Keto Sourdough Bread (Made with Lupin Flour)

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hello my Kido peeps its samaya and welcome back to my channel I don't sugarcoat I am so stoked about the recipe I'm gonna be sharing with you guys today can you tell what we're making we're making sourdough you guys so let's get started okay first let me start off by saying I am so nervous about shooting this video today because if you can tell I am wearing a t-shirt and I've not worn a t-shirt in any of my other videos you guys because at this point in my weight-loss journey I totally hate the way my arms look but when I'm cooking it gets really hot and songs like you know what I've got to go with comfort over you know my oh what's the word I'm looking for over vanity I guess and not to mention you know I'm sharing this journey with you guys and so you know this is what's real you know I went from weighing three hundred and seventy six point eight pounds to being I'm 222 pounds now so you know there's going to be a lot of changes with my body and you know I just have to get accustomed to those and this is just what it is and so you know I'm just not gonna hide it anymore I'm gonna just share as much as possible so let's just go ahead and get into what this video is really about today I just wanted to get that off my chest okay I know I have been teasing you guys a lot with um this sourdough recipe so if you guys have been following my Facebook and my Instagram you guys have seen me post pictures about my bread and you've seen you know me talking about you know coming up with the recipe and whatnot and so it took me a little bit to figure out how I was gonna share this recipe with you guys but now that I figured that out now we're at the point of actually pulling it all together so if you're watching this video you've already watched how to do the sourdough starter and so now you should have your starter ready well maybe not ready already but you know by the time you get to doing this video you'll have your sourdough starter ready and you're gonna be ready to follow along and create this bread with me so this is not going to be like my regular bread recipe because there won't be X in it what else I think the eggs might be the only thing that's not gonna be in this but it is entirely different so going into this I know this is gonna be a little bit more advanced than the other bread recipe but I really believe if you guys just follow these simple instructions you're gonna be able to make sourdough yourselves so let's get started with all of this let's get going with the ingredients in this bowl I have one and a half cup of vital wheat gluten so to this we are going to add 2/3 and 1 tablespoon I know that seems really random but it needed to have that extra tablespoon of Lupin flour to make sure that I had the right amount of flowers to this I did start off measuring it in grams and I think it measured out to right around 400 grams of flour for those of you who are like in the UK and whatnot if you want to measure it that way I believe it's gonna measure up to 400 grams of flour but I live in America and you know we use the cup system so I to make sure that I did this in a way that my fellow Americans would be able to follow along as well so 2/3 and 1 tablespoon is what you're going to need of the loop and flour ok you guys and now we're gonna add in our oat fiber and as I told you in what video is that I believe um oh that's the doughnut video I'm using a new old farmer that has zero net carbs you guys and so I'm not quite ready to give a review on it I liked it in the donut recipe but now I'm trying to incorporate it in my bread recipe and also my pasta recipe which you will see later so once I really get to try it out I will tell you if I like it so far it's been okay but you know I just want to see how it plays out in a little more recipes before you know I tell you guys which one this is and recommend you guys to use it because I don't want you guys using anything that I don't think makes the dish you know really stand out really tastes great but for this we're gonna be adding in half a cup and a half a tablespoon so 1/2 cup and a half a tablespoon of oat fiber I will say I do like the way this oat fiber is much more powdery than the Anthony's not the Anthony's isn't but this is different it is really different it has more of a flour consistency then Anthony's does so I'm really hoping this is gonna work out because it has a lot of plus going for me it has the zero net carbs it has a really great texture so I'm really hoping this is going to be something that I can really be able to use from now on now we're going to add in two teaspoons of pink Himalayan salt that's what I'm mostly used pretty much always so let's add in the salt and then we have a half a teaspoon of xanthan gum let's get that add it all in no did I not draw my bowls today I don't know everything wants to stick to the bottom okay you guys and so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna give this a quick whisk and then I'm going to explain to you really quick about our sourdough starter okay so the sourdough starter what it is is you're growing wild yeast and with a regular wheat flour this sourdough starter would work very well but after doing some testing I found that it does not do well to just use it by itself for rising it did not make my bread rise the way that I