8 Bizarre Assassination Attempts

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someone was almost assassinated with chocolate let's talk about that good mythical morning thank you for making us a part of your daily routine or by daily routine if you watch it twice in one day I don't care that's fine I'm not gonna sue you for that no we want now I have never been assassinated I haven't either no one's ever tried to assassinate me and I'm not saying that I want that I'm not inviting I'm not I'm not inviting any of that I'm just saying that if you want to assassinate me do it in a really interesting way so that people will talk about on the internet in this sequel to this video today we are gonna go down the memory lane of attempted assassination what Elaine it is and good old memory lane we've got some attempted assassinations and some successful ones where it's just kind of nutty get a little more bit on GMM today all of these are true good mythical more but I think that's what we need to emphasize here all of these are true we're not lying to you except for one we've earned your trust they're all truth and who's going first you guys okay I will go first you've heard of death by chocolate what makes a good death by chocolate cake but have yeah it's just cake have you ever heard of the attempted assassination by chocolate because the Nazis literally tried to assassinate Winston Churchill by making a chocolate bar the would that would kill him they hid it in a cabinet that he was known to partake chocolate from and but they found it I don't chocolate cabinet they should have made it an exploding cigar I mean those were everywhere well you can get them including his mouth party shops right Nazis but it didn't work he never ate the chocolate no he never ate the chocolate they found it and the plan failed there's such a thing called the Bulgarian umbrella and it is it has a reputation because the Bulgarian Secret Service was known for using this to assassinate people that they didn't like it was an actual umbrella it was an umbrella that some dude would carry up to the guy and it had a little pneumatic powered device on the end that would shoot a pellet of ricin you know ricin that Walter White used in Breaking Bad yeah it's it's that and it kills you like after three days you know it doesn't kill you instantly and they were unsuccessful and of course they were unsuccessful who is a willing party being poked with an umbrella no they were successful okay well I'm successful when they try to kill Vladimir Koslov and they were successful when they try to kill Georgie Marcos because Georgie's like hey poke me with an umbrella I mean listen if I die boom I got you see I mean I mean it's that yeah boom I got you see this is umbrella you'd be dead twice but you have to be further away you days it's not that hard tomorrow I'll poke you with one looted to death now a loot is like an old-timey guitar right are you with me assassin Gao Jian Li went undercover as a lute player and he his target was the Chinese emperor Qin Shihuang forgive my pronunciation probably not right probably not correct so he gains the opportunity to play the lute for the Emperor but he's recognized as an assassin haha they just knew this dude was like hey that Lotus dude is an assassin he plays in a minor key what I understand he was known I guess he didn't wear a good disguise I don't so but then the Emperor did not kill him he just poked his eyes out that's effective poke both of the dudes eyes out and then said you're such a good ludus I'm gonna spare your life and you got to keep playing the lute for me for years score so the dude kept playing the lute for a few years and then finally he attaches something to the lute and then takes a swing at him to try to kill him he's like I was committed to kill you and of course he misses cuz both of his eyes are gone that's a problem and that Vinnie was killed oh yeah that's what it took it took a second attempt no the ludus twas killed yeah I know I took a second attempt and that resulted in his own death yes he was a flutist it would've worked the first time about this Nero you know about Emperor Nero from you know back around 1 ad I've heard a bad reputation this guy killed a lot of people but he wanted to kill his own mother Agrippa Agrippina Agri Pina Oh say agrippa but it's a Agra pino so the first thing he does is he tries to create this elaborate thing when she goes to bed at night and gets in her bed the ceiling will fall on her and crush her like a Rube Goldberg machine for her bed but back in those days sometimes you would get a servant to warm your bed up for you bed-warmer yeah a bed warmer and it killed the bed warmer he didn't think about that the second thing he tried to do is he created created a boat that would sink once it was out on the water this guy needs to channel all these efforts into something productive and he sent her on a cruise and then her boat sank and she just swam to shore and so the third thing he did is he just got three guys to go to her house and stab her and that worked