How to fly on a PRIVATE JET for £250!

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[Music] what's up guys I am back after a couple of weeks I have been away having surgery on my throat unfortunately so it's left me without a voice for a couple of weeks and then we've had Christmas spending time with her family and everything so it's time to get back to the trip reports and I hope that you're gonna enjoy what we have coming up this year so today I'm gonna be showing you how you can fly on a private jet on a scheduled route in Europe less than 250 pounds sounds too good to be true well let me show you today how I went about doing this now there's an airline in Germany called horn air and they operate a fleet of Cessna Citation private jets and they fly a scheduled rule once a week on a Monday and a Friday between Dusseldorf in Germany down to Luxembourg and then straight back to the sword or later on that day it's a really random fly it it isn't marketed at all and the only reason they actually operate this flight is because in order to keep their eye out of certification they need to operate at least two scheduled flights every week and that is what they do they operate them at the bare minimum they send a private cessna citation down to Luxembourg ascend the pump it's a very short flight it's about 50 minutes and you can book this flight to fly out for less than 250 pounds so what you're getting is a private jet flight between two cities in Europe for a really low price and I'm going to show you what my experience was like when I flew on the Cessna Citation with hot air so I opted to stop my flight today in it looks and birth I'm head over to düsseldorf now the flight comes in from Dusseldorf to Luxembourg in the morning and then after lunch it takes off back to düsseldorf from Luxembourg this basically gave me enough times you get into look Sandberg from Manchester via Zurich with Swiss Air and the flight is officially a looks air flight so you check in for the flight at the looks at check-in desk here look Sandberg International Airport it didn't take long to get through the queue and then I was able to head through security to get to the departure lounge and there's the aircraft that brought me here from Zurich this morning this is the Swiss rrj 100 and in the distance there you can see the Cessna Citation that's going to take me off to düsseldorf [Music] now as this flight isn't marketed or advertised by anybody at all then the chances are that you're going to be the only person on this flight just as I was today and then that gave the gate eight it's a bit of a giggle before we boarded the flight different paths voiding in a body thank you very much now assess flight is a scheduled flight it means that you have to board a bus to take you out to the awaiting aircraft just like you would with any other commercial flight and so I made my way down to the bus feeling very lonely as the only passenger on this massive bus that was going to take me out to my flight thank you into that what in the aircraft is like no other flight I've ever taken the captain welcomes you as you walk across to the aircraft you bought into such a luxury that I've only ever seen before in films the safety briefing is done by the pilot who comes to the back 6 on the seat next to you and gives you the full safety briefing of its flight oh yes I do yes very good hi hi pelican yeah okay that's right okay my turn around 30 weathers it's okay rowdy it will be a little bit bumpy and suddenly from we have to induction successfully something [Music] in no time at all it was time to start the engines and get on our way to DeSoto [Music] may I have your attention please we will be taking off shortly please turn off all portable electronic devices snow tables secure luggage and loose articles ensure your seat is in the upright and outboard position extend your headrest and fasten your lap belt and shoulder harness thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so let's take a quick look at the three that we talked today a very short flight today took us up to 23,000 feet as we flew north answered Luxembourg and across the combo an aerial towards the sort of my time today just around 30 minutes once the bus the seatbelt sign was turned up I was able to get out my seat and have a walk around the cabin including visiting the flight that which the counting that invites me to do before we took off it's so cool to be able to actually visit the flight deck during a commercial flight these days it's something that you don't very often get to do in the current age of security but in a private jet anything is possible I found the Air Show map display really cool but it was also pretty humorous the flight today was so short that there's barely enough room to fit the animation of the aircraft on the map in between the takeoff and destination airports [Music] now I didn't venture very far into the back of it but apparently there's a little toilets in there that you can use as well on the fly so you don't have to get caught short when you're flying in your uber luxury fairground [Music] but this is my seat in the fully reclined position you'll see that it's not quite a life class that that you get in some business class and first class cabins we have to remember this is a really short player craft just designed for short tops of a couple of hours all this look around the sea there are a few bits and pieces that allow you to connect in your laptop to the screen at the front and watch whatever you want to on it I [Music] haven't seen the table set up like this even in first class cabins around the world is absolutely incredible look at the quality of that the window blinds on the cetacean of really cool it's just like on since our Airways 1/350 at eyford it wouldn't press the button and out comes the blind really cool and I love playing with things like ice on planes [Music] at this time it's absolute this flight you can't actually book it on harnass website I don't really have the website as such because they're not a scheduled airline apart from this little group and they operate you can book it on Expedia or a dreams there are those two websites and I'm sure there's probably some others as well there's also a company in Germany called air events and on their website you can actually request a book hit for less than the 250 pounds that I paid with Expedia now they charge the rates of 199 euros to fly one way on this fly which is around about a hundred and seventy five pounds it's a little bit cheaper but for me I preferred the safety of knowing that I was going to guaranteed to be booked on the fly - I prefer Expedia and also if you're looking through air events then they speak very clearly that you're not eligible for any EU two six one flight compensation if your flights cancelled or delayed or anything like that it's just a case that we have to Sophie bill taking flight gets canceled so you get a little bit of extra protection through Expedia but it's all booked for you you don't have to do anything other than click the verify button just like you would with any other commercial flight may I have your attention please we'll be landing shortly please turn off all portable sonic devices snow tables secure luggage and loose articles return your seat to the upright and now extend your headrest and Lassen your lap belt and shoulder harness in your seat with your lap belt and shelter aren't as securely fastened until the aircraft has come to we stopped in the mark thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] review on the critical commentary letter tortures of making a message after what seemed like no time at all in the air we were landed at düsseldorf Airport and it was an absolutely incredible flying to be able to fly on an aircraft of this sort of luxury even just for less than an hour was fantastic [Music] after word landed we headed across to the business chat parking area which is a unique experience to say the least it's not very often that you can London popup on the private jet area of the airport [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you very much thank you [Music] yes photos taken it was time to say goodbye to the wonderful crew onboard this private jet and make my way over to the bus that would take me back to the terminal and back to reality it's quite funny that the bus was probably about twice the size of the aircraft then once again I was the only passenger on board one final way from the town center on my private jet experience was complete [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just like that it was back to the hustle and bustle of an international airport with all the other passengers it was really nice feeling like a celebrity for an hour at least but it didn't take long to remind me that I'm actually not that special and I'm just another passenger on another scheduled commercial flight thanks for watching this week's trip report guys take care and I'll see you next time here on in flight video [Music]
Channel: Noel Philips
Views: 112,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inflight video, private jet, luxury travel, private jets, business jet, private plane, charter jet, private jet takeoff, private jet tour, private jet flight, private jet review, luxury travel vlog, private jets 2018, private jets tour, trip report, private jet trip report, flying on a private jet, flight on a private jet
Id: 0mRWBizcwnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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