They Didn't Want Me to Review This - So I Bought It Instead

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right here I have the cheapest Gen 4 nvme SSD you can currently buy the Kingston and V2 for the one terabyte version you will have to spend about 50 or about 50 euros here in Europe or a little bit over 100 or 100 euros for the two terabyte version which is actually very cheap now I did reach out to Kingston to see if they would send out a sample for me to test but they were actually only interested in reviews of their high-end model the fury Renegade and not at all in reviews of this cheap nv2 Drive which kind of made me want to review it even more so I just bought one on Amazon let's see how it performs and why Kingston doesn't want people talking about these let's begin the nv2 drive comes in capacities ranging from 250 gigabytes up to 2 terabytes but since 250 Gigabyte ssds are slower and the price per gigabyte is much higher you should probably just ignore anything under 500 gigabytes now days the drive itself is super simple all the memory is on one side which is nice for cooling and for laptop compatibility there is no heatsink included and there are no heatsinked options either but I will talk more about temperatures a bit later in this video the problem with cheap ssds is that manufacturers often set extremely low standards so if you look at the website the specs here are very basic there is a pretty low sequential read and write performance listed but nothing else is specified and that kind of means that they will make these nv2s with whatever parts are the cheapest at the moment as long as it meets these very low requirements and keep in mind it will be pretty hard not to meet them and if I look online some models were reported to have 3-bit and some 4-bit memory and none of them have dram cache like you would find on higher end drives so I would say it is a bit inconsistent there are a few other signs of cost cutting here you get a three year long warranty instead of five and five years has become the standard nowadays and you don't get any cloning software with the drive although I still think a clean install is highly recommended if you're going to use this as an operating system Drive the packaging is also very basic but that is completely irrelevant and perfectly fine if you ask me but let's jump straight into what really matters which is the performance and as always I'm going to begin with the PC Mark 10 quick Benchmark which is a collection of tests that replicate all those little light things that we do with our PCS every single day like working with various documents or looking at photos for example and this is a great Benchmark for anyone that wants to add some extra storage to their system for these simple little tasks and the mb2 actually looks pretty good here it is just the head of crucial's P3 plus and Samsung's 980 and it is far ahead of the WD blue sn570 and keep in mind all these drives do cost more it is not even that far from the 980 Pro in this test but it is well behind mid-range and high-end Gen 4 ssds like The crucial P5 Plus or Kingston's own KC 3000 and of course it is far behind the 990 Pro the full PC Mark 10 Suite is more intense and it is supposed to replicate a more consistent more intense and more serious use of your system and of the drive itself and this is a very useful Benchmark for anyone that is looking for a new main drive or for anyone that needs to run some various applications that can be heavy on the SSD like video editing for example and the nv2 does drop a bit here but it is still ahead of the sn570 and and way faster than even the fastest SATA SSD the mp600gs P3 plus and the Samsung 980 are now ahead of it but only by a small margin which giving the lower price of the nv2 doesn't seem that bad at all looking at the latency result you get the same image it is just behind the 980 P3 plus and the mp600ds even though DPC Mark consistency test is now really relevant for most of you it is always interesting to see how a drive behaves under an extreme multi-hour workload that stresses the drive to its very limits I mean this doesn't happen in most regular use cases and affordable drives like this one should not be bought for these situations anyways so it's not really a surprise that the nv2 really struggled in this test even falling behind the 870 Evo but it is still ahead of the Samsung 980. as I said if you care about storage intense applications you should be buying one of the drives in the top half of this graph not the bottom gaming on the other hand is the main reason to actually buy a large affordable SSD and this 3dmark storage Benchmark is a combination of tests that include a lot of gaming related tasks those are the things like loading games installing games recording games saving games as well as moving game folders around and here as well the nv2 did fall behind the drives it was competing with before even the Gen 3 ones but if I look at the gaming results that I personally find most important so loading times installation times and update times it looks all pretty similar it scores