I Made A Tower Defense Game In WorldBox Again!

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welcome back my name is gorg and today we're doing tower defense again [Music] but this time better hopefully we'll see for context last week i made a video where i made a tower defense game in world box um through the use of the golden brains and how the zombies pretty much walk straight towards them no matter what first things first here is where the zombies are going to try to get to we're going to go one two oops oh no it's not lined up right three four okay you're thinking what what the heck are you doing gorgeous you've lost your mind well i don't know if this will make that much of a difference but i'm thinking that this might be a slightly better way to do the lives say only one zombie makes it through they'll go to whichever brain they want to go to and then they'll eat that one brain and so we'll lose one life whereas before we had all the brains in one spot so they would just go and eat all the brains at once so there really wasn't a life function okay like i said you can put the zombies wherever you want and they will always go towards the golden brains no matter where they are so we can basically control their path so that is exactly what we're gonna do here we're gonna make a slightly larger path than before but only slightly because all that really does is increase how long each wave will take so that's gonna be it longer than last time but it's not insane either also we did too big of a map here but that's okay now we will set up the basic layout of the enemy waves we can always do more after that if we want but let's at least plan the first ten waves and the tenth one being a boss wave yet again go like that that way they path a little bit sooner okay there's our course so as we did last time we will set up the towers first so we'll put one on the corner try to keep them very tower defensive let's actually go by four give them a little space to walk around okay we got 12 total this time so last time what we did was we kind of set all of our options aside which i think we're going to do again today so we have 12 towers we can build this time and then let's do the reinforcements too these are going to be things you can use once for a wave and that's it now let's make one really big thing we can do so let's figure these out we will be dragging these over as we need them for anyone that didn't watch my last video let me give you an example of what a wave will look like so a wave for example would be like 20 chickens you know the next wave up will be some wolves and some cats you know a little bit harder of a wave than before and then we'll go up until the last wave will be like rhinos and dragons and buffaloes and stuff that'll be that this looks good i feel like we're we're up in our game from last time let's do humans again okay so items um bows that was something we struggled with last time is we made it so that you can spend action points to upgrade but since the stabs are so much more powerful than the bows it kind of became unfair a better way to do it would just be to start the bows at iron now start them at silver so we put four bows two ice staffs three druids three necromancers because what we learned is that the istaf is very strong it does the most damage and it freezes so this is the most powerful therefore we only get two of them those are the least powerful therefore we get four of them and these are kind of middle ground so we get three of each although the necromancer staff is pretty strong it's just that i don't know it's attack speed slow or something okay let's make some ground soldiers so for these guys they're going to be pretty weak let's give them iron so they got some longevity to them so we can bring these guys in however we want as many as a at a time as we want but we have to delete them at the end of the wave so if we spawn in three of them drop them in the middle here and then they wipe everyone out super easy doesn't matter that they survived we gotta delete them on this one let's do a little bit more of an elite squad here let's actually just do three of each for these ones these are gonna be our big boys let's make three swords with adamantine armor there you go and then maybe three bows with adam and teen armor there you go one time use good for you guys and then something big we can do i'm thinking man again i wish we could i wish we could control this a little bit better i want to say we can use bombs how much does this do a decent amount so let's give ourselves some bombs then and we will just mark them by this so we'll say one two three four five so those are how many times we can use grenades so the rules we had last time was we had two actions but upgrading costed a half action so i guess maybe a better way to say is we have four actions but spawning someone costs two upgrading costs one maybe that's how we'll say it so for the first wave let's get a ice staff out here immediately in a good spot let's go here and then someone that does good damage let's get uh druid here now let's put a druid here i think that his range goes far enough to where he can shoot over here so just so everyone gets the idea of where this is gonna how this is gonna go wave one it always takes them a moment to realize ooh there's golden brains and then once they figure it out they all start going bump up the speed of teensy bit here all right i don't even care if they do figure it out they're way too slow for this this will be plenty easy yeah that's a lot of damage nice why are you not shooting that guy huh oh he's short-sighted oh no oozy lil uzi okay easy win so next wave let's bump it up a little bit because i think i might have underestimated it let's put some more monkeys um not so much that it's going to be too easy but that i don't know maybe it will be oh we'll find out let's get a bow because they've got really nice range let's put him here and let's get the other eye staff so that he could start leveling up are you good there bro okay good it looks like you're standing outside you can't do that get back in there there we go okay all right wave two here we go fast wave okay okay so he's got barely enough range so a little bit of damage ahead of time that's nice i know i just added to this wave but now i'm worried that it's gonna be too hard no they'll be fine they're spread out enough maybe come on take them