I Get 2 Yasuos The 1st Round... Crazy True Damage

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why hello everybody yo yo yo give me the bow bow bow whenever you get a bow i want you to do exactly we're gonna do this video okay if you get two out of the three items at your start but somebody previously said buns looking pretty good in the long sleeves thank you very much i appreciate that but we'll talk more about that in a second but for now let's focus on getting the items we need so we can pop off as hard as possible oh my god oh yeah was the guy i wanted to run dude what [Laughter] this is amazing oh my gosh people are going to be very confused with what the heck's about to go down i am beyond excited alrighty and i have something to show you guys it's gonna be a little embarrassing okay a little embarrassing chain vest not the greatest but hey we can use it we can also use this guy and this guy and this guy okay that's what i meant to do the first time as for champions lb don't mind if i do where is our early morgana i might actually sell for um a little pre-level action we should get two gold possibly but we're gonna need three gold because i definitely want this legionnaire in the team comp probably just snuck that guy on in but give us three gold give us three gold give us three gold or that that kind of works all right so much for the pre-level but we are rocking it baby this is a juicy little team comp we got going as well as hurricane makes yasuo go insane now speaking of the thing that i was embarrassed of it's uh i'm like just think for yourself let me know if i did a horrible or great job roll it dude that's awesome bro thanks you want to try some odds yeah of course all right stand back this might hurt a little bit oh god what the what the heck is what are you doing what the heck what this is awesome what else do you got i got more free here you go dude i need some new pants do you have anything for me here we go thank you oh my gosh i'm just looking a little cold there buns here try this on okay that feels much better my feet are a little bear you got something for me sure dude give me that foot oh thanks a lot how about this one gotcha oh that looks much better buddy got some slides for you catch where the heck am i gonna put all this stuff i've got just the thing whoa that's so awesome that's freaking sweet all right stay right there my turn to deck you out wait what do you mean deck me out wait no no no no no no see our store now in all seriousness guys if you do want to get some merch for yourself use the link in the top description and code bunny10 at checkout for 10 off you're gonna love it yeah what do you guys think it's my first merch promotion uh that i've made for c9 so if you guys seriously would give a check to the top of the description i would appreciate it a lot there's so many goodies on there that you would love hey some of the stuff you might not like but i can tell you some of the stuff there's a very high chance you're going to like it a lot in the fabric best i've ever seen yes even better than mine let's they have freaking puma on their side how am i supposed to compete with that all right so top description use the discount code it'll be it'll be glorious okay and as for items let's go ahead and go with this instead of this all right you'll see why soon it'll all come together i can promise you that okay um maybe we level up here i don't know i kind of just want better chances or better odds of getting champs i actually care about good let's see how it goes i still can't get over the fact that we got those two yasuos that's actually so funny but for those who don't know how yasuo works okay yasuo's ability once he reaches 40 mana gives you a nice little slap does a decent amount of damage but what i really care about is oh wow we just we wha what we just got destroyed hello um okay interesting uh wow yeah as we were saying draconic don't need it knight go ahead and rock with it uh as we were saying we gained stacking on hit bonus true damage for the rest of combat yeah that's broken now we got a little shield going on now we're talking baby if only these guys could combine powers and share their stacking true damage they have with each other that would be lovely go my friend go hurricane on yasuo is sweet as you can see it ups damage by a lot what do we got going down ladies and gentlemen oh for almost second pick by literally a teensy bit of hp there goes the spooky bow there goes the other yasuo but say hello to another bow honestly for now i think i actually want to put this in a free another nightbringer that's a very very solid champion if we win we get econ i kind of want to pre-level though to make sure we win i don't know oh boy okay you know what huh oh god i think we actually lose this i think we legitimately lose this unless if morgana doesn't die and gets the stun off oh there's a chance we got this yasuo's stacking up we're good to go baby we are good to go that's what i'm talking about all right i probably should put in kevin pretty soon here and see how this goes wow zur baby that was a juicy win for us alrighty let's go ahead and hold our econ and then try to rock this coven real soon to buff up our boy yas dude one lucky oswo and we win the game a tier two this early would