4 Meat n Potato pies. One of the best pies you'll ever taste.

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hello again my name's John I'm a retired cook from the northeast of England in the UK and welcome to my latest video recipe and in this one I'll show you how to make these amazing but very simple meat and potato pies and once again I'll be using my very popular easy hot water crust pastry method for these delicious individual meat and potato pies this is also one of those great recipes for using up any leftover meat you have sitting in your fridge it's good with chicken turkey pork beef and when the purse strings are a little tight mints or ground meat can also be used in this recipe you can view the ingredients list and full written method for this recipe on the recipe page on the Channel's website I leave a link in the description under the video or you can click on the eye icon top right of the screen to take you directly to the recipe page I'd also like to thank my patreon PayPal and super thank support supporters for their very kind help in producing these tutorial videos I'll be giving you all a name splash and Shout out a little later in the video okay let's get on with today's recipe right I'll start the recipe by making this delicious meat and potato pie filling in a frying pan or a walk add half of your olive oil from the ingredients list once it's hot add your dast beef stir fry the meat until it has some color this shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 minutes once it's done just set it aside for now in a separate mediumsized sauce pan add the rest of the olive oil and heat it up once the oil's hot add your diced onions and stir fry for a couple of minutes once the onions start to go soft you can add your garlic now you can add the meat to the pan make sure you get any meat juices too now give that a good mix you can now add your 300 Ms of beef stock now I'm using two beef stock cubes in mine but if you have any natural stock all the better next to go in is the Tomato py now mix that in the seasoning for this pie filling I like to use 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper and a half teaspoon of salt if you're a bit worried about your sodium intake simply reduce the amount of salt in your cooking you don't have to rigidly stick to the amount of salt in any recipe don't forget there's salt in the pastry too next is a good splash of wora sauce or as we simply call it in the UK wora sauce I'll give that a taste to see if it needs any more seasoning and mine's fine the final ingredient for now is two bay leaves don't be tempted to add your potatoes just yet wait until the last 10 minutes before putting those in if you added them now they' just dissolve and disappear into the filling right get the lid on and allow it to simmer for 1 hour once there's only 10 minutes left you can now add your diced potatoes these potatoes should still be quite firm at the end of this simmering time but don't forget they still have 50 minutes to cook in the oven when we bake the pies it's all about the timing guys give the that was a good mix in now bring that back to a simmer and finish off the cooking time once the time's up the first thing to do is to remove the bay leaves they've done their job now next thing is to thicken The Filling there's lots of ways you can do this but I like to use corn flour or you may know that as corn starch mixed with a little cold water simply add it to the filling and stir it in it'll instantly start to thicken up right that's done turn off the heat and let it completely cool before using it I like to make mine the day before and let it sit in the fridge overnight but if you want to cool it down quicker just float the pan in a sink of cold water and it'll be cool enough to use after about 30 minutes okay on to making the hot water crust pastry and this pastry has got to be the easiest and tastiest pastry you'll ever make start by putting your water in a small sauce pan and onto a low heat firstly add the lud to the pan now lud is a pork product so if you don't like or use pork ingredients use a solid vegetable fat instead or you can get away with just using all butter next you can add the butter to the pan now let that slowly heat up until all the fats have melted and while that's heating up get your flour into a large bowl and add the salt now mix those together and form a well in the middle soon as the pots have melted add the hot liquid to the flour in the bowl and using my trusty wooden spoon handle I'll bring it all together once you have it roughly mixed turn it out onto the bench and start to bring it together with your hands it should be cool enough by now but always check first there should be enough pastry in this recipe to make four 5 in individual pies form the dough into a rectangle and split it into three pieces wrap each piece in cling film as shown dividing and flattening the pastry out like this just helps it cool a lot quicker in the fridge and before you say I am using biodegradable cling film now get it into the fridge for at least 1 hour before using it for these pies I'll be using our 12.5 CM or 5 in individual pie tins and if you want to follow this this recipe exactly these pie tins are now available on our website if you're interested now I'm greasing mine with a little lud butter or a solid vegetable fat will do the same job too for Rolling the pastry out I'll be using our adjustable stainless steel rolling pin now these are also available on the website these amazing rolling pins take all of the guesswork out of rolling your pastry out to the correct thickness and for this one I'll be using the 3 m a 1/8 spacer on to rolling out the pastry now if your pastry's been in the fridge for more than 2 hours take it out 30 minutes before you intend to use it just manipulate the pastry a little and the heat of your hands will soften it up making it easier to work for demonstration purposes I'll make one large disc for the base of one of the pies and one for the lid of the pie I'll do the rest off camera dust the bench with a little flow [Music] add a little to the pastry too right I'll start rolling it out until I reach the required length width and thickness so keep rolling to the required size to