I Throw A Spear EVERY Second! (100% CDR Nidalee)

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nidalee is gonna be some fun let's grab this some of those you know what screw it i'm feeling good i want to snowball this therefore we're gonna send it all right earth online away we go they have some range but so do we no so do we guys if you drop a thumbs up on the video i appreciate it a lot oh the wind walls the walls of the wind the wind of the walls i'm staying by yasuo bro this is amazing i want to get everyone low and this dude scares the crap out of me oh no you don't kha'zix not gonna lie kind of had that one but it's totally fine i i still love you and appreciate you i want to snipe these dudes in the back but this gin is kind of throwing me for a loop over here these janice shields are quite the problem good thing she's now gone no oh money nice i'm staying behind the walls renekton does not care about walls dude what are these shenanigans my dude screw it wait can i cancel this somehow i don't really want to go down here let's go this way all mid i'm gonna push bot and this at the same time is this the fastest way to farm i think it might be don't you cancel my recall oh she can't very nice just did a little siphon mid lane and now or bali now back to mid we go guys not much time left at all on the giveaways all right you may have already entered so i'm going to keep this short and sweet uh go ahead and double check to see if you have all the entries that way you have the best odds of possibly winning all right the more the merrier all right this is going to be quite difficult of juke dude good thing i can multitask you can't he's just throwing it to throw it i'm throwing it to hit it you know what i'm saying get over here oh money get over here dude we're gonna destroy this guy bro it's not even gonna be close bingo no uh i've been saying bingo a lot recently by the way and i see you guys in the comments if you want to shut up just tell me all right i will do exactly that oh okay not under tower not in a tower not in the car he's in trouble he's in big trouble he's dead he's dead he's that he's dead if i die i'm the worst player on the planet very very nice say goodbye to all your minions baby all of them very nice [Music] very very nice oh my god i probably shouldn't have done that this guy's actually starting to hurt me a little bit if he flashes on me i'm in big trouble but he's in more trouble than i am baby all right we're going to put our team on the back for this one did i just double jump wait that was so cool i'm pretty sure i double jumped here we go i'm so used to hitting the the plates here because in earth that's exactly what you want to do oh where you going big guy [Music] where are you going big guy oh he's in trouble he's in trouble nice no one saw that i repeat nobody saw that oh my gosh [Laughter] the way he put up one arm and just started going like well well well made me laugh i don't know why but let's push this wave then we should probably uh spread the love is he teleporting to a ward i'm so confused thank you very much dude it's too fun to try to keep going for this guy i should really be careful about uh how this goes oh boy do we risk it for the biscuit or not let's do this as much as much as i want to go crazy right now i know it's probably not the move oh my gosh hello you're dead dude this is the most annoying champion on the planet i'm never going to be able to go cougar for him against her ever but silas has got our bag baby you're in trouble jenny jim oh if he flashed into that that would have been sick very nice very nice bot lane we can actually make some headway on this tower all righty dude this feels like earth on steroids i freaking love it is that isn't that weird earth is going to feel slow once it comes out oh i messed that one up big time that was my bad big guy that was my bad where are you gonna go where are you gonna go he's dead oh i thought i'd do that one good but i did not and i probably could have saved that guy that's my bad oh no you don't okay listen jenna you are becoming quite the issue i learned my lesson i am not going to jump on you oh oh oh heck yeah baby thank you very very much i'm so bad dude i thought i was good and then i realized i wasn't you hate to see it you really hate to see it listen i'm just trying to farm jenna so if you could please mind your own business honestly the multiple w's is gnarly gnarly gnarly who should we give no cdr timer i feel like with nidalee we're just gonna be so freaking strong oh my gosh no no no no no no if we get caught up in those queues we're screwed oh wow yes what was hard to play against this gin you're in trouble you're in trouble this is good this is good this is good this is good okay really i didn't really think this one through as jana dude she's not gonna die oh my god let's get away from those no no no dude are you kidding we just got annihilated tf's doing too much work to mid too much work in the mid lane we gotta come put a stop to this y'all