wanted it to so we have to give it a little assistance you guys we're going to have to use some extra yeast so Wow I would have liked it to have done the whole job of being the yeast and giving it the rise that it wants it's it's okay it did give it a little rise not much which is why we're going to give you some assistance and I'm just going to use this pack of active dry yeast you can use this or instant yeast I've done both and they both work great so we're going to but with active dry yeast you guys make sure you do the proofing you have to proof this yeast you can go without doing it with the instant yeast if you want but active dry yeast must be proofed and so I have a cup of 475 grams of water and with the water you're going to want to measure it that way so make sure it's 475 grams of water and you want to make sure it's between 120 to 130 Fahrenheit so we're gonna add this one packet in there and if you're using the stuff from a jar instead of packets you're gonna be using a tablespoon so one tablespoon and now we're gonna add the honey we need a source of sugar to feed our yeast and the yeast is not a feed on that so you don't need to worry about this being in the bread okay so we're gonna add one teaspoon of this and I'm just gonna eyeball this because I've done this enough to know okay and now we're gonna get that whisked up really well [Music] okay you guys now that that's all done we're gonna go ahead and get started with mixing this in our Bowl so what we want to do first is we want to add our yeast water right into the bowl and then here we have our sourdough starter and in here we have 200 grams of sourdough starter and this again is something you want to measure in grams you guys and we're just gonna dump that right on in and it smells so so much like sourdough you guys I was so happy when I reached that point you have no idea okay so now we're going to get a little messy here guys we need to use one of these and I think this is it's really great for doing this it's just like a little little scraper and you can get this with you can order this on Amazon you can get it with a set of the proofing backs kits which is what I would recommend order a set of proofing baskets and this will come with it and so what we want to do now is we want to go ahead and get all this mixed together until we have it all nice and formed into a ball of dough you guys [Music] and just get it mixed as well as you can and it's gonna start getting sticky and that's what we want you guys this dough that's not going to be like my regular bread dough this dough is going to be really sticky really wet and don't think that you're doing something wrong you're not we want this dough to be wet like that and if you can see up there it looks really really wet it doesn't look like the other dough at all but don't let that be cause for concern it's okay and you want to keep going until you get all the flour incorporated so just keep flipping it scraping the flour from the bottom scraping the dough from the sides just keep working with it until you get all the flour incorporate it [Music] [Music] okay you guys so this is about what we want and yes it's gonna be stuck to the paddle it's gonna be stuck to your hand but that is okay this is exactly what we wanted so I'm gonna move this stuff out of the way here because now we need a little room to work also I should say that if you guys just so happen to have a bread proofer like I do you want that to already be going and getting preheated at 78 degrees for thirty minutes you want to let that preheat so it can get nice and warm on the inside and if not just make sure when you're ready to let your dough rise that you find a nice warm spot to put it in your kitchen or do the microwave method that I'm always telling you guys about okay so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna turn this on to our surface no flour you guys we don't want to add any more flour to this because you're gonna make your dough really tough and really heavy and so your bread won't turn out very well so yes it's gonna be sticky yes it's gonna make a little bit of a mess that's okay that's the beauty of it and that's the fun part okay I'm gonna scrape all this off [Music] all right so right now our yeast is really weak and that's why it's sticky and stuff like that so what we want to do is just kind of work this a little bit before we get it put into our stand mixer here just to get it to come together really nicely so when it goes into our stand mixer it's just going to keep together and then it's going to need our dough very beautifully so if you can see you know it's really leaving a lot behind on the surface sometimes but the more you move it around it'll really start to feel like it's coming together more and we don't want to now if you don't have a stand mixer you are going to want to do this process the entire way until it gets really smooth and the dough is I'll show you what it's supposed to be doing after I get it nice and needed in my mixer but it's called the windowpane effect and once your dough is ready it'll be able to stretch without ripping a hole in it so we're gonna go ahead and just keep moving this around and just use the heel of your hand to push it and then pull it back and I know right now it's a little funny filling and whatnot but just keep doing it do it for about three to five minutes and then we're gonna get it in our