Best Easy Keto Pizza Ever!

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good afternoon good afternoon today marks the day of a new thing for me I am calling this live tutorials that I'm going to be doing on YouTube every day Quito and when I say everyday Quito I mean everyday Quito every day a real live everyday like don't be surprised if while I'm trying to do this my new puppies who are just now 3 months old start barking and fussing I hope I have wore them out enough that they don't and they might take a nap but I'm just putting it out there this is the real deal so alright so today I'm gonna do something I've done before but I haven't specifically highlighted or just how do I put this let's see back when I first started my Kido journey I wanted pizza and so they're all the rage was fat had pizza dough which it is good whoever created fat had pizza dough let me tell you they were genius I called fat head pizza dough the holy grail of pizza for Kido there are other things out there there's oh heck cauliflower pizza there are all me pizza crusts there are just different variations of it but again that's what that was a lot to take in and it's still didn't quite quite taste like pizza to me I mean it was it was a good substitute but it didn't taste like the real deal I'm trying to get this one my grandson has this stuff on some gamer thing here not sure YouTube I'll just go to my channel that way I can see what's going on I am live and now I can turn it down there we go and I have glasses around here somewhere but heck I'm still keeping up with puppies let's see I see a couple people popping in that's great hey if you're new to keto for real life people and you haven't subscribed please do so and hit the vacation but while you're there and that way you'll get notified when you know for life people is going live Quito for real life people mainly mean and see your host with the most thank you very much alright guys so I decided today to highlight a pizza crust that's just as fast just as easy as fathead pizza dough but tastes so much more like the real authentic bread crust it does have the cheese in it but it doesn't it smooths out I think way better than the almond flour did and the flour I'm gonna use today let's talk ingredients is Lupin flour all right um let me discuss this with you because every time I do a new recipe and I'm using Lupin flour somebody always says hey what is that well Lupin flour is a plant based flour ground from the Lupin plant which is part of the soy peanut family but unlike soy or peanut it is anti-inflammatory it's not employed an inflammatory it's really super low on the glycemic index okay it doesn't cause the inflammation it doesn't spike or raise your blood sugar I've been using this now just over a year and I love the things that I can do with Lupin flour um one of the wonderful things about Lupin flour is that it is very very very high fiber so if for you kiddo I like my fiber I love my Kido I like both sometimes I feel Carnivora sometimes I know sometimes I feel like fiber sometimes I don't so 1/4 cup of Lupin flour carries 12 grams of carbohydrates but it carries 11 grams of fiber so it's 1 net carb per quarter cup most recipes I do I use a half a cup 1/2 a cup of Lupin flour equals 1 cup of traditional wheat flour or 1 cup of almond flour so when I use a cup of this I'm usually dividing that into multiple servings depending on what I'm for instance if I'm making a pizza and I cut it into six to eight servings I've only got to net carbs that are being divided by eight or six so it comes down to less than that one carb another ingredient that I'm using y'all is the now brand whole psyllium husk I have a bad habit of what I'm doing a cooking tutorial to just get off into this and just start running off the top of my head and I sometimes say psyllium hot powder sometimes I say psyllium husk but I always always always always use now whole psyllium brand whole husks okay and the reason I do this is it's convenient and easy to buy in my local area but when I'm making my breads I use this because it doesn't turn purple some white people find purple bread or purple crust to be an issue when it gets hot so and I only use about a tablespoon this again I think it has eight yes eight carbs per tablespoon but seven grams of fiber this is something if you've had trouble let's just say you're having a little trouble going to the potty fiber is gonna help you in that area so anyways we're only using one tablespoon of this and then my other two ingredients that are a base for this are my thumb's I'm here on top of my cream cheese and my mozzarella cheese those are the four ingredients I do when I'm making my pizza don't like to go ahead and add a fifth ingredient and that is some baking powder just to give a little rise and I'm wondering if I should try baking soda because it's such a quick-acting agent but I just haven't got to it yet so baking powder or I might try baking soda at some point but that's it now to get started guys we'll talk about toppings I've just got some local store-bought jarred marinara sauce it is a low-carb I think it's one card per quarter cup or something like that but you can easily make your own I'm also using what I have on hand today okay you can use an alfredo sauce whether you make it homemade or whether you buy your favorite low-carb sugar-free keto brands you can make any kind of pizza you have one you can make white pizzas you can make chicken pizzas you can make spinach I mean just be creative you know pizza is one of those things you can make even make a taco pizza whatever taste you've got going on that's what you do so for me today