4 EVIL Statikk Shivs In ONE Game! (CRAZY LUCK)

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why hello everybody i have something to show you but it's actually next round that i'm gonna be showing you and if you're having a bad day medium day aka average or even a good day it's about to get a whole lot better all right we're gonna try to pull off something that's not so easy so wish us luck we are going to need it all right and as for uh champions that can one v three these creeps it's actually good to know considering there's a chance you actually get a lot of econ so you can hit uh an extra gold on this round if you get lucky on drops but these are some champs i want to bust on out so we're gonna go ahead and pass on that for now and uh i'm not sure if ziggs can actually do the uh can do the 1v3 mumbo jumbo he's not the strongest vane would be pretty cute with these items right now oh my god but we did that on another video all right if you want to check that out i recommend you check that bad boy out but today i got something special it rhymes with i actually have no idea what it rhymes with but this is probably also a pretty good time to mention um how we're giving away two computers and if you have not entered now would be a good time to do so almost econ yes to econ easy peasy lemon squeezy i can i can get behind this but yeah two computers or cash we're picking two winners so uh one for each of those bad boys and it's in the top of the description basically the more entries you fill out the better chances you're gonna have ad winning i think there's a week left right yeah and i think that's what i just said too oh god dude short-term memory loss it's it's a real thing and uh it's with ross zwag glacier ravi rav all those guys you guys may know them and uh best of luck seriously it's worldwide so anyone has a chance and we just got pooped on as four items this is something i can get behind baby oh heck yes ziggs with this bad boy is awesome dude i am mega excited for this okay that made no sense but this item on ziggs is gnarly if you guys have not played it check it out and i'm doing a better job of listening to you guys in the comments opening enemy damage dealt tab oh god there's someone that flames me every day that i don't do this i see you down there okay and i do read every single comment so if you want to say something to me or say hello hi whatever it is let me hear it baby let's do this setup i think this uh could be pretty juicy as well well so much for our lost streak into krugs that's probably not going to happen this team comp is pretty freaking strong but so is this guy wowzer okay i think we win but i'm not sure and if we win we sell this guy if we lose we sell both of them so i guess we can sell this guy now do we really lose this renewer on tier 2 champions early busted kennen i thought you were the best champion in the game what's going on buddy what's going on here all right you know what maybe we are lost streaking into oblivion yikes we need to make sure we lose till krugs but if we do do that we're in pretty slick spot not gonna lie alrighty oh get in my belly this is something i can get behind don't mind if i do oh boy this is where it gets tricky this is where it gets tricky i really want to buy this cannon but more importantly we have to keep econ and we can't sell leona for this canon because it won't give us econ i think i'm going to play it very poorly on purpose oh my what okay we could have played as strong as possible and we would have gotten destroyed dude how does this guy even have this right now okay you know what as long as we kill a few of them that's all i could ask for my god this is disgusting please just be the nidalee left kill this rocket yes okay that was probably the best case scenario by far we're gonna go with the econ say goodbye to ken and oh this is a bad choice this is a bad choice this is a bad choice i think it was a bad choice all right you know what you live you learned let's hope that wasn't completely stupid we need to lose this one no matter what a five lost streak into krugs is massive i think this horrible positioning will do us justice on that so i'm honestly not too worried but look at our econ dude 50 by krugs i think that's what we're gonna hit and i am excited for it thank god he didn't hit this guy do more bombs and we should be good and we're screwed okay that's 12 damage oh my gosh 10 same thing yikes now krug's positioning this is where it gets intense right ziggs will take you out poppy i like to put back left oh my god i don't think we're gonna be able to win this oh boy oh boy this is this is brutal hopefully aliens can revive and do their thing but poppy tanks one over here so uh this poppy positioning for this muy importante if uh you need to pull off some shenanigans yo these helians are knocking it out of the park my guys dude oh my gosh i always doubt hellions and they always come through every single time all right and now is a sweet time to start rolling for helly and galore only problem is our lost streak might be going bye bye bye let's get these tier ones out of here so we can find all these tier ones in the world right now we still have so much econ it's ridiculous