Can YOU Guess The Shrek Reference? | Guess That Reference Challenge

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- That's like so obvious! - Wow! - Oh no! - These are way harder than the first time. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So how do you feel about Shrek? - Oh! - Oh, again? - Shrek! - She beat me last time! (bell rings) - (FBE) Kristine? - Alien. (bell rings) - (FBE) That's correct! - Oh my God! You should just have my buzzer. - (FBE) As I'm sure you both know, there are dozens, if not hundreds of references... - Yes. - (FBE) ...within the Shrek movies. - Yep. - (FBE) And we're about to show you even more clips. - Okay. - (FBE) So it'll be up to you to guess which other movies or TV shows these clips are referencing. - Oh, that's exciting, I like it. - Oh, okay! - I honestly feel this is gonna be very hard. - Listen, I don't trust anyone who says that. (laughs) Because they are secretly competitive and they're hoping, and so they put something else out there. - No, no, no! - That's how competitive I am. I'm like mm-hmm! - You think it's gonna be easy, but then sometimes it's really hard. Like, you'll see something and you're like oh, it's right on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember what it's from. - I don't know how I'll do. I'm just excited to see great Shrek clips. - Yeah. - You know, it'll be good. - (reporter) We got a white Bronco heading east into the forest. - Already know that one. - Do you know what the white Bronco is referencing? - Yeah, OJ. - Ah, okay, thank God. Oh lord. (Ary laughs) - (Donkey) Police brutality, police brutality! (Ashby laughs) - (Shrek) I have to talk to Princess Fiona! - Ooh, they're getting pepper... Oh wow! That never clicked as a kid! - It always felt so random. - Yeah! - Yeah, little kid, when you go back and watch these when you're a lot older, you're like oh [bleep], they're like hidden gems! - (laughs) God, I need to rewatch this. - I think I, yeah... - This is such a good scene. - (Shrek) Tell her Shrek, I'm her husband, Shrek. Ow, ow, ow! - (laughs) The pepper. - Was that pepper under? - The pepper! (laughs) - That's the pepper spray back in the days? - Right, right, the old school pepper spray. - (FBE) Reveal your answers. - I have no idea. - Bad boys, bad boys. - Yeah, they're Cops. - (FBE) You were both correct. (bell rings) - Yeah! - Oh, yay! (laughs) - (FBE) That line did reference OJ Simpson, but we're looking for a different TV show or movie. - Oh, okay. 'Cause it kept going on, I was like maybe, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What? - Woo! (laughs) - Oh wow. - I was worried that it was gonna be like a very specific, like some reality cop show that I had never seen. - Oh, yeah yeah. (siren blares) Yeah, and it was always me showing my boys what not to do when you encounter law enforcement. - You know, I never like tuned in weekly, to Cops, it would just always sometimes show up. - Man, I remember watching Cops all the time when I was a kid. - Now I can see where to pick up my clues from. - Right. (laughs) - Lesson learned, I need to wait for the clip to show all the way through, and then I'll make my decision. - Good. - (sighs) That was it? - (FBE) That was it. - Ah, I think I know the reference. - I [bleep] bro. - Okay, I don't know, I'm just gonna guess. - I don't have that one. - I'm just gonna guess! - Play that again? - I'm just gonna guess. - What is that even? - Oh. - No way! - I feel like I've seen that in a lot of movies, so I don't even know what to guess. - Well because that little scene is very meme-ified now. - (FBE) Let's see those answers. - (laughs) I did Tomb Raider bro. - Tomb Raider? I said Zorro because Antonio Banderas is the voice of Puss In Boots. - (FBE) Indiana Jones, that's correct! (bell rings) - Aw dude, what the heck? - The hat, grabbing the hat? - Okay. Damn! (Ashby laughs) - (both) Oh! - That makes so much sense. - If you would've blinked in the beginning, you would've missed the hat, so that... - Okay. - And then