The People of Murder Mystery 2 (Roblox)

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hey guys today we're going to be playing murder mystery 2 and we're just going to see what happens that's all there is to it the people of murder mystery 2. the first person is this guy who has achieved levitation incredible what is the matter with you hey listen it's sunny out where's the sun there it is this guy is just enjoying the nice weather by the way i hope you guys like my avatar on this account i i try to make it as horrifying as possible and i think i did a pretty good job why is the sheriff's picture so small i guess the murderer like had some secret ability to shrink the sheriff or something i probably would have made things easier this guy just put a wall of hashtags and then way at the end so i don't even i can't even begin to piece together what this man just said or what his name says for that matter exit s40 yes oh i just joined the server but okay what should i do should i try and bait people up here to this hiding spot and then just kill them maybe that's what i'll do actually no who hides in this game they just collect coins the whole time okay i'm gonna get up here and just i should do the ballsiest play ever oh that guy just teleported [Music] and he just teleported back i'm killing you guys get back here [Music] dude i'm getting so many people right now and none of them were the sheriff oh wait yes they were didn't you see me kill everyone earlier where are you guys show yourselves is there someone in here nope someone got up though i hear him walking around oh [Music] that's awkward i totally whiffed that i didn't even see you i was like way too zoomed in for some reason didn't make me the murderer again on a three percent chance and you know what for videos like these i would rather just be innocent so i can properly spectate what's going on what is this animation you're doing right now alright well i guess it's time we just kind of stand still and just do nothing is this guy the murderer i feel like he could be [Music] oh i guessed it right and that guy just did the stupidest play of all time he's struggling to get the sheriff but yeah that might not have been a stupid play after all because he's not dead and he's coming this way he's he's so laggy it's like when you put a youtube video at 75 speed it's like that's this guy right now and everyone else is just at 100 and somehow this is still going oh he's gonna he killed the sheriff all right she's gonna get the dub here if she just shoots once if she can just shoot the gun you can do this oh this is oh she fired her first shot missed that's okay and she's dead all right i need to take care of this oh what are you doing oh my god oh my god i think this gun is cursed there we go well that was an interesting round well i guess that that wasn't a stupid play because it worked very well oh who did it i bet it was that guy is he you he just kind of appeared out of nowhere all right well i guess it was i don't know what that play was to immediately just ignore everyone else and just charge the sheriff please gun foul please yes okay if the murderer doesn't get any kills this round i'm blaming it on the map okay never mind then oh okay i think it's i think it's this girl here because she's just kind of like oh well i was right oh what is this what is this face off is she just standing on the gun this is not how you win okay oh no this guy is toxic and he's dead dang it what if that guy somehow got the gun and just won the game for us that would have been legendary you know i'm just gonna collect some coins wait oh dang it i was about to go in okay i'm gonna i'm also gonna be toxic it's what that random guy who was standing there would have wanted and the game's over anyways stupid idiot camper well i think oh oh i was about to plug my channel but we have to delay that actually no i can i can still do that it's fine so if you guys have made it this far into the video and you know are a newer viewer of my channel then consider subscribing just needed to get that message out before i i pass away in this game oh all right i'm gonna investigate this upstairs area is there a gun anywhere there it is hey how did that miss oh it's fine if he comes this way the shot should be pretty free there we go i don't know what that was i swear my cursor was on him but i guess it wasn't oh there's a murderer he's not doing a very good job of masking the fact that he's a murderer although maybe that's what he wants to do he's just jumping everywhere and it's working and he's okay wait a minute oh we both have the same idea oh this is kind of [Music] no don't stand still wait why am i so close i'm going down here oh god i'm stuck i'm stuck oh did he see me he just shut the door oh god he doesn't know i'm in here though i hit the gate i hit the fence [Music] no i'm throwing oh okay well that was kind of dude this is so cursed there we go geez what was that that was one cursed round i'm not doing too hot with my sheriff aiming right now so i better not be the sheriff okay well that it's it's definitely not the sheriff so maybe i think that's better than whatever i was doing the last round okay wait a minute i have an idea does anyone know i'm here like they probably think a ghost stabbed that guy or something why did they trap themselves in that room i'm just gonna pick off everyone who's not the sheriff just killed someone for no reason i heard that gun go off [Music] does that guy have the gun oh his head is huge okay i'm just gonna go in and whatever happens happens [Music] hello are you real oh that was a real person oh there's the sheriff come in here okay that that would have been very awkward and this this is very awkward for you goodbye she went out of her hiding spot at the wrong time that was kind of unfortunate all right what's going on here i'll try and do another commentary alright so this guy is very fascinated by these prisoners he's trying to give him the teddy bear or is he trying to glitch in oh i think he's trying to glitch in all right well what oh what what is going on here this is a very dragged out interaction between the murderer and the sheriff