45 Islands With Modded Biomes Fight To The Death! - WorldBox Battle Royale

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hello and welcome back i know i don't even need to say it do i you already know what this means it's time for another islands video although only three rows huh yes yes only three rows so what we're gonna do today is try out actually no we're not i've been getting hella error codes with my mods lately so i actually disabled diversity qrikes i was getting lots of goblin related crashes and now i keep getting issues with the textures for this mod so we're gonna hope that it doesn't blow up we're gonna do the three default races the orcs are getting left out today because they're just too freaking strong and they run these sorts of videos because no matter what happens they win and that's lame so we're gonna do humans elves dwarves in the rows and then we're gonna put a different biome in each row across so we have 22 or so uh biomes in here from this mod some of them are kind of repetitive like these three actually these four are all kind of useless they're basically just desert and savannah and i don't know something else so we'll pick the 15 most interesting biomes for the 15 rows and then we'll let them all go and see who wins i got a lot of money on the box biome i think they've got this in the box okay let's do this thing give me a minute to set this up because this is going to take me forever [Music] okay i've done it i just added stone to everyone so everyone's got stuff to make boats okay so i'll show you what we've got here make sure everyone's got trees trees for everyone although if you live here you just get giant pieces of grass okay so like i said elves first row i put them on the edge because they're the weakest uh humans and then dwarves we've got grass as our baseline we got cemetery maple mystic grove redwoods wisteria we got boxes or the amazon biome we got tropical other world how did you guys still not have that many trees there you go we got jurassic we got flower i'm really curious to see if they actually can get wood from these flowers because i know that doesn't make any sense we get dark they're going to die instantly i'll bet you anything big grass also curious if these giant pieces of grass count as wood we'll find out ominous ominous woods they're gonna die instantly as well and zelkova now i have peaceful monsters on and animal spawns off we're gonna give them like i don't know 10 15 years to get started because i want them to have a chance in these like more dangerous biomes there's like a red demon guy that spawns in this biome that does like a billion damage and has like a zillion health they might just die instantly no matter what but we're gonna give him we're gonna give him some time before they die you know we're gonna let them live some of their life make some friends and then we'll unleash the demons on them couple other ones that are pretty dangerous cemetery pretty dangerous but i don't think it's unlivable i think it's doable um ones like maple are pretty neutral mystic i think is pretty neutral same with redwoods wisteria maybe boxes maybe i don't think there's any natural like animal spawns in there that i've seen at least tropicals pretty tame other world can be a little dangerous i think drastic they think they're going to die instantly i think the dinosaurs are pretty strong flower i have no idea dark yet they're gonna die instantly and zelkov i think is pretty neutral so we'll give them until maybe year 300 we'll give them 20 more years that's too much time maybe we'll give them until year 2 90. how about that so 10 more years you know what the maple humans canadians there we go anything else i want to change box humans i can name them amazon prime but i'm going to not make it too confusing here also i like the name dark elves it's pretty cool we got dark elves in here but that doesn't mean they're gonna be really good they're just elves that are in the dark and don't even get me started on these big grass dwarves okay three more years luckily cemetery has their graves made already and they mowed through the trees on this one and this one but the dwarves are like what are we supposed to do with these trees do they already mine all the stone too well they'd like chop the cemetery what the heck i think they used all their stone already too everyone might have they've got one stone all right i might place more stone for everyone then if they're already running out everyone gets stoned it's actually really interesting because pretty much across the board the elves and humans have gone through their trees pretty quick but the dwarves are like almost all of their islands are still like except for this one have so many trees left even though everyone over here has like cleaned them out so let's go ahead and do one last free refresh i have them on auto grow or whatever um but let's just give it a nice fair start and let's get this show on the road for real now peaceful monsters off pause turn the speed down a little bit so this doesn't happen too fast okay trouble oh whoa why did they all declare war because of that animal spawns and suddenly they want to declare war dude like everyone just declared war on everyone okay things are gonna get interesting here i don't think anyone has any transport boats just fishing boats so that doesn't mean anything okay let's check on dark elves because they're already situated and because the animals only spawn one at a time there is a chance they could hold on for a little while but there is that red demon that spawns here that like i said is just unkillable almost so i mean maybe they'll be able to take them down if they just all jump on them i'm glad to see they did not get eliminated immediately that's nice it looks like big grass looks like these do count as trees and then same for flower they're definitely getting wood from the flowers or they're just making their homes out of flowers which is cool i guess yeah okay everyone's pretty even