down okay appropriately difficultied because that was just about right the weird delay on them starting to fire though like this guy let them get to like right here before he started shooting so i thought maybe he wasn't in range but then after he started shooting he just kept going so they were like in his range the whole time he just didn't really feel like it i guess okay let's go ahead and get this one open this wave looks significantly easier than the last one even though i just added monkeys to it so let's just add a few more let's actually adjust the rest of the waves for it because since our map is longer than last time these waves probably would have been good for last time but since uh the course is like twice as long we got to make the waves like twice as hard that looks good just add a couple bears to all the waves huh all right that should be good i'd rather it be too hard than too easy honestly i like me a challenge okay let's get a necromancer on the board here and let's upgrade our staff here by two that is all of our actions proceed okay they're about medium speed they're not fast or slow and there's a lot of them boys it's gonna be tricky yeah the necromancers are good but they're not that good they fire kind of slow and i i find that they miss pretty often here we go nice uh oh clear them out the druid honestly is really strong too it's the fact that it shoots two at once that i think is kind of underrated it's the area effect oh wait what the heck he got turned into a zombie can we cure him nope that killed him okay that was our ice staff interesting okay well that shouldn't happen but i knew that it could happen because it's happened in the past but for whatever reason it never happened last time so next wave is a bunch of hyenas and some monkeys and foxes let's move another bow guy in let's put this guy on this corner it's a good placement uh we have both ice staffs let's do one more bow guy maybe early on right there bring it really fast wave yeah i think it was a good call putting the bow guys at silver bows because they were pretty much useless with the regular bows it's tough but it's not impossible oh close one wow okay let's bring one more druid out put him here early on so he gets that area damage this wave shouldn't be too bad so let's put a couple more rats in there okay we got two more actions left let's upgrade this guy on the corner by one and then this drew it by one as well boom let's go okay the alligators are pretty slow so we got the hyenas or whatever coming down rats kind of paving the way and then the alligator invasion they've got 250 or just 200 health they're so slow it really is speed that works well against this setup like there's no way they're gonna make it all the way through because all my towers have so much time to shoot them which is why the bears and the rhinos did so well last time because they're really fast and they have a lot of health so this wave might actually be tough although i don't remember how fast the bunnies are but we'll find out okay let's put a bow guy here and let's upgrade this ice staff by two i think because i like his placement there we go keeps panicking me because they keep seeing them take damage but i think it's just oh it's hunger my bad i forgot to turn that off so sorry let's heal everyone i did not mean it i forgot to feed you i'm so sorry here we go it's the bunnies okay they're pretty fast penguins are on the slow side but we'll see it's a lot of bunnies he got infected you see that he was twitching it's where that keeps happening i didn't expect it to keep happening otherwise i would have done this earlier but let's just put immune on everyone okay they did not get very far i thought that was gonna be a challenge but it was not we have not used any of these yet because we really haven't needed to part of me wants to add to these waves more but they look they look frightening i think that we might be in a good place here let's add some more wolves that should be too much for us but like i said i'd rather be a challenge than be too easy so let's put necromancer down here on the corner and i want to upgrade people but i kind of want to get them all out first we got our last necromancer here and then we gotta upgrade okay next wave wave number seven we got frogs bears a lot of bears okay this might be too hard this is a crazy wave this will be the ultimate challenge i'm actually going to bring in some of our guys here let's bring in three spear dudes put them on let's put them here oh man look at that they're they're crazy fight for your lives delay them as long as you can for the druid to do some work there we go slowing a bunch of them down nice the bears are so fast and they have oh 150 i thought they had 200. come on don't let him get past you last line of defense there his first kill so it's definitely getting tougher all right last person on the board goes down here kind of weak placement but not terrible and then let's upgrade this guy twice one two because this is great that last wave scared me i i i'm worried these next ones are going to be too hard but let's see how they handle it we got a super fast wave yeah this is this is tough okay just take all the wolves out luckily the rhinos are medium speed so they're going to be taken care of but the buffaloes are fast and they have 200 so they're actually more they're actually more difficult than bears then because they're faster and they have more health good work yeah see this trio right here is really good okay we have four actions just for upgrades let's actually look at our kill counts here we got 32 44 23 101. i underestimated him it doesn't even seem like that good a placement let's let's level him up by one at least two kills 31 kills three kills let's put you up by one this guy's got a really good spot let's put him up by one more max him out let's put this guy up by one max him out let's put two guys on the board for this one we might need more honestly but i want to save as much as we can for the next wave because that's going to be crazy this is going to be crazy but there's a chance we could do they didn't do anything there's a wolf inside not okay let's bring in all of them let's put some of them here some of them here so we have all of our heroes all six of them for the last wave so those guys are wiped out these guys are running the wrong direction at least this one is stop that i know what