and this guy just got caught and the murderer missed all right this guy just jumped into the door frame like that one video and someone's pet is exposing them that's unfortunate okay i feel like the murderer is just gonna get right into it and i was right and we're under attack right now oh there's so many people going in the hallway at the wrong time oh she's throwing a knife i gotta go wait where am i going am i going towards her um [Music] that's fine we'll just go in okay we're just i'm just gonna stick with the sheriff for now oh there's a murderer all right let's see what happens i can probably get back oh this is not gonna end well oh we're all dying oh no oh that scared me okay well she's just gonna hold that corner and here she comes uh-oh [Music] oh she just ran into the wall all right well rip the sheriff do we run we run this way she doesn't know i should probably not just be standing in this room but i footsteps are too close right now oh [Applause] that was risky a little too close for comfort there but we got the w oh we're just jumping right into this round that was oh no i don't know if this is gonna end very well where's the murderer i don't know who it is i just saw knives coming from that area okay so it's that guy where is he at but he's just ignoring that guy oh oh this guy is so excited okay this guy at spawn is grooving right now look at him go oh all right i'm gonna check the xbox man all right he is innocent he wants to check me [Music] all right so we cleared each other we gotta check this guy now though i don't know if i trust this guy he might be the murderer he might be the innocent he might be the the imposer hey you're the murderer i know you yeah just kill all these people for me oh oh this guy has the same idea okay well i guess we're all just going in here imagine if the murderer let himself get checked that would be quite the power move and i don't know what kind of move that was but it was definitely not a power one there's a murderer has anything happened this game like right now we're at the point where the murderer hasn't done anything yet speaking of which but i was going to say the murder hasn't really done anything but there's two people dead all right there's there's a there's a bunch of people here you could kill at least one of them like that that would be a pretty reasonable play okay well alright so what i like to do on this map is run away from this guy that's what i like to do because he's gonna kill me oh [Music] oh okay i'm not sure why that keeps happening i think i think this new sheriff is looking to do that again uh can i help you okay i guess not [Music] uh don't do that i don't like that no stop doing that please i'm just i'm going to go across here to get all these coins so just don't don't shoot any random people while you're at it no i [Music] and there it is he was the murderer i don't know where that guy's going oh all right intense 1v1 going on gotta get a closer look at this maybe too close oh god what are you shooting the murderer is just not visible right now and we won good job sheriff okay the highest level in the server has a username that's just gibberish so you know this is gonna be good oh okay well well i mean that worked despite the the slight amount of lag that this guy is experiencing all right what's the play now oh he's just going for it all in [Music] and it's it's not very it's not going very well this time does anyone even care that this guy's the murderer like we're just kind of chilling right now probably quite frustrated about how slow this is going oh oh you got the snipe new trade request i have nothing in my inventory i have the default knife and gun are you looking to donate oh okay well that girl is just taunting this guy just walking right behind him doesn't even have a reason to be oh he just got another kill being laggy works like she's being too confident i think like obviously not the sheriff so this isn't really necessary this guy is getting way too close what is this what oh the round ended it's always very confusing when there's no timer why did i just get another trade request all right you know what you you may as well just donate to me because i have nothing nice outfit man uh-oh run no run faster oh wait what the murderer's throwing everyone else is throwing what why what hello she had a knife out he just started running towards her oh and the sheriff is like afk or something oh oh no look at this dodging pattern it's working so well too this is an incredible fight that i'm witnessing oh you shot the corner of the wall that's that's it rip okay i feel like maria julia here just really wants someone to trade with them all right i feel like this is the moment for sheriff okay i mean should i just go for it this guy is kind of just standing here hello all right we'll come back to you later so why are you running huh guys i gotta hide from the murderer the murderer was nearby wait oh that was the sheriff oh oh i'm exposing myself goodbye [Music] all right hold on we got to take care of you real quick oh that was not the play sheriff hello okay there's three people here one of them is coming this way and they're gonna die because of that and oh i missed yes get the gun please and the last person where are you are you in here nope you just despawned what the heck i am never gonna find this last person wait oh oh please please uh oh [Music] no just die okay there we go phew wait you didn't even get the gun the gun was right there could have clutched up but whatever i won so all right uh i'll we'll we'll leave it at that thank you guys for watching leave a like if you enjoyed this video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and also hit the bell icon if you want to get notified of any future videos but that's all i got for today and yeah i will see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Remainings
Views: 866,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, murder mystery 2, mm2, murder mystery, roblox murder, murder mystery funny moments, The People of Murder Mystery
Id: 0UfB-YKoYxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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