4 Ingredient Flourless Chocolate Cake

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[Music] that's so much better and I can't see your comments but we're going to talk ingredient so let's do this I have already made one chocolate cake it's already in the fridge cooling down so I'm just going to be able to take you through the steps get this in the oven and then I can just pull the other one right out so it's not going to be overly long and drawn-out and then when we get through all of this I will walk up and I will look at any comments or questions I pretty much have the recipe all written out so I'll have to do is add it afterwards onto the website put it up here link so you guys shouldn't have to wait too long to get this one I made this last week for my youngest daughter's 29th birthday she fell in love with it and of course I posted pictures and everybody wanted the recipe so I thought okay and then I was asked would you do a tutorial so yes I will let's talk ingredients let's talk ingredients we only have four ingredients for this cake it is eggs eight of them chocolate chips which we have I have two brands of chocolate chips that I have used today the first cake that I made today I was using the new la canto chocolate chips delicious I was given a just a bunch of them at keto con so I made the first one with the canto this one I am using wholesome provisions chocolate chips both chocolate chips are amazing I cannot tell you that one is better than the other if I okay and I will tell you they do look different the chocolate chips from alla canto are a little wider in color I will bring that around so that you can see I want you to be able to see do you see the difference one is a much darker this one is semi-sweet this one is kind of bittersweet okay so there is it going to be a difference in sweetness levels all right but the chips here are bigger these are by LeConte oh these ones are slightly smaller but bigger than lilies and they are by wholesome provisions I thought it was important to point this out to you for a couple of reasons guys I am thankful for Lily's chocolate chips because they have gotten us through Mint the holidays they got me through my first year and I just love their chocolate chips but they weren't as they weren't as good for baking as I would hoped since then there are companies coming out and trying to hit that mark and both of these companies did it so let's get started guys I'm going to use my stand mixer I'm going to use the balloon attachment on the stand mixer if you're not using a stand mixer and you're using a hand mixer make sure that you grab the balloon and it's going to take a while because you're gonna want these eggs to double in volume and be very rich and you want to go immediately to high speed on this you don't want to start out low and work your way up let's wait a second get those eggs back in there you want to just go directly to high speed with a balloon and you're just gonna make these frothy foamy thick and if you're like me who loves cake batter right this cake batter when it is complete then I would personally put it in a dish and serve it as a mousse if you aren't afraid of raw egg which I'm not they're pretty safe these days this is a the best mousse you will ever taste it but if you want to take it to that next level and you can make these individual ramekins you can make them into single serve so that you can make some for freezing you can do that or yes we get my last time there we go eight eggs into the bowl and we are just going to put that attachment on there make sure it's on to make sure that my mixer is on there all the way make sure it's locked down and then high we're going to go [Applause] and I know that laughs I'm gonna yell because while batboy we're going to the next level Oh is butter we have chocolate chips we have a peanut butter and we have those are the boring by weight you're going to want any absolute or one hub of butter and we want some melted 101 [Music] and I'm gonna melt it and while it's hot my dress one [Music] definitely [Music] they have definitely doubled in volume and they're foamy and their dick and what I'm gonna do is take the butter and the chocolate chips and I'm going to stir them with a whip and get them all melted I think I'll go with a bigger one this time and then we're going to add it to the eggs so you'll see the process here there we go it's almost melted that's alright I'm gonna take this give it a little there we go whoosh whoosh and then you take 16 ounces or 2 cups of chocolate chips into the 8 ounces of butter and you begin to stir and now heat from the butter is going to melt these and you're not going to burn if they don't melt all the way pop it in for you know 10 20 seconds try not to splash you should have seen me earlier guys I am the world's messiest cook you would ever seen I had splashed chocolate all over me and I kind of just push these back out because then we'll get caught up in your your whip a little bit so just push them back out don't mind ok when your fingers away now you're gonna taste this butter and chocolate mixture if it tastes delicious to you it's gonna make a delicious cake if it tastes bitter to you you think a bit more sweetener you can add like a tablespoon I made this last week and it was just right it wasn't too bitter it wasn't too sweet just delicious I didn't add anything to it now there's a few little chocolate chips here that are holding out on me so I'm going to pop this back in my microwave for just a second and yes I lift my finger and touch this food but it's my cake I can and I'm gonna pop that in I'm gonna wipe my fingers off real quick with my ever-present paper towels and while we're doing that we'll go ahead and I want to show you the trend of cam that works best for this tape it is an 8 inch springform pan you could probably get by with with a nine-inch just as easily at 8 or 9 inch will be just fine I think got all soggy so this is what it does it's the bottom releases and what you're going to do is you're just going to put it in there use the little latch and close it and just like that I'm gonna give this another stir just to make sure that it's smooth and that the chips are all melted okay there we go in the meantime I'm going to take my pan and I'm just going to give it a shot of soda nonstick spray which I've got the coconut oil I think you know it's the olive oil spray and just give this around and over added insurance I have cut a circle of parchment paper and I'm just going to put it on the bottom it helps with the release of it and make sure it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan itself there's it no flour we're gonna go back on high and then I'm going to slowly pour this chocolate into my egg mixture I need this out of here because I'm gonna want my spatula mixed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take