4 Star Champions Are Back!! Insane Carry

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why hello everybody hopefully you guys are ready there's still some things i want to try especially before rito starts nerfing some of these champs beyond belief okay i want to see them in their true power but i am also analyzing the comments like crazy right now so let me know what you guys think is strong and not so strong and we gotta get to the bottom of this fellas we've got to get to the bottom of this we'll take you for now and we got pretty good damage items i'm digging this look we got level one baby not only this guy but this guy as well oh heck yes hello everyone we're doing a massive worldwide giveaway we're not one but two winners will receive a gaming computer or cash oh yeah that's right we're giving away two computers it's super easy to enter even a yasuo main could do it you just click on the twitter link in the description which will take you to this tweet where you will then click on the give gg link all you gotta do from here is start filling out entries and the more you fill out the better chances you have it winning remember it's worldwide so anyone can enter good luck probably should have ran the hellion too but abomination is something we definitely need to bust on out speaking of what do we give our boy uh what's his face whatever his name is scion what what do you want my dude what do you want from us let's see here hmm abomination spellweaver maybe we just do this i don't know this feels kind of weird maybe double knight is the way to go hmm okay hear me out you're gonna call me crazy okay this is for the scion i actually think this is good okay i actually think this is good wait no but i i'm such an idiot i am actually such re put the item in not the bf sword the the everything don't worry sounds broken he'll be able to carry anyways who cares we've got this oh dude this vladimir is done so just kidding we don't need him we are not going to lose for the next i don't know how long let's do that as well i okay not gonna lie i just i ruined everything i just i just ruined everything say goodbye to our econ because i'm so bad at this game but we'll get it this round i think the spell weaver's okay i suppose screw it i could see us running um brawlers down the road once we get our boy nunu out in the mix but bye-bye nautilus and possibly bye-bye to you um it's so weird to itemize abomination good for the champions as well as scion so that's why we have an ie on brand right now okay saving like a bt for callisto will be the dream zombies here we go graggy ice and huh i really want to get econ here so it's looking like this coming on through i want to see sound come out and party okay so check this out when three allied champions have died the monstrosity will rise from its grave the monstrosity receives bonus health and attack damage based on allied abomination champions star level okay so i don't actually want to level up but we are gonna have to make these guys a whole lot stronger are we really gonna die here no scion scion dude come on all right we gotta make this guy stronger now i thought this champ was supposed to be an absolute monster what's up with that huh um let's think about what the heck we want um items for scion let's think about this okay let's think about this bf honestly you cannot go wrong with the bf that works for me all right all right also there's something we actually need to try very soon oh boy i really hope we win this round we get econ if we do let's go ahead and give this bf sword to kalista so we only get ie and a bf sword beautiful basically how it works is let's say we have three items on brand it'll randomly pick one from brand toss it in klista also has three items randomly pick one toss it in and so on okay so if you want to itemize for sound perfectly every single round you're gonna have to commit to one of the items yo does this guy not get cc'd what is he un cc-able unstoppable for three seconds oh wow that is so nice whenever he casts his ability he starts going super saiyan um really wish we could get econ here but i don't think that's going to be the case rest in pepperonis can we put in anything better atrox might be that a little bit better okay did my belly graggy ice as well dude i am beyond excited for this game oh dude it's our kryptonite this is my favorite comp in the game right now hands down okay coven plus vlad with the perfect items if you guys have not played that please do so literally favorite team comp in the game right now sion you got this buddy [Laughter] oh boy bt is gonna help him a lot considering i'm getting slapped okay zion we got to buff you up big time buddy krugs here we come krugs here we come do we want this i mean i suppose we could rock with it no skin off our back all right let's roll with this and chill the fact that we don't have any more kalista's sucks notice how it said it scales up with abomination champions levels therefore that's a champion i desperately desperately want to level on up alrighty thank you brand we'll take those we'll not take those all right don't need you let's do this i think rerolling a little bit now for calista is worth it we have mega odds of finding her at this moment at least getting her to the next level at least at least alrighty this looks good to us this looks good to us and where are you you stupid champion ziggs we don't want ziggs dude we can't find kalista there we go there we go there we go there we go there we go oh no oh no this just got awkward you'll see why very soon gragas i'm sorry for passing over you and stop rolling buns all right that was the last one we're okay we're okay we're okay um we'll sell you we'll sell you and we will sell you morgana will be insanely strong in this team comp let me tell you why she's gonna share mystic with ryze i hope i think i don't know we'll see do we care about this tier hmm i don't think so yeah i said we pass on that one chain vest for me those options actually mega sucked all right and believe it or not we're actually not going coven big surprise i