you're planning to do you're planning to destroy the brains and that would technically save us all but that's not what we're here to do okay our people are all wiped out except for this one gone these guys are all getting trapped down here come on oh no it's happening we're losing okay we gotta put in some heroes let's bring in one of these so this guy's gone they all got kind of distracted for a second dang all right we lost three lives on that one rest in peace okay well that lowers any amount of confidence i had for this next wave because this is like that wave but twice as big so but hey we got five people to put on the board and we have four upgrades to spend so let's go let's make sure our druids are maxed out because that's that area damaged one too is really good bump you up by one two honestly i might have to do that that guy's maxed out yeah both of our oh wait that one's not let's lower u by one so we can boost this guy by one we gotta be really strategic about this because a lot of the times the best thing that these troops do is just confuse them for a good five or so seconds because even after they kill them that kind of takes them a second to remember what they were doing originally that might be good for us actually put this guy here i don't know i'm worried we're just gonna get wiped out i think i'm gonna hold off on the dragon for now because i don't think they can beat this here we go holy smokes guys just four upgrades since last wave is not going to be enough to change much okay there we go there we go there we go stop them for as long as you can that's all of our troops there let's slow this one down to normal speed if we can get the whole experience in real time it's this blob of bears and buffaloes and then if they even do take that out they have all these sheep and rhinos okay clear out the wolves so that you can fight the real targets if they can defeat this they might have time to work their way through all this but i don't know if they can do this yeah i don't think so we don't have anything oh we have our grenades we have five grenades to use i almost forgot okay can we use them without blowing up our own people boom that's two oh no it didn't kill them it just launched them okay that's technically three four i mean it still killed them in the sense that they're not gonna get very far okay last grenade there we go okay we did it it was a good tactic to save those but i actually did that on accident i totally forgot that we gave ourselves grenades okay we win good news that means we get to do a uh crazy wave just to test to see how far we can take this it's funny because it doesn't look like that many but it's because it's so spread out but once we get going and they start funneling into one row gonna be crazy okay so are you maxed out one two he is now let's upgrade this guy one let's upgrade this guy he's got a good placement let's go up by that all right that'll do it here we go we'll do one time speed again we got our one life left no bombs oh no the dragons are coming in first uh oh kill the dragon kill the dragon come on if we can kill them off before they kill any of our towers okay there's one down no just kidding wiped out our ice staff kill him oh no okay one's dead oh no wait wait wait wait wait put a new one over here i guess and we'll bomb the crap out of this guy to kill him okay we lost our archer we just upgraded our white staff and then i think a necromancer yeah our other necromancer or no was that an archer either way he's dead you know the wave's big but it's spaced out to where we might be able to just kill it a little bit at a time but we're missing some of our biggest damage dealers in some key locations so i'm not so sure come on boys let's see what you got yeah the necromancer he does good damage but look he missed four times in a row yeah we lose for sure there's no way they actually cleaned out almost everyone else though so good good job to them okay here's what we're gonna do next this is kind of like the bonus we're just having a good time uh step here we're gonna double up in each tower there we go our biggest wave yet we got one life left i said we've got one life left here they come uh oh big boy oh no we should not have done another dragon what was i thinking uh the dragon's way too strong it's funny the first time we played it really was not that strong get rid of it dang we just lost four of our guys right away like that okay well whatever that uh maybe we won't need them we're gonna need them we're gonna need them so bad look at this fight fight fight give it everything you've got look at them taking them out over here though such a strong corner here we might be fine yeah we'll be fine although we have two empty spots down here so we got to kill him before then dang well done i think we did it so i think that the druid towers druid people are stronger than the ice staff the white staff because last time i was thinking white staff's the strongest because it does do the most damage typically speaking but the druid staff does like multiple hits at once whereas the white staff is a single hit it does have a chance of freezing so that that's an added bonus but the druid staff also untangles them which is pretty much freezing them so droid staff i think is the best out of these i think the best staff as far as damage goes is the doom staff but you know that's that thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed this i do like the idea of doubling up on towers it kind of makes it so we can handle a higher difficulty i will go ahead and post um this map on steam workshop right now i very roughly outlined the rules in the description of how to play just for anyone that didn't watch the video although i did add a bunch of enemies to this um for the video so this will need to be increased uh on your own so i probably should do that first honestly but oh well i'll leave it up to your own judgment um anyway thanks for watching guys really appreciate you for being here and hope you enjoyed tower defense part two and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Gorg
Views: 353,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox tower defense, tower defense, worldbox, worldbox game, world box, simulation, worldbox war, i made worldbox, tabs, new game
Id: 2Uljv__F_vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 16 2022
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