We Judge Each Other's Sandwiches

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hello it's anka andrew and sean we are back with what is potentially a new series we've tentatively titled it as strong opinions it's a show where we come together present our very subjective opinions on our favorite foods and defend it to the death often in the course of making food content we find ourselves disagreeing about fundamental things so we were needing a venue where we could argue it out so today we're gonna share our strong opinions on sandwiches the rules are as such each person will have three minutes to present and make their favorite version of a food item the non-presenters will then each ask one question and try the food item after everyone's presented we'll vote on the ultimate favorite and lastly the winner will get a special prize the ultimate prize is something to hold over the others forever on that note let's get started do you want to say what you're making first no just let's go i'll start the timer for three minutes i'm going with a baguette that's my bread of choice because i love baguettes i don't care what anyone else says i like i guess because i like the crunch i like kind of how airy it is i generally also like just getting fresh bread i like to use fig jam i like very sort of like sweet and savory so in this case the fig jam is giving me that sort of sweetness is fig jam your go-to or do you have other jams the jam is my go-to fig jam is like i think my go-to for all the time sometimes i put thick balsamic vinegar in this instead and then for cheese i like to go with a very soft cheese this is actually a type of brie it's very mild that's why i like it because it doesn't have a lot of flavor you can kind of see that it just like oozes out a little bit you see it you see it see okay i'm gonna note that this one's a st angel's triple cream spreads like butter super creamy it's great it's a little bit like savory my sandwich is also a bit kind of like a spin-off of the parisian jambon burr is that what you call it i don't know but the ham and cheese [Music] so the ham is just french bistro ham usually just like thinly cut i'm doing this like really frantically because we only have three minutes my hands are literally shaking and then 25 seconds are you kidding me let's go let's go all right some arugula we're gonna go right on there a bit of pepper a little bit of salt oh my god chaos did i put everything i don't know and that's it ta-da right at three minutes three minutes is really hard yeah maybe we shouldn't have done three minutes well too bad we're stuck with three minutes i did it in three minutes you could do it in three minutes would you like to try it i would that looks like something that tastes good thanks andrew [Music] andrews is like struggling very sweet very sweet as usual with inka i think i like what crazy this time have you had one of these in france yes so actually the reason i like this sandwich so much is because i had this sandwich in paris from a place called moz it was like this giant sandwich is filled with ham and cheese and obviously the ham was fantastic cheese was fantastic and i think that's when i fell in love with it i kind of just like tweaked it to my own preferences my question is if this is a sandwich episode why did you make a charcuterie board whoa that is a very aggressive comment okay bread is great tranquility boards need more bread i'm not mad about that comment could have boarded a sandwich take that as a compliment did i ask a real question that's not just a dis do you ever make this sandwich if you can't get the best version of any of the individual ingredients yes i do this is my classic combination big jam i think is a is the probably the hardest thing to replicate because strawberry and anything else i think it's too overwhelming but the general combination of like a sweet jam plus arugula some sort of protein and cheese is what i always go to i think all right sean you're up next three minutes you can't go over three minutes whatever you do in three minutes that's the sandwich okay go all right so i am making a sandwich that is very specific to where i'm from i am making a sloppy joe a sloppy joe around the world is known mostly as this thing with a whole lot of like beef and like sauce and such in a south orange area of new jersey that's county-ish a sloppy joe is this thing with a lot of cold cuts and a lot of coleslaw and russian dressing it's a little bit like a ribbon but not so hot what do you just put on there well i just put roast beef down okay and then i'm now putting coleslaw down did you make that coleslaw i didn't make this cold wow this is a vinegar coleslaw it is not meal coleslaw interesting so it doesn't have like all of the creamy stuff of it um it's called a sloppy joe because it gets kind of sloppy so i put coleslaw down that i made a little bit of vinegar some celery seed some other stuff this is russian dressing that i made because it was really hard to find russian dressing this is mayo ketchup including some of the ketchup that i made cheese is great i think that sometimes when there's too much hard cheese in a sandwich it makes it worse what is hard cheese like um not soft juices anyway i'm putting totally what i had so the thing about the sandwich is that there are actually three pieces of bread what's that this is a turkey this is gonna be the second layer it's a meat supreme that's what it is i like it with two different types of meat i think it's really tasty and then we're gonna put another layer of coleslaw i'm gonna do this one a little bit less so there are a few different ways to do this this is the way they do it at my home deli it is hard to eat normally you would wrap this in like wax paper and then eat it with a wax paper around it but we're not gonna do that right now because we are strapped for time so we did another layer of coleslaw another layer of russian dressing you have 30 seconds we're just going to stack it all oh god stack it all on top of each other and then press it down normally the the bread will be bigger so it spreads out but that's the sound right there the instruction was one sandwich not three sandwiches how is this three sandwiches i guess it's two sandwiches and most is two sandwiches so i'm also from essex county new jersey i think i've seen this something about it is familiar but i'm definitely not like oh yeah that's the one it's very specific to like one area and only if you go to specific delis but then everyone goes to the same delis so so that's just called it's on the menu somewhere it's on the menu somewhere god this thing is like half of my face how is it possible to get it all in one bite very wet oh my god you heard of the french dip this is the jersey dip that's what we're doing over here i have a question you do have a question go for it how many times have you made this sandwich this is my second time this is not your favorite sandwich it's my favorite sandwich to eat this when i think of a sandwich this is what i think about it has like all of the components