I Will Pay You Money If This Doesnt Get Nerffed!

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why hello everybody i am oh so excited right now i'm gonna be totally 100 honest with you guys real quick okay when i originally saw this set i honestly didn't think i would like it but after playing for 12 hours straight yesterday i am happy to say this set's gonna be freaking awesome okay and while we were playing for 12 hours yesterday um we may or may not have found something that's kind of freaking busted i am willing to pay you guys if this doesn't get nerfed okay so all that being said let's do our best to make this happen i almost rerolled thought i think i was playing hyper role for a second that would have been bad hello everyone we're doing a massive worldwide giveaway we're not one but two winners will receive a gaming computer or cash oh yeah that's right we're giving away two computers it's super easy to enter even a yasuo maine could do it you just click on the twitter link in the description which will take you to this tweet where you will then click on the give gg link all you gotta do from here is start filling out entries and the more you fill out the better chances you have it winning remember it's worldwide so anyone can enter good luck go clad go let's see what the heck we get syndra i don't really care do we sell don't think so more things to possibly sell no banks nidalee is someone cool we definitely have to try but not going to be someone we try to bust out just yet oh level two you say huh kind of sort of down for this let's send it ro this guy's got a scion i'm kind of spooked and by kind of i mean very spooked [Laughter] what the heck is going i think these particles are bugged because this is probably not how it's supposed to look cyan is he actually get okay wow what the heck did that damage was that her spear yes it was give me the best item we've got oh la la spooky tear how you doing this is not bad this is not bad let's frickin do it okay poppy level up and kevin so many people flame me yesterday for saying uh this wrong where is it coven okay i apologize i appreciate the english class down below in the comments but let me know if you guys are gonna play normal tft regular tft or uh hyper roll more oh that's a scary vein and let's see six gold seven gold eight nope not worth to sell don't care about these guys we're not going to be leveling them up so we'll pass on them but the champion i want to show you guys today is vladimir okay this is the nose siphoner needed team come check it out he heals without any bonuses okay we are going to break this champion beyond belief looks like we're selling for econ and vladimir get on in there all right we're big chilling but instead of the vladimir even though we're going to be running him late game this would be way better thank you very much thank you very much and if this doesn't get nerfed by the time um you guys can actually play this feel free to run it every single game in ranked and just climb the ladder like it's the easiest thing you've ever done in your life you're gonna laugh so hard on how strong this actually is go baby go my scion wins also a champ i want to try warwick i think that guy's beyond bun busted let's see here what the heck do we want um there's a spooky um that but believe it or not we're actually gonna go with this okay hear me out i'm gonna tell you why this certain qss will make you lose your mind all right oh gosh i want econ so badly but i don't think we're going to be able to get it unless if we did done diddly do this okay i'm down for some hellion real quick we'll say goodbye to scion we'll miss you buddy and we can get econ off of that alone but this isn't any normal qss this is a forever qss okay and yes it hurts your hp but there's a way to make your ap a whole lot better dude even the water particles aren't best rito get your stuff together okay you know it's bad when the water particles are not doing so hot oh god yeah that vladimir doesn't look that strong i don't blame you but trust me there's a way we can make this work dude we got the hellion army going crazy right now um greggy ice i'm sorry but you're going down my friend you're going down down down okay apparently that dude already died i don't think colette has died yet so he should be groovy very nice very nice don't let the door hit you on your way out um [Music] i would actually be down for this i'm most likely gonna sell sell cannon for econ if we have to or ziggs i should say this looks good there's also a few champions that i was busting out and um during my 12 hour session if you guys can guess who those champions are that i absolutely loved i'll drop a heart next to your name in the comments okay one of them may or may not be karma she is crazy especially with a spooky blue buff as well okay for those who don't know oh they buffed it wow after casting their ability the holder gains 10 mana if you're above 60. oh