what I have on hand is red sauce some pepperoni some roasted red pepper slices and some sliced kalamata olives guys we're gonna get started again I don't know where I set my glasses down when I was looking for my air pod so it's always something with me hi from Cheryl Burt British Columbia can't wait can you use loop and flour for waffles and do you have a recipe for that yes and yes yes I do as a matter of fact you know for real-life people calm type in waffles those waffles oh my gosh you cannot tell I fooled my family you can't tell that they're not regular waffles and they are on my website which when the video is all said and done that's what I'll post the links for the what I'm doing right now as well as my website let's see can this dough be frozen for future use yes yes it can so you can make this dough up and you can you can bake it like pre bake it and have it ready and freeze it or you can just freeze the dough I recommend if you're gonna go as far as to make the dough up go ahead and take the steps to make your pizza crust then you can freeze them and pull them out and make pizza whenever you want and you're gonna cut cut the time way down and make things a lot simpler for you glasses are on your head oh thank you thank you Roxy this is my life this is everyday keto for me by Lisa and Carol okay all right now I do have some things here I want to talk about it's called my call to action I'm gonna work on doing it this is a live video so that means that super chat has been activated if you see a sticker or you want to hide behind a comma make sure that I do see it tap the button below yes there's a small fee but that goes to me and that's offered by YouTube to help us creators out do what you want to do I appreciate it now then here we go so for I'm gonna use this big bowl so that y'all can see through it like this we are gonna start with 2 cups mozzarella cheese with all my handy dandy little measuring cups here and I want to do this whole well I should have had a few Lala loss in there I should have done it but I love it I'm like oh I'm in Italian mode as a matter of fact y'all Elizabeth I told her I was gonna keep that was gonna do it last night I was gonna do this video yesterday but my dogs were not cooperating and the weather was terrible so she's still went ahead made pizza last night and today we had a slice of it with salad it was so so so tasty now I'm like I like pizza I know everybody loves pizza I like pizza pizza is nice you know everybody else loves it sup so for me I'll probably out - such as over to the side er I'm gonna go get him so 2 cups I'm up - Rhett Miller mozzarella right there and then we're gonna put a tablespoon the whole psyllium husk then we're gonna come into the loop and flour which is a half a cup and I need to get some new of these some bigger containers really honestly and I do the dip and scoop this is a quarter cup measure so I'm gonna do it twice and you know I take a little longer because I'm running my mouth and I'm talking but when you're just making this dough it is so fast it's so simple you know it just whips right up and then last but not least a couple of tablespoon some cream cheese and if you let it set out for a little bit it's much easier to work with you just slide it off and tamp it down so there's one tablespoon and this is a forgiving recipe y'all this this is so simple to do I mean if you add a little extra or something you don't have to be quite as precise as say if you were making a cake or something like that get my handy dandy paper towels going now then I'm gonna go ahead and add about a teaspoon and a half of some baking powder because I just want to give it a little bit of rise to make it a little dab now I like to just use my hands if you want to use a spoon use the spoon guys but I like to just toss the keys and the flour and the psyllium husk and baking powder all together and let it coat it it just distributes it evenly and then I pop it into the microwave for about a minute to a minute and a half now you can take and I I use the cheese to kind of break up the cream cheese a little bit it's sort of like when you're making a pizza crust or a pie crust in the real world you kind of break the it up into crumbles so I like to do that and then I just use the cheese to scrape that little bit of cream cheese off my fingers just like that a little bit sticks but not a biggie and then I can wipe this off and I'm gonna pop it in the microwave which I'm gonna give you coming right up to you and passing right by as I go hello okay and start it off now then while that is melting I want to let you know I've got this is what I expect to make these are my pizza pans and I've already have some parchment paper guys it's imperative that you use parchment paper because this dough does stick so parchment paper works some people say well can you use foil I don't recommend it you could probably spray it really well but chances are it's still gonna stick pretty well um a friend of mine over the this last weekend weekend before last she made it and she said so I used my pizza stone and it didn't work she said I shouldn't eat a parchment paper on top of my existence so now I know not to use a pizza stone I also have my oven preheated to 425 degrees it is nice and hot so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to mix this out get my crust together pop it in the oven for a few minutes then I'm gonna top it just like I would if I was making fat hen pizza dough and then pop it back in the oven I have yet to try to go from raw dough to straight pizza I guess I'm gonna have to give it a try one of these times but I think this method works out pretty