know oh yeah yeah i want to put this kalista here but i think we just have to wait may we try this see what this looks like i mean honestly it has potential or we rock the mystic okay you know what let's see what scions mr is this round and then we give them plus 40 next round to see if mystic is an actual viable option okay so no mystic this round we will then soon see what the oh i thought he busted out elementalists for a second oh yeah yay okay we gotta get our econ back then start slow rolling here we go scion 30 mr so according to our calculations next round go sign go he should have 70. okay let's see if that's the case oh hello kalista there we go much better much better once we get nunu we'll be in such a good spot okay but plus 40mr let's see if he's got 70. the dream would be sell this gragas and get econ after this dub so we'll see if that actually ends up happening alrighty scion get out of here this is the ultimate test yeah yeah i want to get morga a little tankier so she can actually get her ulti off yes oh my gosh yes dude we can feed him mr that is perfect that is actually perfect very very nice osan it's your birthday we're gonna party we gotta econ it's your birthday now we're freaking talking all right what is something we need now um let's see we're picking seconds oh there's a rise oh there's a spatula too dude so many things i think we care about the spoot dude nobody knows what a spatula does right now because it makes a bajillion different things i love it all right all right double kalista that is so good for us and check out what we can do this makes iron chat this makes renewer and we got abomination dude heck yes one kalista away as well i think i'm gonna focus on exp now and start worrying about the nunu and ryze coming through coming through baby forgotten's got nothing on us now he's got to hand him over some good items and he'll be in such a good spot but he just got way stronger and remember he's got that mr rock with oh my gosh he gets a lot of a.d uh-oh all right killing a wow that's that's a big tank all right scion honestly i thought you were gonna do a little better than that i'm not gonna lie here we go here we go bran join the crew my guy that's what i like to see all right rerolling just to make sure we're as strong as possible now might be worth it but we're going to greet it up and focus on something else instead 16 gold maybe next round we send it let's buy warwick ii part of the brawler family we might end up wanting dude i love this qss so much the perma round qss i think it's so nasty god again abomination is so weird because you don't even want to itemize for your champions you want to itemize for this dead guy hurry up a little bit i think spamming exp on abomination is also nice considering you can put more units in so he spawns faster scion you need to go now my dude oh boy this is where a last whisper would come in handy dandy ah i think he actually would have won if he just started autoing a tiny bit faster anyways warwick again sounds good to me we can sell you and i'm actually down to level up here we're eventually going to find another kalista sooner or later remember nunu is the dream right now as well as items for us give us something we can slam jam on our boy bingo is his name-o dude that is perfect for us porfecto patronum i love it i love it i love it i love it something we're going to be able to use very well will be a titons resolve since he has mr this will be lovely beautiful hopefully he throws in the freaking titans not the spatula i swear to god if gragas throws in spatula i'm gonna be pissed okay that would make no sense whatsoever let's find out level seven is gonna be our slow roll because we're still gonna have a 35 chance of getting brands so we'll see how this goes we'll see we'll see do we have our good items i didn't check if you threw in the spatula oh there's the titans very nice so we have the titans as well as the mr on top baby go buddy go dude silence becoming a beast an absolute beast i love this we are in a good spot there we go there we go sorry to you oh my gosh yes for those of you who don't know what that just did we now have a risk thirster physical damage i'm dying over here physical damage heals the holder for 40 yes got it each time the holder heals to 90 percent they gain 30 attack speed for 3 seconds yo that is gonna break the game but we got a noodle oh abomination noodle just got so much stronger or whatever his name is uh scion whatever yes that works oh my gosh level sevens within our grasp and we literally just became god mode morgana take this ga this is beautiful for ya i am beyond excited perfect items for scion let's send it baby morgana finally is ga2 now so she'll actually be able to get her ulti off that is wonderful as well go buddy go go buddy go this is good this is good this is good dude he is kicking like a maniac so the bonus mr plus the armor from titans this guy's a monster now we just need to find that little callista and get him even stronger you know what i'm saying we can start to re-roll now let's see here skirt skirt warwick um i mean it's not horrible it ain't so bad we can put in four brawler if we say goodbye to this but i actually don't think it's worth it i like the mystic way too much leblanc you're not coming in the comp we can't buff up son because he's in the grave right now so we are chin chilling with this baby as for items i don't even like archangel staff if i'm being honest hopefully we get something good from raptors or this carousel for us to make something okay scion now would be a good time to come out and party my dude now would be a great time i wonder if we put the spatula on one of our champs if the higher unit they are the stronger they are if that makes sense right yo this sound is a monster he's already a tier three scion i love that uh we're still looking for that callisto speaking of is there a callista in here oh i actually wouldn't want to grab it because i don't want to put any other items on top of calista so let's not grab a noodle let's not grab any abomination champion i'm