ridiculous i probably should have bought that brand okay the more you know but victor's gonna be the champion that i actually want to use oh honestly losing here is not too bad that's a decent night i'm rolling a lot now because it's the last time we're gonna be able to have a 55 chance of getting tier ones the real question is how down are we down to roll down to did that make any sense or not oh my god we really have two poppies two cleans two cannons two zigs seriously we can't buy the victor all right not surprised that we won that there not surprised at all i should have rolled down a little more honestly well at least our econ is looking not so shabby as of right now and we have more bows than we know what to do with hello oh my god okay probably shouldn't want to be up there that that's a lot of bows jesus um we're fine okay we're fine if we can get lucky on slow rolling we'll be in a sweet sweet spot if we win putting in nautilus wouldn't even be that bad but i'm down to rock the spell weaver all right ziggs now's your time to shine my friend now is your time to shine i do actually want to buy this uh novelis but i think we're going to end up selling them if i'm being totally honest just because we need a lot of space on our bench not only that i forgot the other thing hoopster how you doing we'll take it why not econ there goes nautilus yup just as we suspected fellers and we'll see how this goes when streaking to wolves now oh boy that would be the dream transition something i need to get better at is when we're about to power spike like this and i have a streak that i want to keep alive leveling up or rerolling to get way stronger makes sense okay because if we do win until wolves that's almost a perfect early game you could be looking at all right full win streak full loss streak gotta love them we'll buy the vlad so there's more tier ones in the pool that we care about and by that i mean give me a good freaking champion um oh boy shadow tier leblanc unfortunately this has lost a lot of its value because of the blanc nerf because we all know why she needed a nerf but works for me because we want it for another reason this is beautiful dude two spooky spooky shims this early is nutty all right are we down for the lucky re-roll uh yay i think we'd have to roll a lot of gold to get a lot of what we want we're two kleds away from getting way stronger four ziggs five poppies yeah i think rerolling there is not good maybe for this next round it could be worth it depending on what we hit or not one victor or two kleds isn't really the only immediate way where we get a lot stronger so i kind of like the position we're in this double static shift ziggs though is a force to be reckoned with it is dealt 17 a.d 17 physical damage to people [Laughter] 36 physical damage dude i love that that's the cutest thing on the planet oh here we go here we go two poppies three poppies now we actually have a chance of getting way stronger real soon let's see if we can knock it out of the park there's the victor that's beautiful oh no okay oh no oh wow if that was one ziggs we couldn't have buy it we couldn't have bought it we'd have to sell something which i really did not want to that double ziggs roll was nuts dude now we can actually buy all these champs that we care about more importantly our win streak stays alive i think if we didn't tier three the ziggs we would have lost this round we would have lost our win streak going into wolves which ultimately is going to make us oh so much gold i love it dude perfect lost streak into five wins on these on uh stage three beautiful we'll buy uh this thresh as well okay cletus how you doing welcome to the team beautiful i really don't think anyone wants to mess with the ziggs right now i really don't think that's the case all righty these are things we can use not really they kind of suck well you live you learn here we go here we go this could be stuff we get behind we're one popster away let's send it poppy get in my belly oh my gosh three starred out of our mind that's gonna be looking groovy 12 gold level count me in we still have same odds of getting kennen we can either go another cannon aka hellion or start rocking the night oh boy both are actually such good options it's crazy huh morello on kennen's probably the move yeah that sounds beautiful that sounds beyond beautiful we're not losing any time soon considering what we've got hello hello bye bye econ i'm down to go crazy on the victor as well all right give us something good why don't you oh why hello there honestly a lot of good stuff here yeah we're going to win out for this crap oh my gosh this is going to be disgusting i think we end up rocking this bad boy for the cannon morello to give to everyone this is good stuff as well making a kled tank in this team comp is nuts but we're leaning towards this guy anything you care about over here nope nope not really okay it works for me kennen take this his ability doesn't deal that much damage so cutting in half is completely fine all you want to do is proc mellow oh we're back i'm a beast [Laughter] remember when he said this to us early game now we're back and now he's done so baby wait does he lose it'd be really awkward