good and I'll show you when I pull it out before topping it if you don't the mood right then and there you can just do a little pre bake and then you can put those in your freezer or refrigerate them until you're ready to use them okay so my my cheese is melted and no my cheese did not spell off my cracker I was talking to another friend yesterday up in Canada and I was you know say my cheese fell off my tractor and she said what I said yeah I was just my cheese was falling off my cracker she had never heard that before so you give this a stir y'all let me see you here I'll get this out of your way so you can see that it's kind of crumbly looking and don't worry about that that's kind of the way it looks and you just want to get it in a ball and it's kind of streaky - you'll see little bit sirs by the cream cheese that's just pop it out look it's not here's what I like about it it's not like it's a Fathead dough where you had to get your hands wet and this you can just grab while it's warm it's soft it's easy to work with you can take and break this down into four portions if you want and make personal pan pizzas three however whatever size you want but it's if you can work with this you can roll this out and it makes it so so much easier to work with and it's up to you to decide how big how thick you want that crust do you want it to be a little coupe here well if it's gonna be thicker it'll stay in the oven a little longer and you just kind of work with it and you know it doesn't have to be perfectly round I try and it's still pretty thick right here at this point and you see how much easier it is to work with it's kind of getting a little wonky shaped what wonky me but I don't mind maybe I should start picking it up from this side here let's see if I can't bring it around a little bit a little bit I do have this marble rolling pin it was a gift from my daughter Danielle II and and I think that's good I am probably at about an eighth of an inch thick on this it feels pretty even I'm gonna take one of my hands you don't have to dock this you don't have to worry about it puffing up and making a little a whole big thing of air pockets and eat I'm actually gonna try to get this to go to the edge get my paper a little bit better there we go cuz I went a little bit big on this I'm gonna stretch it to where I'm making it when I want it y'all I just need to slide it over slide with me roll with me come on now get up on there okay there we go now see at this point there we go I've got it all on there and you can see it takes up most of this and if I was being really precise I probably would have gotten up I didn't think to get out my pie or my pastry thing that has circles but shape is not important to me because it's gonna be going in my belly I'm gonna just pop it in there it is 207 shush Siri I'm not talking to you thank you my timer my timer is gonna go for about five minutes and then I'll check it you just want it to get start getting golden that's all you need maybe seven minutes because it's a whole large pizza but I'll just check it and then when it pops up we'll top it and we shall make pizza I actually have two pans prepared because I thought why not go ahead and and make two why not right this is one of these things - I take my leftover pizza and I'm just gonna use the same Bowl because it's the same crust and I'm gonna start it want to make sure that I have enough to top my pizzas with again we make people less here we go and I will start the whole process again and get that first cup in there boom I better stop right there cuz I need to cut my pizza hmmm I'll just stop right there I'm not gonna make the second one darn it well you know the other thing is too I have made this using a blend of cheeses so I could possibly make this with let's just see what happens so I'll use one cup of mozzarella see this is what I'm talking about I love things that you can just you don't have to be like oh crap I don't have the perfect ingredients I ran out of this but I'm short on that well this one you can just be a little forgiving so I'm gonna go ahead and do a cup of the cheddar right there and just give those two a blend this is my finely shredded cheddar I'm gonna take a second here and answer anybody's questions hallo Tina hi Tina from Indiana right now in Yuma Arizona we met at keto con hey Tina I love you hope you are having a good week I'm working on it the Sun is finally starting to shine show mid-missouri boy habit did y'all get a lot of snow up in Missouri Sharon says coming in late I'm gonna try this recipe tonight can I use almond flour well almond flour if you go back to the Fathead pizza dough you cut it is 1 and 3/4 cups it is an egg it is yeah I don't know if you wanted to use that you're not gonna get the same texture that's for sure hello cooking with autism Carolyn Cloyd mark I miss eating calzones yes yes maybe I shall make this second one into a calzone how's that for you ok because yes I do take these I make calzones I stuff them with cheddar and ham they are delicious this is versatile you can make breakfast pizzas y'all I make up these single crust and I topped them with a little keto country gravy I put a little bit of sausage I put a little bit of scrambled eggs I put a little bit of jalapeno I put a little bit of cheese and I pop them out and they are scrumptious breakfast pizzas I guess I'll just have to do a breakfast pizza video on that and just show you breakfast pizza ah you might you might just lose your minds I know I would okay so we're gonna go back over here and I'm gonna go ahead and add a half a cup of my looping flour and one it's a funny thing when I do the calzone