stand mixer and you'll start to see and feel as you do this that the texture is changing it's starting to feel a little less sticky it's starting to give you a little more resistance when you push it and it's starting to leave less of itself behind on the work surface [Music] alright now to me this feels like it's ready for our stand mixer and so we just want to go ahead and put it in here with the dough hook attachment on and we're gonna let this dough knead for me minutes alright you want to walk it in place and actually you know what I'm gonna move this to back here because I want to clean this up so we can be ready for the next part okay so I'm gonna let that go for eight minutes and then we'll come back and then we're gonna get it set up so that it can start to rise so see you in a minute it has been eight minutes and look at our dough now the texture has completely changed you guys it's so smooth yet it's still very sticky so let me show you what I meant when I said you'll know when the door is ready so if you can see this dough has a lot of elasticity now and as you can see I can stretch it and there's no ripping no tearing and that's exactly what we want you guys we want it to be just like that so what we want to do now is you could take this and you can make one loaf of bread with this if you want I find that does a great job with making two loaves so I like to split it up and make tools not to mention it's less carbs when you do to Lowe's so I'm gonna go ahead cut this in half and we are going to weigh it we're gonna weigh our dough and see if we've got it nice and even [Music] okay this is 522 grams and this is 540 so we just want to have a little bit off of here what we got now [Music] okay they're 5:30 each now okay so now what we want to do is we're going to go ahead and get them nice and shaped for putting them in these bowls right here that we are if you guys can see them we're going to put them in a lightly greased Bowl and we are going to get them ready to rise so we don't need to we don't want to move do too much to it as far as kneading but we do want to get it into a nice shaped ball so what I like to do is I like to roll it around my surface a bit and here's what you want to do to get a nice smooth top you're just kind of rolling it around a little bit you can use both hands to roll it around like so and then you don't take your hands like this and you're gonna pull it and scrape the dough back and it will start to pull the dough tight on the top and help to get a nice smooth and rounded top and so we don't want it to be too tight but we just want to try to help out the top and get nice and smooth and to me that looks good enough so I'm gonna go ahead and turn this upside down because this is our smooth top so turn it upside down into our bowl that we're gonna let it rise in I'm the same thing with the other hat or if you're just making one loaf you can just do that one time so and yes the dough will still be very sticky and that's exactly what we want so don't let that scare you or make you feel like you've done something wrong you have it this is exactly what we want you guys [Music] okay [Music] okay so I'm gonna wash my hands really quick and then we're gonna go ahead and get them covered and get a ring all right you guys sourdough is not like regular don't we can't just let this sit and rise for an hour and a half and be ready to go no our dough is going to need three hours you guys yes three hours to rise and get it to where we want it to be so we're going to go ahead get it covered with a sheet of oiled saran wrap and then you're gonna want to put them in a nice warm space I'm using my Brent proofer you guys do whatever method you prefer and I'm gonna set these inside the bread proofer and then I'm gonna tell you about what we need next okay so now that that's in the bread proofer we are gonna go ahead and set the timer for three hours now the next thing that's gonna happen when the bread comes out is we're gonna need to flatten it down punch out the air and then we're gonna roll it back up and then we're gonna put it in our proofing baskets let me grab those so I can show you what we need okay so these are what I use I have two I'm actually meaning to get some more but you want to use these for the second round of proofing you guys second round we are going to need to do it for three and a half hours I know it sounds like a lot you guys but if you want to get a good sourdough bread you've got to put in the time in order to get the bread just right so I like to use this bread basket this also comes with like um a linen lining but I like to get the the nice shape and dent it on my bread so I don't use the lining now if you don't want this shape and if you border these um bowls then go ahead and leave the linen lining in there for me I like to get the nice spiral on it and so I just use it just like this so you're gonna want to use two of these or just the one if you're making one loaf okay and the next thing and this is very important you guys because even if you don't have proofing backs kiss you guys you can use you can still use like glass bowls which is what I just did for the first round of proofing you can still use that and just do it that way I just like to use this because I want it to have that nice design on it so if you just have found a glass bowls you can totally use that for the whole process it's fine and if you