4 TB SSD inside my Legion GO?!? - 2280 installation guide and testing

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the legion go in Canada only ships with 512 GB of storage which is very unfortunate you're not even able to get the one terabyte so I've decided to upgrade it um there's a couple ways that I'm going about this you know I have a 2242 SSD that I'm going to put in that'll just fit I'll do that later I'm also going to try some other stuff you know I have um a 2230 you can see that basically you just hook this up to an adapter and then you can make it 2242 length but what I'm going to do is I bought myself a 2280 adapter here so this is a 2280 drive it's way too long to fit in this you know Legion go it's significantly too long but with this adapter it's a ribbon cable style adapter in theory what I'll be able to do is you know hook it up and then hook it up to any 2280 and just put this off to the side somewhere away and in theory you can then use a 2280 advantages of that are you can get up to four terabytes I think you can get more maybe 8 terabytes but cost effectively you can get 4 terabyte sizes of 228 Z for cheaper than really any of these other ones uh but for testing purposes here cuz I'm not sure this is going to work properly ly I have just this little we SN uh 740 this is a Gen 4 drive very nice and fast but it's a tiny little guy it's just 256 is I'm not sure how fast this can go this thing may not support you know Gen 4 speeds anyways so what would be the point of then buying a Gen 4 4 terab by Drive Let's uh test it out either way so this is how the thing looks here so then what you do here is you basically this is going to go somewhere in the in the storage there and then this will basically stick inside my Legion go and these you can just snap off to the appropriate size so I'll do that after but uh that's basically the theory behind it let's open this up and get it installed and then I'll have to go through the whole recovery process okay so we're going to take out the battery to start here disconnect that luckily it's just a typical Lenovo style connector so just slide it out you're going to want to use your fingers on that don't pull on the wires uh that would be a bad idea let go like that and then I can pull it like that okay so basically what you do here now is you stick in this is this is the adapter piece right so I'm going to stick that in there I need to break this off at a 2242 size so you know you pop that in there and then you snap it off where it needs to be you can see that there so you snap it here there you go snap the little PCB okay put that in plop that down get your screw so you get the you create this installation media from Lenovo and then you plug it and you boot from it and it'll just reinstall uh Windows basically it'll install the original operating system this drive here actually already has this drive right here actually already has Windows on it which I'm doing intentionally because I just want to actually test this has two there we go so boot menu um my fingers are not going hitting that there we go USB uh so you just hold volume up and power it will boot into that boot menu there that's all you do you just hold volume up and power at the same time your legion will boot up and it will give you that menu there okay here we are back it's a portrait screen so we're have to turn it slightly um I'll just move this over here so you don't have to be the same angle as me there's no need for both of us to suffer okay so I am not in Australia at least not right now uh I accept what does that say if you click yet okay that's fine I'll wipe the SSD it's just this SSD I just pulled from my think that I'm reviewing and now we wait so I'm just going to let this do its thing it's going to take time CU it's reinstalling Windows from just USB 2 unfortunately okay and here we are all set up um everything's reinstalled you can see that that's the 256 drive it's an SN 740 so it'll go up to about 5,000 in here in theory if that's what it can do we'll see if the adapter allows those speeds yeah so we can see here that the adapter is giving us gen 3 drive speed so high speed gen 3 uh so if you're getting this adapter here and you're going to use it regularly with a 2280 I mean you can get a Gen 4 Drive depending on pricing but if you just want to go for optimal pricing really a gen three will do fine because that's you know high-end gen3 drive you get like a team group mp34 or if you get you know any any high-end gen 3 Drive is going to bring speeds like that there um obviously we're not getting gen four speeds I had a cure I had a little bit of a suspicion that it wasn't going to run at you know full blazing Gen 4 speeds so you know that's how that you can make your decision there I mean are you going to get yourself you know a fast Gen 4 drive you know maybe the price is fine and you just put it in there because whatever but you know gen 3 drives can be had a lot cheaper like I said there's the mp34 from Team group 4 terabyte and it goes on for like $200 Canadian dollars routinely which is about 150 American um so for four terabytes that's kind of a no-brainer so it does work it works well I've had no issues with it whatsoever it's not disconnecting nothing like that okay so it works clearly this is getting a