god i lost an econ oh no well i feel like an idiot we might reroll a bit after this round considering we won a lot of tier ones and we don't have many of them as of right now all right we gotta focus i should have sold the ziggs for the free econ i'm i'm pissed off all right and we need a bow more than anything right now starting now vladimir you are the squishiest piece of crap alive we'll be able to fix that don't you worry um kind of sort of good for us we'll see all right hopefully hellions can beat these krugs right there's no way we lose this there's no way okay i'm starting to panic a little bit but i keep forgetting we got this portal that's going to poop them out as fast as you can say drop a like on the video give me a rod oh god you know what screw it we'll roll with that okay we'll do this and we're gonna do a few rerolls now to see what the heck we find thank you very much the real question is how much are we willing down to re-roll oh yeah yay i don't care too much about the poppy but it's giving us poppy oh yeah yeah stop it stop it where is morgana when you need her dude is that working on it nope it's not okay well we tried there we go oh my gosh yes beautiful beautiful beautiful baby level two vladimir and caben baby all right let's think let's think let's think we're getting slam jammed right now so you guys are probably thinking buns this team comp is horrible what are you doing you're stupid okay no no no no just give me up give me a few seconds it takes some time to put this greatness together okay as for this mr would be cute but we're actually gonna roll another one of these and do a little bit of this alrighty oh i am more than down i am more than down nightbringer get on in there as well bruh we can sell you we can sell you and a lot of you oh i like this a lot let's go ahead and slam jam this and call it a day vladimir you will soon become a beast all right as of right now you're not quite a beast yet but it's coming okay it's coming ready hammer it's actually good we're losing because we want to be first pick carousel time so that should be groovy for us alrighty by the way best unit in the game hands down i think it's morgana not so much for the cc aspect or damage aspect but just for a well-rounded champion all right decent tank good crowd control lots of damage for being a tank you know what i mean here we go here we go ziggs don't need tier ones still need will sell you and chill for a wee bit longer here we go here we go folks honestly buffing up this sejuani and damage not the greatest i suppose but vladimir is our main squeeze that's who we really care about and right now he doesn't have the items he needs to become a god but hopefully come soon he'll have exactly what he needs oh goodness you got this buddy he needs one certain item preferably two you guys will see exactly what i'm talking about real soon here all right carousel time here goes nothing and even though this isn't a nightbringer it might be someone we use down the road for the renewer maneuver oh gosh we're picking second dude thank god we're shooting out now cause we need a certain item and it's on a champion that uh is pretty contested thank you very much here we go here we go by the way i'm putting it out there right now we just won the game that's how broken this actually is okay you're gonna see what i'm talking about starting real soon here all right normal rod spooky tear this already got nerfed it's gonna get nerfed again each time the holder casts their abilities they gain empty maximum mana equal to 300 of their maximum mana the holder then heals for that amount let's see this in combat here we go here we go oh this guy's got it too this is how broken this item is okay so now every time vlad casts this 85 mana times that by 300 that's getting turned into hp look at our hp we're already at 1.4k there's a slurp there's a heal don't you dare die we're at 1.8 k go baby go to this guy's a monster 2k hp and he's healing for a lot oh my goodness dude i love this champion so much let's keep buying tier ones and we can start slow rolling to hopefully knock this vladimir out of the park that'll take up some space very nice we might actually end up using yasuo we'll see another sid money don't mind if i do and i actually really like lulu in the mix as well let's do this setup we'll swap these fellas over here and do a little bit of that all right all right champs we don't need off to the side yes we'll honestly probably won't be our comp we can use other night bringers but you guys can see how strong this vladimir actually is keep on healing buddy keep on healing another cue oh he's gonna die no no no no we need to ramp him up even more and we can do that by doing our best to knock a tier three out of the park you know what i'm saying thank you very much and wow those are lots of champions we could use right now um yeah i think we actually will not end up using yasuo yasuo would be good in the comp