you would have had no idea what the heck was going on. That was such a quick one. (laughs) - Well let's see if I catch up. - The hat, you gotta get the hat. - Ah. - Get the hat bro, woo! So close. - It's so close! - Wow. - That's like so obvious. - I mean, that could have been any movie though. - It really could've, yeah. - You know? - Not gonna lie when I actually saw these movies, any time anyone sang, I just skipped it. - Really, the songs... - I just walked away. - The songs are pretty good. - Boop! - (fairy) Oh my dear. - These are way harder than the first time. - Oh! - I'm thinking about the bubbles. - Yeah, so was I. I'm like who travels by bubble? - But I don't think it has anything to do with that. - I really don't know, so I'm just gonna guess from like the one little thing. - I got a guess. It's not right, but it's a guess. It's an educated guess. - That's all that matters, okay. - No, I don't have an answer. (Luis laughs) - Fairy Odd Parents. - I don't know where I'm pulling these from! - (FBE) Cinderella and Superman. Both super fun guesses, both super wrong. (both laugh) - (FBE) Let's see 'em. - I just put Cinderella. - (FBE) So this is actually referencing The Wizard of Oz. (buzzer rings) - Oh, son of a... She travels by bubble, doesn't she? Yep, yep. - Oh the... - Yeah man. What the hell, yeah. - Oh the bubbles. - There it is. - Where the rest of the bubbles? There's only one. - See now this is suspense. You're like what the [bleep]? - Yeah, these are a little bit more difficult, aren't they? - Yeah, these are harder than the last. - No, see, that didn't even pop right. - That makes sense. - That didn't even pop right. - That makes sense. - I mean, she came in in a really big bubble. - Yeah. - And the fairy godmother from Shrek was just a little tiny bubble, yeah. - That little tiny bubble, yeah. - You know it's from something, but you just can't really place it, and then they show it to you, and you're like oh yeah, duh. - (FBE) In this next clip, there is a character referencing The Little Mermaid, however the staging and composition are referencing another much older film. Let's see if you can guess it. - Hmm. - Okay, okay. - Oh my God, Ariel. - (laughs) Oh my God. - What? - (laughs) She's like get the [bleep] out of here, hoe! - Wow. - Oh no. - I know the movie, but I'm not sure that this is the name. 'Cause it's a pretty, it's a classic, let's say. - I don't know. Did you write something? Aw, I thought you were gonna get that one. - I put Hancock. - Why even try? - (laughs) Exactly, I just... - Luis, what are you doing? - I didn't have one. - (FBE) You got it! - Yeah? Oh okay. (laughs) (bell rings) - You've probably seen this clip. Like you'll recognize it when you see it. - Let's see. - They probably got so much water up their nose, I'm not even... - How many times do you think the actors got salt water in their mouths? Disgusting. - Aw man. - Damn it, okay, it's fine. I didn't get it, it's okay. - That whole scene of on the beach where it's, they're oh, running up, and making out on the beach, it always looks super cute and romantic. It's awful! Don't do it. - (FBE) It is now time for the lightning round. - Oh see, you killed it last time. - Oh my God, see, last time I did. So let's... - You killed it! - (FBE) So for this, we're gonna show you clips that feature characters voiced by celebrities, and you'll have to guess who voiced the part? - Gotcha. - Uh-huh. - (FBE) Keep track of your answers on your whiteboards as we go, since we won't be pausing the video. - Okay. - Wow, let's see. - (FBE) Remember Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz and Mike Myers don't count. - Oh boy. - (Arthur) Maybe this guy has feelings. Maybe I should cut him some slack. - Oh my God, I have no idea. - I almost have to like close my eyes. - (Arthur) Just maybe. - I don't know who that is! - (Arthur) This guy's gonna turn out to be nah, I don't know, a king? - (Lancelot) So what for like are you supposed to be? Some kind of giant mutant leprechaun