yo when I do this a hot pocket or giant calzone whatever you want to call it I do not bake it first I just make it and roll it and bake it and it is wonderful so that probably would answer my question for baking the pizza straight up from Raw we use a wonderful thick cut ham and cheddar and Dijon mustard and roll that over and bake it and it is fantastic I think I need some whole silly impose a tablespoon which that - cheese all over it [Music] back over here for the baking powder which is a teaspoon and a half if you are keeping up with me today I want to let y'all know I am doing another live and they keto oh shoot I added two teaspoons yeah what the hell okay see that's that's everyday keto y'all that's why that's me when I start getting to talking I'm doing a live this afternoon at 3 o'clock which is not very far off and the keto for real life people kitchen and I will be doing group coaching in there that is a group perk if you were a patreon supporter or an official supporter then you can join in too make sure you tune in at 3 o'clock central time on Facebook in that kitchen it is a membership only group and have questions ready and I will answer anybody's problems or if you're troubleshooting and we will get that going so I'm gonna just get that tossed up you can add seasonings you want to add some Italian seasoning let's add some Italian seasoning to this one parsley eggs everything bagel season I've added that as well just kick him whatever you want to do I'll just up there's my Italian audience give a few shakes of Italian seasoning if you want you can make these into breadsticks if you want you can make this into cheesy bread if you like so just besides pizza this is what you can do with it I'm gonna toss this one back in the microwave 1 minute 30 seconds I'm gonna grab a hot pad and pull this pizza out perfectly perfect I want you to see this guy's do you see how lightly golden that is and it's got a nice poof to it and at this point is I can go ahead and start making this pizza if you like it saucy make it saucy but you can see this is not a small pizza by any means this is the same sized pizza that you'd find from Domino's or Pizza Hut or your other favorite Papa John's or something like that and it has a beautiful beautiful crust there we go we just sauce that up I like a little sauce and I like it to have a little bit of chili in it too so I think I'll grab some of that and you can make this as deep as you like if you know K so here we can so you want to add a little more zing I like to kick it and add just a little bit of pepper flakes to my sauce just to give a little heat not a requirement a little bit of parmesan just to give it that mmm that little bit of salty underside that gives it that real deal flavor and then I'm going to have it with some cheese and I am going to just go this way you do as much as you want boo somebody says to me one time can you eat the whole thing you can try but no you can't you can try but you just can't this is so filling it's so delicious you cannot eat a whole pizza I don't even think you can eat a half a pizza maybe maybe three slices if you're cutting it into six or eight or something like that get your cheese on there now you can take some pepperoni whatever your favorite ham sausage what is linked Ouisa you know get creative chicken ground beef bacon crumbles oh do whatever you like and I'm not gonna make this like loaded with it I want to be able to see a little bit because I want to take and put some red peppers now these are just in water so they're not and I'm just breaking it off in little pieces I'm having little bites of red pepper here and there they it blend a nice smoky sweetness to any pizza if that's your thing you can add mushrooms obviously onions bell peppers whatever whatever veggie floats your boat and you just want to make sure that it's kind of just dispersed evenly it's a no-brainer right and then I'm going to not use black olives I don't have black olives but did y'all know that the fat content in kalamatas are the highest like for every for olives you eat you get five grams of fat so these are sliced there are nice fatty olive they've got a nice saltiness to them and I'm just gonna put those in between the pepperonis over by the peppers just just to make it a little pretty give it some extra fat cuz lord knows we don't get enough fat on the keto diet right this is a big ol chunk of Olive there there we go just for me I don't want it overpowered because olives pretty strong tasting one of my favorite combinations is green chiles and Italian sausage or pepperoni and jalapeno that's another one but I'm fresh out of that so so there we go we have this maybe I'll just go ahead and eat this little bit of cheese on there and kind of just top it off because I'm down at the end of that and that's fine because I will do something with the other pizza this is gonna be moving the ball you guys it's gonna be wonderful so I'm going to take that one and just all it has to do now is go back in the other oven until you get it nice and bubbly and the beef is hot you can even let it if it melts and you want to go quicker switch it to boil till you get that golden little bubbles on top you will it goes let me grab I felt him real quick and ah cooking with autism had to come and show a fellow keto person loved oh I thank you so much not a lot of snow but cold temps and snow freezing rain/sleet eat no thank you when you said three o'clock I was like wait a minute oh yeah you're on that no I'm not on the west coast I am Midwest I am on Central Time I am in Texas I love happy fat head pizza so does the family I do too I love I mean it does I like