Egg and Bacon Pie

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hi guys I made it to Friday again so what we're going to do tonight is I'm going to make a pie not going to have anything else with it it's just going to be a nice simple tea once the pie is made we can just eat it whenever we want so it's going to be a bacon an egg pie somebody was talking about it at work the other day and I thought oh I've never had that for years so I'm going to do it as me Nana used to do hers um so I'll bring you down and have a look at the hardly any ingredients at all right so what I've got here I've got some cooking bacon it's no different to any other bacon at all basically what it is is when they come to the end when them when they slicing it is like it's just like you know big thick bits little bits whatever so they put them as a pack that was about I think it was 173 for all of that b in there so for the pastry this is dead simple whenever you make pastry it's always half fat to flour so for this I've got 400 G worth plain flour and I've got 200 g in total of fat now what I'm doing is like I say I'm doing meana's recipe so there's some l or shortening and some butter so I've got 100 G of each I've got to put one egg in with this with some cold water and then the rest of the eggs will go nicely for inside the filling so what we're going to do is I'll bring over and we'll do the pastry first cuz that does need to rest right guys so I've put the flow and the lard and the butter into the food processor now you can easily do this by hand I've made P pastry 100 times by hand you just rub the fat into the flow with your fingertips always your fingertips cuz that's the coldest part of your your hand and then um once it's required it looks like little breadcrumbs then you add your liquid but I'm just going to do this sorry it's going to be a bit noisy right that looks you just feel a tiny little bits in there I also put a a pinch of salt in there as well just going to put you down here where I get an egg pop you there I'll use the bowl that I had the um the fat in to crack me egg into before it goes in there that was a tough one didn't want to open so just pop the egg in there you go just one egg don't even have to scramble it up put that in put this back on and I do have some water in The Jug here I'm just going to put that in until it all comes to a bowl right I'm just going to have a yeah that's perfect put those to one side move that over a little bit get rid of that and I've got some cling for them here I'm just going to take excuse arms be careful if you use one of these because of the the sharp blade just going to pop that out go over there just get it all out of there mess yeah it looks like it's a bit too crumbly but actually that's you don't want it too wet otherwise you'll not be able to work with it later on so all you have to do is just push it together like that there we go see it all starts to to come together we'll do is we'll just wrap this I've got enough clean F here there we go wrap this in the cing fum and just squish it together like this no biggie flatten it out a little bit cuz the more more flat it is the quicker it it um gets harder again and in the fridge so I'm just going to pop that in the fridge for a little while get the pastry off my fingers and then we'll come back to it in a bit all right guys so I've just greased the tin that I'm going to use so I'm just going to put that one side for now and we'll deal with this uh bacon now I am going to fry the bacon off first um cuz I like to have that little bit extra flavor and also it gets rid of any of the water that's in there so let's have a a little look at this bacon so like I say it's it's not actually cooking bacon It's The End bit that they couldn't get a decent slice out of now look at the thickness of that that's the sort of thing that you want so I'm going to take get rid of some of this fat I mean the rest of it will probably render down in the frying pan but I don't want that much in there so what I'll do is I'll just get a bowl get rid of that that out of the way little nobbly bits there you don't want your pie too greasy and I want to keep them in pretty big chunks so I'd say about that size I'm going to get my pan on to start um cooking these off [Music] get that warming up and just crack on I mean there's too much beac in here for the pie but I mean who would like a bacon sandwich with that size bacon in it right so let's have another look what else got another big thick bit like that so I'm just going to cut the rest of this up and start find it off and I'll come back to you guys I'm just quickly wash my hands there before I touch the camera cuz that wouldn't be a good idea and I'll see you in a couple of minutes hey guys so I'm going to do this in batches that's the um the bits of fat in little bit of bacon still on there but you know what you could do is and I might actually do it just put it in a little pan on a very very low heat and render the fat out then you've got Bacon Fat for whatever you want to make so I'm going to I'm not going to waste it so I've got the first lot of bacon already frying and I'll bring you across to have a look at that and to be honest there's not that much um water come out of it just a tinest bit so I don't want to cook this bacon I just want to fry it off and then we'll let it cool I think that's enough for that one bring it down here slly I know you a bit far away but I wanted it on the bigger hob youly I'm just going to do this another two batches I think right so I'm just to continue with that guys and once all that's done I'll put it in the bowl let it cool and then once the um the tast is rested for at least half an hour then we'll get on the b in the pie but as you can see how easy it is this bacon is lovely to be honest right so bring it back once this is all fried off a little bit right guys so this has had about what 45 minutes in the in the fridge so I'm just going to um roll this [Music] out covered but I'm already covered anyway so it doesn't make any difference so what we'll do is we'll take about 3/4 of this you about that much of the [Music] top that for the bottom wrap back back up that over there so because of the shape of my um the pan I'm going to use we want it to be here we go excuse me move that out in the way there we go it is a bit short this pastry which means that it's a bit crumbly but it it's a better mouth feel while you're actually eating the pastry I could do with a new rolling pin but this was Ian's mom's so you know she she wanted us to have [Music] it here we go it's looking good Swizzle it around a little bit still see the little bit of butter in there that's exactly what you want so I'm just going to get my tee in so I think I need it a bit more that way but I think there's enough this way [Music] just there we go check your t again I think that's I think we're about there guys to be perfectly honest right just that up there like that get the tin if you can hear anything in the background that's that Bacon Fat I decided that I was going to render it down after all so that's just nice quietly doing that well not quietly but it's doing that in the background [Music] just sort of lift it in the one thing about having Nails is this isn't the best for when you're trying to do pastry so what I normally do is get a bit of pastry like that and then just push it all into the corners or if it was around all the way around here we go tease it in there and if you get a breakage in your pastry just fill it in cuz I've already done that at one point I think my nails still caught [Music] it so you can see if you can see it there just take a little bit of pastry from there fill in the Gap there we go let fill the Gap in there it is now what I'm going to do guys I'm just going to pop this quickly in the fridge while I roll out the lid try and keep it as cold as what I possibly can and then we'll roll out the the the lid right guys so I've rolled out the lid that's just there waiting so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to crack four eggs into here [Music] handful of Shelly I didn't do that very well but at least it was in me hand and not in here [Music] right right aesome some of this is going to be for the filling but it's also going to be for the egg wash around the top as well me N I used to put three in and then another one to do the egg wash but then you always had some left over for the egg wash so what did you do with that egg so this is why I do it so just scramble that up a little bit of salt I need to fill this up not too much salt because you've got the bacon in there but to be honest I did have a little taste of that bacon it's not that salty get some black pepper or you could use the white pepper whatever it is that you want to use nice grind the pepper in there I'm just going to put a dash of cream only because I've got it normally it would just be a little bit of milk [Music] right so that's that bit [Music] done so what I'll do is is I'll get the base out of the fridge and we'll get building the pie right guys so there's the base so what I'm there's the the cooked bacon so I'm just going to put half of this bacon in here just spread it around evenly so every little cut we'll get a bit of bacon a bit of [Music] egg oh and I've got I forgot to tell you use as well I've also got the oven up the temperature at about 180 so I'm just going to pour about half of this in here just let that settle wherever it wants to settle just move it about a little bit now you didn't think that was going to be the only eggs did you in a baconing egg pie absolutely Ely not so now what we do is is we break whole eggs in here be [Music] [Music] gentle this was around one I'd probably only put three of these eggs in but as it's the square one that I'm doing today going to do four see to me this could either be a picnic pie or a breakfast pie I mean come on right the rest of the bacon just gently try not to both burst them yks [Music] and don't forget the the eggs do sofl up a little bit as well quickly wash [Music] up need a little bit more of this don't forget to leave some just so we can put it across the top to glaze my pastry probably be enough in there and the rest like I said this will s lay up so if it looks like it hasn't got enough in then I wouldn't worry too much about it now I've [Music] got silicon brush so all I want to do is go around the [Music] edges just so BL Pierry [Music] stick right then we'll just bring this one over to there just gently press that down then we use a a knife now these bits are coming out a little bit so I'm just going to cut that there there we go you can make cheese straws out of the leftover Pier Nana whenever she used to do a pie she used to make jam tarts with them put these into like a cupcake um mold and put some Jam in the middle and cut and cook them in the oven beautiful absolutely beautiful should never waste a thing it's my absolute he was she was right and then you do just go around crimp it all the way around again my nails probably won't do this just this should have maybe cut them before I started doing this but it is what it is just keep going around like that all the way [Music] [Music] around [Music] I've cut a bit too much off that bit but here ho so there's my pie and I'm going to do a little cross in the middle just let anything any of it steam come out here we go and the rest of this let go across the top you can see the still see the bit of pepper and stuff in there as well so you know even the egg wash is [Music] seasoned so like you see I've got the oven on at about like 175 to 180 I'll check this after about 20 minutes um see how it's all looking and if it needs a bit more time it needs a bit more time it's the thing we're cooking just cook it till it's done if you follow a recipe and it tells you to do it little longer than this amount of time walk away right I think that's a about as much as what I need what I could do is put that in the fridge and let that glaze Harden and then use the rest of that but I haven't really got time so I'm just going to put this in the oven now straight in on the middle shelf set the timer for about was it 30 minutes I said yep and what I'll do is I'll clean up I think what I might do is I might freeze that make some little pies or something or maybe get some jam and do some jam tarts would you like that guys just let us know if you like that then I can do that I've already got the piercer right so just wrap that back up again and then I'm going to have a good clean down get rid of the rubbish I didn't do that very well get rid of the rubbish the eggshells and all of that and then in 30 minutes we'll come back right so I did give a do the half an hour then I turned the um the OV up a little bit because it wasn't Browning and did it for another 10 minutes so that's the pie just coming out there just going to let it rest on here probably about 10 minutes before I take it out of the pan just so it actually settle up itself but it's looking very nice the open and closed up right so I've given that about 10 minutes it's still warm but I don't want it to sweat on the bottom so what I'm going to do is it's cuz it's a loose bottom tin I'm just going to do that and then get my spatula underneath all the way across pick it up put that there for now get rid of that this is not a pie that you eat warm so I'm just going to pop that on there and let that cool right down very very flaky peast Tre as you can see but that's what makes it nice so when we're about to have some to eat I will bring you back hi right it's cooled right down now so I'm just going to get a bit have this corner bit here it's nice crumbly pastry I think I've gone through a bit bacon there it doesn't want to let go there we are look there we go bacon and egg pie okay get a fork have a bit of a taste and I'll will go off and enjoy this so I've got a bit of the the egg I've put in there to BR it up the B excuse me but it's really really nice so what I'm want to do is I want to go off and finish this off thank you very much for watching guys see you in the next one
Channel: The Dinner Lady
Views: 260,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -S5ejGk_j2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 14sec (1574 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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