The Best Auto Win Teamcomp In Set 5 Right Now

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why hello everybody dear get in my belly extremely extremely important question for you guys okay listen up open your ear holes do you want to change my little legend or not we need to get to the bottom of this all right and let me know which to change it on to maybe a little night action early could be the move i kind of like this one of these days we will make the most unkillable poppy you may have ever seen in your life okay i'm curious what a rage blade would look on them i wonder what that would look like but as for champions oh la la i love the early leona this champion is a force to be reckoned with i want more redeemed as well but i don't know if we're gonna be able to pick up that syndra or not hello everyone we're doing a massive worldwide giveaway we're not one but two winners will receive a gaming computer or cash oh yeah that's right we're giving away two computers it's super easy to enter even a yasuo main could do it you just click on the twitter link in the description which will take you to this tweet where you will then click on the give gg link all you gotta do from here is start filling out entries and the more you fill out the better chances you have it winning remember it's worldwide so anyone can enter good luck we're gonna get gold i know that but let's say it's something that we actually want to keep then it becomes more difficult i wish we could choose to not put in our units so we could have the option to sell them if we really want okay that's a lot of gold thank you very much screw it i just pre-leveled oh god was that the right move i don't know poppy get in there double syndra thoughts it's it's an option it's it's definitely an option and i mean if we're gonna run an unkillable poppy one day we might as well test that a little bit right i'm so curious how this is gonna look dude these little chunks oh do i he does ap damage oh jeez okay maybe uh the bf sword is not the move but that's a lot of magical damage a death cap might make that crazy as well i want to buy this thresh and rock for night because early game that is disgusting but oh boy a spooky claw anything we'd want to create with this honestly i think i'd rather have the rod i'm leaning towards redeemed comp it's something i want to try for you guys let's knock it out of the park let's hope we don't regret our decision nine redeemed or three same thing however you look at it here we go here we go fellers here we go here we go what just happened i think syndra might be one of the most broken units if you guys agree let me know there's no chance this guy beats us it's really nice playing versus helium you have a strong comp you feel like they just can't do anything to you it's awesome do we got any more of them dude that's a smaller cannon than the other one we just fought we'll run with lb for now if we get an early morning i want to bust that out but uh yeah yeah that's a free graggy ice unfortunately we don't have much here for him no brawler i don't think we do it then that leaves us with a cell a big big cell most likely gonna be lb yeah yeah sorry leblanc i haven't been running coven recently and you guys were saying how that's probably my new favorite comp in this set don't get me wrong i do like it we'll go back to playing it soon all right i don't want to ditch our our coven bros do we drop this for one of these now we're big chilling running kha'zix gragas could have been nice but we'll pass for now i'm curious what the heck we care about huh we're picking last so i'm not gonna be too greedy on what we want but lock it for a certain certain reason is nice do we dare freaking run okay never mind never mind hp now we'll rock with this works for us works for us we could actually do this if we make this oh my gosh we got the uh we got the morgana we actually got the morgana let's do this for now i think morgan is probably the best champion in the game right now just all around the crowd control carry unit traits everything and can we please get a rest in pumperoni for abomination you now need three champions instead of two to create scion yeah it's rough out there dude this guy's creating the ultimate vladimir probably my favorite unit in the game is that build that vladimir exactly egg zekley all right we'll keep both of these guys maybe we'll use them in the future who the heck knows but we're wind streaking and i'm liking it we don't have much gold so we actually have to win this round like no matter what no pressure but we have to win um spell weaver no mystic maybe this is such an early karma maybe this is the move i hate taking out our knights screw it this works oh i should have sold morg for econ i done goofed i done goofed three gold big 17 18 19 if we sell these guys and we could have easily put in uh varys or someone else morgana doesn't have the greatest synergies right now that was a pretty pretty bad misplay on my part but yo this early karma is gonna do us proud i like it oof i lost one gold there and that one goal is gonna snowball into a lot going into this round with only this much econ is very scary let's see if we can make some up we sell all of you oh boy it's 27 28 i have to sell leona if we don't get gold here if we don't we have to i like the uh invoker too we'll see how useful we actually think it feels plus three mana all allies we're gonna be rocking this guy oh why hello