so far around 38 i think that's kind of the max population for their current culture levels before they either advance or take over someone else so once we get some transport boats out here things should get pretty interesting other world elves just declared war on big grass elves you guys up here declared war on them down here any particular reason you want a piece of that grass whoa ladybug tough ladybug yo snail slow snail that's awesome oh the elves are gonna have a little advantage with that huh i think they've been killing the spawns over here yeah so elves are gonna have an advantage in some of these although they're not neutral with everyone right because some of them are just aggressive like the demon isn't gonna be like oh yo you guys are elves we're chill right i guess we'll find out wonder if they're neutral with the dinosaurs that'd be a huge advantage to have dinosaurs helping you defend your land okay let's see who's first oh what the oh they're getting attacked by something the spawns are starting to take them see that they had like two buildings get destroyed what is that oh they can't kill it they don't have bows yet there's a bat about to take over the whole village oh they got a flying brain thing over here cemetery like i thought was gonna be a difficult one to live in this is not the reason i expected we'll see okay i want to see someone invade someone let's get this show on the road shall we give the people what they want we actually can crank the speed up a little bit since since it's all going down yeah look at that they're neutral with the elves 1500 health 83 damage that is gonna be huge i mean maybe that's just a neutral dinosaur but i don't think it is the dwarves you can tell have been getting attacked by dinosaurs because oh look at that how much houses yeah 1200 53 damage now that will definitely slow down your uh population even if you have 20 people fighting him at once they will kill it oh poor guy he's just running for his life he was born onto an island full of people who hated him too relatable okay what's going on here it looks like he's being whacked by the windmill i mean they're actually surviving because dark was the one i really wanted to see long-term progress on but yeah if they keep just whacking the monsters into the water then they might be okay for a while oh ominous humans they're getting killed by banes he's not even that strong guys oh he flies he's like so low to the ground but i guess they can't attack him well they lose look at all these people declaring peace after never actually attacking each other they like declared war from across the ocean and they were like you know what we forgive you bro you've never even met them you never even seen them i don't even know how you know that they're even there okay our first kingdom is done ominous woods humans surprisingly the elves and dwarves of the same biome are actually doing fine it's only a matter of time probably but we'll see somehow the cemetery people are still hanging in there even though this brain is just i mean not doing a lot he was attacking the same thing earlier eventually they'll get bows right yeah they'll be all right cemetery just took a little dip in population all right i need to see you guys get some boats all right how are box people doing good look at them chopping down the boxes i love it such a random idea for a biome all the other ones are like pretty reasonable where it's like trees and rocks and stuff and then it's like box but hey you know what i i dig it oh what the cemetery elves gone what the bonds 370 154 kingslayer dang okay well knowing that that guy can spawn does not bode well for these guys let me tell you that especially because he looks like he flies yep okay imagine how lame it would be if grass wins ominous dwarves are down to 16 population oh they got this little flying reaper dude dang bummer you guys really got to get bows you really gotta expand okay we gotta upgrade a dock here another one here oh we got transport boats it's happening it's only a matter of time let's go ahead and go sonic speed for a little while because i think that this is gonna take a while they're just constantly declaring war and then making peace just over and over again oh ominous dwarves are gone a little reaper guy killed him off the dinosaurs i guess they're able to like live in not in harmony they're sending them off and drowning them in the ocean and beating them to death but like they're surviving okay we got 39 they finally advanced to be able to increase their population past 38 congratulations 41 it's happening why are dark humans like in the lead almost couple 40s 47 bro why are the dark humans doing so well honestly i thought dark would be the hardest one to live in but they're like making it work i don't think i've seen the red demon guys spawn yet but i haven't been paying that close attention okay oh ominous is officially gone the whole row i guess that was the toughest one to live in i think it has mostly flying enemies so makes sense did we see this already cemetery dwarves are gone why are the cemetery humans still alive good for them i guess well i saw a little war icon alright we'll slow it down in a little bit i want to see a couple more get eliminated because it's just it's too much to watch right now we got to see this consolidate a little bit box humans doing exceedingly well how is it so full of boxes still well i guess yeah because i don't need that much wood or should i say cardboard mystic elves have like mowed their whole forest down and the humans and dwarves are like nah man look at this hellish island it just occurred to me that someone might try to like set up camp here look at this we got whoa what is this guy whoa that's cool looking do not under any circumstances land here yikes yeah that's true too for like when the dark island if someone ever gets eliminated out here it's gonna just be full of those red demon guys oh we got conflict redwood elves oh they got bows the wisteria elves