want to line it with um a dish towel so that way it won't stick to the bowl perfect that will do just well but one thing we cannot do without you guys you're going to need this stone you need a pizza stone a baking stone whatever you want to call it I know mine looks dirty but it's not I swear oh it just it just starts to get dirty as you use it well get stained I should say not dirty it starts to get stained as you use it but it's fine it's clean so if you need this guy's you really do I I have tried to do it with a cookie sheet and the bread just did not come out right so one of these things cost somewhere between like twenty five thirty dollars I think and you're gonna need this because what happens next is when the bread is going in for its second rise or going to sit for its second rise you guys we are going to want to put this stone in the oven and get it heating throughout that whole rising period I tried to do it for just 30 minutes it did not get hot enough I tried to do it for an hour and while it was it was hotter but it didn't do well with cooking the bottom 30 minutes it didn't cook the bottom at all when I first tried to make my sourdough bread an hour it did cook the bottom but it still was a little bit undercooked like the rest of the bread the rest of the bread was cooked beautifully but it was a little undercooked on the bottom so I started leaving it in the oven for three and a half hours for the second rise at 500 degrees I know that's a long time to run your stove on such a high temperature but if you want this bread to turn out perfect you're gonna want to do that you guys 500 degrees three and a half hours and this thing will beast like really really hot and ready to go and so that's what we're gonna need for the second half in order to get the bread cooking also you're going to need a cookie sheet to stick in the bottom on the bottom rack so you're gonna wanna you're gonna want to lower your top rack to the second to Lois ring so you got the bottom shelf on the bottom and you want to have the second rack just one above it and so on that bottom rack you're gonna put a cookie sheet in the oven as well along with this to get hot for three and a half hours because what's gonna happen is we need to put we need to create a human environment in this dough so once we put our bread on to the baking stone we are going to then pour cold water onto the cookie sheet which will then steam up and create this nice steam and that's going to help our bread from expanding further out and rise up and give it that nice hard exterior on the outside you guys so that is going to be crucial now if you don't want it like that if you don't want your bird to have that nice crunchy exterior I have to play it around with this and so you can just you still use the cookie sheet in the oven let it heat but just do like some warm water in there and it won't create as hard of a crust on the outside it will be much softer so you can do that if you don't want it to be as hard but you know I like it to be you know nice and hard and crisp also I will tell you that after three hours of rising I wanted to test it and you can bake the bread after three hours of rising but it's going to give you more of a just like a regular bread texture it's not going to give you that classic sourdough texture because sourdough is much denser than a regular slice of white bread so we want it to do that second rise so that way the air bubbles will redistribute and come together again and all that stuff it's that's what's gonna make it get that texture is during that second rising you guys so you really want to let that happen if you want more of a classic sourdough bread if you don't want yours to be that dense then you can just go ahead and just do three hours and if you're only gonna do the three hour rise then you want to get your pizza stone heating and the cookie sheet heating during your first rise you guys so that way you will be ready to pop it in the oven right after so I think that's all I need to tell you guys for right now so we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna let our bread rise and then I will see you back here after three hours so I can show you what we're gonna do next to get our bread ready for the second rise okay see you guys in a bit so three hours have passed you guys and look at these beauties they have risen double their size now if you haven't made this just one loaf you're gonna see an even bigger rise because it's a bigger batch but these have risen just the way they're supposed to and now what we want to do is we want to punch each one down letting out the air rolling them back up again and then we're gonna get them into the proofing baskets we have here and then this is going to be its final rise now for those of you who don't want it to be as dense as what I mean sourdough isn't like super dense but it's much denser than regular white bread so if you want something a little bit more fluffier that just has the sourdough taste you can go ahead and stick these in the oven now as long as you've had your stone heating up at 500 degrees for the three hours that it was rising so I've already turned my stove on now to 500 degrees I've got my stone in there I've got my cookie sheet in there because we want both of those to be piping hot you guys and so if you want to do it from this stage you're gonna have to wait until the end of the video or