The BEST Chaffle Recipe No Eggy Taste Savory Chaffle Recipe Plus Bonus Pumpkin Spice Chaffle

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what's up guys welcome back to my kitchen and today we're making chocolate or I get started click that subscribe button and turn on those notifications you're not going to want to miss a single video I have tried so many chocolate recipes and could not get on the chocolate bandwagon however I did just level on this recipe and it's a game changer and now I get it so the difference but this one that versus the other chocolate recipes it uses egg whites instead of the egg yolk I'm not a fan of the overly eggy tapes if I want an eggy taste I'll just have an omelet I'll just have fried eggs I'll just have something eggs the chocolate looking for more of a bread type or just something that's not egg so I wanted to show you how to make this recipe and there's a couple of their secret ingredients that really make this recipe something special the first one is using psyllium husk psyllium husk adds fiber and it also adds more of a sticky bread like almost similar to gluten not gluten texture and it's it really it really helps with the whole attempt of getting a bread link taste and the second one is yeast now this will do know this won't serve any real purpose and function but yeast still has flavor so that's the other special ingredient so we get to use this now he says of spice versus where we used to be able to it helps make the dough rise so that's basically I'm using my college waffle iron because I'm too cheap to buy the little mini - thing and plus being in Texas we like stuff rustic so I'll show you how I make my chuckles I think they're prettier and they're hearty er than the little mini - but I don't judge if you want to use a mini - I just like using what I have and it's free and it works so it'll get the job done so let's make a chocolate the recipe will be posted below on the links below there my blog keto rewind comm and I'm making - chuckles today one of them sweet and one savory so let's get started and then I also want to take them off I like to use a cooling rack so it stays crispy so that's what this is I don't know if the camera shows that but you will need a scale because it's great to measure your egg whites this way it's out of convenience that I like to use big lights and this form but you can use an egg as well just take the yolk out and you're gonna need 50 grams of the egg whites so let's get started I was so excited making this yesterday that I was like I've got to make this video tomorrow so you need 50 grams of egg whites I don't know who came up with the charcoal there's like 4,000 recipes out there and if you know who came up with it let me know and I will share but I can't track down who is responsible so there we go so 50 grams of egg whites now once you get this going along you're gonna want to move fast you're gonna need to pinch them salt I just do a couple little sprinkles three drops of liquid stevia you can to skip this step if you want but one two three trucks so it takes one teaspoon of yeast and this is going to make two decent-sized chuckles if you eat them both it's gonna have five net carbs 12 grams of fat and 21 grams of protein and 252 calories but complete macros will be down below I like to some days I get both but yesterday I only one but this morning I had to so it just depends um but anyways it's going to be a half a cup total of mozzarella cheese so I like to put almost all of it in here so that when I mix it up it'll be all mixed up because once you read the saline pots you have to move fast it's going to become like a really thick paste so I'm just going to dump in here firmly probably a quarter cups worth and I just made a big old mess alright so let me get a fork to stir that with alright so give that a good stir and I'm telling you these will change I finally get it I get why everybody's going though about the chocolate alright and then last but not least add your tablespoon of psyllium husk powder that is edgy mix so you're gonna want to move quick I divide this batter into two chocolates but you can do it however you want so anyways when your preheated over here and you're going to take just a little bit and do it right in the center and that gives it the crunch that we want take half your mixture I just put it right in the center of my big sized shot on a waffle maker and it's going to spread it evenly for me and it's part of the pretty look make sure you get yeah don't want to cheat this person of any of charcoal and then you're going to talk with some more cheese and this is going to give it such a good crash close it up in about four minutes it's ready to go but your waffle iron will be different like mine has a little light right here and when that light goes off it's done yours might not have that I don't want to get in trouble here but typically like four minutes or until it stops like steaming so and then let me show you the batter see it's real pasty I'm gonna get my next one ready to go here and scraped off the sides because time is of the essence when you're working with slim puss it definitely gets sticky so this makes two big chocolates and I made that a and baked of Canadian bacon and cheese sandwich with it yesterday I've also seen recipes using this and making a grilled cheese so you make your charcoal then you put the cheese on it and then you can fry it till it's melty GameChanger so but this literally I think it's because it's just egg whites it's not a yolk that makes this so much more pleasant because I wasn't a huge fan of the the egginess of the chocolate and I wasn't understanding why there was such a craze for the chocolate so now I get it this one's really good the next one my done with this we're gonna make a pumpkin chocolate and with a cream cheese delicious spread so I'll be back when it's ready take these off okay it's time to take them off to get a clean fork and listen it's crispy so I get a fork it's great to just use to take them off bachelor's say you can see them there it is isn't that beautiful so I will show you the finished product and well done but I'm gonna move fast because my chapo is ready but this will be a great go to when you just want something else there's nothing wrong with it in your life we'll be back in four moments but while you're here let me show you I don't know if you can hear but the outside is crunchy the inside is perfectly soft and doughy so let's just see how I like