it but this is just even easier there's there's less steps and for me I had to really find an alternative to almond flour because if I find if I eat too much almond flour too often it is very inflammatory and that is one thing about almond flour it is inflammatory versus Lupin flour which is not so I made the switch and I still occasionally use almond flour and some of my recipes but I focus a lot more on developing recipes using lip and flour and getting the measurements down right and changing it up Melissa says I will definitely try thanks you're awesome and what type of flower is it it is a looping flower I will share a link I have an Amazon link it is wholesome provisions miracle flower it is let's see I just tossed the bag because I just emptied it I'm not going there let me see if I can find a bag that has not been opened somewhere in this country of mine oh my ideals like terrible Oh anyway I know that I can tell you this it's produced in the USA it's non-gmo it's 100% Lupin flour don't be fooled by Walmart selling Lupin flour blend that has rice bran or rice flour and some other things that aren't keto somebody I think it was I can't remember her channel name I know her name but anyway he's one of my ladies on Facebook just shared a Carrington ground Lupin it is not as fine as this by any means but she did go ahead and put it through her food processor and get some use out of it and she did make a porridge with it so that's cool but I find that this Lulu pin flower is fantastic it is a sweet Lupin flower I don't know there's there's plants that aren't quite as what they call it sweet but this is and another word of advice do not eat this flower at raw because it tastes terrible raw it tastes bitter very plant like it's actually kind of just like you just fits off-putting but once you heat it up and cook it and bake it then you it's gone and it just tastes smooth and bread like and flour like so all right let me grab this other bowl out of here Oh somebody's dreaming and having dinners okay I'd like to do all right so now I have a cheddar cheese and I let it cool down I have a cheddar cheese loop and flour blend and it's crumbly and I kind of let it let me see if I can just work this guy's you're gonna see me coming on here I'm gonna give this to you this is my very first time starting this process that I'm doing in the last two years I've done most of my tutorials live on Facebook and then I would upload them to YouTube well this year it's reversed this year I will be doing my lives my cooking tutorials once a week at least on YouTube and they will be live and I will share them back over to Facebook I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner but life was busy and that's what that was so I can take this one now and it smells so good ah I can smell the herbs in it from the Italian seasoning I can smell the garlic that I put on there and I'm just and I probably could have let this I should have grabbed it right out of the microwave because it's a little bit starting to pull down if yours gets hardened and it won't do what you want it to do pop it back in the microwave and it'll soften right back up but this is so much easier y'all to work with then the fat head the fat head you you can't do this because it sticks to everything you have to put it between two sheets of parchment paper if you want to roll it or you have to have your hands wet because it's so sticky you can't just do this and shape it and pick it up so now then and this because it has a cheddar in it it's a little different because it melts a little bit differently than the mozzarella but overall I just want to show you what I'm gonna do here so I've got this again right at about an eighth of an inch thick right here's a little thing still just a Titch there we go now what am I gonna do I can take some of this sauce if I want to yes and I'm only going to do half of that just a little sauce I can go ahead and throw some pepperonis in there and I find if you stuff these babies really really really well they work out just fine I'll use the rest of this pepperoni but I don't have any more mozzarella a few peppers why not we'll just lay them this way just go down this direction here we go that I don't know that I want any I'll take a little bit more sauce just give it a little drizzle for the top side and because it is and I'm out of mozzarella I'll go ahead and keep that thing going and put a little bit on top just I usually do it long and I'm doing it short and fat some red pepper flakes for me always red pepper flakes a little parmesan you can fresh grate your own but I don't have any of that so I'll just give this a little bit of this and then I'm gonna just fold this over and tuck it just tuck it and I could have set this honestly on the pan prior to doing it just to make sure just pinch it roll it it's it's rustic so it's not a big deal there we go and you've got yourself a house on I'm gonna I'm just gonna pick this up and see it's it's so it's so versatile and easy and you can just give it a little twist a little turn a little pinch so that it's going to steam in there um one thing I will do with this one try it I didn't yes I have some of this pasta oil it's olive oil infused with garlic and basil I've got this one and I've got one that's red pepper so while I'm at it just to give it a little shine I'll do a little drizzle of that on top use my fingers give it a little rub put those little herbs on top and grab that and I think what I will also do y'all is finding one at the front of it was not as easy easily sad as done my god where we up here alright love one thing is to might have family and they get into my