like we gotta go old school what a dude what a jerk don't assassinate your own mom there's no excuse for that John Hinckley jr. attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan March 30th 1981 why you ask he just tried to use a gun okay he actually did use a gun and he actually did shoot Reagan a bit he survived right why did he do it because of Jodie Foster he was obsessed with Jodie Foster and Jodie Foster one of the President did Jodie Fano Jodie Foster was in no way wrong because I'm obsessed with Jodie Foster have you seen Nell I was a model Nell joke I break out once in a while I don't I don't I don't get it but I have seen there is nothing to get right that's it yeah she's not like a bomb showing no yeah Jody I'm not doing anything for you baby yeah okay you were great in contacts though okay two dudes tried to assassinate President Barack Obama I've heard ofin with an x-ray gun this sounds absolutely crazy like a couple of coops that just did something that wasn't actually gonna work but actually Glendon Scott and Eric fate successfully built this x-ray machine that could be remotely detonated and unleashed a lethal dose of radiation that would have been lethal the FBI analyzed this thing and said that this would have been lethal and they arrested them when they were in the process of trying to remotely detonate it now I don't think it was in position I think they were like testing it the details are unclear but these dudes created something that would have been lethal and would have unleashed x-rays on the president and he would not have died instantly it would've been one of those things that caused him to die later oh that's horrible wood they were both did it look like something from Star Trek it probably didn't look like this picture of an x-ray gun that we have but we're gonna show it anyway yeah what about a dude that was murdered by a bear with an axe yes it happened jürg your neck was a Yerger next a highly disliked Swiss dude in 1639 he was a group of guys including okay it wasn't a bear it was a dude in a bear suit but it wasn't a carnival mascot so it's like okay here's a dude in a bear suit at this carnival nothing to see here he's willing an axe nothing to see here he's chopping me to bits attempting to assassinate me it's working there's something to see here it's killed by a bear with an axe he tried to fight back with the aid of a candlestick but as you know you never bring a candlestick to an axe fight yeah that's my little joke that's a little better than the nail joke a little bit okay and we have prime minister of spain louis Carrero Blanco who probably in pronouncing that wrong he was on his way to church and he had a certain route that he took every single Sunday to church well what don't assassinated is going to chair there were these act these these people who wanted to it to pose as arch students and then kill him and what they did is they got access to a basement in art studio but for like five months they dug a tunnel to a place up under the road and they put 80 kilonewtons of explosion explosives I don't know what that was his name Newton and kill they waited until he got over this thing and they blew it up in his car with 66 feet into the air over a five storey building and landed on the other side and he died however his eyebrows did survive what hasn't this been an uplifting episode puts everything in perspective thanks for liking and commenting with your favorite assassination attempt you know what time it is we've got an all-new episode of our podcast pure biscuits this week our special guest is put Alicia day that's right just like every Friday except this Friday it's her not somebody else also indie mouse does another animation will about gala day every Saturday good mythical more you wouldn't believe how many ways Fidel Castro has almost been assassinated buffering short story told by read you want to stir what Lori I'm going to tell us or but you got to just listen you got to be quiet okay okay once I'm just gonna hey well at a time there was this little boy goat that walked up a hill and then it's all up assassination a little sheep and said you're different than me but we should be focus friends because we can show the world that different people are different actors animals can get along and it's not why do you keep that why do you keep doing that you want me to guess Oh [Music]
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 7,018,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Assassination (Cause Of Death), attempts, bear suit, chocolate, spikes, boat, buffer, nell, jodie foster, prim minster, explosion, tunnel, ronald reagan, murder, Winston Churchill (Military Commander), Barack Obama (US President), Rhett, Link, Talk, Good Mythical Morning, Mythical Morning, GMM, The Mythical Show, funny, talk show, variety show, Wheel of Mythicality, Mythical Beasts, Mythical, RhettandLink2, Rhett and Link 2, Rhett and Link, Talking
Id: Mk9VmwQeGF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 20 2014
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