that i want in a sandwich it has like a bunch of different flavor profiles it has like different textures it has like a lot of tart there's like just enough vegetable but not too much so it feels like you're eating a salad none of the individual components are like the star like it all works together is it supposed to be this wet it's called a sloppy joke it's in the name but is it supposed to be that way okay so i will say you said a variety of textures and flavors but really i'm just getting wet and celery seed but it's crunchy it's nice being on this side of the table i will say this this bread has like a particularly like open crumb normally because it's rye bread normally it is a little bit more dense so i was able to keep everything together but this was the breath that i could find let it be known that inca doesn't want to finish your sandwich it's too wet hey you put a lot of effort into this we appreciate it even if it's not the best sandwich oh my god okay andrew you're up next around you ready uh yeah three minutes on the clock three two one go okay for my perfect sandwich i'm going to be making a veggie sandwich this is my favorite type of sandwich to make at home because it gets rid of a lot of the failing points of sandwiches like your bread not being good or your ham not being good or deli meat kind of being gross in general so what i like to do is get basically whatever is nice and tasty looking i like persian cucumber because it's crunchier then there's probably a little bit of thin onion on there because there's always onion sitting around and then the real treat is when tomatoes are really good you have a really nice slice of tomato in the middle of the sandwich so i like to use the like healthy store sandwich bread that's just like this soft nothingness and i like putting mayonnaise on the bottom and then it's also nice to have something spicy so i usually have a jar of these chilies laying around and they just kind of go here on the bottom probably the onion goes next one minute and then there is the cucumber because that is the nice and crunchiest part i make it up every time it's different every time next probably goes the avocado because it's so delicious it's so nutritious it's adding another creamy element and then i would probably go ahead with my tomato slices i would take inka salt and i would put it on top of that but i lost track of it and then there's just like a pile of whatever lettuce looks nice right now and you just put like an unreasonable amount and then 20 seconds that's the same seasoning you don't need it okay oh seasoning is life with 12 seconds left you sure you don't want to season that uh where's the salt 70 i would have put that on the tomato but i lost track of it i'm not gonna knock it until i try it i hate that you trash talked my bread the issue with making sandwiches at home is that unless you can get really great versions of specific stuff it's hard to recreate specific sandwiches like how am i going to live up to the sandwich i had on vacation in paris or from my childhood deli and i also forgot to put cheese on but normally i would put a grated layer of cold cheese somewhere in there yeah interesting all right you ready to try it i just want to say you said that i put a charcuterie board in my sandwich you put a salad in your sandwich oh yeah that's my other point the best way to eat a salad is as a sandwich the best way to eat a charcuterie board is as a sandwich it's true i just want to say my sandwich was so easy you can just grab and go this is not grab and go yeah your sandwich was easy you just buy nice cheese and nice ham and perfect baguette okay that's my it's my version of a nice sandwich i like using good ingredients to give it a good idea i can make this sandwich anywhere all right cheers this is the sandwich that i most often like to make on like a saturday afternoon maybe i've been doing chores all morning i'm sweaty i don't want to eat anything other than like cold crisp stuff but i also want a sandwich does this still taste the same when you have a sandwich like this with vegetables that aren't as fresh like vegetables have been sitting in the fridge for a while cucumber can reliably stay pretty crunchy as long as it's not been sliced into and so that's kind of like that's what it's there mainly for kind of like a wet cold sandwich but in a good way not a bad way like shawn's so do you enjoy eating cardboard or is it just this was the only bread that was available to you the great thing about cardboard is that it's there to hold the precious delicious things inside of it and you don't really think about it i do think that the sauce works i feel very healthy yeah that's a good thing that's a good that's a good way to feel all right time to pick our favorite yo we've all written our winner down on this tiny little white board reminder that nobody can vote for themselves nobody can veto their vote you must vote for one person sean if you'd like to reveal and explain your choice this was really hard actually if i'm being honest i did like them both a lot but i think i wanted a sandwich that was a little bit easier to carry around which i understand is a contradiction to what i made so that's why i went with inka i like both sandwiches for different reasons i liked sean's for the flavor there was a lot going on i liked that it was just like a flavor bomb in itself andrews was actually very refreshing and i liked kind of his reasoning behind doing the sandwich my only thing is i really don't like wet sandwiches and so i voted for andrew wow i wasn't expecting that i picked this sandwich because i thought it really represented the excitement and sort of fervor that occurs when you are presented with a really good sandwich and you just want to gobble it up and that's why i went with sean sloppy joe what oh wait so we're at time where it's high we're in this very difficult position of each having one vote and therefore we will have one crew member behind the camera vote for us alex please tell us who the winner is [Music] didn't you buy this prize well sean okay please reveal the prize that you purchased so the prize that i won is the most expensive mayonnaise i could find congratulations congratulations sean that's it for the video hope you guys liked the sandwiches we made today you should tell us what your favorite sandwiches is that did not make sense all right thanks everyone see you in the next video bye uh any last thoughts i'm surprised but thank you alex i forgot the cheese we'll never live that down
Channel: About To Eat
Views: 756,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, We Judge Each Other's Sandwiches, about to eat, andrew ilnyckyj, avocados, baguette, bread, buzzfeed, challenge, cheese, cold cut meats, cold sandwich, coleslaw, cucumbers, deli meat, favorite sandwich, fig jam, ham, inga, meat supreme, onions, roastbeef, rye bread, sandwich, sandwiches, sean miura, sloppy joe, strong opinions, turkey
Id: qUeDrCJ7jaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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