be nuts nuts very nice let's level up and do this i want to keep in the legionaire so this looks beautiful perfect so with kevin we now get 60 bonus ability power and that's just gonna have our stacking bonus true damage go up which the hurricane also procs alrighty this team comp is ridiculous ridiculous you're gonna love it oh my gosh there's the yasuo we need baby i'm also gonna get this bow off and refresh the morgana like this honestly i'll probably sell these guys if we have to for econ if we have to not being at 20 gold at krugs is a big big no-no right i'll tell you that right now there's a tier that's kind of cute and oh my gosh i should have sold the lux dude i panicked i actually panicked lux can go in this comp but actually we'll probably just end up selling her this round actually yeah that sounds a little more like it i wonder how worth it it would be spending 16 gold to put in lux for mystic not so much the mystic bonus we care about because it's not that great early but just lux in general is a really solid champion dude with tier two yasuo we're not losing baby all righty what the heck are we picking i want to get perfect items for yasuo those perfect items are one moment please i need to think i need to think i need to think this tier would be sick for a chalice of power or sorry this uh this bad boy but attack speed is also nice don't get me wrong huh maybe we go with the attack speed oh yeah yeah i screw it my heart's telling me go with this we'll see if my heart is right or wrong we're still buffing yasuo if we get the win we have econ just kidding we have it either way all right we're buffing up some uh good people as well this is nice yasuo you now have beyond power now he has the coven bonus as well as all this true damage added on dude look how much he's dishing out right now 300 true damage and over 3 000 true damage that round alone that's ridiculous ridiculous all right as for level ups i say we spend this gold how do we put something in that's useful we will gladly take all of those wow um not what i was expecting but kind of want to drop noctron we could do this for assassin but honestly i like the tankiness a lot any tankiness is good because uh if he also just has more time to deal damage he's good to go baby he is good to go no stacking on his true damage just to begin with but once he gets this cue going it does not stop this guy's an absolute monster bro we could slam jam the sun fire making uh i wonder how good two hurricanes would be it honestly probably wouldn't be that bad okay no more in the mix but we'll see what the heck we get honestly all these items are good for us all of them morgue op yeah i know i'll take this instead thank you very much all right all right so perfect in-slot items are gonna be a hurricane a rapid fire cannon plus uh any ap item does work after this i like jeweled gauntlet the most but uh that's what i recommend and shout out to soju as well he's a big advocate for this build as well because it is oh so juicy baby look at this guy look at the damage we're getting 76 stacking true damage per ability that's so ridiculous so ridiculous this rapids nice because it saves them so much time from not walking around units and wasting a bunch of time all those shenanigans you know what i'm saying more night brainers baby oh boy i say we leveled next round just to keep a whole lot of econ so this should be good jeweled gauntlet allows these stacking bonus true damage things oh my gosh i just realized how much ap we're actually giving him we're giving him like a uh cursed death cap worth of ap it's ridiculous go buddy go go buddy go dude as the round goes on it just keeps on stacking level eight is gonna be our uh our dream level for our dream team comp we'll see what wolves give us if you're doing not so hot like let's say your bottom four at this point uh you can easily stabilize come level seven that's totally doable as well zyra no nidalee no thanks but what do we got here level two morgana thank you very much level two lisandra thank you very much let's also do this and this bruh we're godlike right now as much as i want to run a ga on morgana i'm going to care a lot about this zekes all right hurricane not a bad item on yasuo or not hurricane uh gun blotto but zeke's more attack speed more on hit damage getting off it's ridiculous it's actually ridiculous almost 3k that round as well it's gonna ramp up big time what the heck do we want to put together with this all right normally this round gives you some juicy options hello hello hello oh a rage blade could work hmm a rage blade could actually work i feel like this is the safe option and this is the risky option script we're going for the rescue option fellers bye bye rageblade we'll miss ya there's another oswald don't mind if i do like i said level eight is when we're gonna go roll to roll town and we can also put in a whole lot of legionnaires which will be juicy for us is my hospital dead no he's alive he's alive he's alive and well my friend over three thousand true damage i love it i want to get that number up up and up champions we don't care about this blanc not so much don't care about lisandra we're just going for levels right now as soon as possible this is such a sweet combo right now oh my gosh such a nasty nasty