don't like all these kind of things so what kind of thing they fast what is all that and the man is saying look we're going far we're going far or a woman who hates excellence and is ready to manage anything but the man is ready to stay verse number three proverbs chapter 19 verse 14 very interesting scripture when i stumbled across this it blessed me in no small way proverbs chapter 19 verse 14. everyone read one to read [Music] it says houses and riches meaning your father and mother your parents you can inherit houses and riches but when it has to do with a woman you must involve god are you hearing now it says a pretend wife is from the lord meaning if you ignore god you throw god out of the equation because you believe that this god every time god comes in he messes my relationship and makes me to take a decision many people hate god until the entire relationship they now go to god and say lord this is hereby introducing my life partner and god will say you chose it go ahead by the time you see perpendi in the relationship or the marriage you're now trying to say god where were you god says i was here all the while [Music] behold i stand at the door and knock if you open i will come in if you give me entrance let me tell you something brothers and sisters a prudent wife and by extension a prudent husband is from the lord you cannot use the scene of the eye to know that a man was to be faithful after 10 years man can change as at the time you meet the man he doesn't have money you don't know what his tendencies are you cannot use the beauty and the physique of a lady just to believe that this is my wife oh god no matter what you say a prudent wife is from the lord a prudent wife is from the lord so involve god these are the guidelines that the bible gives us so number one there is a finding you will take action and for ladies you will position yourself brothers if you ever want a wife stop sitting down and just saying visions and visions and visions i will round up with the issue of visions a prudent wife is from the lord number four isaiah 30 verse 21 is another guideline that the bible gives us isaiah 30 verse 21 very very powerful isaiah that isaiah 30 21 media 30 21 please [Music] isaiah 30. okay and thy ears shall what hear a voice but andy saying this is the way walking he need when you turn to the right hand when you turn to the left it says you will hear a voice in other words expect the leadership of the holy spirit in helping you choose a life partner expect it the bible gives you a guarantee that you will hear voice leading you my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice and then lastly [Music] luke chapter 14 verse 28. [Music] everybody read this is the cost dimension of marriage and relationships ready one to read seated not down first and counted the course whether he has what sufficient to what finish not start the building not start the marriage [Music] which of you intending to build a marital torah will not first sit down and start counting the cost am i ready to pay the school fees of children am i ready to be responsible over a woman and her family am i ready to live with one woman up the days of my life and be faithful am i ready to grow up with this man and grow up with this woman am i ready to love her like my life am i ready to protect her am i ready to die for my family this is a guideline no matter what vision you see no matter what dream you have god will not count the cost for you this is where we miss it god can show you that shall homer is your wife but if you don't count the course it will still fail it does not mean god lied five scriptures that if any man uses sincerely as a guideline you will make a good relationship you will make an exceptional relationship now let me round up by saying this according to scripture the prophetic is not the doctrine or the primary channel through which god reveals life partners no while it is true that at least in two places in scripture we see god directly involved in bringing revelation and confirmation about a life a man's life partner number one is the prophet who's there we seek god himself asking him to go and marry a prostitute but we understand that that was a prophetic message prophets those people were they were actors god will literally use their life to act out a script and explain the harloty of israel to her so he told hosea to go and marry a prophet called gomer and so that with her halla tree she will leave him and then you say the pain you feel is the pain i always feel when israel goes to bow to other gods number one number two we see joseph being afraid knowing that mary was with child he wanted to divorce her quietly and the angel appears and gives a divine confirmation don't be afraid to take her as your wife are you getting the point now no other place i know in scripture where you find god giving direct revelations no there are guidelines there are principles now does god reveal spouses to people yes he does but i believe strongly that there are two conditions for that number one is based on your personal degree of intimacy and relationship with god and your level of yieldedness to him there is a way i can walk with god and end certain privileges on on the strength of my intimacy with him i have so given all to god that he knows that whatever choice he makes for me i am that dead to say yes to him based on that god is able to open you up and give you the privilege of using visions and revelations it is rather a unique case or use a prophet to speak to you another key that justifies prophetic revelation is the nature and the kind of assignment there are certain kinds of assignments that will necessarily involve you marrying certain kinds of women or men for instance being in ministry as a man of god because of the nature of your call god will not allow you to just marry anybody you will find out that there are probings and there are dealings god will be exceptionally meticulous aside from these two instances every other means of marriage in the bible is simply not just waiting for what you call god's timing are you seeing the mistake now god's timing is when you become a husband when you become a father when you become what when you become that it is time for marriage because male and female he created them and god already gave a command be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth when my woman was was brought into the sea god saw that it is good so waiting forever to say god wants me to marry in 2020 or god wants me to marry at 50 that's why at 45 i'm not married no no no no no it is absolutely up to you if you delay marriage because you are trying to be a husband a father and a priest i salute you don't let anybody push you under pressure and say marry or as a lady if you feel that you need some space to become a wife a mother and a priest i also salute you because it is a sign of honor to both your husband and your wife respectively so the church has been caught up in all these illusions because there has not been a very we have complicated the issue of marriage whereas it is a very very simple thing look at me any brother here that believes that you have trained yourself to be a husband a father and a priest i guarantee you the gates are open for you for marriage and no demon in hell will stop you and any lady that truly you can know you are prepared some of you right now at once you will stop praying oh god when will he come right now you are seeing that truly truly you are not prepared especially for the kind of person you want let me balance this if you have a vision and a dream of a man or a lady keep it to yourself and keep moving on again what i'm saying this advice is a blessed advice that will honor you the bible says and mary kept these things to herself whether it comes to pass it should not ruin your life whether there is vision or not we see in part and we prophesy in part whether there be tongues they will go away whether there be prophecy they will end but thy word o lord is settled in heaven prophecy and visions should never be exalted above the word that will become