not gonna lie but i think i mainly just care about tankiness random random tankiness oh oh oh that's exactly what we needed bye bye yes well we'll miss ya so now that we're getting a whole bunch of tankiness now we can start to worry about getting ability power and you might be thinking buns how the heck are you gonna do that i'll show you exactly how the other archangels will top that off each time the wearer casts their abilities they gain ability power equal to 35 percent of their maximum mana all right so 35 of 85 quick maps 23. okay that was a joke that's wrong that's the wrong number if one of you guys want to do the math feel free to do the math on that 35 of 85 uh yeah it's like 26 or something 28 maybe i don't know but what i'm trying to say is this champion will become killable go baby go look at this guy look at this guy [Laughter] go my friend to go and he cannot be cc for the entire round doesn't even matter we're going to earth that's fine by me lulu you're useless vladimir kill everyone 2.5 k hp look at this damage deals 3000 damage heals for that amount i love this let's see spooky spooky not spooky maybe we just commit to a zekes i would really like a ga for morgana i think that would be very very strong for him but maybe we just hand over a zeke's to make this guy as unkillable as possible okay more attack speed count me and we're sending it all right as for champions we still got lots to get oh yeah yeah mordekaiser also fits somewhat well into this team comp something you guys may want to try unfortunately we cannot sell anything we have here so far so we're big john leveling up this guy would be lovely okay lovely lovely lovely but as you guys can see this flat is out of this world if you guys would oh please oh thanks drop a fatty thumbs up on the video i would appreciate it and give me more ideas you have on breaking champions this is so funny we get spell power and unlimited hp it's literally unlimited of both this is so broken check out the healing 8 000 check out the damage 13 000 make that 16 000. oh my gosh now you can see why um this actually broke the game the other day leveling up lulu could be cute let's go ahead and send it we need to get more most importantly right now um leblanc oh gosh getting her tier three would be cute but oh wow we're actually so close to doing that as well screw it leblanc we'll come back to you we got the lisandra that's huge soon we're gonna be rerolling all the way down see what the heck we can find all right do we dare drop the nikko on the flat or not probably not i think that's overkill but notice how little hp we start the round with because of the qss but we make up for that with the spooky serifs okay go my friend go go my friend go [Laughter] the 1v9 god dude everyone's question mark and picking them every single round i love this drop the coven buff on him as well and just reap the rewards baby reap all of them let's think um hmm should we throw reduced damage on him it could be an option for us don't need the d cap oh gosh we would gain less mana if we did do this is it worth it i honestly don't even know i don't even know what do you guys think do we give it a shot it's this right here um the holder of all allies within two hexes in the same row 25 reduced damage but they gained five less mana per attack i'm gonna give it a shot all right i'm gonna give it a shot just because i think it has potential oh god we need to re-roll soon because vlad gets so much of his mana not from auto attacking but just taking damage you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying what up vladimir how you doing buddy how you doing oh gosh the less mana per auto is kind of killing us i can't tell there's also soraka this round that's not making it that that nice i think i like it the 25 reduced damage is huge okay still unkillable still rocking it we'll see how this goes we have a nico just in case but we'll see we'll see we need to find vlad now tier three vladimir getting the bank baby screw it we'll sell lee for you and oh there's the vlad there's the vlad there's the vlad one more vlad we're rolling down where you at baby that's what i'm talking about dawnbrinker no we can level up now and do this all right all right that works too that works too do we dare drop leblanc let's see probably not probably not probably not dude i am so confident that this vlad destroys anyone and everything this is ridiculous he just heals the full every single cue go my friend go draven say no more we'll say goodbye to you 13 000 healing 10 000 damage wow who's the last renewer we need ivorn where the heck are you at that's gonna take this vlad over the top so now that we no longer care about any of these tier ones we are good to shoot up on in levels and maybe focus on more nightbringers or more renewers just anything to buff up our boy vladimir okay we got a useless bow wonderful wonderful let's keep on focusing on this and um spending two gold