have bows but i think redwood does too all right cool okay there's so much peace i'm tempted to just turn diplomacy off and make them all declare war dark dwarves are gone where's the culprit who did it there's like no monster in here where are you huh what killed him oh red demon guy he spawned afterwards though but there he is 760 and 160 damage bro all right well this island's about to become hell on earth dark humans all right let's let it run a little bit until someone else gets eliminated okay that's it we're making them all declare war and then we're turning off diplomacy because this is just constant nonsense okay everyone's at war no one can ally jeez we're never going to get anywhere drastic dwarves are dropping down to 20 they're spending all their time just punching dinosaurs it is kind of true oh dark elves are down to eight even if like you're able to defend yourself it is kind of a big time waster oh cemetery humans were destroyed from oh the same oh the flying guy cool nice good for you i mean you know bad bad boy village eerie was destroyed whose is that dark elves rest in peace okay somehow the dark humans are hanging in there i don't know how they're doing like well too that's what's weird i mean they've covered so much of their land with roads and farmland that maybe there's just nowhere for the dark creatures to spawn i don't know maybe that's the strategy but look at oh look at this place do not go here under any circumstances do not go here yikes okay so all the worst all the most dangerous biomes are pretty much gone cemetery's gone ominous is gone dark humans are somehow defying all logic and surviving but eventually maybe they'll be gone and i honestly thought jurassic was gonna be the same type of difficulty but all three of them are still in and like doing fine so i guess the dinosaurs aren't that big a deal elves make sense because they're not fighting the dinosaurs but humans are like out populating the elves in jurassic nothing makes sense okay we got some action oh my gosh a bunch of stuff just happened okay we got big grass humans getting eliminated by looks like big ass elves nice oh my gosh look at this okay okay okay zelkova took over three islands jurassic's got two flower elves have two oh my gosh okay so a bunch of people kind of took over islands grass humans are getting killed right now they survived no wait these are grass dwarves here no way dude i've seen people keep trying to take this over and not doing so much looks like some of them someone killed a bunch of the creatures here tropical elves are destroyed oh man okay so who's gone completely tropical's gone completely i think man they just got everyone just hit the same point in the game at the same time i guess okay what's this who's the biggest kingdom we got wisteria humans that oh we got box elves at 260. i think that's number one right now no way not only is it the elves but it's the boxes maple elves just got destroyed sheesh dude box elves let's go can we get a box elf win maybe canadians are still alive they got two islands what is this some random new kingdom that set up camp in cemetery somehow okay do what you want to do okay grass elves 170 they're doing pretty well i feel like they have a pretty good chance although no actually just kidding they don't they have no chance because i just realized maple just got taken over and their only other island is cemetery which look at that they actually cleared it out of all the creepy dudes jurassic dwarfs are gone down here jurassic humans at 250. oh no they're going to overtake box elves how dare you i was rooting for them box dwarves are still in there with 180 mystic elves ooh canadians got a third island 240. okay yeah i don't know why they're even bothering with this island but you know what do whatever you want to do um big grass dwarves have two islands yeah two islands oh wait three oh four okay dark humans just hanging on by a thread oh they got this big spider oh they killed him all right sure maybe they'll live a little bit longer at least until the next creature spawns oh there it is wisteria humans are destroyed which was up here here no that's mystic grove wisteria oh they must have been destroyed by the redwood humans i think i just saw dark humans get yeah rest in peace the jurassic humans have arrived to take over where the humans just got eliminated because it's an unlivable hellscape okay who's number one right now jurassic humans 305 mystic elves 290. box elves are gone oh they're down here down to two islands though bummer dude box dwarves 300 is that number one just barely but it is box dwarfs 320 dress humans 300. oh no wait mistake elves 350. but i mean it's the elves what are they going to do win don't make me laugh canadians 150 i think that's their oh they got two islands they got grass nice nicely done the grass elves i think only have one island but it's it's a very strong island we'll give them that they look cool like this all white like silver armor whoa hatred's poke well what are you sad about though okay other world elves were destroyed down here this one here they must have been somewhere else because this has been here is there any other worlds left no okay so what do we have we have two boxes that's the only biome i think we have two of still oh zelkova yeah boxes must be kind of a good biome i guess maybe that's what we're learning today i don't know why i don't know what it does i guess i don't think there's any creature response there at least i haven't seen any maybe there was like a fly or something i think i remember something dumb spawning like something harmless but i don't maybe there's just no spots i don't know but i think that's an advantage to it it seemed like there's a lot of trees or you know boxes plenty of cardboard to go around and uh no creature spawns or at least very minimal so good biome a mystic they still have their starting island which is big which i feel like that's a good sign so mystic grove i think is a good biome um redwoods