4 Dessert Hacks You Need to Know

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- Is this like a Dole Whip? Oh, no you did not! - Oh wow, look at that, can we get a marshmallow pull cam? Oh baby! ♪ (accordion intro) ♪ - (FBE) Chef Brandon, thank you so much for being here today. - No, thank you for allowing me to come and grace you guys with another thing out of my cookbook. Microwavy Recipes. Macro Recipes For Your Micro Needs! - (FBE) But how do you feel about dessert? - Who doesn't like dessert? I'm much more of a savory than a sweet, but since Valentine's Day, I've pretty much been having dessert every single day! - (FBE) So we've compiled some viral dessert hacks that we're gonna have you try out. The internet loves these sweet tips and tricks, but will you deem them worthy? And as always, we just want to remind our audience, that the best way to keep up with all of our need to know hacks is to subscribe to the REACT Channel. - Subscribe guys! Where's the thing? (laughs) - (FBE) Alright, you ready to get into this? - Let's do it! - (FBE) First up, we're gonna have you make a Pop-Tart ice cream sandwich. - Hoo, hoo, hoo, wait, I'm supposed to do this by myself? Like no assistance? - Ah! (laughs) Oh my God, it's a Pop-Tart ice cream sandwich? - Pop-Tarts ice cream sandwich, that's not a bad idea. - Place a generous spoonful of ice cream on the unfrosted side of a Pop-Tart. - This is like food you make like at 2 AM, and you don't wanna wake your parents up. Like, this is what you do. - When was the last time you had a Pop-Tart guys? - It's been a long time since I've had a Pop-Tart. Wow, being an adult. - This is one that old Grandma Brandon taught me long ago. So what you're gonna do is take ice cream, very pretty. - (woman) They ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, but you're not really fine, and you just can't... (Brandon sighs) - Go. Meh! That was not supposed to happen. - So you wanna get it all the way out to the edges, because if you're gonna get your sprinkles on there, then the ice cream needs to be out to the edges. - Top with an additional pastry and light press together. Where did I put my [bleep]? - Roll edges of each side of the sandwich in sprinkles. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our sprinkles. - A lot of sprinkles are about to fall out if I'm not... Yeah, okay, I wasn't as careful as I should have been, and this is already going everywhere. - Gotta get the corners. Ta-dah! - That's it? That was easy, dude! This is definitely stoner food. - Delicioso! Look at that plating. - Not my favorite. (laughs) - So much sugar. - Damn, that's sweet. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mmm, mm-hmm! Cotton Candy ice cream's delicious. I like it better than cotton candy. - I feel like you eat these in a dream, you know what I mean? Like, when you're dreaming, and then you're eating food, this is what it would look like. Look how colorful it is. This is definitely a heart attack sandwich though, this is way too much sugar. - (FBE) So, need to know, or don't need to know? - Um, I did not need to know this one. (buzzer rings) - Needed to know, no. (buzzer rings) Glad I know, yes. (bell rings) - This could be a good one. I'm gonna say yes. - This is definitely not a hack you need to know. It's really sweet, ah! And messy. (bell rings) - Yep, absolutely. Easiest ice cream sandwich I ever made, it's delicious. - Did I tell you that I have a brand new, I have a brand new cookbook, it's actually a dessert book. It's called Damn, That's Sweet! It's a cookbook with a bunch of delicious pastries and pastry-like things that will definitely satisfy your sweet tooth. Pre-order today! Here it is! Pre-order today, and if you buy my other book, Microwavy, my Macro Recipes For Your Micro Needs, along with Damn, That's Sweet, you get a discount on it! And I'll sign both copies. - (FBE) Here's number two! - Thank you. Reese's smores! I like smores! - Layer graham crackers with Reese's peanut butter cup and marshmallows, oh, you know, I think I'm gonna like that one. - Try not to break it so it crumbles, right? It's gotta be perfect. - We're gonna layer half a graham cracker with Reese's peanut butter cup, and a marshmallow. - I'm excited, 'cause I really like peanut butter. I get extra peanut butter in everything. - (Ethan) Bam! - We're gonna take just one big boy. - You know, honestly, I don't even like marshmallows when they're like this, I only like them melted. - That's it, just one and one? Damn, okay, okay. - Next, we're gonna microwave for five to 10 seconds. - 13, ope, that's one minute. It goes right to one. I got it, I can count, so we're gonna be alright. - 15 seconds did not seem long enough. - That's right. Your marshmallow's huge. That's why I said just one was enough. - The ratio of marshmallow to Reese's is a little bit off, but that's fine. - Michael, look how cute that is! Look at it, aw! It's so cute. (yells) [Bleep], I got burned. - You loose out on the little campfire toastiness when you microwave it, but we're not too mad at it. (gasps) Oh, look at that