4 Kingdoms At War But I Change The Biome Every 20 Years! - Worldbox

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welcome to world box today we're gonna have the four kingdoms fight on a map where the biome changes every 10 years we're starting out on the grass biome keeping it pretty standard keeping it pretty easy nothing too crazy but then every 10 years we will be spinning a wheel to see which biome comes up next i put all 12 biomes i did not put tundra or wasteland or just desert because those ones are a lot more complicated to place and if i was to cover the map with acid to turn it into wasteland that would just kill everyone so we only did the ones that we can place with seeds so just if you're wondering why i did that part of me wants to do all of one race we're gonna we're gonna do one of each okay let's start this thing so the orcs are super op so we're gonna give them a little less population as everyone else which i hate having to do but that's what they make me do you know so let's give them eight let's give everyone else like 12. let's give the elves 13 because they're superbly weak now um de poez de poez clan gill sour stones am hedge jump huh hegemony hegemony bruh all right we're just going to call them by their races i ain't reading these every time okay so what year is it 36. [Music] okay we'll start out year 40 because uh because i want to get this show on the road times five speed heck yeah let's go look at them they're all cozy oh look at this nice little green pasture we get to live in i'm so happy here i love it what's that the entire world is about to change to a jungle that's not bad you guys will be all right ooh man if they got candy that would be really bad okay jungle so this this whole thing might help the elves more than anyone because a lot of the biomes a lot of the tougher biomes have pretty intense wildlife you know like the rhinos in the savannah and all that but since the elves are neutral to most wildlife they're gonna be safe in most biomes now ones like the candy biome or crystal biome they won't be but you know this biome will be pretty safe for everyone it's just monkeys who cares you know but if the savannah biome comes up for them that'll be kind of an advantage for them but a disadvantage to everyone else also if if we get corrupted by them i put it in if we get corrupted by them i don't know what the heck's gonna happen we make the entire map corrupted biome can they even survive 10 years in the corrupted biome i really don't know also i realized i probably should pause the game while i'm placing the new biome so it's already year 46 oopsy doopsy my bad so far everyone's pretty even elves are in the lead but we knew that they would do that we just also know that they got nerfed like their base damage got cut in half i think so they're super weak in a fight now so population shmopulation it's not going to do with them any good humans up at 40 though dwarves already starting to fall behind 32 works at 33. so i think our biggest contenders here are gonna be orcs and humans let's go ahead and change the colors here we have like too many kingdoms that are like the same color you guys gonna be orange and you guys have to be green because you're elves don't you know that's the rule you guys can be something saucy let's make you yellow there you go okay so it's year 50 let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and just wait till 60 to get the next biome to get ourselves back on track jungle's a pretty neutral biome not a big problem there okay we see an army's form the orcs are in the lowest population it'd be good if they take a little while to start up because if they get started up too quickly they're just going to kill everyone okay you're 60. let's do it the world will now change from jungle to savannah all right i'm interested to see what happens with this here we go okay let's see alright so as we know we're gonna get a bunch of rhinos in here pretty soon that will be a problem for everyone except for the elves because they just love rhinos so much or rather the rhinos love them i guess i don't know i don't know i didn't ask dwarves 67 59. i feel like i just saw this yeah their population is kind of struggling a little bit maybe probably just old age the usual okay 66 you know let's do it every 15 years i think no 10 years is fine i don't know it's 10 feels too often honestly or does it i don't know let's see how 15 feels maybe we'll do 20. i realize 10 goes really fast you know what they say time flies when you're having fun you know what i mean it's also funny that the elves dipped into last place during savannah biome you think this would be their time to shine everyone else has to deal with rhinos but they don't what you guys doing humans about to break a hundred there we go nice work probably followed soon by who's gonna do it first 98.98 100 all right nice work all right the orcs are starting to look like they're figuring it out you know so it's all coming together okay yeah let's do every 20 years here we go here comes your 20. boom what else we got here savannah now becomes ooh crystal will be cool lemon all right i'll take it how do you like them lemons this has got to be so confusing for them you know especially considering 20 years is a really long time when you're living it at a normal speed so you know you get used to things being a certain way and then on the dot after 20 years literally your entire world changes and suddenly there's giant lemons everywhere i wouldn't be mad though if it happened to me you know