are doing okay canadians which is maple they still have their starting island same with grass elves there's very few that still have their starting island look is this big grass storms they still got their starting island as well good for them zelkov huh what huh what's this huh you just own this little tiny square well they kind of have their starting island still but i don't know if they really count this little uh beachfront property what is this oh box elves were destroyed by mystic mystic i think they were here yeah mystic elves dude mystic elves is almost they're at 500 now they might take the win imagine elves winning after i mocked them it's gonna come down to boxed dwarves versus mystic elves and honestly name a more iconic fight i'll wait okay jurassic humans are being attacked by oh that's them look at that guy's fit though holy smokes all legendary cat's backyard crafted toy oh no the canadians no who's this box dwarves taking over some new land canadians down to one island and it's a cemetery that seems like foreshadowing oh yep it was zelkova humans are gone but moo has taken their place why do they still have this tiny little square here and all these new kingdoms popping up ag realm of the pooch i'm rooting for moo oh mu's gone never mind i thought that happened a while ago but no oh no oh they're fine they're good they're chilling okay so this is mystic elves up here ag was destroyed zelkova i kind of rooting for box dwarves but at the same time i couldn't be mad if the elves went because they have not gotten a win or even gotten close to a win in a long time why are the redwood humans still alive this isn't even them there's no one even here nothing makes sense jurassic humans under attack by mystic elves you guys are screwed yeah i think they might at least this island's done for the jurassic humans were in the lead for a while but now they're like they just got a bad placement by being right in between the two biggest kingdoms rest in peace hey the zelkova elves are making a comeback they're holding on to the little square over here bravery oh just kidding but the square persists all right let's go sonic speed for a moment i feel like we're kind of out of stand still here okay two of those random kingdoms just got destroyed what's this redwood humans down to three population i think that's just fishing boats probably and they're gone rest in peace oh what the they just lost like 50 population grass elves are still alive they haven't expanded from the starting island at all they've only had this island i'm pretty sure and they're just defending it no wait never mind goodbye did you see that giant mob they just dropped off the mystic elves are not messing around oh they're still alive okay now they're dead okay yeah they're officially dead and the drastic humans are gone now too okay we're down to what the final three box dwarves mystic elves and oh is zelkova gone officially yep zelkova elves random kingdoms popping up still box what the whoa dude i just looked at their population they were like 300 i looked down here and they like the mystic elves must have hit all their islands like the same time okay so they're down to well i guess we gotta watch it happen bro whoa dude the mystic elves were so aggressive okay well now you gotta now you gotta fight this guy you gotta take this guy out to be the official winner i ain't giving out participation awards oh box out box words are still here let's go come on make a comeback i'm so scared for you guys are you starving i'm dang you're starving why don't you eat this guy the mystic elves could like destroy them oh maybe no they're like just teasing him what don't get busy with the dark islands just finish the job this is it yeah that's it for them probably they just gotta store this boat out here look at him he's like no you won't get me i don't know man we do need to get a winner here you can't just hide in the middle of the ocean why are these guys still here dude dude praying mantis 100 health 60 damage that's pretty strong they're peaceful though that's cool i haven't even seen that yet that's awesome okay well they're just going to starve to death there do we really have to wait until what does this die of old age eventually or something yeah let's go sonic speed oh did they get him no okay they killed spears about okay he blew up all right that's some scattered dwarves setting up new camps okay well mystic elves definitely won look at that we got an elf win there i was like making fun of them because they're just so bad now but then they get a win mystic seemed to be good because they still had their starting island which was here wait no no no wait this is it no never mind they lost to sorry island they were just good at moving forward you know they lost their starting island and they never looked back they were like fine we'll take your starting out and then yeah good for them uh it's much more interesting to watch when there's no orcs because i feel like the other kingdoms are all fairly even like we had a mixture of elves dwarves and humans all at the end and we were we were able to be surprised by the winter unlike when we use orcs uh they just steamroll everyone and then it's just like wow that works one that took a little over i don't know a thousand years or so nice well hopefully you guys enjoyed that kind of fun i always like doing these island videos they're kind of like fun to watch it's nice and orderly all right thanks for watching guys subscribe if you haven't and i will see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Gorg
Views: 155,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worldbox battle royale, world box traits, worldbox traits, powerbox, worldbox mod, worldbox battle, worldbox war, worldbox islands, gorg worldbox, mellon worldbox, simulation game, god mode, creative mode, sandbox game, simulator, totally accurate battle
Id: HEw3SYtrE0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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