4 HOURS on a CRJ! Flying the Essential Air Service

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- Welcome to Denver in Colorado. hub of course, to United Airlines. And today we're taking a flight to Los Angeles. But it's not the direct flight, because that'd be far too easy. We're going to be trying out the essential air service that connects Denver in Colorado with Prescott, Arizona - a little town over in Arizona, and then onwards to Los Angeles. - So we're only flying in coach today, only because I want to get a view of that CRJ200 engine at the back of the plane. Of course, avgeekness wins over comfort any day. So I'm not sure whether I can get into the United lounge or not with my Star Alliance Gold Membership, so we'll go and give it a go and see if they'll let me in. - Hello. Good morning. Can I get in with Star Gold? - Oh, good. Thank you. Here we go. Let me in yay. Some comfort now for a bit. I always find that United lounges, some of the best in the US. There's a good selection of snacks and an open bar. Look at the entire airport though. The lounge was really busy today. I have to say, this is the busiest airport I've seen since before last March. All right. It's time to head to the gate. She'll be boarding in about 10 minutes or so. Oh, my masks looks all wonky, doesn't it. Heading to the gate should be there in a couple of minutes and then boarding in about 10 minutes. - My ride today was an 18 year old CRJ200 delivered to Sky West in 2003. It operated for Delta until 2020, when she started flying for United. - Do we have any global service or 1K members? You are also welcome to board at this time. - Hello - Hello, how are you doing? - I'm good, how are you? - Good. Thank you. Have a good day. - Thank you, you too. - Hello. Hi, how are you doing? - Hello, welcome on board. - Right then, onboard flight one of the essential air service route down to Prescott. - So I'm going to be connecting there, it's a little town in Arizona, somewhere heading down to LAX, later on this afternoon on a CRJ200. Awesome. We can ensure all larger items do have a place on this aircraft. And ladies and gentlemen, a little heads up. Its pretty cold out there, we are going to be de-icing today. - The flight down to Prescott was rammed today. A lot of passengers have been bumped onto this flight to get to Phoenix. After one of the Phoenix flights was canceled due to weather. Denver airport is absolutely massive. Stay tuned for a video I have coming in a couple of weeks time where I'm back here, and I'll be showing you around this huge airport. We had to de-ice today. So headed down to the de-icing ramp to get sprayed. - Our first leg today, then took us southwest across Colorado and into Arizona. Before descending into Prescott. Flight time today was one hour and 28 minutes, cruising at 30,000 feet. - Soon after take off, there was a drinks service. - I have to say that the flight attendant was absolutely lovely on this flight, and took time to speak to everyone. - Interestingly, the captain has just come on and gone, 'Oh yeah, I'm just about to turn off the fasten seatbelt sign' Flicked a switch, and it went ding, but he's actually turned off the no smoking sign. So now, well, we're not allowed to get out of our seats but we can smoke a cigarette. Yay! I don't smoke, never smoked, in my life. Ha ha. - Well, bit of bumpy air there. No smoking sign's come back on again. Time to put out those cigarettes hah. It soon got really bumpy, to the extent that the lovely flight attendant was telling people to open air vents, and reminding people where the stick bags were which is the first time that I've ever really had this on a flight. - Once again we do apologize for this turbulence, and we should have you all on the ground shortly. - Pretty soon though, we started our descent into Prescott for our first stop of the day. - Have a good one, thank you, watch your head. - Thank you, I'm off to LAX. - Oh you're LAX? Perfect, so he's been looking for you. - Oh, okay. - And he'll tell you where to go! - Okay, perfect. Thank you. See you soon. - Thank you! - LAX thank you! - Do you have a screen tag or anything? - No, just it's checked through, the red one in there. - Come on this way. So if you just go that way, you'd have to go through TSA. - Here you go sir. - Thank you very much. - You only had one bag, right? - Yeah its the red one on the back there. - Yeah as you can see, its making it. - Its made it all the way, yeah. - Made it all the way it's two stops in so far. - Good, sir. - Thank you. Prescott airport sees around 24,000 passengers a year with two departures a day to Denver and Los Angeles on the Sky West flights. Since I filmed this video, Boutique Air have also started serving Prescott with two daily flights to Phoenix. There's no restaurant or shop here, but they do have snacks that you can buy on an honor system just by dropping your money in the box. I have a feeling that there's not many places in the world that would use an honor system in an airport. So then on the ground here in Prescott, Arizona. - Can you keep your mouth shut for a moment love. - We've