combo by the way kenan with that item freaking broken flopping broken there's the nightbringer shield true damage like crazy no dude that ziggs is mega strong my gosh there goes our win streak there goes a lot of our gold i want to get to eight soon though what the heck do we got going on here fellas [Music] what do we need right now i'm so curious how this one would go i don't want to try it i think yasuo casts his ability too much to the point where it's no bueno okay so we'll say bye to that but we'll say hello to another chalice of powder bruh we're gonna give this guy so much ap i love it we don't want the leblanc it's a bait it's a bait we're going eight you like that that rhymed how much ap we talking now 88 stacking monastery damage it's gonna get even crazier once we go next level three point six thousand i love it all right leblanc thanks for the bait once again i appreciate that okay callista could be a random legionnaire we throw on in there huh eight gold to level screw it there's a chance we get better champions let's see what the heck we okay wow they're really trying to screw us instead of the legionnaire we're gonna run the mystic in the back baby that's what i'm talking about hopefully raptors give us something good a glove would be the juiciest of all but i love the buffs we got going down right now because of how much damage we actually hand on over okay um okay yasuo you're doing fine buddy you're doing completely fine 3.8 000 true damage i love that again and again let's see ivern could go well with this comp huh i think we chill for now at least [Music] something that could be juicy is like a uh a felius release sin and kindred for mystic type action in the back lots of iterations of this build you can actually go do we dare run his taco gun blade i don't think we do i don't think we do i don't want to but good thing we're at the fun part we can start rolling and having a good time ash no thank you diana i actually like diana a lot only problem is i want mordekaiser to go along with it i think i like diana more than lee sin ah interesting very very interesting i want to put in mordekaiser for this uh aatrox that would be the dream that would be the dream are we dropping lee sin or what definitely not going to tear through him and do we lose no we're good we are good in the hood 5 000 true damage yes whoa dude it is climbing and i love it that's ridiculous all right let's go with this might be able to level up morgana we'll see how that goes um let's do this j on we'll you you guys there we go there we go beautiful don't need this it's bait it's a bait it's a bait we could slap on the rod and hope for the best but this is gonna be a full item carousel we'll see what the heck we find all right as for uh champions our team comp just got a whole lot stronger more starting to dish out some damage as well another iteration of this team comp is you drop coven and put in more legionnaire totally a viable option it's good it's very good all right draven could be one of the legionnaires you use but you already have so mo whoa whoa whoa all right listen kale we'll keep you on the sidelines for a hot minute we'll definitely put you in down the road because that's juicy all right we're also buffing up this bad boy which i like a lot rel getting my belly don't need draven we need you but let's get rid of this oh my gosh if we get into a sticky situation come late game i have a team to comp that'll get us out of it no problemo all right for now yasuo let the true damage ride buddy 5.1 k this is our true damage record thus far and for itoms let's see what the heck we've got fellers is that oh that's a downbringer that's a done diddly dawn bringer may we just rock the zekes huh all these options are not bad don't get me wrong but it seeks more attack speed come on how am i supposed to say no so let's see what the heck we can do with it all will die thank you very much thank you very much yasuo right in the middle baby we'll do this i don't want mordekaiser dealing too much damage stealing our thunder you know what i'm saying and as for yasuo's where the heck are ya this guy is getting buffed on up right now big buffed on up he has so much attack speed and ability power just from everything we're giving him and we're two yasuos away from breaking the game is he still alive he's good he's good he's good oh wow our true damage was not enough okay karma you want to play that game we can play that game this ah screw it will buy it we could get a little stronger right now but i'm putting in a team comp where we can fully see the strength of this yasuo alrighty if you're not sure what i just said listen to it again um can i just tear through the yasuo please we're one away dude come on come on come on come on i just tilt rolled so much gold you don't even want to know like you you really don't you really really don't want to know that was a lot of tilt rolling are we screwed now no we're good we're good gospel we're gonna need a little more true damage buddy okay oh god i tilt rolled that was bad that was bad like i said there is another team comp we could go it involves these two bad boys right here and a certain level nine action but we're going to take our coven wow okay mordekaiser thanks for picking up the slack and we're down