there that's a free sell that's a juicy item and hello okay we can work with that are there any assassin redeems i don't think so mystic lulu could be cute may we actually level here just to keep the win streak alive the only issue is our champions are god awful huh actually god awful i think leveling to keep the wind streak alive though is the move you know what one roll anything's better than this guy sure dawnbringer nidalee get on in there now dragon slayer don't like it too much it's only good in the skirmisher comp these guys we can sell we're probably not going to level leona and we are um playing real strong right about now getting up to six redeemed would be the dream let's see 22 gold 24 25 26 sell everything we're rocking 29. oh baby it's adam picking time i wonder if they're ever gonna put spatulas on this i'm actually curious hmm or this bad boy i'm leaning towards this if you go redeemed buffing kale mega lake game is exactly what you want to do so we'll see if that's something we can do come mega lake game we shall see as for now we're getting rid of you i really want to be extremely flexible with all the item options we have so let's not rush into anything as of right now thanks for taking that one oh my gosh dude karma is nasty keep on casting look at the mana go down we're down to 10 no the kill is just about to blow him up dude no that would have kept our econ oh so good that's really bad that's literally the difference between not slamming items and slamming items oh my gosh wow even just like throwing this on riven would have done the trick i'm an idiot i'm an idiot i could have slammed items on riven just nobody else an individual item that is yeah i hate to see it you hate to see it oh that is one strong graggy ice my gosh we're gonna be dropping nidalee don't you worry get out of here dude syndra is the assassin mega counter i love it i love it i love it i love it get this nidalee off of me this thing freaking hurts dude oh gosh hey trucks you got this dude again throwing the belt on riven might have made the difference in this round oh jeez does this stun no it doesn't okay good to know and you done so later sriracha pretty interesting options maybe slam jamming the spooky belt no let's do this oh rageblade would have been good too but actually there's another thing i want to show you guys it gets crazy legionnaire dragon slayer don't want to take out this guy maybe huh what the heck are you crying about oh did his items combine [Laughter] he's gotta be so pissed okay 28 gold we'll wait to put in the more actually we'll do this for now this is something i want to show you guys more is going to heal our entire team a bajillion dude i'm curious what happened to that guy morg goes super sane and starts healing everyone around him bingo was his name-o uh don't you die buddy don't you die skirmisher will pass dragon slayer it's all right my ziggs has thieves gloves and jeweled gaunt and swaps two items every round still what what is this guy talking about am i stupid or something where is he i didn't see a thieves gloves wait what did he just have a bramble i'm so confused what's happening all right maybe that is confusing um karma stay in late game we've got a plan fellers i think this might be an underrated item okay putting it on your secondary carry is pretty nuts you'll see what i'm talking about shortly more go crazy auto once auto once oh my god aatrox almost went back to full hp not only with his ability but with mordekaisers that would have been so slick dude each mega auto leona gets mad hp i love that i love it i love it i love it legionnaire i bet you mordekaiser would be so good with that maybe we keep them for a bit longer who knows who knows who knows ooh triple leona at this point yo it's a sign it's a sign maybe we're meant to re-roll some early i don't know i do want to have better odds of getting higher tier units you know what's good i'm going to re-roll once if we get a leona or atrox we're going to re-roll more then it would actually be a sign okay as for now mordechwizer carry me big time buddy lux that's cute here we go bingo here we go all right honestly i should probably buy this guy legionnaire could be cute let's do this let's do it let's do it as for uh items yeah i'm not too sure not too sure at all but hey are you cons looking good as for redeemed rel and lux all we're missing is rel or vel'koz those two and we're in the clear not the win streak it's the guy that's hacking i swear he had a bramble dude oh it's adam picking time don't mind if i do um do we want a spooky a rod hear me out this could be good i know we have a lot of them it's telling me to go this and just get insane spell power once we combine but i got a hunch dude we're one leona off you can't be kidding me um i guess we're chilling with this for now but i actually do want to say screw you mana and rock mega lock it losing five mana per auto that's fine because kale doesn't use mana it's brilliant oh my god syndra you're nuts you're so good that i'm actually gonna sell you for econ no screw it no no no not doing it not doing it we will spend we'll keep this gold for you oh god i should be saving up on gold but it's too fun to roll oh god that was bad okay well here we are honestly i would be down to lose mana on these champions for this do we send it screw it we're doing it we're doing it this front line is going to become so tanky check it out 30 armor and magic resist and ability