trying to think uh spear of sojourn oh morello would have been crazy good i don't even know what we want right now um i'm i'm i'm panicking let's go with this sure i probably made a mistake just a wee little mistake that's fine okay you know what that's fine come on assassin i always think this is morg anyways this is the point where we want to reroll so let's let the rolls begin baby um i really don't think we're going to care about set but that's what we do care about bada bing bada baby scion just got even stronger so now we're honestly just fishing for this brand as well as nunu and most important of all our boy rise then we'll have five abomination and sion will be a god alrighty spawns with less health heals back up and goes to pound town dude this guy's a monster you got this my dude look at him go look at him we'll sell these tier ones we can get rid of you and hold on to all this crap there's a noodle there's a morgana i suppose we can keep buying the graggy ice for now hmm do we care about any of these guys nope i need to keep in mind uh do not forget bingo is his name-o dude that's three brawler my gosh brand get in my belly dude we have two mystic as well once we level up one time we get four mystic and cyan is actually unkillable and deals a bajillion damage as well i cannot believe that dude tier 4 scion four star scion notice how much health he has as well because our glyph is a three star this is ridiculous this is ridiculous all right let's hold on to these guys for now because we might be three starring one of these as for brawler this totally works made that mistake last time won't do it again and again we're rerolling now i think uh i keep thinking that's morgana dude it messes me up every single time we have a nikko as well so maybe we save that for the rise i don't know and as for all these champions any supportive champion will be lovely for us one item that's all we want one item okay beautiful um don't think we care about any of this if i'm being honest set how you doing do we care about you not really the mystic champ is what we really care about dude i kid you not i literally thought this was morgana again what is wrong with my brain all right bran's coming in hot bran's coming in hot this is good there he is once more get in my belly brains brains um let's see rageblade shiv could be pretty cute but who the heck do we put it on remember we can't put it on any abomination champions because we want silent to get these items every single time you know what i'm saying go buddy go risk thirster titans this guy's a monster smacker baby four star saiyun i actually love that so much so so much there's another brand we're looking good dude this is going to be the strongest champion we've ever seen in our lives all right you know what i know we're going to find brand let's start focusing on the nunu okay bran will eventually come we have hp despair let's focus on levels and figure out who we give all of this crap to i'm leaning towards lulu i suppose and we get so much stronger next level as well so so much stronger hmm do we keep gragas as our abomination champion i mean i suppose it doesn't matter that much right let's see brawlers we got warwick and graggy ice maybe we just take out gragas and put in warwick or something i'm trying to think of another tier three champion we can make we're gonna be rolling a lot for huh we're gonna be rolling a lot for our three stars oh god dude my brain can't think right now hm so yeah we want to give shiv and rage blade to lulu but that could also be our tier three champion hmm maybe we don't give it to lulu then she's definitely our closest bet we've got here comes sound baby here comes sayon just kidding we don't need them oh heck yeah that's when you know you're sitting pretty when he doesn't need to come out and party we'll say bye bye to you and for mystic we are going to get so strong i think this could make a run for one of the craziest comps we can even imagine remember do not grab a what do we call champion oh yo they're colorful now i love that nice i feel like that makes it easier to tell who we're dealing with um oh that shiv would have been lovely let's think uh let's go with the zz rod oh that actually would have been the dream because it's a free mystic champion as well oh yeah yeah that would have been sick maybe kindred with these items actually is gonna be our best bet that sounds much better i don't know how i didn't think of that warwick hi how you doing let's do this so mystic champ in and we sell warwick for you for mystic five abomination hot diggity dog yes big yes uh we have 50 econ as well so i think we're just big chilling right now big chilling big john go sign go go about it go bye bye daisy and watch this q on this calista it goes hard yeah okay that wow i thought i was gonna do way more the monster has arrived do we dare just drop a nickel on brand i don't think so right this side's crazy all right brand i know you're out there somewhere oh let's see here do we like the gragas sure sorry warwick catch you on the flip side buddy catch you on the flip side wow we actually have all the champs we need right now morgana i am so sorry but i don't think we're going to be able to buy you i honestly think we give our abomination to lulu and go for the three star on her i think it's actually not bad not bad at all and who do we slam this easy rod on we also want it to be on a high unit cost thing whatever so it's as strong as possible and our scion is actually 1v9 mode titan's popped he's going super saiyan dude kalista did so much damage wow i'm actually impressed let's think for a sec um so if abomination goes over to lulu we are then gonna want who else would we put in i i don't even know [Music] i don't even know i don't even know our titans will go on nunu and it's reroll city time right now it is re-roll city we'll sell this morgana if we have to stop giving me morgana please please please please here we go titans on you and we are big chilling i honestly think we want the kindred really badly right now so we can put all these items on them