towards the end of the video after we do the second rise for me to show you what to do next so I'm sorry but you're just gonna have to wait because I'm gonna be doing a second rise with these because I want that texture I want it to be a little bit more denser than a white bread so we're gonna go ahead and start with one of these and let's go ahead and flour our surface just a little and for this yes we can flour our surface a little for this stage just a tiny bit [Music] okay and so save your paper save your plastic wrap because we will be putting this onto the baskets okay and you want to go ahead and just dump that out on there and look at this guy's oh it's so fluffy is still very sticky so just go ahead and punch your dough down letting some of that air release okay and now you just want to go ahead and pull a corner to the center and fold it and we want to do the same thing here and fold it and again and fold it and then again and fold it and so what we're trying to do now is is we want to get it back into that ball again now for this one I want to do mine's more of a log with this one because I'm using rectangular shaped basket so with this one I don't want to go ahead and put that into the shape of a ball so now I'm gonna try my best to close it all up on the ends and now I'm just gonna pull it back and try my best you guys to get this to be a nice small log and we don't want to pull it too tight because we want to be able to rise I'm sorry for the sniffling guys it is so allergy season for me so please please excuse that okay so now I want to do guys is we want to go ahead and put a little bit of oat fiber into the bottom and on the sides of our basket and as you can tell it's starting to be morning here well not yet you can't see the Sun yet but you can probably hear the birds in my background so this is usually the time that I try to you know film it's like late night early mornings when my house is quiet that's why I try my best to get my filming done okay so now that we've got that lightly floured we're gonna go ahead pull this back one more time let's make sure okay we're still a little open here I want that to be completely closed and I'm just kind of pinched that a little bit now when we do the one shaped like a ball that one's much easier to close up because we'll be rolling it around but because I want this shaped more like a log it's a little bit harder to get that to close up okay so now that we have our smooth top I'm going to go ahead and place this upside down into our basket okay just like that see okay and now we want to go ahead and do the next one so let's lightly flour our surface again [Applause] and since we're done with that oh that's right we want to go ahead and put just a little bit of oat fiber on the bottom of the bread because this will be our bottom we're just gonna flip it over on to the hot stone okay so now that I've got that done I'm going to go ahead and cover it once again [Music] okay and now let's do the same thing with this one we just want to get it out of there and then punch down and [Music] reshaped all right and that's just beautiful okay guys so punch it down let that air out [Music] okay and go ahead and grab one edge fold it to the center grab the other one back to the center over here to the center same thing here to the center just pulling our bread back together and now let's flip it over and now let's go ahead and work that back into a circle you guys and as I said this one will be a little bit easier you just want to take your hands and do what we did last time and just shuffle it around a bit all right and then take your hands cut them pull it so we can try to get a nice tight smooth top roll it around and pull it pull that pull that dough under it okay and I think that's good so we're gonna just take a little bit and flour this you know while I like wearing wigs they do get in my way so I think my bun will be making a repair it's very soon I don't like having hair in my face as I work I'm normally at this time of year I would go ahead and get my hair braided and have it out of my way but you know I'm not supposed to be you know gathering like that and we're supposed to be quarantined ourselves so it's just not a good idea for me to you know try to meet with my hairdresser and get my hair done okay and so again I just want to close off anything that's there and it might open a little bit that's rising in light but it really doesn't affect the bread might not the don't open it all the way no no no I mean like you might see just a little bit of the seam of it just open a little bit oh my god see it's in my way huh soon I will be bringing my bun back because it's too hard to work like this okay and so I love the way that looks and I'm just going to go ahead and grab another pension and put some on top here [Music] okay and now say thing let's go ahead hover it back up and we're gonna put these back in to our well I'm gonna put it into the bread proofer but you guys are gonna set yours aside if you don't have a bird foofer and then put it somewhere warm or you're gonna go ahead and stick it in your microwave and go ahead and do that method just a second I will explain that method again just because this might be your first time seeing one of my videos so I will explain the my boyfriend the to you guys in just a second I'm going to go ahead and get these in my bread first okay guys so the microwave