about 57 of the performance of the fastest drive I've tested so far the sn850x and that puts it yet again a bit behind the P3 plus and even the Gen 3 980 and sn5 70 do considerably better sequential read and write performance doesn't really represent a proper real life use as well as previous tests but it is still worth checking if this drive meets the speed that they claim in their spec sheet in sequential reads it scores just over 3 500 megabytes per second now that kind of meets the advertised speed but it is also more in line with Gen 3 ssds because Gen 4 ones are usually faster it is also way below Sony's recommended spec for the PS5 so I would not consider this drive for PlayStation 5 use sequential rights came in at 2468 megabytes per second matching the Samsung 980 exactly now that is more than the advertised spec of 2100 megabytes per second and it is definitely a lot better than the sn570 which completely tanks when writing larger data sets but most gen four ssds do a lot better here thermals of the nv2 are not a problem if you stick to that light use or to gaming but when you really stress the drive by writing tens of gigabytes of data to it it can actually get pretty hot while the internal sensor is only reported about 70 degrees Celsius during the stress test the flare camera actually reported 93 degrees and it was way too hard to touch now since I wouldn't really recommend this drive for any intense use to begin with thermals should not really be an issue but I still think that putting it under the heatsink of your motherboard or getting a third-party heatsink is just a much better thing to do I will leave some suggestions for the third party models in the description of this video so the nv2 is far from being an impressive SSD on one hand sequential performance is more in line with the Gen 3 drives and for gaming workloads some gen 3 drives actually do slightly better but on the other hand it is really hard to ignore how cheap this drive is even if you're looking at it as a gen 3 drive it still offers a lot of value if we look at U.S prices it is cheaper than the Gen 3 sn570 and the Samsung 980. the P3 plus is the strongest alternative in this list and it is worth paying a bit more for it but you typically need to spend 25 dollars more for the two terabyte version which might be a lot to some people then again if I look at the prices today the P3 plus is actually on a very nice special so definitely check the current prices in your region before making a decision because with this discount the P3 Plus currently makes more sense if I look at the prices here in Holland for example it looks quite similar again I would say that the P3 plus is probably worth considering if you can spend a bit more as its performance is a bit more consistent but compared to the sn570 or the Samsung 980 this nv2 offers generally similar levels of performance for much less money I mean the one terabyte 980 is actually priced close to the two terabyte nv2 which makes it a no-brainer so at the end of the day it is important to remember that the nv2 did well in both PC Mark 10 tests which do simulate most day-to-day use cases so even if it's not a top tier performer it is actually kind of okay given the price I would say it even does better than I expected it to and I don't really see a reason why Kingston wouldn't want reviewers to test this drive so just don't buy for a high-end Photoshop or video editing workstation and if you don't need that extra performance and you just want some affordable extra storage this Kingston nv2 is completely fine this video is brought to you by seasonic and their Prime TX power supplies these fully modular high quality power supplies are extremely efficient they are very quiet due to their new hybrid fan control that stops the fans completely under 40 load they offer a variety of connections for any kind of systems you have in mind and you even get the new 12 volt high power connection you need for the brand new RTX 490 graphics cards from Nvidia they range from 650 Watts all the way up to 1600 Watts for the biggest enthusiasts out there and as a nice bonus you get a cozy 12 year long warranty check them out using the links in the description below that is all I have for this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did do consider pressing that subscribe button to never miss my future uploads bye guys and see in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Techtesters
Views: 248,102
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Keywords: kingston nv2, kingston nv2 review, kingston nv2 1tb, kingston nv2 2tb, kingston nv2 ssd, kingston nv2 ssd review, kingston nv2 1tb ps5, kingston nv2 2tb ps5, kingston nv2 ps5 compatibility, is the kingston nv2 good, cheapest ssd for ps5, cheapest ssd for pc, cheapest ssd for laptop, cheapest gen 4 nvme, cheapest nvme m.2 ssd, cheapest nvme ssd, cheap gen 4 ssd, nv2 review, nv2 ssd review, kingston ssd review, are kingston, are kingston ssd good, techtesters, hardware, test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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