prevent things sticking continue dusting the bench and the pastry with flour as when required I'll be using these large pastry Cutters to cut mine but you can find something of a similar size to cut yours out the pie bases for my tins needs to be approximately 17 cm or 6 and 1/2 in right that's the base pastry for mine cut now I'll cut the lid for the pie and for the lids of the pies they need to be around 14 cm that's about 5 1/2 in I'll leave a link in the description box below the video to where you can get hold of these really handy large pastry cutters you'll also need to reroll all of your pastry trimming by the way there is enough pastry in this recipe to make all four 5 in individual pies there you go four bases and four Lids all ready to go before going any further preheat your oven to 170° C that's 340 F or gas Mark three time to put these beautiful pie stick together first job is to make the egg wash crack a large egg into a container add a dash of milk and whisk vigorously until it runs off the Whisk as a loose liquid okay and here's the filling after it's completely cooled as you can see it thickens even more when it's cold as I normally do with my pie recipes I'll fully assemble one pie from start to finish and do the other three off camera start by adding a base pastry to the greased pie tin gently work the pastry down into the tin flutten the excess pastry onto the lip of the tin and for those girls and guys with long fashionable Nails take a spare piece of pastry and push it right down into the corners of the tin where the side meets the [Music] base it's important to get it right down into that corner next grab a fork and prick a few holes into the base as shown try to follow my evenly spaced pattern this is called docking the pastry it just helps stop the pastry base from bubbling up in the oven right onto the good bit spoon The Filling into the base and as this filling does expand some when baking it needs to be left level or even just below the top of the case once it's all in tidy it up once your fillings in get your egg wash and brush it all around the lip of the pastry and I'm proud to say our pastry brushes now support our company name try not to get any wash between the pastry and the tin as this will stick Like Glue in the oven it wouldn't be the end of the world but it's a problem that can be easily avoided by being careful and for belt and braces brush a little around the edge of the pastry lid now line up the lid and gently press it down all around the lip of the [Music] tin using your fingers and thumbs crimp all around the edge of the pie this just takes a little practice you sharp get the hung of this right using the buck of a knife blade cut away the excess pastry and why use the buck of of a knife John I can hear you say it simply prevents damaging the non-stick coating on the tin once that's done crimp all around the edge of the pie again this tidies up the pie but more importantly ensures a good seal when baking almost done cut two or three vents slets in the middle of the pastry this prevents any hot air build up in the oven now brush egg wash all over the lid of the pie once again being careful not to get any between the pastry and the tin and there you go one beautiful looking pie all done and ready to bake make sure the ventilation slits are not clogged with egg wash and here's all four completed and ready to go into the oven FYI you can freeze at this stage for future use simply defrost in your fridge for 24 hours and then bake as normal right into the oven and set your timer for 50 minutes and while those are baking I hope you don't mind if I give my four recipe books a quick shout out the books of lots of our favorite recipes from our work kitchens in them and also book four in this series is totally dedicated to bread recipes also the skeleton style oven gloves now supporting our company name are also available too just check out the link in the description box to our website store if you're interested in any of these items right time's up on the pies if yours is still a little light in color at this point just give them a few more minutes in the oven but mine are done and looking fantastic they're also kicking out an amazing Aroma our kitchen smells absolutely Divine at the moment now these are way too hot to do anything with at the moment so I let them sit still in the tins on a wire rck for about 10 minutes or so and when I come back we'll have a look on the inside and give them a taste absolutely can't wait okay they've been sitting there for a while now and it's time to give them a try and here's what the bottom of the pie looks like nice ly cooked right I'll carefully cut one open and have a closeup look at the inside they are still quite hot and just look at that Mouse watering filling What a beautiful looking pie and here I go for a bite this takes me back to my childhood early 60s coming home from school in the winter months and one of these waiting with lots of mushed potatoes peas and beefy gravy great memories and they are absolutely delicious hope you try these everyone nothing better on a cold winter night big thumbs up as usual guys and as promised at the beginning of the video here is the latest list of my patreon PayPal and super thank you button supporters and they are Kevin Moore David Tes Timothy Harrington trissa Cummings Alan P Hollands aalam while will weave Samuel P Hastings James K 3250 and Gina McDow 5919 and as also one who wishes to remain anonymous thanks very much guys I really do appreciate all that you do in supporting the channel well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting the circle above if you do subscribe activate the Bell icon next to the Subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that you'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other videos and playlists that you may want to watch so until the next time be safe in your kitchen and bye for now
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 314,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASMR, Meat and Potato pies, Pie, Meat pie, Beef pie, Chicken, Hot water crust pastry, pies
Id: 60QhznzyiAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2023
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