if he doesn't lose okay i think we're good wow he might actually not lose um okay this is awkward there's no way there's yes okay i thought we didn't win that one coming on through coming on through leveling up you don't mind if i do do we re-roll for the cannon or focus on levels i feel like levels would be the safest option i think we're gonna win no matter what our team comes too good and we also have a 35 chance of getting kenan at level seven as well so we can chill go ziggs go my friend go ziggs go i should probably front line cannon just so he uh gets this morello off as fast as possible honestly he'll take a little more damage but that's fine he just needs one thing off do we lose there's no way dude every single time it looks like we're about to lose then ziggs just kills everyone i love it i love it i love it bye bye to you we'll smell you later good news we're not picking last bad news we're not picking last i'm not sure what the deal with that was but oh my goodness what the heck do we care about oh my gosh we're going with this dude i was thinking the spooky bow so we could try to get a hellion spat down the road because we're gonna need two of these but here goes nothing here goes nothing oh my gosh okay well we have quite the memetastic ziggs on the line let's go to level seven and huh this is an option but not that good of one this is an option that i think we can get behind hot diggity dog this six looks beautiful dude absolutely beautiful he has one attack damage oh my god he's down five biscuits what holy guacamole guys check this out notice how each one of these shifts oh heck yeah baby each one of these shifts is minus 33 percent attack damage okay not 33.333333 therefore we're still rocking one a d baby freaking six physical damage if you zoom in really close on the thumbnail really really really close i'm gonna make sure to put in the tiniest little sliver of 80 damage on there oh my gosh that's hilarious dude it is mega shiv sparks wait i need to put in five hellion what am i doing what am i doing we're missing out on all the attack speed that this guy needs i'm so stupid funs you're an idiot idiot idiot idiot have we really not seen a lulu all game long darkness you've got to be kidding me run baby run wish me luck on this oh hello hello all right i'm gonna roll to get this lulu so uh ziggs will have some actual attack speed here goes nothing oh where the heck did that where the heck did that thing come from dude that was gnarly lulu how you doing go ahead and take the zekes ziggs attack speed just went up by a trillion that's what i love to see creating another shift could be pretty cute not gonna could be extremely cute right but but but oh boy getting uh next level of hellions is gonna be near impossible that's what i'm worried about fellers that's what i'm mega worried about next up we're looking for tito maybe even uh putting in these bad boys could be the move oh rel that's who we got our eyeballs on we're gonna need a level for that don't mind if i do beautiful beautiful beautiful do we go for the rail now or later on 16 gold it's only gonna cost us one econ this definitely works oh i like this a lot dude we're looking good let's also commit to this chalice of powder don't mind if i do we could create a helene spat mega lake game if we find a spooky spat way down the road can't be this carousel but it could be the next that being said dude nine physical damage this is actually the funniest thing i love how three starred out of our mind we actually are thank you for that oh juicy mama i feel like giving iron chad to all is extremely beneficial because we have so many units in so the armor we give to everyone is extremely efficient but volibear is also like the best champ in the game that's a tough trade-off for me for sure a toughy toughy trade-off for sure aunt dog ziggs you are an absolute beast bro i love this guy it says i got outclassed here you'd love to see it you'd love to see it um oh my goodness okay uh let's see there's why is why why is there another one of these dude what why the heck i kind of want it i i need to be pretty funny get over here get over here yes you monster oh my god i thought i got trolled oh dude we got another one giving declared wouldn't be bad but lulu would be pretty cute as well and huh legionnaire verdant redeemed no no no no no no no we're handed on over dude four spooky ships [Laughter] what are the odds that actually happens oh my god that's too funny okay rel where are you at when you need when we need you is there another skirmisher we could actually put in that could be beneficial for us skirmish or spat it could be cute but i don't even care too much about it tito that's who we really want baby that's who we really want oh my goodness dude this win streak is not going anywhere now lulu's a part of the crew dealing mad damage and by mad damage i mean not that much four shivs baby four shivs it doesn't get much better than this rel we'll buy you soon just not right now oh it's the nidalee we meet again my friend the five lost streak into the 14 win streak thus far we got to make it even better i feel like if we don't put in real soon we're going to be screwed and this new qss 12 seconds