would honestly probably most likely be worth it but i say screw it and we just chill you know what we gotta keep the win streak alive doesn't hurt to add in another lulu and she's also going to get that juicy locket bonus let me know if you guys like this trade-off by the way the trade-off with this locket 25 reduced damage five less per auto attack or yeah five less mana prototype but remember you take damage you get mana vladimir wants to take a whole lot of damage because he's not dying no no not today dude he's going 1v9 mode he's going 1v9 mode everyone's dead except for him and lissandra yo lisandra hanging in there i like that does this person have a kale is that what i just witnessed and i can't get over how crazy this actually is i love it alrighty now where are one more level and one more renewer and then this goes from five percent to eight percent on both more healing equals very nice he goes nothing folks it's nearly kind of spooky definitely want to try this champion they did a bug fix the other day on him actually where she could still leap even though she was stunned yeah that's not fair you're going to need one of these spooky qss's to make that happen all right uh and i think we're okay dude i literally just think it's impossible for this vladimir to die look at this i genuinely think it's impossible oh my gosh i love it oh so much that is way too funny please play this that guy's out of there we'll smell you later okay as for champions let's just keep focusing on exp iron chad jax until next time buddy let's go ahead and try putting vladimir the back and see if anyone can challenge ah screw it no nope nope nope we didn't even need to play strong and keep this one straight alive once we lose we can start throwing them in the back and seeing what happens but as of right now this monster took our ivorn that's not cool that aphelios is a sick build he's gonna deal fat damage because he has so much attack speed i don't know if we can beat this guy i don't know if we win versus this do we win go home here go look at this guy [Laughter] oh my gosh please play this team comp and rito if you're watching i lose money if you don't nerf this i'm confident i'm gonna win that bet but just saying okay just saying oh do we dare do we dare put another locket on to the point where oh my gosh okay we lost that one well we tried not even sure what that is looks like it's the horse thing you know i'm talking about that's probably what that is uh oh gosh honestly all these are good for us all these are good but look how strong this mega shroud is check this out you even shroud yourself too you go here boom boom boom boom check this out okay when combat begins you shoot a beam basically 75 increasing their mana by 65 until they cast that's ridiculous i can also uh slap it on my own team if i wanted to maybe we'll do that later down the road uh-oh this nearly has insanely strong items we're gonna see uh how this one goes oh boy oh boy vladimir are you good i can't tell if you're good he's getting piled on he has anti-healing as well oh no yes yes dude are you kidding me [Laughter] i love this champion so much oh my god i just healed for over 3 000 and dealt over 4 000. let's level up and we just got a god king hot diggity dog wow i like that do we spend two gold to level i think so we actually almost lost that round so that was kind of spooky not gonna lie okay we'll do this for now and soraka in the back or another lulu honestly both are good we'll rock with this i wanted to move you over more ah yeah so this is does this shroud of lulu let's see nope clear we're good we're good we're good oh boy my morgana just got eaten alive jian morgana is super solid and i think this is the round we lose that draven is so scary okay yep my gosh ouch wow ouch wow we actually died that's that's scary okay we got ourselves a ball game folks we've got ourselves a ball game that's going to be absolutely massive very nice very nice this is what i wanted to do so we could spread out the love on the locket but level nine as well as one renewer and we'll be in a sweet spot i don't think it's worth to drop the nico on lb so we'll pass on that and any tankiness we can give to morgue extremely solid all right this mirror is going to be massive for us massive massive massive thank you for that believe it or not we actually do not care about the kale in this case but that's definitely a champion i want to highlight all right so we'll bust that out soon don't know when once we level three lulu as well we'll be in such a good spot level nine is within our grasp for the max renewer all right coming on through baby coming on through i'm most scared of that draven that dude spooks me big time okay no oh my god i got mega q assessed butt jokes on him joke's on him check this out i get cc'd for eight seconds yes even if i have a qss on myself but i unclicked on it so i can't read it anymore but i gain ability power as i come out