so i'm following your hurdles my guy i'm following you but this guy can't do anything he literally can't do anything i feel so bad for him that was disgusting yasuo has one job that's literally all he's good for but let me tell you it's pretty good you know what i'm saying oh heck yeah tower plate time baby throw some of these out there throw some of these out there we can just full clear waves like this i love it kha'zix you dirty dog what i didn't know that was him he's dead oh my gosh um yeah he's uh not so happy is this faster that must be right there's still so much of all this that i don't know about let's see here ching ching maybe auto resetting in between each one is going to be better let's go this way and say hello to our little friend i am staying away from janna that champion is not cool oh two and she's he's dead oh that almost went through the minions i can't move i literally cannot move thank you janna get me out of here dude this channel this champion is an absolute nightmare whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is happening right now no they're hunting me down kha'zix sounds so funny if if he's spamming it it sounds ridiculous we got a boxing ring over here with these guys um coming i'm coming i'm coming coming mid friends coming mid how are you doing how are you doing there we go there we go i think i double jumped again i like jumped while i'm in the air i'm trying to learn how to do it nope okay oh maybe i threw my cue then i used it after it came up or whatever i think that's what might have happened oh god renekton is annihilating our base janet you're so dead now you mind if i get in on that wait this is actually i'm low-key in trouble here yasuo you can survive this what is this champion bro give me over the wall give me over the wall oh my gosh yes silas can kill janna thank god that champion's ridiculous let's level this and you're dead oh my god that was the only chance i had no no no no no no no no no we're okay oh my gosh get me out of here we're good we're good we're good where's the bra bro this is the dude that's going to be destroying us oh you want to play this game i'm down to play this game i read like a book she's not going to like that one okay that's probably the one champion i should probably not piss off that's my line [Music] oh oh geez that did not go so well that did not go so well dude i'm screwed i can't move they have so much do i buy merc treads or not i'm gonna try one more time one more time without merc treads and i want to see how he goes all right janna ulti's so funny let's go here they're clumping up they're grouping up it's kind of spooky i ain't gonna lie oh no you don't yo the range on that's actually pretty far nice deal a tiny more damage oh my god their range is as long as i am team i'm coming it is a fiesta out in mid if i just fight behind yasuo maybe we're chilling i don't know oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what is that monster dude that was way more intimidating than it actually was i think he literally just wants to eat everywhere i'm pretty sure listen you can keep your six feet all you want but i'm gonna get you just eventually it'll connect there it is just takes a while okay just takes a minute oh gosh that's not okay we need to get an inhib back in return and gotcha okay not bad dude the fact that he can slam those so fat okay nevermind we're chillin we're chillin we're chillin chillin chillin he's comin flyin we got him right where we want him right where we want them i do have to get these minions the heck out of here though there is too many for my liking that's for sure oh he went into that one that was money that was my bad you guys taco flashing bro that thing saved his booty we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good are we t peter is that them no siree let's keep our distance dude there's so many things to worry about it's ridiculous braum needs to throw up a shield before he we start firing all right one inhib down lobs to go i need to tp back to lane it's quicker much quicker put one of these bad boys here void staff in the bag and better yet my jj as well operation 25 stacks is in full effect all ready come on come on oh beautiful did that hit him oh heck yeah i did i think i can kill this thing oh heck yeah prom i'm more worried oh getting aggressive on them up close and personal style i like that [Music] maybe we can kill us oh my gosh that literally melted this is quite the issue quite the issue i'm coming to save the day like i said oh i'm not gonna lie to you guys i meant to hit a minion that was in full effort to hit a minion and uh yeah it didn't in a good way thank you i need to lay down more traps what am i thinking wait this is like quite possibly one of the most broken parts of this it procs my ludox oh time to bail i'm gonna make it my goal to make these traps the most annoying thing about nidalee we've got i can't even go in to janna oh we killed somebody very nice what's it gonna be big guy what's it gonna be commit