power i loves it a little less mana but hey they're going to get their mana from invoker that's nice along with uh just taking damage wow this guy actually has sound here we go here we go dude spread the love spread the hp i want to learn how to make this item even better anyways we need to go to eight now guess how long this leon is going to be on our bench for probably a good seven years that could be a possible uh possibility um wow i really don't know what the heck we want bf sword no i mean i suppose the zeke's sounds kind of cute oh boy dude i probably should have grabbed that let's see you could have made a super zephyr a mega morelos or a womp and warm mogs you guys like that i'm just kidding uh yeah we're going for levels this leona is gonna forever be on her bench i'm calling it dude 10 000 iq heztech on moored and on moored double headstick could actually be funny this draven is almost as scary as it gets okay yep let's not fight that guy again we're going with eight it's gonna be great here we go one eight it's gonna be great oh man not rolling down on four five is greedy muy grande greed ball dude this has to be a vladimir we have to make we have to make this vladimir oh my gosh gets like 500 hp permanently for the rest of the round every q 600 sorry oh my gosh dude we are not killing that guy okay we need to get way stronger after this round or else we are screwed ow okay yep that hurt we're fine oh boy i'm actually gonna sell this more most likely screw it we'll put them together for now 16 gold i don't think it's worth to level i will lose one econ gold i don't want to lose two so if these drop four gold we're leveling and please find me a leona oh boy here goes nothing here goes nothing dude one of these days we'll create a carry mordekaiser because that champs looks nuts that was three gold not four gold wonderful oh boy speak of the devil i don't want to commit to this guy i do want to commit to you i might regret that i might regret that a lot ga yes please who's someone we're gonna sell later you sure hot dog hot dog what the heck do you want to do with these champs amarello god maybe morg is like the best for our comp i don't know i don't know i don't know maybe it's kindred ranger plus mystic and can keep kale safe in the back yeah that sounds pretty good to me that sounds pretty good to me as for dawnbringer don't think we care too much about that let's do that yes oh my gosh yes yes now please kneel before the light bruh there's the rage blade here's the ga what else do we slam jam on i kind of like the idea of giving kale a locket just because you can make him go super sane terry bears who we want okay maybe we just frontline the locket oh boy everything's fine wait kale's alive holy what wait what we won oh my gosh i mean of of course we won yeah that was great of course that was awesome uh legionnaire can't get rid of that wow i think we have to get rid of rel unfortunately i think we have to get rid of rel you hate to see it you hate to see it i don't want to hurt these guys as backline mana costs so maybe this is what we actually have to do screw it screw it and as for backline demaj [Music] this actually looks really good these items are insane on morgana inside oh here comes the burn we got this we got this we got this long rounds equals gg my friends we might be able to go to nine with this i actually don't think it's that greedy once these mega swords start coming it is time to make it rain my dudes all right we still have mr don't we where's where's the age rocks we didn't lose that did we atrox no we're still rocking it oh baby dude i hope no one else wants that stupid champion oh my gosh we can hit it out of the park bruh bro redeemed and again that's ridiculous that's ridiculous what's better uh this guy or knight oh my gosh this is a hard choice tarik is so good for this comp as well as this vel'koz say hello you say hello we're going straight to nine right now my friends you gotta be kidding me bingo we need to put in wow next level we go next level we go i think we stay by morgan we can also proc morelos really well with vel kazaruski nine redeemed here we come this is the tankiest imaginable so check this out this has taco gun blade here's heel's closest ally this dude is just feeding kale hp feed him more use your ability oh my gosh that's scary this is scary this is scary i hate spending all our gold before a pve round maybe we greed one more there's no way we can die so that's good terrick how you doing this is our main squeeze baby the verdant is nice uh ash would actually work really well let's say we put in like uh this guy and then uh ash get three verdict that sounds pretty juice but i really like keeping people off this kale big time yes yes we're gonna buy rel in next round we go crazy let's also slam jam that boy should have done that a while ago we could sell this and put it on someone else but because we have another aatrox right here i'm curious if we should do that tarik's gonna have three items now we're chilling it's fine on h rocks dude the heels that go over to kale are sick with this item i guarantee you this is going to be an actual underrated item yo heel he'll heal he'll he'll heal that's so cool dude we have the one comp that can beat the vladimir baby that's what i'm talking about not sure how or where we'd want to put this guy but maybe we can find a slot for him so we're selling you this is going in and ver bear you're going