your spatula this one is a little thinner for some reason and I don't know why but don't worry about it it's still going to do what it's supposed to do my last batch was so thick it was like frosting but I stopped the egg process a little earlier so now I'm going to add a teaspoon of vanilla I scraped the sides around [Music] [Applause] [Music] in there now this one is a little bit thinner than my last one like it was it was like frosting or whipped cream or mousse it could be just the difference in the chocolate chips - I will tell you that the chocolate chips that I used by the kanto and when you saw it was just a big ball of luck but okay because all we're gonna do now wait is pour it in a pan and put it in the oven for about 30 to 35 minutes at 325 degrees guys you just want to take this and it's still very thick see if it's just like pudding you just want to give this a pour here's another thing you can do I just wanna tell you guys you know I used vanilla its traditional but if you wanted to use any flavor almond or extract you want like if you wanted to make this like a chocolate mocha use a little coffee extract if you wanted to use almond extract or you wanted raspberry or orange if you wanted to just kick up the flavor of your chocolate cake it's definitely an option I wonder if you could probably put some nuts some finely chopped nuts in there if you still wanted like I said you could take this and you could pour these into vidual cupcake pans you could put these into ramekins and make them into individual servings so that you can know if you're like me you're attempted to eat all but I'm just thankful that I have a large family and they'll eat it whether it's keto or not I'm going to taste this oh my god so so good so rich beyond rich and you just want to give it a little tap and into the epithet goes excuse me I got chocolate right into the back of my throat and chocolate all over my hands let me wash there we go and wet my hands off and next comes the Serbian and getting to see how it goes that's how easy this chocolate cake is do you love it yes hmm I don't know what it is with me today I feel like my voice is going out I have been talking nonstop Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday six days six days I have not stopped talking all day and night one all right now here is the one thing guys this cake you can top it with chocolate ganache and kick it up to the next level I didn't have quite enough chocolate chips left over between making to full-on cakes to do two full batches of ganache much less one so I have about only about five ounces of chocolate chips so I'm gonna make a little dab of ganache to show it to you and I'm going to plate it differently but you can top this with ganache you can top this with whipped cream you can you can dust it with a little bit of powdered sugar and serve it with a few berries if you like it's totally up to you how you want to serve this when I made it for my daughter's birthday last week I did make a whole batch of ganache I covered the whole top with it and stuck a strawberry in the middle that called a good so here's the trick to ganache you can't do it with the lilies I'm sorry guys I'm not fashionable these lilies I love you but I wish that your your your chips did not cease as much and break apart so what you're going to do and these are the what content chips is your just gonna put them in a bowl and I have just a little bit of cream probably about an eighth of a cup and I'm just gonna pour all almost all of it in there I'll pour all of it in there and I'm going to pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds that's all that one button we move this out of the way here I'm going to get out some raspberries please [Music] just deserve this on then I'm going to grab the cake itself which here's the other thing the longer this refrigerates the better it is three hours is the minimum time that it's like sweet spot after three hours in the fridge this one's all they've been sitting in there for about 45 minutes so look I'm just taking my chocolate chips and my heavy cream and just hot enough to get the cream hot enough to melt the chocolate chips and just stir and stir and stir you want it a little thinner it's thinner but if not it's fine and look guys that is how you make ganache that's all it is is chocolate chips and heavy cream so lucky to be Quito I'm so freakin lucky to be Quito and that's how you make a rush all right are you guys thrilled are you in loving how easy and fast this was I couldn't even take this to the next level and sweeten these berries up a little bit if I wanted to put them in a little bit of water a little bit of sweetener and let them simmer and reduce but hey I'm keeping it Simmi clean here I'm going to grab a little bit of powdered original just to teach guys let me get my little sifter out and I'm going to grab it a knife here we go and we're going to cut this cake and I'm going to show you how you can serve it I'm going to go straight in but I'm not gonna make this big I was concerned that I might have let this go a little sooner and and it is going to get out of there oh wait wait wait I'm gonna take a little bit of this ganache and I'm gonna do it individually and I'm gonna put a little bit on this plate and I'm just gonna do that and then I'm going to take my cake which is a little bit like lava cake guys I should have let it go at two minutes more but I was pressing for time trying to get it out of the oven before I could start doing my live and your shower okay so I've got some chocolate egg cake and then I'm gonna take just a little bit I've got chocolate everywhere on me today just when I think I have everything I need to do my lives I always forget something so you just want to take a little bit of your powder to rest at all just a little guys and just slightly go over the top that's it I won't even use all this I just want a dusting and then I'm going to open up my blue my raspberries and maybe just to put a raspberry here let's just put it there it sneaks out rolled off and I'll put this here ooh I broke it again I'll just put it around here see how it just wants to break and there we have beautiful chocolate cake mine is a little bit like lava but that's how you make a molten lava cake as well so I'm pretty pretty happy I will take the bike shot for you guys I know you appreciate my sacrifice and so I will I will just is my silence answer enough I'm telling you guys this is absolutely delicious delicious delicious and that's how quickly it goes
Channel: Keto For Real Life People
Views: 34,391
Rating: 4.8312125 out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate Cake, keto chocolate cake, 4 ingredient chocolate cake, cake, keto cake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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