ROG Ally vs Legion Go: (Long Term Review) Not What I Expected

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now typically on this channel I usually just review like phones laptops MacBooks tablets iPads but when I got my hand on the Rog Ally months ago when it first came out I said then and in my follow-up review a couple of weeks ago that by far this is my favorite piece of tech that I used all of 2023 that being said just because I've spent more time with the Rog Ali than the Lenovo Legion go right coming out in November doesn't mean that the Rog Ali is just flat out better in every single way because I can say after using the legion go there have been a lot of things that I've been super impressed with that Novo did here um that I think they deserve a lot of kudos for if you are new here my name is Dave iD Tech reviews and the Philadelphia Eagles make me going to rip my arms off let's Jump Right In now with both of these something you do have to consider is comfortability in the hand and without a doubt the leging go is just a larger heavier device than the Rog Ally that being said I will say that in my own gaming sessions with the legion go maybe it's just cuz I do my five push-ups a day but I don't think it's necessarily heavy in a way that's cumbersome and makes me tired while playing it but it is without a doubt heavier than the Rog Ally and using this for gaming sessions is a bit more comfortable in the hand uh just because it is lighter okay it is 30° outside right now that is how you guys know I love you just want to make the quick point that although both of these displays are 500 nits you can see comfortably outside with both of these and play your games uh because of my filter you actually can see the legion go unless I rotate it but there you can see it there here you can see the ra gy I've been able to play games outside one of my wooden lounge chairs but if you're wondering about that you can do it I'm going to go inside now cuz it is freezing now one of the things that made the Ally one of my favorite pieces of tech last year was that it's not just a gaming handled like a switch or Playstation VA but it's actually a Windows PC and it's someone that works as a clinical therapist it's awesome that I can actually run my Works cingel software for putting in progress notes treatment plans monthly summaries and I can hook this up to an external Monitor and I have a desktop and you can do the same exact thing here with the Lenovo Legion go which is really awesome because this also is just a handheld portable Windows PC now with that of course comes the caveat that it's a Windows PC and that there are going to be some bugs there's going to be a little hitching and lagging and stuttering glitches and weird areas and that's just kind of the experience you get with a desktop something really important to note though is that the thumb sticks on the legion go I honestly find to be and feel much better than on the Rogue Ally um they're just Tighter and I notice when I'm playing like FPS games or when I'm moving around on different Maps or driving they just feel better where say on my Rog Ally the thumb sticks feel a little bit looser not as tight the additional button options here on the back on the legion go you do have four options where on the Ally you have two me personally I don't use these all the time the one that I I really do use is the M1 function when I'm playing cyberpunk for example that way when I'm aiming I can press it to toggle on the gyroscope for when I'm aiming I'll take my shot and then press it again to turn off the gyroscope cuz I don't like it when I'm doing other stuff I only really like it when I'm lining up shots but outside of that it's not something I use all the time but if you're someone who is looking for that additional flexibility and accessibility there are more options here on the legion go just flat out looking at the stock software for both of these you have Armory crate over here with the RG Ally and you have Legion space over here on the Lenovo Legion go um I would say that functionally they both work primarily the same I do think that I like Armory crate a little bit better in that when you click on the button you immediately get the popup for all of your games at one simple click where on Legion space you sort of have to click into another menu to access your games small thing I think that Armory crate's a little bit better there I will say though sometimes it feels as though Armory crate is perhaps a little bit heavier than Legion space where Legion space I think for the most part is a bit of a slightly smoother experience especially sometimes when sifting through Windows I've had more instances where Armory crate will sometimes chug a little bit more where it's just a beat slower not all the times but it happens more often than over here on Legion space what great is that both platforms are windows so you can download the Epic store or G space or steam or the Xbox platform Legion space opens up more as like a Marketplace platform where all of the different games on sales and things like that are available right there inside now when looking at the command sensors for both those grades that you can click a button and it opens up a little sidebar menu that allows you to toggle graphic settings how much power you want to pump into the games that you're playing your brightness your volume settings and it's interesting because on the Rog Ali it's more quick and accessible and you can customize exactly what you want on that sidebar so that way you don't have to really toggle into menus or on the legion go there are a lot more options that are kind of like thrusting your face from the sidebar menu it's basically an entire settings bar that opens up from the right hand side of your screen some people are going to like that me I think it's slightly more cumbersome in the middle of a game but I definitely see for some people that don't mind that and love fiddling with different options and settings in the middle of a game that would prefer that but it's really going to come down to preference I think largely both are pretty even when it comes to that a wild card in this weight debate is the fact that the Lenovo Legion go has a kick stand that has a lot of range honestly a lot of the time when I'm sitting down at say a table I can just have it down have my hands on the grips here and it completely eliminates the entire weight Factor also because the screen is so large it's pretty nice for just watching like YouTube or video or something and in differing use cases where you don't want to just use it as a gaming console but you do want to use it as sort of like a portable desk setup right where you have a mouse a keyboard or you just want to watch a video so that is absolutely a plus one now of course one of the main things when using these that you're going to be noticing all the time every single time you pick it up are the screens when I first used the Rog Ali I could say without a shadow of a doubt that it was fantastic amazing it's an LCD display but it is very crisp 108p and on this form factor playing games looks great especially when you add in that AMD RIS that way you're getting additional sharpening that looks natural and crisp on this display the 8 in display here on the legion go is not only higher resolution and Man Gaming on this is incredible now that being said when I was using RG I never really felt like I needed a bigger display but using it directly alongside the legion go going back to the Rog Ally I noticed it personally now what you're not getting on the legion go is a vrr display and I can say