stuff but they don't there's some good lord ha I know you guys just wanted to look at my back psychical side but I'm gonna take some of this garlic everything bagel and just go ahead and pop that on top too I should be able to pull about other pizza out and pop this one in there we go oh my goodness y'all this is that a beautiful pizza it is beautiful I want to say I want to see some hearts and some likes but this is not Facebook let's see here you don't want to let this cool down for a minute and set up nutrition is a good place to get Lupin flour somebody grinds their Oh Ursula Grimes her whole psyllium in the grinder leaving it whole creates a purple hue to bake this hmm only the certain brands do I don't get a purple hue when I'm using mine Don says yon pizza don't want to run to the store to buy whole psyllium since I only have the powder so yeah you don't have to use powdered I just do because it's what I have available so if you're using powdered instead of whole for this recipe it doesn't make a difference they're both interchangeable but say you were making the bread recipe I have then you would reduce by 1 tablespoon if you're using powdered deep-fried calzone is awesome oh I bet every recipe I've have tried from you has been so good thank you Thank You dawn can i warm up the dough in a conventional oven I don't have a micro yes you should and you could probably do a double boiler method that's where you take a pan and and put a little bit of water in it set a bowl a heat proof Bowl glass or metal on top of it and turn it on and you're just letting the steam do the work and you could definitely melt your cheese completely and stir it that way so you could use the stovetop Dutch oven method to do that looks delicious is the Lupin lower carb than the almond and coconut yes I mean I've let see if we can do a comparison I already know that off the top of my head per serving which is 1/4 cup that it's 12 total carbohydrates with 11 grams of fiber so it's 1 net carb per quarter cup now let me take a look at my almond flour which I have right here this is two tablespoons two tablespoons has three carbohydrates and two grams of fiber so it stands to serve that it's want a net card per serving and so for a quarter cup we are talking eight times three so twenty-something twenty-something carbohydrates and it's gonna come it's still gonna be one net car but again it's gonna be a higher carb count and for me it they have Koufos and which is a polyunsaturated fatty room something I don't have it in man I'm not the scientist but they're inflammatory so let me grab this real quick y'all and what I like to do is just pick up the pan and oops I got a little bit of and I'll just lift off these little little edges that kind of step because my my crust was not perfectly round my paper was perfectly round but there we go so I had a few little sticky edges there but I want to show you right now how you can and I can hear it when I break through the other side oh yeah so up to you on a piece of this sighs do you want to do it in eighths or do you want to do it in six I think that this pizza is large enough that I can go ahead and get eight servings out of it with no problem when I would make fat head pizza dough I usually only got six and that was the suggested serving size let me get up a plate and I will tell you this tastes just as good the next day get a sausage here and I will just like that right there now as it it is a little limp but it's I want you to see that it's it is a little soft when you first lift it up but it is liftable and if you give this is so hot if you give this just a few minutes to cool down you can pick this up and eat it for sure no problem again I've made these for breakfast and put breakfast toppings on them and it's the whole pan so it's it's delicious again you could get four let me do this for you guys what's the wonderful is the crust itself doesn't have that heavy cheese flavor and it's so strange because the loop and flour just balances it right out yeah you even if you use a pizza stone you would still need parchment four tablespoons and a quarter cup I think it is No three tablespoons I think it six I think it's six in the quarter cup hello from Belgium I love your videos would be trying this tomorrow evening whoa thank you um you could I don't know you would have to watch it in the oven Ursula you would you know you would have to make sure that your dish is heat proof and then just watch it because you don't want your cheese to harden it will harden if it's left to in the oven too long you have a little more control if you were to use it in a double boiler because as you could stir it as its melting and as soon as it's melted just pull it off so it's a little easier to be in control of it I use pizza stone let's see I read that read that read that yes yes yes there we go now I will tell you as I was saying this earlier um see as it as it sits then you start getting this wonderful nice crusty bottom you're gonna see with this little pizza crust how many things I can do with this I can add baking powder to it I could add sweetness to it I can do all kinds of things with it and I have done it if you see in my miracle dough video then you've seen that I just made all kinds of little things with four basic ingredients but if you add a few things here there you can modify that recipe easily and I really just wanted to focus on how easy it was to make pizza I could have just taken that and I shoulda just rolled it out cut it into sticks let it bake and made breadsticks it's again it's just another option but we went with the cost own so I'm going to move this pizza because I will be