or something? - Usually they make the characters with a face similar to who voiced them. And I'm trying to do that, but even that, like I have no idea. - (Shrek) Stop squirming, Arthur. - (Lancelot) I'm not Arthur! (grunts) I am Lancelot. - Why do I know this voice? I'm annoyed! - I know him! - (Donkey) He'll be fine. - (Captain) You're finished. - Oh, no no no. - (Captain) With your journey. - (Fiona) You're too kind, Snow, but I can't accept this. - (Snow) Oh, think nothing of it, I've got six more at home. - (Fiona) What does he do? Rapunzel, how could you? - Wait, what? - (Rapunzel) Jealous much? - (Lillian) Excuse me. - I literally have no idea who any of these... (Lillian grunts) - (princess) Ooh wow! - (Puss) Whoa. - (Fiona) Mom! - I love this scene though. - (Lillian) You didn't actually think you got your fighting skills from your father, did you? - (Fiona) Wait, what's this? - (Cookie) That's my chimichanga stand. - (Fiona) We won't be needing that. - (Cookie) Trust me, y'all gonna be really hungry after this ambush, okay? - Ugh, not even the last dude. What's going on with me? - I only got one for sure. - At least you got something. - Yeah, I only got one. And the last one was familiar but it was so quick. - (FBE) Well let's see those answers. - So Tobey Maguire? - I'm like was it the guy that played the Spider-Man that one time? And what's his name that was Ant-Man? - Paul Rudd? - Yes! - I was only able to pick one out of all those. - Okay, John Krasinski. Is he Lancelot? - (FBE) Justin Timberlake, John Krasinski, Julie Andrews, and Craig Robinson are all correct. (bell rings) - What? - (FBE) Okay, I'm gonna read you who everybody was now. So the first was Justin Timberlake as Arthur Pendragon. - Oh, Justin Timberlake? - See, I was like what white man can I write? - Ooh, I'm sorry Tobey Maguire. - (FBE) The next was John Krasinski as Lancelot. - Julie Andrews as Queen Lillian. Got a point there. - Ooh! - Okay, okay. - (FBE) And Craig Robinson as Cookie the Ogre. - Yeah. - You got one. - I think I thought John Krasinski was Chris Evans, bro. Sorry Chris Evans. - (FBE) The boat captain was Seth Rogan. - Oh, what? - Okay, okay. - (FBE) Snow White was Amy Poehler and Rapunzel was Maya Rudolph. - Oh okay. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. - I feel like I did terrible. - You won! Against me. (Faith laughs) - I already been in this situation already, she slaughtered me the last time. What's new? - I knew just about as much as I thought I knew. It's cool seeing like, being here and kinda dissecting all of those references after, 'cause you find those gems that you didn't catch the first time while you were watching. - It makes me wanna watch the movies again. I forgot how great they are, like all, just those little clips, I remember from the movie. But I did better than I thought too. I thought the references were gonna be a little more obscure for me to pick up on, and I did better than I thought. - Thanks to everyone, especially our SuperFam, for watching us Guess That Shrek Reference on the REACT Channel. - If you enjoyed this video, then hit the like button! - What should we guess next? Let us know in the comments! - Bye bye guys! - Hi guys, thanks so much for watching us Guess That Shrek Reference on the REACT Channel! If you wanna see more content like this, then subscribe! Bye guys.
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 864,153
Rating: 4.9403586 out of 5
Keywords: Shrek, Donkey, Fiona, Justin Timberlake, Seth Rogan, shrek, shrek 3, shrek 2, The Wizard of Oz, Movie References, guess that, staff react, fbe staff, react, reaction, fbe, employees, coworkers, co-workers, react channel, indiana jones, john krasinski, craig robinson, julie andrews, GT2001, Can YOU Guess The Shrek Reference? | Guess That Reference Challenge, justin timberlake, donkey, fiona, shrek references, shrek meme, shrek memes, shrek movie
Id: P2gVvKr8iuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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