that playing on both of these right they have the same exact chipset you are getting a few frames Less on comparable games right so say like Madden 20 4 or Marvel midnight Suns Forza Horizon 5 not enough in my personal experience to say that this far and away like the absolute worst way to play your games on the go because what this display does the Fidelity that it gives you I mean it's pretty excellent and when I go back to the Ally I absolutely miss it now although the legion go does have gyroscope support I do give a notd to the RG Ali because on the Ali you can actually tweak the sensitivity of your gyroscope and you can assign it to one of the buttons on the back of the console but here on the legion go it's a little bit Limited in that you can turn it on you can have it assigned to lift stick or r stick or just completely off and so although that does work you're sort of forced to have gyroscope support on at all times as opposed to being able to press a button and then toggle it on and off like you can on the Rog Ali something that you're not getting on the Rog Ali that you are here is detachable sticks kind of like what you have on the Nintendo switch and you have this little pad that you can put your stick into and it BAS basically becomes a mouse now there is definitely a learning curve that comes with this and that's something that I think is uh it's a pretty neat way to play your games I mean especially because the screen is so large you can set it down on the table and I don't think any camera does the screen Justice this is really something that you have to see in person for yourself and this is honestly something that I don't personally use all the time just because the gyroscope is important for me and having it in handheld mode works perfectly uh this is a pretty awesome way to do it the way I explained it to my my friends Quan Gerald is that when you're playing games on a legion go it sounds like the games are happening inside of the console and then the sound is being pushed out from inside of it where on the r Ally when you're playing a game feel like you're in the game right I mean when you're playing games like say Forza Horizon 5 you feel more immersed in the engine of the car rumbling when you're playing games and shooting you feel like the sound of the bullets is coming at you the speakers are just flat out better in terms of haptics I would say both feel really really good you feel the rumbling of the car in your hand You Feel The Recoil of the guns and the vibrations and the same thing here for the legion go I think it's really good I will say that the little touchpad here on the legion go when you're moving it around you feel sort of like you get like a little bit of vibration feedback when you're moving around the mouse pad that's a small little thing not everybody's going to care but it's there all right so it's time to pay the bills some VR glasses this was supposed to go in an iPhone 15 video full disclosure for you guys um there were some things that happened it didn't go in there but they absolutely Ely work with both the legion go and the II and so here it is also if you guys are looking for a pair of glasses that'll let you be in nature but also watch like say your Netflix Hulu or even work productivity things like opening your Google Docs Google Sheets opening the browser and the V XR glasses have you covered with a 120in pixel free immersive display that through their space walker app is going to let use your iPhone 15 Pro Max or your iPhone 15 or 14 or 13 and use your phone as sort of a pointer to navigate through a multiscreen workstation they also have a really good audio experience with built-in speakers that low enough to not disturb anyone around you but are clear enough that no matter what you're watching you're going to get a good audio experience and if you have older iPhone devices that are still using the lightning cable viter also has an adapter that you can use so that way you can still use the glasses with your older iPhones triple tap the button on the glasses and is going to suspend whatever window you're looking at in the air in front of you so you can view it here and then look over this way talk to someone but your say football game or say your Netflix show is still suspended in the air in 3D space and I'll have a link in the description for you guys so that way if you want to pick one up you can oh and if you guys are wondering battery LifeWise yeah the legion go just has better battery life depending on the game that you're playing I've been able to get anywhere between like 30 sometimes around 40 extra minutes worth of screen on time battery life playing a game uh not much else to say there it's just better on a given day sometimes this might play for example Madden a little bit smoother than on the Ally and then the next day the alies is going to play Madden a little bit smoother or this might play um say cyber Punk smoother and Midnight Sun smoother for a few days and then this ends up playing smoother for a couple of days so you're getting sort of that slightly hit and Mis experience nothing gamebreaking though nothing that makes me go oh my God this is unplayable but on a day-to-day basis you're going to get some of that Windows PC charm on both and that's something that if you're familiar with window PCS you kind of expect going into it that being said pretty much everything that I've experienced on both of these was easily fixable with a quick restart and so again I emphasize that this is not a video bashing one and saying that you need to absolutely go with one of these over the other but rather it's great that we have more competition in this space and so basically no matter which way you go you're getting a really nice handheld experience now for my money I do find that on a day-to-day basis I really like the legion go a lot right it's it's not quite as light in the hand you're not getting the vrr display and because the resolution is higher the screen is bigger you're getting a couple of fewer frames uh depending on the game that you are playing but for me personally that's not really like a a huge deal that's going to be a big deal to some people um but I might give a slight nod to the legion go I don't get me wrong I mean the Ally has done a lot right and there's still a huge reason why it was my favorite piece of tech all of 2023 but the legion go gets a lot right as well but if you want a stronger external GPU I mean the 3080 the 4090 that you're getting on the Rog Ally there isn't something quite as powerful that you can hook up to your legion go and for some people that's going to be a Difference Maker especially if they're looking to make it not only a portable gaming handheld setup but also a desktop setup thank you guys so much again for stopping by and hanging out I wish you a fantastic remainder of your day afternoon or night depending on the time it is you are watching this and as always peace love and adios bye
Channel: David A. Velez
Views: 67,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asus rog ally vs lenovo legion go, legion go, legion go vs rog ally, lenovo legion go vs asus rog ally, lenovo legion go, asus rog ally review, asus rog ally z1 extreme, rog ally vs legion go, rog ally vs legion go 2024, legion go vs rog ally 2024, rog ally better than legion go, legion go better than rog ally, rog ally worth it, legion go worth it, rog ally 8 months later, legion go 3 months later, legion go 4 months later, handheld gaming pc, asus rog ally review 2023
Id: 4Xr99EfHw40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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