there we go level up the lulu that's what we care about do we do this screw it i was so worried he was going to take away our win streak i am so happy it did not do dabs all righty morgana hello nunu hello we need this brand so badly yeah guys i don't know who to give these items to screw it lux will be our placeholder oh my god what oh that's not good oh that's really really not good okay brand where are you we gotta focus up now perfect beautiful very nice kindred where are you there's a lulu very nice we're about to get way stronger baby way way stronger this is something i'm totally fine with selling who the heck cares about it one more nunu or sorry one more rise one more lulu we get way stronger who gets this i guess morgana she's in the front she's dying go sound go four star sign you've got this buddy you've got this this is the strongest beast in the game right now that's what i'm talking about his win streaks gonzo and oh wow this guy's actually stronger than this guy that's kind of scary let's use our nico if we have to um that's not morgana okay good to know level two rise welcome to the building lovely of nunu would be the dream i think we're rolling down right now i think we're rolling down oh no i passed a foley bear i'm actually an idiot that is a dream champion for us all right buns now would be a pretty good time to drop a nunu my dude pretty good time like i said the kindred would be juicy but now we're focusing on right now do we beat this guy this jack scares me so bad come on sion come on scion what's his attack speed go go go go no no the viego was viego was stealing him oh my god did i just lose the guy who just died what is happening what is happening here is the dude i needed i should not have passed him up earlier okay i think we're okay ladies and gentlemen i think we're okay let's see 18 hp we could die here i need to drop the lulu or not the lulu but the nikko i almost sold him like a freaking idiot let's see if we can get anything before we commit to the nico oh my gosh dude i want to save for the new news so badly oh my god we're one nunu off we're legitimately one new new off oh my gosh if we lose this game i just trolled so hard i think we win though i hope you win oh that jax guy died dude this guy beat him i love this guy i love this guy or comes stronger against him he's stronger against us no oh my god give us noodle noodle one new one noodle come on not a rise you guys think i go crazy no i greeted for it no i greeted for the nunu dude scion win you stupid idiot i wanted to make mega scion oh he's got this dude he's a monster oh my gosh yes we have hope oh my gosh there is there is a god dude yes yes yes yes level two volleyball that's nasty oh if he gets bad uh rng on this thieves glove he's in big trouble i hope he does not find his catarina that would suck um what is this game dude what is this game honestly a last whisper on the song wouldn't even be that bad does he have any no if he had armor or iron clad or whatever the heck those things are i actually would have um considered putting this last whisper on do you realize what just happened do you realize what just happened one boom two boom mega scion has arrived two yes yes yes yes i can't put this on anyone i can't put this on you or else it'll give it to scion you you you or you so morgana be happy with it oh my gosh our silence gonna be a god three star kalista three star nunu three star lulu three star brand bruh unleash the beast 5 000 help yes yes yes oh my god i'm losing my voice over here do you even care about anything else this guy's an absolute monster of a champion okay redemption that's actually pretty sweet i like that kindred is who we want the most uh oh uh oh uh oh he got some goodies oh we found the three star katarina as well that is very very scary you rolled all the way down where is our kindred kindred kindred kindred okay we're fine we're chilling we're big chilling okay not gonna lose we're fine by the way as long as viego doesn't make scion on their team we should be good okay as long as that doesn't happen i believe sans already dealt the most damage i love it who's the big beast on his team draven got that heard that i wonder if double volibear would be better no no no we want the mystic the most okay even though they're dealing a lot of physical damage they're only not dealing physical damage because we have the fatty mystic to buff our boy let's think is he gonna three star draven i will steal his draven if i have to um nope we're big chilling we're big chilling oh my god his viego is a monster how did we just get another oh yeah that's right i sold her all right kindred where are you at my friend where are you at do we lose no no silent no yes attack you stupid guys i'm beast oh my god it's six to six buy a teemo [Laughter] um oh i did not want him to get that viego not even a little bit let's go with let's go with this hmm morello would have been pretty sweet but we're gonna have to say bye bye to you nightbringer don't care we honestly just care about kendra i think that's all we care about dude do i dare guys i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm just kidding i'm just kidding [Laughter] no siree oh okay i almost made a big mistake um who do we give this to i can't give it anywhere else to give it to nunu wait this is the last round kalista take a redemption scion you can do this buddy four star scion for the win this guy's an absolute beast bro ha ha play abomination win the game join the pc giveaway and win a computer or cash all right anyone in the world can enter thank you so much for watching if you're not subscribed smack the button we'll see you tomorrow with more set five action that was a nail biter peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 259,222
Rating: 4.8480749 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, four, star, sion, 4 star, abomination, set 5, set, five
Id: 1ltISGbD56c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 41sec (2201 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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