everyone could use a little change of scenery every once in a while sometimes i get bored so this one should be pretty uh fair to everyone there's nothing really dangerous about this biome it's just the lemon people are cool i think why do i feel like the orcs and the lemon people wouldn't get along maybe they don't we'll find out i guess i do hope that 20 years is long enough for us to actually get spawns where my lemon boys at um lemon boys you out there oh we got a war going on humans just declared war on elves you know i'm just gonna i'm just gonna change their names it's kind of boring i get that but let's just change their names to what they are okay so the elves are at war with humans humans are at war with the dwarves and the elves dwarves are warm with the humans and the orcs are at peace with everyone huh what kind of backwards world is this looks like the lemon juice is making everyone go mad oh my dang oh what the they all just ate a bunch of lemons did you see that little lemon icon i don't know what that was okay so the elves are doing some damage down here to the lower human village the humans are kind of in a bad situation for being at war with two people at the same time oh no not the windmill dang okay well i like i said earlier i thought the humans had a good chance of winning this thing but it's not looking super good now their population's fine but yeah they're getting attacked from both sides works has declared war on the dwarves where the lemon people find a lemon person [Music] i know you just got here but could you help out in the war a little bit also do you think lemons drink lemonade actually that's gross don't think about that okay the humans are like gonna lose this is it for them just like that dang okay in seven more years we changed biomes i do actually want to see corrupted biome no joke oh no the dwarves the orcs out here destroying them dang i would not want to be at war with the orcs they are scary uh oh okay the dwarves are heading back home oh the one general save the town you got this bro you don't got this bro i'm sorry okay so the dwarves are gone one more year until we change biome we got 225 to about 150. that's interesting because elves are way ahead in population but they're so weak compared to the orcs and damage so something tells me that orcs could still win this one but let's go ahead and get ourselves a new biome corrupted corrupted corrupted if we get one we've already gotten we'll re-roll as well now let's reroll for grass or savannah let's actually remove them let's remove all the ones we've done we're here to see new stuff boom okay here we go for real just something interesting mushroom guys for the sake of the video i know i don't like to interfere too much but let's not do mushroom okay that's lame all the other ones we have left are super interesting mushroom doesn't do anything so let's skip that crystal or crystal okay let's remove it for next time crystal biome okay so this is bad for both of them well i don't know about bad i think yeah no i think bad right it's only the dwarves that are neutral with the crystal giants and crystal swords right and neither of them really benefit more than the other by having increased like mining spawns so it all kind of works out so i don't know how this will affect them i just know that the uh local resource the crystal salts has a chance of giving you madness so hopefully they don't gobble down too much of that crystal salt you know don't do drugs kids okay so the dwarves are officially destroyed i thought they already were but now it's official we got 260 and 160 and i think they're at peace right now yeah they're at peace so for now they're at peace but in like 13 years i'll be changing biomes and we're running out of other biomes we've got swamp whatever corrupted enchanted would be interesting arcane sands nothing too crazy there but it is new candy biome would be pretty crazy to watch and then infernal biome as well there there's there are three really dangerous biomes and three kind of like either neutral or positive biomes so 50 50 out here so 300 180. they are far enough ahead where they could technically do this you know they could win this one it's not impossible just they're just living their lives can we find there's still a lemon guy in here he's like what is going on where is my home i kind of feel bad for him huh there's actually a couple of them look at that it's funny okay three more years i do believe the crystal people are not friendly right i know i've seen them attack humans before i just assume that they attack i know that they most likely attack orcs as well but i'm just kind of like oh there we go there's orc fighting one but i want to see the elves fight them oh it's time to change okay here we go what are we gonna get corrupted oh my oh my all right i don't even know what's gonna happen right now i've never done an entirely corrupted map before so because we're only doing it for 20 years they might be able to survive those 20 years without having a skeleton you know plague happen but it's really up to how it goes down because 20 years definitely some people will die of old age and turn into skeletons and ghosts and also maybe someone will declare war on the other during that time it would be very wise for both of them to stay at peace until year 150 when we change again because a war would pretty much mean the end of both of them i think yikes this is going to be scary to watch okay so we got we got crystal people still out here and where's our lemon boys at okay so how long