the secret to disappointment so if god shows you a guy thank god for it if god shows you a lady thank god for it keep those visions honor them but keep preparing to follow the truths of the written word if it so happens that god brings a person and confirms his word glory be to god and be giving praise if it so happens that things did not work exactly as shown in the vision lord i give you praise i am growing are you getting that this is a recipe for freedom otherwise they will keep being repeated cycles of heartbreaks and disappointment in the church right now when brothers and sisters are getting married there are people who come for weddings with heart shattering pain they sit down and it's almost like a nightmare as they watch the man they have always desired being given to another woman or they watch the lady they've seen all their lives in a dream listen we exalt the word of god above any dream above any vision that's the reason why you can dream and see five different ladies at five different times do not allow yourself to be discouraged because not everything may be a lie it may be true however make up your mind that this world that abides forever will become your key so my brother the key to your marriage is in your hands my sister the key to your marriage is in your hands it's not in the hands of a dream it's not in the hands of a prophet it's not even in the hands of god he has given it to you when you become a husband when you become a wife when you become a father when you become a mother and when you become priests you are ready for marriage when you are ready to end prophetic and spiritual confusion when you are ready to make your standards reasonable for a man to come into your life or your standard reasonable to get a godly wife when you are ready to refuse ungodly parental influences destroying your life when you are ready to make alternatives for your finance and your establishment and when you are finally ready to involve god in your life then you are ready for marriage rise up on your feet lift your hands and begin to bless the lord for tonight [Music] the entrance of your word give it light and understanding to the symbol [Music] and lift your voice and pray thank the lord for this freedom many of us have been free from captivities that have held us down mindsets that have stopped us from moving forward [Music] [Music] three prayer points number one lift your voice and pray and say father in any way i have been the reason for lack of relationship or marriage or lack of joy in my marriage i repent right now i ask you to help me lift your voice and pray all the five things we have written in any way oh god please pray from your heart very quickly [Music] in any way i have allowed the misconceptions the perfect match to stop me from entering a godly relationship thank you for opening my eyes in any way i have raised unreasonable standards and expectations financially in terms of establishment in terms of physical outlook i change my mind right now in any way on godly parental influences are trying to destroy my marital destiny in any way i produce my standard of spirituality and morality i receive grace i receive grace i receive grace i receive grace prayer point number two i'd like you to pray every one of us those three dimensions into your life especially the one you know is not at work you're a guy pray for your husband father and priest you are a lady pray for a wife a mother and a priest lift your voice and cry to god shakka tata lord i'm a husband but i'm not yet a provider and a protector i'm an exceptional husband in the name of jesus a blessing to my wife i'm an exceptional father hallelujah for those of us trusting god for a very sound and a godly relationship lift your voice and cry to god the bible says he that finds a wife finds a good thing a lady that positions herself to be found has also done a good thing lift your voice and pray lord i will not make a mistake in my marriage i will not just judge by the eyes hello whose ideology is similar with me concerning god a submissive lady a lady who loves god a god who fears the lord a man who is faithful the bible says a prudent wife is from the speak to me speak to me concerning the person that you wait for me speak to me concerning the person that is appropriate for me [Music] hallelujah listen make up your mind that your home will be an exceptional home make up your mind that your relationship will be an exceptional relationship make up your mind that everything about your life will be exceptional an exceptional father an exceptional husband an exceptional priest an exceptional wife an exceptional mother exceptional priest father in the name of jesus i pray may there be miracles of marriages in koinonia [Music] in the name of jesus christ i pray that all the marriages that will happen in koinonia that all through the lifespan of that marriage the couple will never have a cause to regret in the name of jesus christ father i pray that you supernaturally connect our brothers to our sisters may they not become sources of heart pain for them in the name of jesus christ i thank you because you are challenging us and working on our mindsets my god i pray in the name of jesus that every brother here that is not fit to be a good husband good father and a good priest lord begin to walk on them and every sister that is not yet fit to be a wife a good wife a good mother and a good priest lord begin to walk on them in the name of the lord jesus christ i pray that we will have exceptional homes from this place in the name of jesus christ that everyone will look at your relationship and look at your home and desire your kind of relationship in the name of jesus christ i pray amen and amen now listen look up the greatest marriage is not the marriage between a man and a woman the greatest marriage as he said in the book of josiah i think chapter six i have be throated you i have begotten you this is god speaking the greatest marriage is the marriage between the lamb and the church it says i speak of christ and his church there are people here who have not experienced that spiritual marriage that the connection to the god of your salvation you have not made your like a faithful pride you have not come back to your husband to repent and to be reconnected there are others who are giving their lives to jesus christ but for some reason you found yourself derailing tonight this is home for you there are many people outside of the sound of my voice and some inside i want to guide you in the next one minute to make it right with jesus this is the greatest marriage wherever you are please leave your seat and make your way to the front right now koinonia celebrate them and say come those who are making their ways right please don't let anybody come before you make your way and come to the front don't let anybody stop you god bless you they are coming they are coming from inside and outside god bless you don't be ashamed jesus is calling you god bless you keep coming god bless you keep coming inside and outside god bless you god bless you keep coming keep coming if there are more people please make your way to the front hallelujah praise the lord lift your hands and say after me lord jesus i believe in you i believe you died for me you shed your blood for me tonight i make up my mind and i make you lord of my life i repent of my sins wash me with your precious blood and in the name of jesus my life will never be the same in the name of jesus thank you for watching our entire video today if you feel you can bless someone please join us and spread the gospel by sharing this video on your social media you
Channel: Christian House
Views: 1,467,488
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, dr dk olukoya prayers, koinonia 2020, stewards of the mysteries, apostle joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, demons, prosperity, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, witchcraft, dealing with witchcraft
Id: zwbshwp0xmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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