4 Real Cases of Time Travel

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time-travel is real and I have proof let's talk about that good mythical morning welcome friends and friends of friends that's right invite your friends to watch good mythical morning you can share this episode or you can share the trailer on our channel link in the description we are in the present right now but we are in your past no we are in your present but we are in our past no no weird and there now anyway now I love the concept of time travel and I want it to be possible let me just go on record saying that I hope it is possible and I hope I can partake in its at some point whenever it's possible now if it's not now there are other people out there like me who want time travel to be you real and they believe they have found some actual cases of time travel some of these have been on the internet for a while we're gonna go through those and I want you the mythical beast the discerning mythical beast at home and Link the discerning mythical beast right here to tell me where these people are wrong okay let's start with the case or maybe where they're right of the time travelling hipster in 1940 ok take our 1941 take a look at this picture link this is a photograph from the hotline 41 I think I've spotted him of maybe it's the guy with sunglasses and the cardigan and the graphic t-shirt oh he's such a hipster but not actually let me tell you about this so this is a photo from the reopening of the Southport bridge in gold bridge British Columbia it was originated from the bralorne Pioneer Museum and of course people for a long time have noticed there's a dude in there that looks like he's not from 1941 hey this is this is obviously Photoshop I mean I've been around the block a couple of times ok well when I came home I had Photoshop there are definitely is some conjecture that this may be photoshopped but I will tell you that even if it is not photoshopped it has been proven that this haircut was not abnormal in fact there's other people in this exact same photo that have a similar haircut these glasses were not out of style at that point they look like trendy glasses but then they actually look more like goggles when you look closely and that shirt is actually probably a sweater with a pattern sewn into it not necessarily a graphic tee he doesn't like he's playing a video game or something down there with that hand I don't know what that is but most people say this is not Photoshop it's just an unusual dude who wore some stuff that could be misinterpreted I think personally if there's a time traveler in this picture it's the guy over here covering his face because that's what I would do if I was time-traveling like don't look at me I'm a time traveler why not see that I think he might be smoking a cigarette all right okay with his eyeballs this one's harder to disprove this is a famous clip from the Hollywood premiere of a Charlie Chaplin movie the circus at Grauman's Chinese Theatre Grauman's Chinese Theatre okay and this is a clip of the move this is a clip from the premiere the day of the premiere they filmed it in 1928 so you can see this okay there's the Chinese Theater you see you've been there you've seen that there's woman huh can you spot the time traveler in this clip up later again out again I've just been distracted by the horse painted legas Eve look behind the zebra okay okay the woman here she goes zooming in on her on a cell phone look an old woman on a cellular telephone that's what a lot of people think what do you think about that you think this is a woman on a cell phone from the future in the past it certainly looked like it I mean she wasn't scratching her face there was no movement in the hand did she bring the cell phone towers back in time with her also no I'm just saying it like people say this one was on the cell phone did she bring the cell phone towers back how could she be communicating on the cell phone towers well how far future is she she's in 1928 the future dude how far in the future do you no longer need cell phone towers to have a cellular telephone this theory has been debunked and let me tell you I hate to disappoint you but she was using most likely using a listening device this one right here that you hold a little bit like a cell phone I'm not sure if she was listening to the guy that she was following like a black brother I don't know there are still people who think that this woman is actually a time traveler but I'm just saying listen she's on it I mean she went through this she went all the way to try to completely blend in with the clothes that she's wearing you think she's just gonna be walking in public on the cellphone doesn't make a lot of sense she thought people would be distracted by the horse zebra and the elephant it gets better this guy met himself from the future Hakan nordic vist he was fixing a leaky pipe under his sink and he found a tunnel that's not unusual he went through the tunnel and at the end of the tunnel he found himself as an older man somewhere around 70 years old and to prove it like all things he wrote a book that you can buy nope he just filmed it and put it on YouTube and here is his video we met himself he says I had my mobile and so I took a little older self [Music] look at that matching tattoos do you tell me how that's not a actual time traveler look at it how could they both have matching tattoos well that's a good point Rhett I'm my kid and I have matching tattoos for about three days until they washed off oh you're saying you think this is a fake tattoo it's pretty fresh I think that's a father and son I think the 70 year old man would have a faded tattoo they look like they were just applied like it's too it's too crisp well older guy would be like really faded to my disappointment this is even worse this is the most subversive one of all this was an advertising campaign for AMF pensions and Sweden so it was like a retirement thing like go into your tunnel and meet your future self who has the same tattoo and ask him hey buddy you've been saving for retirement you know it was just it was just an advertiser and why are you living under my seat this one though the last one is the best one of all Vaughn Helton this is a man who was born Eugene Hilton jr. better known as Vaughn Hilton that's what he calls himself now never heard of him by his own account he has invented the stealth fighter at the age of seven and grew up to become a vampire vigilante who walked the earth fighting evil and his proof of this is the many lives that he has lived hold on also the stealth exists there's proof right even at the stealth fighter at age 7 he has this series of photos from 1857 1916 1945 and present-day and he says this is me and you know he's photoshopped all four images together so he obviously knows how to use photoshop I got I don't know this seems pretty compelling to me personally it definitely looks like the same guy but really what takes the cake is the fact that he also has a YouTube channel where he sings karaoke [Music] this is my favorite date Thursdays throat only a professional would do that only a timed rather someone loves you 400 1617 fun help me with some Lou Rawls okay so as you get the ball in the back I think this guy's obviously a real time sort of traveler no one could sing karaoke like that and not have a nautilus by the actual past he has traveled to all right okay so what do we learn here that uh it's pretty hopeless I think we have learned that time travel probably hasn't happened yet at least not in these four cases if you know of a better case and there's one very cool experiment that I want to tell you about in good mythical more we're also gonna talk about the best time travel movies of all time it's gonna be a pretty awesome thanks for liking to comment on this video you do that in the presence hi my name is Rob from San Juan Puerto Rico and it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality make sure you're following the rhett and Link count on Twitter because there are some pretty amazing things happening in the past present and future over there including Twitter stories where you help us tell stories and we tell them on the Twitter account it's mind blowing no time traveler taking place so far but they're pretty great team trapped on an elevator I don't like these contraption for two please for two I understand you come here often you ever seen elf yeah I don't recall that scene though hmm we're gonna be trapped here you got you got any other favorite movies there's also a Highlander which is a Back to the Future right he tells in time
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 11,706,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: time travel, time travle movies, Time (Dimension), Travel, back to the future, charlie chaplin, Adventure, Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking
Id: e4fBR4p_UtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2014
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