or not you gotta be decisive in these or else you just end up like this tf oh my goodness all right let's trap this bad boy up shall we traps i could have made this look so satisfying and i ruined it i apologize guys i apologize i'm gonna trap everything we've got your team has destroyed an inhibitor you think you can eat them huh not on my watch we're going to make it our goal to live in this bait wait no there's a limit bro what are you rito come on come on live a little i forgot i can heal my team i am yep i just said that i apologize as well holy kha'zix that's someone else we got a bust on i gotcha gotcha let's see gin and tf respawn on let's do this i got you big guy oh there we go there we go don't you dare down me silas you idiot i healed you for this oh we hit him we hit him we hit him we hit him i can't joke this guy oh my gosh oh my god renekton is stupid strong wow all right i think we dropped the boots and hope for something a wee bit better oh my god okay listen we got to respawn now revive yep here we go i can't even wait for them to say yes or no hot diggity dog there goes our inhibitors there goes everything and i gotta sneeze respawns are now on and i still have to sneeze we have two in him so i have high hopes for this if i miss anyone i need to hit minions instead oh money this is sweet this is sweet this is sweet this is sweet uh-oh i am very afraid of this guy dude it literally does not get worse than that it really doesn't i oh my god no one saw that yeah no one saw that either buddy don't worry you're good ward in him oh my goodness okay here we go here we go let's take some of these oh my gosh all right we're chilling we are chilling like a little villain right now all right no inhibit sorry minions needed i don't know how sustainable this is oh my gosh we're doing okay not this guy dude get away from me get away from me get away from me get away from me he's mad he's mad he's mad he's very mad he's very mad this guy is extremely upset too bad i'm literally so much better than him wow dude i don't think you can get pooped on any harder than that oh stop this stop this stop this uh oh spaghettio get off me bro i'm coming back uh oh just kidding just kidding just kidding just kidding i can't break it [Music] it's full on fiesta mode dude it's full on fierce to vote what do you think you're doing we got people respawning left and right let's just turn them all on all respawns on good luck this is about to get real wild and real wonky let me tell you that right now we need to get three inhibs like literally now and then we have hope if they beat us to it we're screwed since respawns are on we're going we're going in all right we're going aggressive that's one way to put them oh hello oh spaghetti oh kill this stupid thing yes janet you have no damage you suck you suck at this game i'm so dead get me out of here get me out of here give me out of here revive back up top we gotta go pressure's the key when it comes to revive mode i'm so dead we're okay i need to kill this thing minions are not nice nice dude whoever's distracted him down there is a god the whole team got it oh i'm so freaking screwed bro i can't do anything to this guy what you gonna do what you gonna do jim what you gonna do this has suddenly become are a fun ruins are you serious that guy's beyond scary as well uh yeah our stacks not doing so hot right now not doing so hot at all hey we got four of them we need to stay on the pressure who's teleporting gin oh we got this suck that's not good ward base uh we have no wards out wherever is this even faster i don't even know if that's faster i need to sell this stupid magiz yeah i'm aware of that i'm aware of that oh god no you don't you're done so dude that's the best way to handle that guy we're actually gonna lose i think we're actually going to lose against this nice need ward i think i just need a suicide backdoor or something i don't know i think that's our only hope i am struggling as you may have witnessed here we go if i can just get this wave in i want to stay out of vision oh god they're all respawning hello that's not a gold card you done goofed all right we gotta go for this we gotta go for this we gotta go for this come on hit the freaking tower we got it we got it we got it we got it wait i can revive it's a wrap that's a wrap that's a wrap i need to drop as many words as i can we win this we win this we win this [Laughter] [Music] come on yes got the plus 50 guys let me know who the heck we should play next g freaking g i love this game mode it is earth on roids uh computer giveaway top description best of luck on that a thumbs up helps a lot peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu Gaming
Views: 40,537
Rating: 4.9162931 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, full, gameplay, game, play, build, new, best, league, of, legends, lol, 100%, cdr, nidalee, urf, ultra, rapid, fire
Id: 7eREZi597BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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