buddy i appreciate that i'll lock it in my pocket this surprisingly kind of works oh my gosh i think the team comp formation is gonna look a little something like this a little something something like this we really wanted this more to carry we'd give them the uh zekes and chalice bonus as well but we have some hp to mess around with and i want yasuo to get 10k true damage i think we can actually pull that off these are good champs we can put in down the road if need be but we're going for the one and only tier three yeah sue whoa there we go we're in action baby we're in action shields for all don't mind if i do now this guy 60 damage check this out kevin plus double chalice equals 132 stacking true damage that is gonna be gnarly that ga is doing us so much work you don't even know dude 500 true damage and auto that's basically what we're dishing out 750 that's what i'm talking about we just got very strong very fast all right like i said backup team comp right over here i think we're so strong we don't even need this mordekaiser anymore we don't even need them we don't even need them instead of seeing the comp in its final form let's do this instead okay i was not fast enough we could put no mordekaiser with the uh dragonair that's good stuff that's good stuff oh god nice viego down everyone down oh my goodness dude we are knocking heads right now it's a battle for second that one guy beat us though i think it was this guy we haven't played versus karma in a while she's still strong this round i might be able to find something spicy wow that guy's one hp okay this is definitely going to extra innings let's see what we got is there mordekaiser in here we could snag i kind of want to try this i want to make our team comp a little weaker to see how crazy we can have yasuo get don't give me this crap here we go here we go here we go okay this will be the true test of yasuo right now okay we took out our big boys and this guy is definitely strong oh no these bully boobs are going to destroy us here comes the munch oh he didn't get his knock-up off that's massive that's why you want revenant on bully bear he lost two knock-ups from that alone hello how you doing yasuo keep doing your thing buddy 500 in auto attack 7780 true damage and we got one guy left but we got a good item we can slap on right here right now we go with the rage blade i think so [Music] don't mind if i do we could have gone death cap but ray's rage whatever this name is rage blade is juicy as well all righty bruh now we are talking oh boy i really don't want this volleyballer freaking slam jam right down on top of us but i think he's going to and it's it's going to hurt it is going to hurt a lot and by hurt i mean cause a lot of crowd control damage let's see if our scuffed team could pull this off here goes nothing baby this guy's got dawn bringers for days two spats go yasuo go keep on stacking my dude oh my gosh we got the nightbreaker shield popped yikes okay two volley bear jumps oh that was brutal okay that was that was absolutely brutal yeah this crowd control not fun let's see if we can mess up or mess around with some things here thank you let's do oh boy let's do this let's do this all right i think this has a chance this actually has a chance i'm doing whatever i can to make yasuo do as much damage as possible oh volleyball might jump that way yeah you walked into it you idiot dude old rapid fire would never do that to us yes volleyball is stunned bolivar's dead we're stacking up the damage this is good come on buddy you idiot you freaking idiot this polar bear crowd patrol is too much for us too much too much we gotta get a wee bit stronger let's see 52 gold we might need to put in the uh we might need to unleash the beast here not gonna lie we might need to unleash the beast legionnaire kale in the back i think that's gonna be the way to do it if we lose this round we drop coven and put in these bad boys alrighty oh hot diggity dog all right if we lose this round we have a plan don't buff up that guy what are you doing all right i don't necessarily like this too much but it has hope all right it has hope let's do this who's our current redeemed we got in there lux that's cute huh we can sell you sell you we have ultimate backup plan if we do lose this i don't think we will but just in case you also keep on slapping my guy keep on slapping oh he's got true damage come on plan c initiated i didn't want this to have to come to this but it definitely came to this this is gonna suck for you hot diggity dog if we lose this round i quit tft forever yes well careful my guy you're going in there bro i'm sorry if i gave you guys a heart attack check out the c9 store in the top of the description it's our first merch promo i want to knock it out of the park that's more like it i like it i like it oh my gosh sorry again if i gave you a heart attack i apologize but run that yasuo comp and gain a whole lot of elo if you're not subscribed like the button peace
Channel: BunnyFuFuu TFT
Views: 118,905
Rating: 4.8889942 out of 5
Keywords: bunny, fu, fuu, bunnyfufu, bunnyfufuu, new, best, build, comp, composition, two, 2 yasuo, yasuo, yasuos, level, one, lvl 1
Id: f-W9Rvd4IUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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