How to Tryhard at Epic Minigames (Roblox)

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hey guys today we're minigames epic this game is nearing 1 billion visits and somehow I haven't made a video on it yet so here we are I haven't played this in a while I used to play this quite a bit back in the day the lobby did not look like this back then ok what is this the panels will begin lighting up in 7 seconds stay in the dark oh crap I am hurt are you kidding me okay you know what I'm doing pretty good because I'm not dead okay does this keep getting faster every time I'm pretty sure it does so I feel like I'm not gonna last very long but okay we're in like the top floor here this is getting pretty intense oh shoot top two come on what the heck no it just narrowed our playing field down to this small area oh I win I think I don't know I have to just keep playing I don't see anyone else though so I don't know why this is still going alright boom I did it not a bad first game especially since I haven't played it before see I have one win on this account and probably not much more on whatever account I actually played this game on shock absorbers buttons will start to pop out press them promptly okay so this is just reacting speed reaction I can get down with that so far so good the buttons will stop in about 40 seconds and I assume this will get more and more terrible but we're I think we're doing good so far oh shoot that girl just got destroyed by that mechanism I would not want that to happen to me okay can I just stop hitting my head on the roof thank you oh this is getting fast Oh No doing pretty good okay stop giving me yellow please no oh hey I did it okay a lot of people did it I don't feel that special that was intense though someone died at the last second apparently that's just sad what is cliffside chaos the blocks will start to protrude and recede avoid falling off okay um please don't do that to the middle alright cool doing good okay a bit of an arrow playing field here I'm just gonna leave now oh crap okay well I'm all the way over here oh shoot no no don't do this don't do this to us okay I just I just got to stay in the middle or not I just got a hope that it doesn't pull out the floor from beneath me we should be able to make it see this this one's not so bad and as I say that I I nearly died so yeah I'm the only one left I was way too close my goal for this video is to not die once doesn't matter if we don't win as long as we don't die I'm pretty sure those go hand in hand in this game but who knows III don't the control panels will turn on crack the codes oh I remember this I was kind of terrible at it and I would just spam click okay actually this is kind of easy alright this is we're doing good doing good so far I actually don't know if we were doing good or not and okay I have to turn all these off okay I'm actually kind of bad at this see these are all weird okay luckily the red team 197 251 I don't think it had those borders back in the day I think you just had to guess the code either that or I just didn't notice solo swordsman this doesn't sound very pleasant is it just like one person gets targeted by everyone one player will be given a sword okay yeah that sounds about right okay Puppies has the sword and I can hear them okay puppies is also fast holy crap I gotta go I gotta get to the opposite side of the map there's two people hiding in the same spot what are you doing I guess it's working because I don't hear any swords being oh crap oh they're screwed they are so screwed okay there's one down this guy is just like he's so dead I feel bad for the person that died there that that was like right at the end too they were about to pass okay we are going bowling now how is this gonna play out oh this is not how I am in it we have to avoid getting hit by a giant bowling ball okay they're not doing anything oh oh they're lining up their shot oh crap oh crap okay it was like curving towards me there that was scary I might actually just go right up the front that seems like the best strategy for this okay okay oh oh that went right through this girl and okay had hit puppies puppies hit by a bowling ball does not sound very fun oh there goes that guy okay I think it randomly targets people but that doesn't matter because I didn't die you're doing pretty good on the win streak so far or not dying streak rather cake delivery oh I remember this one this was kind of this was kind of bad hopefully they made it easier six where is six six hello we're six can I give it to nine instead and just give it upside down there's six okay I think I'm gonna make it actually and got it not gonna lie that was kind of close expedition sprint if this is a race I'm not feeling too good about this one the sprint will begin reach the end okay I better reach the end I'm going with this route okay I'm going this way I don't know if this is the right way or not I don't even know this map oh crap no oh wait we can just walk in the water I thought it killed you for some reason I see the end I don't think this is like a first place type thing but I think you get more if your first place so yeah guys if you're enjoying this video be sure to leave a like and maybe subscribe to the channel if you haven't already I would appreciate that okay what is bullet bound I think I remember this one you have to dodge the bullets jump way jump between them oh no this is more parkour okay well we're on this one and we're gonna go we're gonna make our way up here well well well okay that was actually fast and I got a badge for that I got two okay the bullets are crashing into each other or no there they're crashing into the walls and they're exploding okay so this is just a struggle for these people come on you're a fighter you can do this there's 15 seconds left oh no this is not looking very good for mrs. fighter over here and everyone else here Oh No well rip I guess it's kind of tough when there's like 50 bullets just everywhere at once bullet evasion so maybe this is what I thought the previous game would be yeah avoid getting hit by the bullets how you play this okay there's a bullet there and there's like four oh jeez okay there's four more okay everyone is dying I am moving my mouse rapidly right now because I feel like I'm gonna get shot okay I feel like getting shot is not the appropriate term to use here when we're dealing with giant red flaming bullets what would that be getting impacted I guess because these are basically meteors oh geez oh no no no no I don't like I don't like any more I'm not liking and subscribing to this game mode I think I win boom very close to losing my living streak in work trial alright I hope that the people with hundreds of winds are on my team reach the middle before the other team all right some parkour a healthy dosage of parkour okay I'm assuming these will kill me so I would prefer not to touch those okay and that was a button that hopefully did something do I have to go back I think we have to go back yeah that kills you that's a bit concerning I don't really know what to do here okay hop on this so I this is just button pressing I suppose they look like they know what they're doing and there's also only two people left on my team so I have this bit unlocked and we only have about a minute left so really hoping that my teammate is gonna catch up got a void that the saws I would prefer not to get amputated right now okay I'm not sure if I like this at all oh geez I have to do that again oh god oh god okay we did that somehow I'll shoot we're actually gonna reach the middle but are we gonna do it in time I don't think we're gonna do it in time come on come on oh shoot well we all ran out of time but I didn't die that's the important part I was like going that entire game how do we run out of time there must be a very narrow window of time for that game-mode round race okay if we run like spheres and we have to race them I'm gonna lose I'm not gonna die hopefully but oh hey this is all right I I thought we were gonna be on top and we had to like balance anyway we're just gonna go now oh they're flying off all right you guys are going way too fast says me who I almost just went off there oh okay I got a slow down for these turns here okay I'm actually in first place by a lot there we go hard-pressed what's this one oh yeah I remember this okay oh wait this moves too I forgot and it switches directions to that's I'm gonna have to pay attention a bit more here oh god oh god oh wait no it doesn't kill you as soon as you touch it even though it's already down I was kind of worried about that but we're good there's still plenty of us alive so hopefully this doesn't get near impossible oh god that almost flattened me oh that just flattened like three people oh-ho that just killed nearly everyone dude oh I'm the only one left Oh God okay we did it black holes scramble do they make this easier I think the gravity used to be normal on this either that or I was just terrible back in the day I better not die here because I'm also moving forward and it's throwing me off or well it's not moving me forward the black hole is moving me back getting a bit tricky okay we're doing pretty we're doing pretty good so far I'm not sure how everyone else is doing but there still rocks next to me but I don't see a person there oh it was just me and someone else okay that was a pretty solid last game but that's gonna do it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed it leave a like if you did and subscribe to the channel if you are new sometimes I post videos other times I don't so turn on post notifications if you want to know when the times that I post the videos are due and yeah I will see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Remainings
Views: 2,044,906
Rating: 4.9543877 out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, no swearing, epic minigames, roblox minigames, roblox games, roblox minigame, minigames, minigame, roblox epic minigames
Id: ISSoY7znGjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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