Finding The "Hardest Obby" in Roblox

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hello everyone today i am seeking out something extraordinary uh something that if we've if we manage to find it it might change roblox forever this extraordinary thing of course being the quote-unquote hardest hobby in roblox now you might be thinking to yourself oh i can just search up obby on games and i'll find it but you're not you're just not going to find it here now you might also be thinking to yourselves oh i'll just search up hardest obby then and the hardest obby will show up maybe there's some merit to that but the problem is tick tock abi shows up and that's just that just ruins everything on this page so with that in mind i'm just gonna go against everything that is logical because this is a very serious video and i'm gonna get down to the bottom of this what is wrong with this window i'm gonna be looking where no one else has looked and it's probably not gonna work but i mean what's what's the worst that could happen so here we have our first game called hardest obby in all of roblox uncopy lock at 20k so oh blocks master 3 was kind enough to open source's game as long as it has 20 000 visits which it doesn't have by the way so i i don't know was he scamming just looking at his badges i don't think he plays roblox anymore it's just a theory like i just have a sneaking suspicion that he might it might have been a couple months since he last logged on and you know updated 2009 so there there there was a little bit of a time gap why is there a force field over there is that the soul of someone who attempted this game also this is uh i'm gonna be honest this isn't very hard not very challenging so far you are now on the witch team oh yes remember in the old hobby games where they would have team names with like like a level description on them like omg it's a lot of anyways which path is this um we're gonna have to guess this because they're they aren't see-through now the obvious choice would be the middle which kills you and this one is good okay so far this isn't hard this is just annoying and it's probably this one oh all right so maybe it's this yep okay i'm just really good at guessing except when i'm not also we gotta mention the anti-lag script that this game is using there's a lot of those back in the day not sure if they actually did anything but i'm not lagging so maybe is it this one nope i i guess there's these two but i'm pretty sure i already went on oh okay well it's probably no okay it's not the middle twice in a row we're getting there guys i only died nine times there we go oh my gosh guys oh that should not have killed me what guys that was just the epicus fail of all time right there i'm sorry all right if i choke this okay there we go okay well this is just okay well i was i shouldn't have tried to speed run that but also they couldn't make the parts any brighter like what is this there we go and we're here oh god this is some invisible crap which i'm never gonna figure out because they don't have the old click to move anymore i guess i could just like well it's not oh god this is never gonna happen guys is there any part with like collisions on around here no because what i hadn't realized was that the team name literally said where's the teleport i was just dying for no reason at this point so we're starting off with that and that is not where the invisible path is so let's move on all right it's gonna be here guys oh wait a minute what is this oh it was a teleport dude what the heck quiz time there's nothing on here what am i supposed to do i might need backup honestly like this is just ridiculous oh wait no the max server size is seven so i'm not sure how feasible backup would be all right we're just i'm going to try guessing somewhere it's peter griffin um shamwow i don't know sparta this is sparta all right i'm going to try calling in backup and that backup is going to be over on my discord server which you can join using the link in the description guys i just realized i could also use roblox studio to find the quiz answers so i really didn't need the backup but i guess now we have like we have people here that are gonna catch up why do i hear auto-tune baby crying does this game have gears enabled this game has gears enabled okay this could potentially be disastrous i guess i could always turn off the game audio taking advantage oh we spawned at the quiz too we're gonna take full advantage of the fact that this game is open source message text who made this map roblox master iii there we go that is the first one down oh god i'm just gonna hear this the entire time aren't i what is my favorite game type hint hint probably abby oh yes all right so we're not we're not really cheating because i'm not viewing the answers here how many people bought the rubber ducky what what rubber ducky do you have like oh there was no game passes back then so is it a limited yeah it is limited uh this much uh okay okay that is not the right answer this is awkward oh wait what what was my number my number is 37674 the actual answer is one lower than it says and i think the game crashed yep the game definitely crashed everyone's frozen come on lag remover 2's anti-lag scripts well i can't continue but this obby is possible as long as you cheat with roblox studio hardest obby on robloxia homemade and no studio yeah this this definitely doesn't look like the hardest hobby in all of robloxia oh now just because i die a few times doesn't make that uh invalid oh it they did they didn't even work oh we're just breezing through this right now guys i mean that was just incredibly fast and efficient and why is there a hole in the ceiling oh can i just do this and win i can just do this and win yep just like that guys what oh what did i even touch it what all right well i'll see you guys at the end all right i've made it to the water now to see how bad this part is okay that was actually really easy and this seems even easier because i can just walk over oh okay this might actually be yeah that was bad all right let's see if see if i die this time oh that is so precise guys i just realized i can just skip the water part by walking up here too there's a lot of skips on this game of course this one doesn't have any and i is that even can you even do that what's the server size it's 30. i'm posting this to discord i'm just going