How to Make French Butter | Chef Jean-Pierre

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well hello dear friends very important question today why is European butter that's better than the American butter but first let's talk about the difference between the two butter the USDA required and the battery in America has at least 80 percent fat and a maximum of 18 water why while the European battle has at least 82 to 90 percent bad effect and a maximum of 16 water so less water more fat in a European butter in Europe the cream is non-pasteurized and contains the bacteria necessary to create the Tangy and nutty flavor in America all commercial creams are pasteurized so to duplicate those complex flavors we need to add some life culture another big difference between the two bottles is that in Europe the battle has a distinct yellow color that color is due to the fact that the cow enjoy a rich grass field of beta keratin and the cow absorbed that beta carotene through their diet and stored in their fat and this is where the vibrant orange pigment come from by the way the beta Kelton convert to vitamin A in the body another good reason to consume butter so unless we have uh and pasteurized European milk we need to add some culture buttermilk or yogurt to duplicate the European flavor and texture so let's make some delicious cultured butter that's what we're going to call the culture about it first thing we're going to do is we're going to add cream fatter the cream better it is today I am using a 40 fat cream if you can find 36 percent fatally it usually tells you on the container then I'm also gonna add four tablespoon of cultured buttermilk make sure when you buy it it says culture on the bar on the bottle I'm also adding a a yogurt the plain yogurt I'm eating a cup of plain yogurt and I'm gonna mix all this up plain yogurt then as also cultured and we're going to let this at room temperature we're going to mix it up well and we're going to let it at room temperature for 24 to 48 hours and then we'll make the butter we're going to cover it up leave it in the kitchen 24 to 48 hours so we'll see you in a couple of days and we'll finish it together and make beautiful butter okay friends well 24 hours went by and I want to show you look look look how thick the cream is on the top and uh and when you test it you'll see it's delicious it's almost like sour cream really delicious so what we're going to do friends we're going to whisk and see how thick it is we're going to whisk and then we're going to make a butter all right so we're going in and we're gonna go a little slowly at the beginning because it's thick but it still could be very messy because the bottom of it is not so thick so what we're gonna do we're gonna whip it until we have perfect whipped cream and that should take only a couple of minutes well I recommend you do friends is you get a spatula ready to go because as it gets thick some of it is going to stick on the side of the bowl and another very important thing friends you got to make sure that your ball is cold your whisk is cold so what I did after 24 hours I left it in the fridge for a couple of hours because if you leave it at room temperature then it's not cold obviously but you need a cold to start the process so put it in the fridge two or three hours before you start everything should be nice and cold including the Whisk all right so we're going to keep whipping whipping dips until we have whipped cream and as soon as it has whipped cream we're gonna change it to a spatula because it'll be easier to remove the bottle you'll see what I'm talking about in a minute all right so we're going to wait for this to get to a nice thick whipped cream otherwise as you can see friends we're getting close to whipped cream very closer whipped cream just a couple of more seconds in the whipped cream is going to break any second and that's when I'm Gonna Change it to a paddle instead of a whisk a lot easier all right I'm gonna stop it now you see we have a broken whipped cream so very easy for us just to clean it up instead of waiting too long and having the butter because that's the tough one to remove you can still do it but if you have a paddle much easier so now you know what I do I take this opportunity to clean the side and now we're going to our next stage which is butter all right we're going to continue whipping it and you'll see in a second the buttermilk you're gonna separate it from the fat from the bad effects all right now you can see friends then the um the it's about to separate it and the buttermilk is going to separate it and we're going to get buttered I'm gonna slow down because I want you to see friends you see right there you see right there the uh the the buttermilk okay so I'm gonna slow down and we have to kind of we don't want to do it too much but we don't want to do it we want to do it enough so then the butter becomes a big block you see you want to do it kind of slowly now because it's gonna you're gonna get um you're gonna get buttermilk everywhere in your kitchen I'm gonna do it slowly a little bit yeah I guess I'm at my slowest speed all right so now friends no we'll go butter now we gotta clean it up very simple you see very simple to remove because of the the parole instead of the Whisk I mean you can do it with the Whisk friends but it's a lot more difficult to get the the bottle out of there you see so now what we do we take it out of our [Music] [Laughter] [Music] a few moments later so now what we do friends we are going to take this move it out of here and then what we'll do we'll exchange that for this and we're going to take a ball and we're going to put it in a colander oh let me get my spatula back everything is still nice and cold you see we're going to put our butter a beautiful butter right there friends okay so now all I got to do at this point I gotta take the butter make a nice mount and you see all the buttermilk is there and I'm going to squeeze it you see I'm going to squeeze it you can see the buttermilk right there and then I got it because the warmth of my hand is gonna melt the butter so we have to go so we are going now in an ice wall and now we have ice water and we're going to do exactly the same thing now the butter is going to be cold you know and you see the water is coming out kind of Milky we want the water out of there friends because the water is what's going to make your butter go bad really really fast so that's why we have to do this we're putting it you see we squeeze it and now we're going to give it another wash and and the water is probably going to need about three washers I only have two bowls but you got the idea friends you see now we got nice clean body see the water is much cleaner my hands are cold we're going to take this out of the way and now we have one more process folks for those of you that want to put salt in the last video I did not address the salt let me wash my hands real quick I did not address the uh the salt real quick so the salt is very easy to figure out friends the salt is very simple it's based you gotta calculate it with the grams all right so one quart let me just clean this up one quart one quart of cream gives you 12 ounces of of butter 12 ounces of butter is 350 grams we're going to put it all together like this it's 12. that is uh uh 350 grams of of butter 350 grams so what we'll do we'll put about one percent we'll put one percent of of uh of uh of salt if you want to put salt it's about one percent you see we still got some buttermilk in there as we're mixing the salt we're getting ready the final buttermilk than we have you see you see my dear friends we're getting rid of that final buttermilk see right there squeeze it out squeeze it out all right we're going to give it a final bath and right there we have a self let me clean this up we have ourselves 12 ounces of beautiful European style butter you want to put more salt then you put two grams per volume so 350 grams of butter that'll be my I put three and a half grams you can put seven grams you can put as much or as little as you want at this point you can form it you can make it look pretty you can cut it in little you can freeze it it freezes it well you can put it on bread you can rub it all over your body right right there we got ourselves what looks like a farm but it's not it's about 12 to 13 14 ounces of butter all right I'm gonna give it a test because I know it's good um friends you'll make this you think you're in France eating butter you put on top of a croissant you're gonna enjoy it I hope you enjoy I hope you try to make it it's worth it it's fun I promise you it doesn't taste like anything you buy at the store I hope you make it remember thumbs up if you like the video subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell thanks for watching friends that's delicious [Music] um excellent [Music]
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 613,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: French Butter, Homemade Butter, cultured butter, making cultured butter, european butter, cultured butter recipe, how to make cultured butter, how to make french butter, what is cultured butter, easy cultured butter, how to make cultured butter at home, how to make homemade butter, homemade butter recipe, easy homemade butter recipe, Mantequilla Cultivada, Comment faire du beurre de culture, Cómo hacer mantequilla cultivada, butter recipe, how to make butter, butter, how to
Id: gBfFpSMvstU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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