using this pan or this board to pull out that other Tamlyn there we go I'll just use my paper towel to wipe that off and I will start giving us a check now I will tell you that I call some because it is folded over and because the dough is raw it does take longer and I need a head drink of water time is running good I hope to get better at these daily things on YouTube where these weekly lives on YouTube yo I knew what I wanted to do going into this year but I wasn't quite sure how to transition it and make it I try to keep this 30 minutes or less and I'm right at 36 minutes or 30 minutes right now basically I had I stopped at a pizza y'all we'd be done and on your way but I went ahead and did this calls out and so I'm gonna look at it it still has a ways to go y'all it's still soft so it's gonna be a good bit tell you what I do now if you aren't aware of it if you are not as familiar with YouTube when you're on my page on my channel you can see where it says video goes and you'll slide that little cross and it'll say history or I don't know what it looks like from the almost point of view but I do know it says community so they now have a thing called community and I can pop right out of here and show y'all let me show you this so when you're looking at a channel it'll say home videos playlists community and if you tap it look it's just like an Instagram feed or you to our Facebook feed so if I wanted to go ahead and cut this video short for instance and then just go ahead and post a picture if you've made pizza please come over here to my community and post on here but I wonder I don't know what can you comment and leave pictures and stuff I don't know but do that I will post a picture of the cow son when it's done because I don't want to keep you all another 20 minutes let me come back over here to my videos yeah and I'm back into my life here we go with garlic knots need baking powder I would definitely use baking powder if you're going to make any kind of bread because you're gonna get that extra little rise on its own it's fine and you can even try adding an egg I've found all kinds of things when I add an egg to it it does another thing so taking this basic recipe and adding to it to elevate it to get to other places it's so easy to do I just got back in are we still alive we are still alive Lisa what brand of Lupin flour do you use it is is wholesome provision miracle flour it is sold by the 3-pack on Amazon it is 29.95 you get three one-pound bags individually wrapped and sealed I like that because then I can take a couple of pounds and put it in my freezer and then just keep out what I need and I don't have to keep repeating it so very very very convenient I will make sure to share the link after the video and put it in the drop down in the description box there are 16 teaspoons or tablespoons in a cup divided by four okay so that's good I'm not on my math game today apparently so let's see here I wanted to really just give it give this a chance here I mean I should have just wiped it out I gotta be I gotta be stronger with y'all I get in here and I start having fun and then I'm like oh okay I'll make something else and if you can't have peanuts you shouldn't use it if you have a peanut allergy let me put it this way if you have a peanut allergy be leery or wary of Lupin flour it's not guaranteed that you could have a reaction but you could have a reaction so approach with caution woops dot cannot calm why you slipping flour uh-uh why oh my gosh why hughes luke and flour well my first reason behind Lupin flour is that I have an aunt an inflammatory response to almond flour my second part of it is I only like the taste of coconut flour in little bits it's just I mean sorry I don't want coconut flavor to everything unless it's in something sweet thirdly it is on the low glycemic index Lupin flour is so and the carbs are tremendously low it's high in protein by the way per quarter cup 10 grams of plant protein so high protein high fiber low net car no inflammatory response no spike in my blood sugar lots of reasons and then the biggest one is it tastes amazing I have been able to do so many things create so many recipes from cakes that taste like cakes to you know pizza to turnovers to wontons to crackers to you I mean I have made so many fried pies french fries my god I've even made french fries out of this loop and flour I was looking to make a pasta I messed it up I thought I'm not wasting it I'm dropping it in some hot oil I fried that up put some seasoned salt and it tasted just like Arby's curly fries I don't like hot damn that's why I used Lupin flour it is so versatile it tastes delicious there's so many things I can do and I don't get the inflammatory response that I get from one almond flour when I'm using it ha oh there we go I like long videos don't change oh my gosh ah that is a that is one of those uh both sides of the fans I get people to comment afterwards our oh my god I'm just like I'm looking at you you take too long you sound like Roseanne could you just shorten it please be keep it to 10 or 15 minutes that'd be happy would you like me to come to your house and cook for you to course you would you can get it that way yeah let's see it is being pulp derived so if you're allergic to legumes you can't use it no narshall that's not fact that's not true it is a beam pulp it is a legume yes peanuts are a legume soy is a legume Anto beans are like you green beans are you know so we have a beam thing it does not mean that you are allergic to it I have read extensively the only thing it does recommend is if you have a peanut allergy be leery because it does mimic the peanut plant - the inflammation unless of course you're allergic you might be allergic to peanuts you might be allergic to SOI but you might not be allergic to pinto beans you might not be allergic to chickpeas so you know as with anything always use caution uh can says I would assume Tennessee Tiki oh mama says I've never tried Lupin flour it is fantastic I actually bought it a year ago not this fall last fall my first time buying it and I tried it with cornbread which it worked out wonderfully okay since then I've made tortillas and cornbread and wraps and a new keto bread recipe and everything with it but at first I was very leery of it and it wasn't probably sat in my cabinet for a few months before I just broke it out one day because I was using almond flour all the time and getting so swollen Impa I was starting to swell up just with almonds like I was when I was eating wheat so it just became I am necessity me for me to find an alternative mm-hmm let's see Lupin's i were so very versatile as such it was so much lower than almond flour or coconut flour yes need to see you make tortillas I can do that does it measure up in the same to the same recipes here's what I find with the conversion on it you'll 1/2 a cup of Lupin flour equals 1 cup of almond flour or wheat flours if a recipe calls for a cup of almond flour if it calls for a cup of you know traditional flour use half that amount it's a half a cup it took me a long time to work that out and figure it out just like when you're using coconut flour 1/3 cup + 1 egg equals 1 cup traditional flour or 1 cup of almond flour and that can be quite tricky almond coconut flour is even more difficult for me to work with because that egg rule doesn't always apply in your recipe that you're making so I I do find it easier y'all I'm out he said I'm gonna start doing these tutorials once a week I'm gonna it's I call them tutorials or not it's my cooking show it is everyday no with Nancy by Kido for real-life people and every week I want to come and share a new recipe with you guys I might have shared it on YouTube I might I mean on Facebook but I want to just share these these things now I have recipes with Luke and flour already on YouTube so just scroll through and and look to see what you can find there and I'm sure you'll find tortillas out there and some other things that I made kung fu chicken stuff like that but yes I have not done the dark desire chocolate cake I don't think I've put it up on YouTube and that cake is to die for this cake is so versatile again I love things that you can throw in the microwave or pop in the oven or make into mini muffins or cupcakes you can double it you can triple it it's it's it's wonderful and if you're unfamiliar with the chocolate the cake at Costco the big tall chocolate dark chocolate on chocolate cake that's what this is and it tastes like it as a matter of fact I went to my sister-in-law's birthday party Friday night they had a whole tray of traditional store-bought cupcakes with pretty little decorations on top and not one not one was picked up and even tasted will tell you though I made my little dark desire chocolate cake and I couldn't make the frosting for it which is just a pure fudgy ganache hold on close a ganache and so I just took a naked cake and it's gone it was just like everybody was like oh my god they're not keto they're like there's no sugar in this no no there's there's no gluten in this no there's not there's no flour in it there's no sugar in it you know it is just that amazing let me go check on this it's starting to dawn dawn dawn now let me bring it around here to you guys so that you can see this beautiful beautiful do you hear that now again I would highly recommend I'm gonna HIGHLY highly recommend letting it set because it's gonna be so extremely hot but for the sake of time and I wanted you guys to be able to see this let me grab another you could do some dipping sauce oh yeah I feel like a tasty video oh yeah brown on the bottom melted completely and super hot in the center and you can do a calzone yay too hot too hot hot damn okay so guess what I don't have to cook dinner tonight cuz I'm done done done done let me find that phone actually I should have called myself I mean I'm at keto for life every cheat off her life people but I should have done like the forgetful book or something like that maybe I will be oh hell I don't know what I do with it oh it's over here on the bar store so uh it doesn't work well in a chocolate recipe no not so much but my waffle recipe works out wonderfully and as a matter of fact I came up with a new recipe yesterday that goes into toppled they can go in a pan or they can go into microwave and talk about delicious that is on its way that'll be coming soon to a video near you am I going to post this recipe Lisa it is just miracle dough if you go to my website y'all keto for real life people calm look up miracle dough and the recipe has been sitting there for almost a year so I hope you guys enjoyed this make sure that you subscribe and hit that notification button I appreciate everybody share the video share it on Facebook share to your friends like you got to watch this chick have a wonderful day and I will be signing off remember fats first moderate protein low carb and get you some I will see
Channel: Keto For Real Life People
Views: 13,312
Rating: 4.9175911 out of 5
Keywords: pizza, keto pizza, best keto pizza, easy keto pizza, pizza crust, keto pizza crust, keto, keto recipes
Id: EsWMaih3frI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 13sec (3673 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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