not bad could be better oh go ziggs go dude these static lightning zaps are so scary to play against wow all right we gotta go find this tito asap dude that's what we need no we don't have any more slots on lulu how are we supposed to buff up both of these guys when i need to give this to that person and then that to this person oh god you guys know what i'm talking about probably probably not okay well i feel like an idiot what we do need to do and we need to remake the lalu remake the lalu all right hear me out hear me out oh garen's actually good to put in to lower their mr but i mean we're doing a pretty good job of that considering we got this going down you know what i'm saying maybe this is the better way to go and i'm down to play so strong right here right now lulu let's do this let's do that let's do this let's do that i wanted to put mystic in we're fine we're fine we're fine thresh we can drop you vicki is actually almost leveled up that's kind of surprising but lulu zapping in the back as well as the one and only ziggs do we lose please tell me we did not lose this oh my gosh no six died dude every single round i think we're gonna get dropped then uh the static shivs kick it into high gear and it goes crazy mode i love that honestly running terra bear could be pretty good as well i want to reroll a wee bit here because i know there's a champion oh i like that i like that a lot there's the vicky and huh this mystic ain't bad what do you guys think you a fan or not hmm that's really not good that's really not good i guess it just depends who we end up uh who you head up against that is probably all the difference i really want to put in rel as well as rel dude does he have a cavalier that's something we got to make down the road oh my goodness that's hilarious ah diggity dog baby heimerdong could be cute but we don't need it where's the victor where's the victor i'ma say it one more time and one more time only where the heck's the victor dude it's been me versus this nidalee player this entire time i love it it's now the timer actually takes us out or what that kindergarten was nasty very nice all right let's not blow our load these guys could be strong uh oh mordekaiser is our greatest fear and anti-aoe with this redemption and shields in the back please kill this dude i think the dude that's gonna win here is weaker versus me than this guy so i'm happy this guy's losing that's what we mainly want and what the heck else do we want um hot daddy dog interesting interesting let's go with poppy no blue buff maybe this sounds good to me this will actually be insane for what we're going for why hello to you and hello to you guys the spooky spat is no longer with us all right the seven hellion dream spatulas are hard but hello timos one more one more one more is this dude that hard to come by not gonna get you we're chilling hot dog hot dog so first this guy the mystic combo is definitely better oh my god we lose wait what we lose oh my gosh we don't lose we don't lose we don't lose dude this guy why why why don't they die hello oh god okay yep like i said this guy's stronger versus us we need this other dude to beat him this guy's gonna fight our battles for us okay is this is this the same guy or am i on drugs or was it or was it this guy who just died anyways i do not want velkas lasering my zigs therefore we're gonna do this this is much better much much better much much better oh you think you're cute huh you think you're cute this is groovy for us honestly this guy still deals a lot of magical damage maybe the kindred is just better especially ulting this back line over here gotta love it this guy got slapped dude it is a ziggs party for this dude i also positioned for uh this guy oh god he destroyed you destroyed the guy that just died this could be a little bit of a yikes could be a little bit of a yikes um do we need any of this not really honestly volibear might come in clutch we'll see where that takes us also if we see a vel'koz we gotta take it he definitely wins if he tears three if he two three's that boy okay um kenan we're gonna hook you and a level two tito could do the trick for us all right garen could be cute as well i like that i like that a lot oh boy i mean do we do we grab another one or what fellas yes we'll create this actually three rounds i have a plan all right i think we'll beat him here if we don't i'm gonna have to get real creative aren't i real real creative i i think we win this i'm pretty sure if we don't i'll actually be kind of surprised oh my gosh not here not yet yeah the mystics too good the jacks just because he scales like crazy it might be something we end up running we got this we got this we got this does he die he's dead bingo lethal that was about to get wild if we lost guys let me know what you think about the zero damage carry or i guess one damage i don't know but good luck in the giveaway thank you so much for watching it's in the top description we'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 140,165
Rating: 4.8763375 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition
Id: u8EKISwo1LM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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