good connection I was able to install Windows I was able to do my updates I had no issues with a disconnecting I did move it around you know it's a firm enough connector there Ian you're not going to be swinging it or anything but it works totally fine okay so now in theory what we need to do is put this somewhere but you can see here that the cable is bent you can bend these style cables you don't want to go too hard on them right but you know you're going to want to do something probably like this here you know that's going to be a little suspect it's going to get a lot of pressure from things there you could I guess take off this plastic this is just bracketing here right so you could take this plastic thing off and then your the problem is your wires are just going to be basically loose inside here which isn't it's not going to break anything let's see here how well it works if I just kind of set it on top of where the battery is I feel like it's going to be too tight yeah see that's too thick it's not going to work right it doesn't actually fit here you know it doesn't fit in the device when you put it in there you can't get the back on so I mean unless you're going to play with your legion go back off or you're going to just have this thing dangling out here which I mean that's a horrible idea you could I guess but it's a terrible idea you're going to want to you know find a place in here and there's really not a lot you're going to have to take out this support structure here it's really the only option yeah I mean this isn't needed we can see here that really this support structure here is really just support structure so it is going to support you know the back of the case from pressing on devices here but really a lot of what it is is it's a cable channel so you have channel one there channel two there and these come out here this one goes up into whatever this is here I guess your power in that that module there um this one down here runs into whatever that is there that motherboard pin there or daughterboard pin there and then these two over here are going to be your antennas really there's not a lot you got to take out you got to take this one out here so I'll take this out here y right now that comes out there yeah it's also connected I think it kind of goes through both there's something over here one right there then you just have to basically take these wires I wonder if it can fit under you know what I mean like just s fit under there yeah I can see it bending so it's not even going to close so really you know if you want to go this route you it'll work fine you just got to take out this kind of uh these leads here so you don't need pliers to do this by the way I'm just making my life easier right so that goes like that um that looks like it goes this white antenna wire so that's the antenna um there's some type of wire no that's the gray black I'm not sure what this white one is um it's going to the motherboard and then it does connect under here right so you can see that there so you would have to well really I mean you just snap the thing snap it right there and it will actually work just fine right there's another little header there which you can just take out right feed that back through this piece here so you just take that out as well right take that out there this is going to have to be reconnected to that spot there we'll do that after really not sure what this is here I'm probably going to have to keep this piece here right yeah that's something important so I'm going to put that back in I just broke that so you know don't if this is like I'm all in now so okay so that's out and that's out and there we go so that bracket is out now oh my God my back actually hurts from that so this has to go back right this guy here okay I just literally just put it out I just needed to get a better angle cuz the light is a little weird um um no I accidentally disconnected that well all that work to just do this without taking off this plastic okay that's back on probably just take that off in the first place rather than trying to feed all the wires through I should have just done that in the first place be easier okay so there we go that's all good to go this one's plugged in uh this little white thing here which I unplugged I have no idea what this is it looks like an antenna of some kind but looking pretty good and then this is going to go in taking this thing out if you can get this out without breaking it and putting it back sure okay you can do it but breaking it uh you probably you probably Avid your warranty um to be honest so your mileage may vary there's actually a little bit of pressure here you can see right a little bit of pressure there so you're going to want to probably shift it down because there's a little bit of pressure right there you caness go right about here because it has these two hinges here right for the door for the gate so you just have to make sure that it clears those look at that it's installed everything closes nice and flush you can see there right no pressure in the middle there you do have to basically you actually want to put the SSD inside where this serial thing is because the hinges here have kind of a loop inside there so you're going to put it inside there otherwise it you know it presses up there