did it be incorrupted to get cursed okay it's happening can you not get cursed if you're wise or something everyone in here is wise what's up with that okay we go there's cursed uh still no war good for them we got 10 more years of this i don't see any anything too crazy i don't see any skeleton battles going i see a little bit over here but as long as it's only a few at a time everyone will be fine it's when they start to grow in numbers it's really hard to stop it okay we got 435 and 300 orcs are still pretty far behind orcs are still pretty far behind but the elves are not as ahead as they need to be they honestly should have declared war when it was like 150 to 250 when or elves almost had double the population but now they're only up by like 100. okay four more years hang in there boys the thing oh i just realized something too even when we change the biome everyone will still be cursed so they're not even safe after that everyone will still have to eventually turn into a skeleton or a ghost anyway so it ain't even over after that so one more year and then at least people will stop getting cursed that'll be interesting okay here we go i'd be down for any of these i think candy would be the most interesting to see arcane sands arcane sand alrighty then it's okay guys the nightmare is over you're no longer in a land of evil now you're in the desert full of snakes actually that's true there are snakes in this biome and elves are neutral to snakes so that'll be an advantage for them i don't care who wins obviously i'm very curious but i do feel like it's kind of it could go either way at this point it actually could because elves seem like they're way up but we've seen how the orcs can just annihilate people okay you see the skeleton still popping up here and there i know i left a couple little is biome overgrowth not on it's on go away go away go away listen here punk i'm the boss around here there you go okay the map is filling in they're still at peace the elves keep moving their way up here and take over this area they might be able to just box the orcs in because they're kind of spreading look at this they're like wrapping around the edge of the orcs here so if they could just keep the orcs from expanding at all they might have a chance because oh they're up by 200 population now looks like it's already happening the orcs population is going up really slow and the elves is also going up very slow for some reason but we know that they're capable of great things and that's what matters i don't think arcane sands is really going to affect anyone at all it looks like nothing's changed it's a pretty neutral biome there's like desert berries that can poison you or whatever but just don't eat them it's that simple oh we got war but i also know that we're up it's 170. all right what buy are we gonna have for the war swamp boo imagine candy biome okay swamp fine as far as i know swamp doesn't really do much now i think when you're in the swamp you're a little bit slower but that really doesn't matter if everyone's in the swamp so no harm there i don't like how it looks so much like corrupted i keep confusing it for corrupted it's more like black and crepits more purple but whenever i see swamp i'm always like oh that's corrupted as i am not remembering that this is what swamp looks like now doesn't help that the trees are purple continuing on we've got what like six armies on the elves side moving in to attack and then we've got orcs coming up top here this is where we're really gonna see who's better at fighting because the elves have way more armies but the orcs armies are way stronger so is the power in numbers or in strength let's find out uh so far the orcs are up actually everyone is is going at it how are we doing here 650 340 you know what the elves could take this one they got all these orc armies back here though but they've just got so much oh no they don't their armies are like dead well that work armies too i guess dang okay well looks like it's not going to be that easy huh there they go the orcs not only do more damage now but they still have regeneration so they heal when they're not fighting and then the elves got a huge damage nerf so what is going on here deck like i had a shield can they get shields on their own now oh wait that's part of the swamp isn't it that's like the swamp resource you can get the shield right didn't i read that that's the only explanation that makes sense i think i read that 400 to 500 dang the orcs are doing it they're turning it around elves population is going down so much but the orcs is actually still going up even in the middle of the war because they're just not losing very many soldiers in the actual war yikes dude okay three more years and we get a new biome i don't think there's anything that we could get to turn this around for the elves but at least like candy by them would make it more interesting actually infernal as well which i believe well all three of those would make it pretty interesting so it's 190. let's see something to make things a little more interesting candy biome okay we got the killer gingerbread men and gummy bears [Music] all right this is gonna be sweet okay so elves are down in population and i don't know if we'll even go long enough to change the biome again we'll see if they last 20 years of this but the orcs are pretty determined to kill them all we'll see if we get any gingerbread men involved the elves are attacking over here they got like what five people i feel like you guys are better off defending you think we