Build this 12 Day Woodland Project with hand tools - Building a Celtic Roundhouse - The Full Build
Video Statistics and Information
Views: 145,899
Rating: 4.8193398 out of 5
Keywords: BUSHCRAFT, SURVIVAL, TAOUTDOORS, TA OUTDOORS, PREPPER, CAMPING, HIKING, CAMP VIBES, FISHING, SOLO, AXE, KNIFE, BUSHCRAFTTOOLS, BUSHCRAFT TOOLS, SAW, RAY MEARS, BEAR GRYLLS, hidup primitif, berkemah, bertahan hidup, memasak, api, hutan belantara, alam, ahli hutan, mencari makan, makanan ternak, кемпинг, Готовка, cámping, supervivencia, Cocinando, forraje, pescar, celtic roundhouse, celtic, roundhouse, taoutdoors, ta outdoors, joe robinet, off grid, fort, cabin, shelter, offgrid, self sufficient, eco build
Id: TUl5tzdXtqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 28sec (4468 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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