Das Rezept ist von meiner Großmutter! Ihr ganzes Leben lang hat sie Kartoffeln so gekocht!

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Potatoes 2-3 pcs. Delicious home recipes Hello my dears! Cut into medium-thick slices. I can't stop making these potatoes! My husband wants it every weekend! Delicious quick dinner! Cold water. Rinse the potatoes to remove the starch. I'm glad to see you, dear friend, on my channel! Thank you for watching, liking and subscribing! Dry with a paper towel. Which country are you watching my videos from? I'm interested! ) Please write in the comments! Garlic 3 cloves. Vegetable fat. Bay leaves. Fry for about three minutes to infuse the oil with flavor. Remove from oil. Fry the potatoes over medium heat for 10-13 minutes until golden brown. Stir occasionally. Eggs 4 pcs. Chives. Dill. 1 tomato. Add salt. sour cream 200 gr salt. Place on low heat. Cover with a lid and let cook for about 15 minutes. Turn it over. Leave the lid open and cook for another 5-7 minutes. A little green! Ready! Oh, what a scent! Simple and delicious! Friends, everything was baked perfectly, bon appetit to you and your family! ) See you in the new video, dear friend!
Channel: Köstliche Hausrezepte
Views: 387,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ofenkartoffeln mit soße, ofenkartoffeln, kartoffeln, ofenkartoffeln rezept, rezepte, kartoffel rezepte, kartoffel, leckere rezepte, kartoffeln mit soße, kartoffeln rezept, gekochte kartoffeln mit soße, köstliches rezept, kartoffel wie man kocht, schnelle rezepte, einfache rezepte, gesunde rezepte, rezepte schnell und einfach, einfaches rezept, wie man kocht, schnelles rezept, leckere und einfache rezepte, rezept in 10 minuten, leckeres rezept, köstliche hausrezepte, yt:cc=on
Id: _mjw0C6jOTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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