got about an hour here in the airport, before we get back on board with the same CRJ, you can continue onwards to, ah, Los Angeles, nice little airport this, actually. - Hello! - All right sir, you have a safe flight. - Thank you very much. Pretty soon though, it was time to get on board the CRJ for the next leg across to Los Angeles. That was, of course, once the flight attendants had opened up the curtains to let us all on. - How you doing, you all right? - Right, back on board, same CRJ, same seats, short hop now across to LAX. Let's roll. - Yeah I didn't understand a word of that either. To be honest, the flight attendant on this leg couldn't be more of a contrast to the friendly crew on the previous flights. - I was actually surprised at the contrast between the two flights on the same day and on the same route. The friendly chatty Southern flight attendants on the first flight and the second who seemed like she really didn't want to be there. The last flight of the day that took us on a very strange route in due to the weather. We first flew south to the Mexican border, then turned west along the border to San Diego, before flying northward towards Los Angeles. Flight time was one hour and 26 minutes, cruising at 32,000 feet. The usual flight time on this leg is under an hour. So it took half as long again as the regular flight. - Now for me as a tall person this is the problem with the CRJ200. And that has the windows are just so far down. The reason for that is that the CRJ200 is actually based off of a business jet design, the Bombardier Challenger and effectively, they just raise the floor so they can fit four passenger seats across which therefore means that the windows are a lot lower down and you get a bit of crick neck if ever you're trying to look out of the window. Now the CRJ700's, the 900's and 1000's, they don't have that problem because they were built from the ground up as a passenger commercial aircraft. So the windows are pretty much at the same height and the right height that you'd need, but on the 200 it's always a bit of a squeeze. And I always find myself with a really sore neck when I get off of one of these, simply because I like looking out the window. Ha ha. This leg was somehow even bumpier than the last one. But this time there was no friendly advice from the crew, who we didn't see, for the majority of the flight. - Oh my goodness, this flight is so bumpy. Ohh. That is strange. Because normally, when you get bumpy air it doesn't feel that bad, but the CRJ200, it feels really bad. It's actually making me a little bit queasy and I've barely eaten. Crikey. - Now thanks to the bad weather that was in the way between Prescott, Arizona and Los Angeles. We're flying really far south, right along the border between the US and Mexico. And right at this moment in time on this side of the aircraft, we have the USA and that side of the aircraft we have Mexico. Cool. Right? It's time to give a quick shout out to this video's sponsor, Surfshark. Surfshark's a VPN provider who makes sure all of your data is encrypted and secured. Whatever WIFI you may be on. Aside from the security, it allows you to browse websites that you may be blocked from accessing. Otherwise, for instance, to allow you to watch British TV while you were abroad or American TV, while you are at home. I also find it useful to get access to apps like Netflix and YouTube while I'm connected to onboard WIFI, which is something that's often blocked by the airlines. But the VPN, though you're online in seconds, completely unrestricted. Surfshark are offering you an 83% discount plus three months for free, when you sign up and enter promo code NOELPHILIPS. - The sun started setting as we made our way up the coast of California to Los Angeles for a beautiful approach over the city. - Before long, the bright lights of Los Angeles came into view and we started our descent over the city into Los Angeles International Airport. - My flight today cost me 261 pounds or 358 US dollars. This works out to a cost of 29 pence per mile. Considering a direct flight on a 737 would have cost under a hundred dollars and taking just two and a half hours, as opposed to the four it took me. Would you take the CRJ over the direct flight? Let me know down in the comments. - I'd like to say a big thanks to my Patreons as well today. You can join them at the link on the screen now, to join my WhatsApp group and get access to my weekly zoom call as well as loads of other benefits. Well, here we are then Los Angeles, great little flight over with United express on the essential air service. That was pretty cool wasn't it, seeing Prescott, Arizona? Hope you enjoyed this video. Let me know what you thought to it down below in the comments. In the meantime as always, thanks for watching. Take care and I'll see you on the next one. Bye for now.
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 91,844
Rating: 4.9401464 out of 5
Keywords: noel philips, inflight video, flight review
Id: FUBcp2UO_5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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