Making a Terraria Clone: Devlog #1

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so I've started working on something it's a clone of Terraria I'm doing it as a little hobby project I think I'd like to take it in a bit of a different direction I'd like for multiple playthroughs to have different paths to the ending unlike Terraria where you mostly have to accomplish the same goals in every playthrough one of my main areas of focus is player movement I want movement to feel skilled especially whenever you're in combat or doing platforming challenges and so that sort of takes me into the first thing I did with the project which is player Collision I've never been good at reliable platformer collision and this is one of the first projects where I've actually been successful in influencing a system which feels reliable I also implemented a lot of platformer feely stuff the style of movement is meant to get the player where they actually want to go you'll bump out of the way of the ceiling whenever you're jumping there's also a few frames of coyote time where you'll be able to jump while midair it's honestly what I've spent the most time on thus far far I also um serendipitously implemented AI on accident like I kind of intended to make it but I didn't realize that terraria's AI occupied all but 10 lines of code seriously it works identical to the zombies and I put no effort into it whatsoever I just made them walk in the direction of you and like jump sometimes whenever they hit a wall what I'd really like to do is Implement a lot of VAR y with AI and potentially even have them work together as a group like in Halo maybe there will be a squad of enemies that you take down instead of just individual actors so on to the art I am a digital artist examples of work here but I'm not a pixel artist and that's kind of a problem but the way the game looks is very important to me and unfortunately this is generally true with almost all of my projects you can see I spend way more time on the art than I should very early into development but that's just the way I am and that's why I'm a hobbyist and not a professional and so I did Implement a light propagation system it's basically just what Terraria uses I added some features to blur the light and some settings to increase the resolution of the propagation but it doesn't actually look that good so I'm just kind of sticking with the slightly blurred version I would really like to implement a more advanced system of lighting than Terraria has I would like to include HDR meaning the light values can get higher than just 255 and illuminate the environment in a much more extreme way I also wanted to do something potentially with global illumination and ambient occlusion but I have no idea how practical that actually is to implement in a 2d setting and I don't know if I'm skilled enough to make that sort of a thing performant so I don't know if this is going to become a series or not but if it were the next episode would probably be about world chem which you can see I've kind of done a little bit with um but it's very daunting and I've never done it before so I guess we'll just have to see how that pans out so if you do want to see more stuff like this do subscribe and maybe in time I'll upload a second one I'm trying to keep these low effort so it doesn't take too much time out of development and well frankly more important stuff that I need to do with my life so thanks for watching I'm trans by the way
Channel: Epsii
Views: 2,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8pfri5Lws6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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