method that I use sometimes is where I will take a cup of hot water stick it in the microwave and I heat it up for one minute to help create a humid atmosphere inside my microwave and then I take my bread and I place it inside the microwave along with the hot water I keep that in there and then I allow my bread to rise in that kind of atmosphere if you see that your bread is not rising the way that it should with just using the one cup of hot water then keep refreshing that cup of water every 10 to 15 minutes and make sure the water is boiling hot so you can heat it up in a tea pot an electric tea pot I like to use that I just plug in my let your tea pot keep the water hot and then I just keep changing it sometimes when it's not I'm doing it with just one cup so do that throughout the process of your rising and you should have no problem getting your bread to rise to a nice high rise so now that our bread is in there we're going to go ahead and set the for three hours and a half 30 minutes and we're gonna let that rise and when we come back you guys I'm gonna show you guys what we're gonna do next okay now you don't have to have it but I like to cut designs on the top of my bread so I use either of these you can get one of these that has a double-sided razor on it or you can use something like this see you just use something like that and you can just go ahead as long as it's sharp you can go ahead and cut a design on top so I'm gonna show you guys how I like to do that and you guys can try it too or you can just leave yours however you want to leave yours but I'm gonna go ahead and cut a cute little design on mine and then we'll bake them up in the oven but make sure you do not forget to turn on your stove 500 degrees with your pizza stone in the oven and with a cookie sheet underneath because we want both of those screaming hot by the time our bread gets done trust me the last thing you want is to have your bread done and you forgot to put the stone in and heat it up that's gonna really suck you don't want to ruin your bread after taking all this time to get it mate so go ahead get in the oven get it turned on to 500 degrees and just let it sit and get really hot for the next three and a half hours and then I'm gonna see you guys back here in a bit and then we're gonna go ahead design our bread stick it in the oven and we'll see what we get I'll see you guys in a bit okay guys so it's been three and a half hours you guys and our bread has risen and it's ready to go in the oven and so as you can see I've got a little separation going on here and that tends to happen you guys when I don't roll my bread tight enough but sometimes I have rolled it to the point where it was too tight and it kind of affected the way it has risen and then sometimes I haven't rolled it tight enough as this is the case here so I'm just gonna close up these seams because this has happened to me before and it'll be perfectly fine it's not gonna affect the way the bread cooks or anything as you will see later when it comes out but it's kind of like a science to it you know making sure you get the bread nice and tightly rolled so that it is all nice and together and sealed closed but also so that it does not that it's not too tightly rolled so that it kind of doesn't rise as much so you'll learn that the more you make this bread recipe recipe and play around with it this just happens to be one of those times when I didn't roll it tight enough but that's fine I'm gonna lightly pinch these little openings here close just lightly [Music] and this part is on the bottom so it's not gonna affect your bread at all [Music] and now we want to be careful because we don't want to mess up the rise of our bread okay and so that's fine we're gonna dust the top of these with a little more um old fiber I mean the bottoms these are your bottoms that's facing up we're just gonna dust those with a little more and then I've got a pizza peel here guys and this is what I'm gonna use to transfer my bread to the stone normally I would just take it and drop it right on to the stone but I want you guys to be able to see me do the cut and whatnot on it so that's why I'm going to flour this and you want to flour this really well because you need to be able to slide the dough off of it onto the stone if you're gonna do this but I usually as I said just drop it right onto the hot stone okay so I'm gonna fire that really well and then I'm gonna do the first one I'll do the round one I'm gonna flip this over onto this peel [Music] and as you can see guys I don't know if you can see the detail on it but I will bring it up a little closer can you see it's got the nice beautiful rings on it guys just the way I want it just the way I like it can I see it okay so now what I want to do I'm going to go ahead and pull out my razor and I'm going to and you don't have to be too too gentle but you want to make sure that you do get a nice good deep clip and I'm going to cut into my braid here and I know you probably think it after all the time and all that rising you're ruining it I promise you I'm not this is gonna make it so beautiful okay and I'm gonna make something like a little I don't know a little tree maybe I guess you can call this [Music] [Music] okay and I'm going to finish up my cuts on the other side of the stem and also now that we're ready to put this in the oven you want to go ahead and drop the temperature