got like four little squads down here and then we got one up here oh it looks like they're backing up for now yeah i don't know about this one boys those poor poor elves they got nerfed so hard they lost with like a 300 population lead and not even like they put up a good fight either the the orcs just like are wiping them out and not even like caring it's like no sweat so sad i don't know why they nerfed the elves and buff the orcs honestly i liked them better how they used to be that's my one complaint for this update don't get me wrong i love the candy biome i like all the other new stuff but why would you nerf my boys and then buff the ones that nobody likes you know why would you do that they were already kind of opie but hey the elves are gone wait what the heck they made peace and they're hanging out on this island back here is this the good ending is this where we let it be do we let them exist in harmony i mean in three more years we get a new biome oh they got two yeah there's there's just there's just no way they're gonna win so what's the point but we're gonna let them play it out maybe they have a plan okay we've got two more biomes left to go looks like we're getting infernal and then if they survive another 20 years we'll be getting enchanted how about if they survive infernal and enchanted like if they survive 40 more years we'll just give it to them we'll say hey they survived against the orcs orcs obviously still win but we won't you know we'll let them live if they survive through the entire game cycle they should get an award for that all right here we go infernal and i wonder if there's still lemon people around that would be pretty funny huh there we go and get some spicy trees up in here boom maybe some uh yeah there we go continuing on so if they can make it to year 250 we'll let them live there's little patches of candy still let's see if we can find any creatures from previous biomes that are still around oh we got crystal people out here on this island what that was like six biomes ago yeah they might be the only ones though i think everyone on the actual mainland got killed during the the war so sad so needless okay 10 more years until enchanted oh we got a lemon guy out here look at that hanging out with the crocodile two lemon guys lalay and lily very creative names very creative names and we got crab island out here it's always a crab island okay still no war elves 120 works 775. uh i think we know what's gonna happen here four more years though we get enchanted it's just a matter of whether or not the orcs want them to live you know because the orcs have they can just wipe them out in the blink of an eye but will they have mercy on them for the next 22 years we'll see i'm sure the elves hope so okay let's do it okay enchanted so enchanted gives everyone the best trait which just gives them more health so that's cool i think it does something else too i think at least more health it just makes them stronger in general and uh yeah i think the fairies are neutral to everyone at least they're neutral to the elves of course so maybe it's an advantage for them the final 20 years can they survive the final 20 years without going to war if they can we'll let them live crystal boys still out here you go dude hang in there inferno like didn't do anything to anyone 20 years does go pretty quick but i like how quick it is i don't think we even got any fiery spawns oh war orcs declared war on the elves can they live for 13 years 12 years something tells me no but then again oh yeah no way dude they're done for look at this oh no maybe they'll declare peace again at the last second maybe they'll leave this island down here alone not the windmill please don't break the windmill i love the windmill so much no not the windmill is that it i haven't seen the official word yet are they still yeah they're still out there somewhere they got a boat or something what could possibly be left this fishing boat very cool hey look can this fishing boat make it three more years [Music] two more years oh no he can't he exploded [Music] you know just like fishing boats tend to do and orcs just pass a thousand population just to rub it in our faces and how op they are and look 250 there it is that kind of worked out perfectly honestly we got to use every single biome pretty much up to the very last year and i mean i guess we should have known the orcs would win but you know we gave them a little disadvantage at first i gave them the most like kind of crowded starting spot to slow them down too and even that wasn't enough so oh well hey that was fun i enjoyed that i was thinking we could do variations of this we could do this same thing again but with all of the same race maybe and maybe give out traits to each kingdom let me know your ideas below i always get a couple good ideas in every comment section that i always will screenshot or whatever keep that coming i really appreciate that so thanks for watching subscribe if you haven't if you want to give the video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Gorg
Views: 318,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox new update, worldbox 0.14, worldbox lemon biome, worldbox candy biome, worldbox crystal biome, arcane desert, worldbox huge, worldbox new biomes, worldbox army update, world box, worlds box, gorg worldbox, mellon worldbox, worldbox traits, worldbox battle royale, tabs, simulation, god simulator, sandbox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 17 2022
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