melty goodness. - (squelches) Just like that. Make sure you make the sound effects when you do it. - Okay, now you can see some of the chocolate seeping out. A little bit on the sides. - Oh wow, look at that, can we get a marshmallow pull cam? Oh baby! - I'm going in. (s'more crunches) Mmm, mm-hmm. - It's pretty good. It is good. This is a hack I would like to use. (s'more crunches) - Holy [bleep]! (mumbles and laughs) - That's actually not bad. - (FBE) So what do you think, is this a hack you need to know? (buzzer rings) - No, I don't like that my food assaulted me right now. (bell rings) - Good idea. Let's keep this one. - I did need to know this one. I appreciate this one. - This is definitely one you need to know. It's a little messy, but getting messy is fun. - I will definitely use a Reese's peanut butter cup in place of a typical Hershey's square, which is what I would normally use in the future, going forward. - You can find this in my cookbook. Damn, That's Sweet. - (FBE) So next we have a Disney staple that you can DIY at home. - What? Is this like a Dole Whip? Oh no, you did not! Dole Whips are the best! It's the only line I'll really wait in at Disneyland is the Dole Whip line. - When you go to Disney, the first stop usually of the day is get a mother [bleep] Dole Whip. Those [bleep] are delicious, they're great. But hey, sometimes you don't, you can't afford paying a Disneyland ticket to go get a Dole Whip, so how about we make Dole Whips without the Disney. - Watch me like not put the lid on correctly, and just pfft, just everywhere. Two cups frozen pineapple. I really love the way pineapple smells. It's just so like natural and just smells so good. - I'm gonna throw the whole thing in, we'll see how it goes. We're gonna take a fourth little cup of coconut milk, boom, boom, boom! - Then 1/16th of a teaspoon of salt. - That is not the right side to use. - You know what, it's just a 16th, so we're just gonna, that's it, that's all, eh, one more, one more, just a little bit more, okay. And then one tablespoon of lemon juice. Usually I like to use actual lemons, but for today's sake, we're just gonna use lemon juice. - That was not intentional. - Two tablespoons of sugar! We're just gonna guess. - I'm like vibrating, I'm so excited to try this. This is like not happening fast enough for my liking. - We want it a little bit sugary. We're trying to get a sugar high boys! Woo, alright, here we go. That's it! That was easy! (blender whirs) - Ah! - (laughs) Don't do that at home, kids! - (sniffs) Oh, it's smelling so good! It's smelling so good. If only you guys were here to smell it. That's what every chef says. - It looks like it, oh my God! - Come on! Tell me that isn't great, look at that! - I mean it just tastes like blended pineapple. - Whoa, (laughs) whoa! I missed out on some ingredient. Okay guys, make sure you follow the recipe, 'cause I definitely screwed that one up. - (sighs) Yeah. - Oh, it's so good. It's like spot on, it's spot on. - Mmm! (laughs) This is so freakin' good! Would also be good with some vodka. - (FBE) So is this a hack you needed to know? (buzzer rings) - No. 'Cause this is literally like a basic smoothie. (laughs) (bell rings) - This would be like a cool alternative to just like basic ice cream in the summer. Definitely wanna know this one. (bell rings) - Yeah, this is a win. I'm not waiting in line at Disneyland anymore, that's for [bleep] sure. - This is definitely a hack you need to know, and also, if you like chunks, this is like the best hack, 'cause you can make it chunky. I like 'em thick. (laughs) I like 'em chunky. (laughs) - (FBE) Alright Brandon, we've got one more hack for you today. - (sighs) You guys are blessing me with great ones. - No bake, egg-free chocolate chip cookie dough. Sounds like a math formula. Microwave six tablespoons of flour for 30 seconds to one minute. See, I don't understand why they give you the option. Why would they give you the option of 30 seconds to a minute, so there's that room for error? - Alright. Six tablespoons, ope, there I go, making a mess again. (laughs) Hey! You can't bake a cake without breaking a few eggs. Am I right? (laughs) And spilling flour. - Is this a tablespoon, or is this more than a tablespoon? Should a tablespoon be like, this is a tablespoon? Ah shoot, so I've done like three already. Four, question mark? Six, I went from four to six, three and a half, whatever. This is basically gonna be how not to make it. - 30 seconds. I've actually never microwaved dry ingredients before, so that's interesting. - Alright. (clears throat) Here we go, 45 minutes, oh the bowl is hot as [bleep]. Alright, here we are. (sniffs) Hot flour smells weird. - Two tablespoons unsalted butter, softened. - (FBE) (laughs) No, no Alberto. - (laughs) I was gonna say, how are you supposed to like, tablespoon butter? I almost literally tried to freakin' grab two tablespoons. (microwave beeps) So I was just informed that there's marks on 'em, so let's see. Oh, okay, okay, so I can cut it, I don't actually have to scoop it with a spoon. - Gotta mark that. Straight down. There we go, nice fat slab of butter. - And then two tablespoons of brown sugar. - Brown sugar is my favorite kind of sugar. It's the best sugar. - One tablespoon of regular sugar. - Alright. - Then we gotta mix those. 