down to about 4:40 and I know that's kind of hard for us to do here in America so just go just slightly under 450 that's what I like to do is put it slightly under 450 okay and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put this in and then we're gonna come back and do our other one so I'm gonna go ahead and slide this onto my pizza pill which I made my pizza stone which I also have floured as well okay and it comes up pretty easy so I'm gonna go ahead and flour it again because we want it to come off just as easy and now for everyone who wanted their um their bread to be a little softer on the inside and decided to only do the 3-hour rise this is the part that you need to be paying attention to because this is how we finish it up and again we just go ahead and drop that on there and can you see it it's beautiful and for this one I'm just gonna cut three slanted lines across it like so now you can cut whatever design you want to cut into your bread hit your bread whatever you want you can cut your initials in it if you want like it is your bread and you've worked hard on it so make whatever cuts whatever designs you want to make your bread look the way you want it to look okay and so once again I want to go and put this on my pizza stone and then we're gonna go ahead and get ready to add the water you guys because don't forget we have to add that water and so now I'm gonna push the top rack in that has the cookie sheet on it and we're gonna pour some cold water onto it [Music] okay now usually I get a nice big sizzle of steam coming out of it when that happens but because I'm doing this instructional video I had the door open a little too long so more than likely my bread might not have that nice but it's fine I've had the bread both ways and in both ways it's delicious so I'm gonna set mine for 25 minutes its first at 8:25 it's at 35 minutes to cook guys and so I'm gonna start at 25 minutes and see where my bread is because sometimes my bread cooks much faster and so it goes sometimes between 25 minutes to 30 minutes so it just kind of depends actually I'm gonna set it a little less than this because I want to be able to check it for color so we are gonna check it for color at 15 minutes you guys at 15 minutes we'll check it see if we need to cover it now you when it comes to sourdough it kind of depends on what you personally prefer with coloring so I sometimes like mines to get kind of dark too dark but kind of dark so I don't know I'm gonna wait and see what I feel like today I'm gonna check it for sound and see you know if what it sounds like see if I'm gonna leave it uncovered or not but we're gonna go ahead and check that in 15 minutes so you cover it when you need to cover it if you feel as though you need to cover it so I'm gonna see you guys back here as soon as the bread is done and it comes out and I'm gonna show you what we've got All Right see you in a bit so our bread is out you guys it is done and this has to be the first and only time that I can think of that my bread needed to stay in the oven for a total of 40 minutes and I think that's due to the fact that when I poured the water on the bottom on the cookie sheet that's on the bottom it didn't give me that big sizzle that it normally does and that's and that's because I had this the oven door open too long and I let out too much heat usually when I cook this bread I'm in and out of the oven in two to three minutes I put the bread on to the stone I give the cuts I close it up I put the water in and it gives me that nice steam and it just cooks the bread really well really fast but this time I actually have to keep it in for 40 minutes just to make sure it got that you hear that so I got that nice sound that I like on the outside of the bread you guys and so now we're going to go ahead and cut into this but I just wanted to tell you that so just be aware that when you when you're putting your bread in the oven you really want to do it as quickly as possible so that way you don't let out too much heat and you don't need to increase your cook time so I would say that the cook time will range from 25 minutes to 40 minutes just because I had bread that got done at 25 minutes and now I've gone up to 40 minutes so I would say that's cook time can range in between there because you want to make sure that your bread is completely done and as I said even though the seam got opened a little it made no difference to the bottom it was gonna cook it looks perfectly fine you guys and so this little contraption right here is my new brain slicer it's much sturdier heavier it does not move so I'm gonna go ahead and slice into this one for you guys let's see and it's still pretty young but I'm gonna see if I can cut it without ruining it ruining oh my goodness ruining it that word just didn't want to come out at all [Music] okay now I'm just gonna move this over so that we are right under the camera and I'm going to go ahead and start trying to cut into this as I said it's still pretty hot but I wanted to try to cut into it and let you guys see what this I wanted to try to cut into this and show you guys what it looks like I'm gonna get a different knives this is the knife that came with it but I don't I don't really care for that much okay so we're gonna go back at it again now [Music] [Music] cutting through that crust so let's see what I can show you guys Oh oh my god you guys that's so hot