of the qss dude thanks for the free buff baby crowd control for eight seconds through my qss but we come out even stronger i love it i love it i love it i love it all right no ivern in sight 72 gold to level let's buy this and we will level up soon where do we want to position this bad boy let's see oh gosh i feel like hitting this zephyr right here is so good but i'm a nuke my own team i moved it to the oh god lulu i'm so sorry look at this i just screwed over three of my teammates i did more bad than good there with that oh yeah yeah it's so hard to swap your position and come super late game when you have so many things you're trying to worry about the locking the shroud a lot goes into it my gosh okay vladimir good are you good yeah he's good all right is this the round we go crazy bye bye to that dude these water particles are struggling over here as well would you look at that would you look at that 56 gold um do we dare wait one more round 56 gold we have a bit to spend here screw it let's just do it what are the odds we don't find what we want you know ah pro strat buy teemo sell teemo takes your hp you get gold everyone's happy alrighty lulu where the heck are you we need you now oh wow this sounds coming in hot baby oh god i think we lose this do we lose this this guy's got to bring you back from the dead team comp going on vladimir you're good right you're good right get him go look at him go he's got this he's got this oh no yes deal more oh my god oh my god what did i just witness 4.5 k damage so much healing 20k damage bruh that was ridiculous that was actually ridiculous um let's think let's see there's a spatula do we dare take that spooky morellos that would be insanely strong too i don't even know okay this works for us we'll take it we'll take it renewer maneuver is here baby we'll put you in and we now have four of them baby oh that's money i also really like double assassin this diana does us well we have a qss we just gotta see where we fire this bad boy you know what i'm saying danger is coming let's do this and let's do this as long as we're not zapping our boy we should be fine wow one lose what we need i will probably drop a nico on darius maybe ivern but like i said preferably lulu daisy break up the fight i cannot believe that last round actually ridiculous actually ridiculous go vladimir go guys fatty thumbs up on the video i would appreciate it a lot and yes the giveaway is worldwide best of luck on that bad boy alrighty it'll take you about three minutes if i'm being totally honest basically you follow if you follow a few of our social medias and you get entries for each social media you follow in return towards the giveaway okay that being said this might be our final role thank you very much on that timo thank you for the damage appreciate the gold yeah give us more teemo's that was nice uh we could put in the dom is it worth it instead of ivern nass grew this works this works this works here you go buddy we're buffing up ivor instead of darius call me crazy daisy op nice zephyr this could be the final round who the heck knows [Laughter] oh my gosh dude if we win this round i'm actually gonna laugh this looks unwinnable from this point right here yo daisy is knocking everyone up dude heck yes the max renewer 8 health or 8 mana that feeds us so much mana actually i love that go my friend go he's not dying he's not dying he's not dying [Laughter] this guy absolutely hates us 21 000 damage oh my goodness oh sweet check this out soraka bang darius bang hp bang wow zur let's see if this works all right we still got the kevin buff i like that two lulu's can we pull them out of our booty yeah your name i think we put this guy on the renewer doesn't daisy get the items though let's see if daisy gets the items it would probably be worth the thrill on him ash no pantheon mantheon no let's think for a sec watch us just die buying tito's diana thank you very much lulu where are you darius don't care come on come on where are you let's see this is for you my friend all right we stuck vlad in the back our whole team's gonna die it's nice that daisy doesn't go down once ivor dies if that was the case it would actually be way way worse and guys i can't get over how crazy this actually is oh my gosh vladimir for the win no siphoner needed baby no siphon are needed that is a rapparooski on this one fellas that's all i gotta say giveaway top of the description have fun getting unlimited elo with this team comp we'll see you tomorrow with some more set five action if you're not subscribed smack the button because only 40 of you guys watching are actually subscribed already peace peace i love you peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 206,632
Rating: 4.872963 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, 1v9, one, vs, nine, vlad, vladamir
Id: wE8kP9H8w30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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