the rustic look then with just a plain like it doesn't have pretty edges it's nice and rustic on the edges so that's why I like to use my big one and I don't waste money getting one of those mini - but means anyone I'll take it but I'm not buying one when this one does just fine you know so I'll be back with the next one's ready to come off alright we are ready to take it off and we're going to make the pumpkin version next they're cute and she's beautiful but now to make the pumpkin version you're only going to add a few extra ingredients so again we're gonna want 50 grams Oh egg weights yeah perfect another sprinkle of salt just a pinch and then this is optional again but since we're making a pumpkin one we're gonna I'm gonna up the sweetener to five so five drops of liquid stevia one teaspoon of yeast and two extra ingredients my my serious goodness I was making these yesterday so that's why I have some but you're gonna want canned pumpkin plain pumpkin no nothing else in it sometimes you there's there they put the pumpkin pie filling it next to the pumpkin puree so I haven't made that mistake before and then went about making my recipe yeah don't do that it's not good so you're gonna want one tablespoons of pumpkin puree then pumpkin pie spice you can adjust the pumpkin pie spice based on your own personal taste I'm gonna do one teaspoon but you can up it if you want my pumpkin flavor for sure so basically I would do one to two teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice give that a stir once that's all good and stirred up then add your cheese that's the same amount cheese oh it smells so heavenly just make sure you're scraping sides and yelling those two bits in there before anybody has a cow I'm making these for me this is not for anybody else so the fact I had my hair down and might touch my food like seriously off and be grateful I'm making this channel for you I just wear all the cooking videos I always people are just so mean so one this is gonna make a stain - chuckles so you're gonna put probably three-quarters of that cheese in here give it a good mix let me show you before I put this silly imposter in and again another tablespoon silly embossing remembered work fast once that psyllium husk gets in so it's going to turn into like a paste a delicious paste though alright so again tap your recipe goes in here make sure these rooms just a little bit bigger because you have just a couple more ingredients but spread it around make sure you get half on the couch wine my cheese get in there all right again I'll be back in four minutes or until your light turns off or whatever so I'll be right back meanwhile that's cooking we're going to go ahead and make the topping which is delicious and so satisfying but you're going to need one tablespoon of cream cheese and you're going to need one nice tablespoon of the kantos powdered sugar link down below for a discount all right my absolute go to sweetener is the canto which is a plan of monk fruit and our thirst all love love love love it's my favorite and just a little splash of vanilla and we're going to mix this up put a capful we're gonna mix this up but first we're going to mix this up while that's finishing up and this is going to go on top it looks like Pato is ready to come off so we're gonna take a quick break from mixing that and pull the chocolate it smells like heaven and pumpkin oh nice and crispy pumpkins awful so we're gonna put them on the cooling rack and put our next one in get it kind of work fast I mean when you're doing these but make sure you spread that cheese out where you're gonna put your waffle chopped oh excuse me sticking because you want the more the cheese is what makes it crispy so make sure when you press it down there you're the right spot see how much stickier it is since last one all right and then put the rest of your cheese on top right back to mixing up arts popping this isn't much this I found that I can only one of these they're very filling so I would say this actually makes two dessert pumpkin spice chuckles but maybe you're really hungry and you want both that's fine but I thought they were just too filling to eat both of them so I make this for me and my husband my kids love this too like last night they were wanting dessert and I was making a pumpkin chocolate looked at me like I had like eight heads but then they tasted it and they're like oh my god sold all right so let me get a pretty plate and I'll show you where where and I'll change the camera angle to it so you can see what we're up to all right we are done with our last charcoal so yummy put it on the cooling rack I'm plugging your waffle machine so you'll burn your house down and then you're gonna take this delicious cream cheese topping let me give you get close-up doesn't make a ton but just enough to nice and lightly paint they bring my camera down like I said all right so you're getting view amuse that move some of this stuff on the way for you don't judge the mess and trying I'm not really a chef here but I'm going to take half of it just paint it right on over and it's gonna get in all those little waffle holes and make it so delightful both of them and I'm telling you right now these will change your life there's no way I would ever even miss carbs in pasta when you can have delicious recipes like this so there we have it give the close-up of the savory listen it's hard and crispy on the outside gooey middle this one's great for breakfast sandwiches just old fashioned sandwich bread type and this is your dessert delicious Chava look at that don't you want to just show into that and there you have it the most delicious chuckles I have found so if you like this and you've made it comment below tell me what you think so there you have it I'm gonna enjoy my chocolate and I'll see you at the next video mmm YUM look I make these recipe below
Channel: Keto Rewind
Views: 123,558
Rating: 4.9278336 out of 5
Keywords: keto weight loss results, keto, ketogenic diet results, keto transformation, keto journey, how fast can you lose weight with keto, chaffle, keto chaffle, chaffle recipe, chaffle sandwich, chaffle burger, how to make chaffles, the best chaffle recipes, the best chaffle, savory chaffle, pumpkin spice chaffle, dessert chaffle recipe, dessert chaffle keto, chaffle egg fast, chaffle egg wh, keto diet, keto waffles, keto chaffle recipe
Id: B7S1qn3MvPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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