okay I'm gonna be smart about this and I'm gonna let this sit a minute because I want to get a big enough slice off of here and I'm kind of pushing it down and ruining the texture of it so I'm going to let it sit you guys I'll come back in a second I'll cut another slice so you guys can really get to see what it looks like on the inside okay I'll see you guys in a minute okay you guys so it's been a couple more minutes and I would like to be more patient and wait but you guys I have been up for some time so I cut a few more slices and I'm just gonna show you this really quick just so I can in this video here but you guys please when your bread comes out let it sit let it cool completely before trying to cut into it because you don't want to ruin your bread by you know messing with it when it's hot because when you try to cut it when it's hot you're you're squishing the bread down compressing it not stuffing you really don't want to ruin your beautiful loaf of bread after you've taken all that time to cook it so please wait let it cool don't do what I'm doing but since I'm just doing this for an instructional video anyway it's okay it's fine um so I've got a piece here it's still kind of warm can you guys see the bread can't see the holes in it can you see the holes the nice holes in it so it's nice arrey let's see show you that bread on the inside here see the nice holes in it nice bread holes I love those you guys I really do and so it's it's sourdough it it smells great it's gonna taste great wait till you make a sandwich with this stuff you guys it's gonna be fantastic I'm telling you you're gonna love this you're gonna be glad that you have more than one option for bread you guys I'm telling you my husband actually prefers the sourdough more than he prefers the regular bread so I haven't made regular bread in a while because he you know likes the sourdough best and so I've been cooking this recently so I'm gonna leave the nutritional facts for this in the description of the video below I would tell you what it is right now but what I have on my phone I have not replaced the vibe of the oat fiber I still have the anthony's oat fiber for that recipe on my phone and so that's gonna change because the oat fiber I use for this loaf had zero net carbs so it's gonna change a little bit I mean I guess I can give you some idea of what those numbers did look like I could do that for you guys just so you can have some idea but in the description for this video will be the accurate numbers but I will tell you what it looked like with the Anthony's so for these two loaves I get about twenty six slices between them and so that's gonna come out too so that comes out to about 0.9 grams of net carbs you guys let me just make sure I'm looking at that right yes yes so that's gonna be 0.9 grams now depending on how thin you slice yours it could be a little bit less than that and it's probably gonna be even less you guys because I don't have any net carbs in the oat fiber that I use this time around so yeah it's gonna be really low in carbs per slice and protein is going to be around 7.5 I don't think that's gonna change I'm not sure if that changes because of the old fiber and back let's see the fat is around 0.5 grams of fat because this has no eggs in this bread or anything like that the only thing we have is the oil actually it's gonna be a little bit more fat than that it's probably gonna be closer to like a gram of fat because I'm actually missing the oil off of this recipe so I'm probably more like a gram of fat or so somewhere in there per slice but yeah that's it's a really really low carb bread and it doesn't have very many proteins or fat it's gonna be a great great addition to your keto diet and it's so you guys I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this video up here and end this because I need to nap you guys I really do I need a nap so bad and if you did not get to see the video for how to do the sourdough starter I'm gonna go ahead and link that up here or over here somewhere there will be a link for you to be able to click on and go ahead and watch that and likely it'll be linked at the end of this video as well I'll link it in the little box that comes up at the end so you'll be able to click on it from either somewhere right now in the video or at the end of this video you'll be able to just get right over to the UM sourdough starter recipe in case you did not get to see that first so that is going to be it for today guys I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you enjoyed this recipe I hope you guys get to make beautiful sandwiches or garlic bread or whatever you want to make with this so if you like this video you guys give it a thumbs up if you're new here don't forget to click that subscribe button and don't forget to ding the little Bell so you can get notifications every time I post a new video and until next time you guys bye you [Music]
Channel: I Don't Sugar Coat
Views: 26,856
Rating: 4.9080038 out of 5
Keywords: keto bread, sourdough bread, keto sourdough bread, low carb sourdough bread, lupin flour, lupin flour bread, lupin flour recipes, keto lupin flour recipes, low carb lupin flour recipes, oat fiber recipes, oat fiber bread
Id: Qn94tEMjQFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 52sec (3892 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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