and I couldn't get this closed so I just shifted it slightly and it works fine so now you need to decide what type of SSD you're going to put inside your legion go MP 34 you can see there it's a little bit uh it's a really really good 4 terab drive you can get um you know like the P3 uh crucial P3 the crucial P3 plus you know those type drives the problem is they don't have Dam cache and I don't think they're TLC no TLC no Dam cach this here is dram cach and TLC both so you know when you put this inside your legion go you're going to get good speed so you're going to get 3500 megabytes a second 3500 megabytes a second anyways so it'll be able to max out this drive here um I was debating taking a Lexar 790 I think Pro it is a Gen 4 very very high-end Gen 4 Drive 4 terab putting it in here but the thing is it's going to be nerfed to this speed anyway so why would I take that and you know pay all that extra money for that drive and then get gen 3 speeds anyways when I can get this that's a very very very good gen 3 drive anyways okay so I'm going to put some double-sided tape on this just so it doesn't move around take this off um there is a separation between the PCB and the battery there you know if we're getting some heat I'm going to monitor if we're getting some heat you may want to put uh you know something like a little bit more I don't know resistant to heat between them um but I don't suspect there's going to be much of an issue here put that in there like that right about there no it's just enough space there so um I would bring it back just a tiny little bit we can focus see that two there I'd probably move it just a tiny little a little bit more closer to that whatever that is an eight you may have different numbers here but you know that's the phone number for Canada you may want to move that just slightly to the those digits there um but it should be fine where it is right now just kind of like that there yep and there's no pressure so I was worried about I was that's very I was very very close shift it just the tiniest little bit like I said that way cuz I'm like borderline touching on that right there which is fine but you know you don't want to be so yeah you can see that closes just fine no pressure there's no bump or anything like that and we're good to go so I'm just going to reinstall uh the operating system again now that I know it works and I'll come back hey and there we go 4 terabytes of storage on my Legion go no Shenanigans that's a 4 terte TLC with Dam you can see here that I am just doing some fin benchmarks that's the speed that it gets that's the speed of the SSD and the speed of the interface so it's a gen 3 basically it's going to max out that um and I'm doing this because I want to check out some thermals here see if the uh SSD is getting hot at all battery know it's not get hot from that uh nvme here 52° not bad and we're running benchmarks on it not bad right and that's because there's no direct contact there's actually a gap so the PCB of the adapter is actually sitting on the battery which is fine um but then there's an air gap between the SSD that's sitting in there and the PCB itself so there's actually no direct contact between the PCB battery and the uh actual SSD there's not even like a layer between it they're just physically not touching okay so I guess that's that you can see here you know I'm moving files over here just thought at the ssds just thought the SD card but I mean file transfers were sitting at about 41 Dees we saw that even under benchmarks when I was running Crystal Benchmark it was sitting at about 51 as a peak and that's obviously slamming the SSD so I mean yeah it looks like this is actually going to work out the temperatures you know there's no direct contact between the battery um and the PCB and the SSD there's actually like a gap between that air gap so it looks like we're going to be able to maintain this I was worried about it you know just being around that area rather than kind of over to the side here but it looks like it doesn't really care again this isn't as super hot SSD as it is okay I've just been letting this load and run for a little while now um you know balder's gate mainly just to get some loading in there and let's check the temperatures of the SSD because you know this is real world's gaming device so um yeah look at the temperatures here 41° 49 was Peak probably when doing you know heavy loading there um and it updated you know I installed the game I updated it I did all Cloud downloads and that looks like we're getting uh yeah 49 as a absolute Peak on that SSD and 40 or so uh right now 42 you know in game or whatever so yeah you're not going to get any issues with temperatures on that um again the team group is a good option if you get yourself a hotter SSD it may run hotter so just be aware of that um you know you don't want to necessarily just get the most beastly drive it's going to be limited by uh Gen 4 gen 3 speeds anyways 2280 in rather than the 2242 or the 2232 which designed to go in small form factors you're going with a bigger one like this just make sure it's one that doesn't run super hot or you know drain tons of battery
Channel: Tech Guy Beau
Views: 58,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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