to top us off real soon big guy honestly giving this to tarik could be pretty cute memes aside i think it's actually good but screw it we'll just give them this i actually have seen strong terrix oh they used the hp one not the uh not the ap one dude there's the liana there's the kale we just became so godlike putting that on uh you would have been pretty juicy too here goes nothing two nine redeemed there's the rel this is craziness listen varys hear me out you're a tank [Laughter] just got so godlike max redeemed is nasty if you guys don't know what your team does redeem champions have increased armor magic resist and ability power when they die their bonuses split amongst remaining redeemed allies wait what that means someone near the end is gonna have like seven bajillion hp wow yo i want my team to die wait maybe ending ferris is good wait that's so good dude what do we have here fellas this guy there's no chance he beats us no freaking chance like i said running kindred could be good for mystic does this guy have a lot of ap damage kinda sorta not really let's set this up bingo bingo bingo okay don't think we're in the spot to uh do that so we'll pass honestly we're not even gonna get much stronger three aatrox makes the stronger one varus makes us stronger and these guys aren't gonna be leveling for years yes steal my velkas we'll see you later go baby go dude velcros is blind i love nine redeemed if you can hit this comp it's auto win okay legitimately ought to win how may not play this guy we're both on steroids he's beating me no way we lose go kale go dude yes our ghost took him out he's in for a treat okay this is our backup plan kindred is our backup plan solid backup plan tier three vel'koz another backup plan incineration huh i actually want this guy to die is that messed up that's kind of messed up i like this setup no assassins they're dunzo dude they are dunzo let's keep the kindred these are the things we care about there's no way we lose long rounds we thrive in baby absolutely thrive were you stupid what kind of beam was that dude oh here comes the kale rain here comes the kid dude you need to kill this comp fast or else you're actually dead dunzo i love it do we roll now where's valkos when you need a baby oh heck yes the most attack speed item in the game don't mind if we do this would have been slick as well and uh we no longer have that mr so that spatula we do not care about yo it's happening it's happening bell cause is happening let's steal attack speed from these guys and we'll put we won't steal attack speed from belle coz all right belkas is our boy he's been he's been good to us we'll chill all right i wonder how much this 15 damage is actually blocking as well all right or should i say ezreal huh you like that like that all right listen varus i kind of like you dying so we're just gonna have you uh yeah sell for econ aatrox we're not going to level you up let's do this next round we might roll for the tier 3 velarooski dude this attack speed on kale this is probably the dream item we could have asked for probably the best item we could attack dude he's gonna be max attack speed by the time he starts raining down swords of death this dude's dead next round i'm calling it i'm calling it he might survive though i think it's too close to tell we'll start rolling now two vel kazuruski's kendrick that's our backup plan turns out we don't need a backup plan velcros where are you oh hey cale how you doing how you doing how you doing i didn't pass the belt cause right hope not hope not yo this is sweet dude there's no chance we die kale why are you going melee range what's going on rain down the swords of doom we're going to the max final acceleration pause it here and read this champ if you want to see as time goes on he goes down oh my gosh long rounds are so brutal i love it we'll buy you as well we're gonna hit it we're gonna hit it out of the park okay we did that for econ we're two vel kaza ruski's away we'll sell this guy we have 30 gold to work with we're about to get a little more hopefully his item wasn't good he might oh gosh okay well that's probably the best item could have asked for not gonna lie how are this guy what's happening dude he's swapping his items anyways i have nobody good to hold this no body there's a volume boob what if we start losing now and vel'koz actually becomes our win condition that'd be pretty funny not gonna lie i have an itch no i don't it's all in my head velcros that's a jax there's a vel by aye we're one off dude lux screw it take it are you stupid are you what's wrong with you dude we didn't get it oh my gosh doesn't matter this team comes so busted i don't care if kayle's the last one if she's alive they all die guys run run nine redeemed and enjoy the auto win okay seriously enjoy the auto win look at this ba bing ba boo boo oh my gosh that's ridiculous thank you all so much for watching if you're not subscribed smack the button and don't forget about the pc giveaway that we have going on worldwide you just follow a few of our entries it'll take you like two minutes all right if you've been lazy about it just give it two minutes top description we'll see you tomorrow peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 162,339
Rating: 4.9007802 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition
Id: aIGpaA01wdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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