'Bout to mush, ugh! - Hey, did you hear that I have a new baking book coming out soon, and this is gonna be on there. Wow, that's a great consistency, yeah? Just sugar and butter. Do you think people just eat sugar and butter? - I think we are all creamed together. - We're gonna add a fourth of a teaspoon of vanilla. We're adding it to this? - (FBE) Mm-hmm. - Okay. Boo boo boo boo, oop! I like vanilla, remember? I said that last time. Wow whoa, you know what? I like vanilla. - One tablespoon of milk. Oh boy! I feel like I'm making science here. - Now, I'm lactose intolerant, but that's not gonna stop me. Let me tell ya. - Fun fact, if you add in a little bit of mint extract and some green food coloring, it makes mint chocolate chip cookies, and they're really good. Eighth of a teaspoon of salt, and the flour and mix. - We're gonna now add the flour! Flour that's been sitting there warm. Oh, it's warm and it got stuck in the bowl a little bit. She is not a non-stick bowl! - This looks like I'm making drugs. This doesn't even look like I'm making food. I don't know if food's supposed to look like that. - I keep mixing. It smells good, it smells like cookie dough. - Mmm, this is smelling really good. I'm super into the way chocolate chip cookies smell. It's like the best smell in the world. Add in a quarter cup of milk chocolate chips and stir them into the cookie dough. - Quarter cup, chocolate chips, oh wow, that seems way lower than I thought it was. Now add in our chocolate chips. - Add a generous amount. - Come on, there's still one chip left! (chip clatters) That was not your destination. - Yum, yum, yum. Ope! (laughs) (slowed laughing) - Push, push, push! - (laughs) This one might be the most successful one so far. - It looks really good. What do you guys think? Looks pretty delicious. - (laughs) How does that even? How, why? It's like I wasn't meant to cook! - Not bad. - (laughs) This is very, very good! - Tastes like a cookie. - (FBE) Is this a... - That's cookie dough. Dry, just dry cookie dough. - Success! This one's it. - (FBE) So what do you think about this recipe? Is this a hack you needed to know? (bell rings) - Yeah, but I feel like you should not eat this without anything to drink, 'cause it's kinda thick. - I don't know, I kinda like the risk of just eating cookie dough. This kinda seems like a lot of work. (bell rings) - I needed to know it, but I'm not happy that I know it. It'd be easier just to make cookies. (bell rings) - This one is very, very delicious. I am a big fan. - Okay [bleep], I kinda like it. (laughs) The more I eat it, the more I like it! There's no eggs, no salmonella. You're good, this is great! This is a great hack. - (FBE) Alright Chef Brandon. - Yes! - (FBE) You just tried four viral dessert hacks. Which one did you most need to know? - The Dole Whip. 'Cause let me tell ya, Dole Whips end up being the most expensive. Ticket to Disneyland, like 200 bucks. If you're an annual pass holder, that's like 200 bucks a month. And the Dole Whips are like what, six, seven dollars, right? Just the Dole Whip, so what are you paying? You're paying $207 for Dole Whips. You can make 'em at thome. - The Dole Whip, for sure. So like on point. It might not be as smooth, but it's just fantastic. - The egg-free chocolate chip cookie dough, 'cause whenever we've had or made cookie dough, I would get in trouble for eating the cookie dough. (as mom) "There's eggs in it, you'll get sick!" - Absolutely 100%, the Dole Whip. I had no idea that something I have spent my life waiting in line for several times is this easy to make at home. - Make sure you pick up my new baked goods book, Damn, That's Sweet, Delicious Desserts for Diamonds Like You. And get thumbs up for me. - Thanks for watching Dessert Hacks You Need To Know on the REACT Channel. - If you liked this episode, hit that like button. - Subscribe for new shows every single week. - Would you buy my cookbooks? Let me know in the comments. - Bye! - Hey guys, React Chef Mary here. Thank you so much for watching You Need To Know Dessert Hacks right here on the REACT Channel. If you liked this episode, be sure to subscribe so that you never miss any food content. Bye!
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 1,737,015
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Keywords: react, dessert hacks, food hacks, you need to know, worth it, try, trying food hacks, best food hacks, best dessert, dessert, food, pop tart, pop tarts, peanut butter cup, reeses, how to make dessert, how to, people vs food, ranking desserts, fbe, cooking, react cooking, cooking hacks, 4 dessert hacks you need to know, YNTK2001, Reese's S'mores?? | 4 Dessert Hacks You Need to Know, reaction, teens react, adults react
Id: l4NLi5y21F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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