to tower out of here and wait till someone joins i'm going to reset okay there's everyone let me up just yeah just let me up oh god that's lagging guys come back come back to spawn guys i need to get out of here oh there's a tower here yes no why did you guys jump down come on guys we got to get up here the only way to win is to cheat all right we got this oh oh i choked i would oh there we go and we're all up here now guys we we legitimately completed the hardest hobby in roblox are you guys ready this is the olympic high dive oh if i if i jump from here i'm gonna land in the grass all right here we go guys and we're off and perfect landing the ultimate obby hardest hobby ever let's find out if this is really the hardest obby oh is this this is just a template game this is definitely not the hardest hobby because i can just just go through it i could probably hold w i'm gonna try that now okay i that's you can't actually hold w but you can most of the time and okay so this part we just gotta wait until it sends us flying i think i'm gonna get off and try again oh oh oh thanks there we go all right we just gotta do that and jesus my volume is at one in game oh oh hey guys well my recorder says encoding overloaded so all right i'm gonna reset this okay i'm a little too far out i want to see what's at the top of that giant ladder so let's just uh let's hold w and find out all right so up here i don't know if this is intentional but the ladder shifts i'm not sure if they just failed to copy it anyways i will see you guys at the top which we should be seeing here very shortly actually and here we are okay so it continues really not looking to die after that really long climb okay who do you think i am here what is this this is this is actually impossible so thanks for that hey guys i can do it guys all right i think i need a break from hard hobbies i think we're just gonna play ob which by the way the description just reads oh oh what the heck is this what is going on okay i don't i don't even know what this is sonic what happened to you man and then this whole city is falling apart oh there's giant zombies over there um what is wrong with the zombie oh god it's raining giant zombies oh why that's different now oh oh god i'm having huge lag right now hello can i use this i have a master ball now i'm gonna catch this giant zombie oh he's pushing the building dude why is lucario over there okay so let's let's gather our thoughts for a moment we're in this collapsing city there's constantly giant zombies raining from the sky there's whatever this is there's like a dragon morph somewhere lucario is on the roof of a building and then there's dry bones up there oh there's minecraft creepers can i shoot the creepers to death too or no it just doesn't work can they kill me oh this face just turns red doesn't actually do anything here i'm just gonna oh oh oh a bit of a delayed reaction it's fine guys i don't know what to think of this ob game there's just a lot to process here you know what just kill me i've accepted my fate in this game alright so now we got the most easiest obby ever oh they got vip t-shirts i'm guessing they're not for sale why did you take it off sale all right i just commented the same thing why did you take it off sale because i want to know too all right now that we've done that let's try out the easiest or the most easiest obby ever oh we get a badge too it doesn't work but that's the thought that counts all right where do we have to go here this way is there music on this no and now we just proceed with these okay this is actually kind of spooky because they don't wait to disappear they just kind of disappear instantly also i like how sometimes it just doesn't work like there's still stairs there that just never disappeared oh oh this is yeah this is easy they weren't lying all right we're almost at the end here i think this one literally just highlights what path you have to take and here we are i'm guessing it's this one yep we're almost there guys oh i feel betrayed i died on the most easiest obby ever they did me dirty there and i still won all right what do we get here from these givers i get these broken things and a water path which i can't jump on for some reason i'm just clipping through the path and spinning uncontrollably teleport to arena oh i can't i can't go down anymore the water path is broken my torso is floating that's so cursed all right i think i might have okay no oh oh please let me go through i'm just stuck in this eternal oh god this eternal teleportation thing holy crap it's like putting a portal on the ceiling and on the floor and jumping through he just gets stuck forever all right let's get back into it hardest obby free dominus oh yes i want free dominus oh oh they're using this again what the heck i already did this abby earlier oh i died this time this is just this is an embarrassment it's fine guys we got this i'm not even going to let go of w here all right now i am there we go and oh what is this this looks like oh this looks like spaghetti look at this look at all these hats oh it just spawned in a bunch of domino crowns holy crap yes please i want dominus crown i want all the domino crowns give me more domino crowns please oh i'm gonna crash the game but yeah my avatar is kind of looking fresh right now what do you guys think oh the heck are these all linked to my character or something they all just disappear when i zoom in so what happens if i reset they all just disappear oh they all just disappear alright well there's that all right guys i'm gonna call it there thank you guys for watching this video leave a like if you enjoyed and don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't and also don't forget to turn on post notifications so you don't miss out on any new uploads but yeah i we might have found the hardest hobby in roblox which i'm i'm definitely saying this seriously like this whole video is serious and it needs to be taken as such because i i already know there's gonna be several people in the comments who will but yeah thank you guys for watching [Music] you
Channel: Remainings
Views: 5,233,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, obby, roblox obby, obstacle course, roblox obbies, hardest obby in roblox, easiest obby roblox
Id: NfYDGbmVfrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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