3D Package Design + Animation in Blender 2.8 EEVEE

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ladies and gentlemen I'm Derek Elliot from dirt comm and many moons ago I created these box animations they're a really cool way to integrate my packaging design love with some graphic design and of course some 3d animation a lot of people were asking me how I made them but unfortunately it is a secret we are not going to be covering that today I'm just kidding we're gonna walk through the exact process I used to create these animations by creating this one a slight variant which honestly turned out pretty freakin cool if you ask me it's gonna be a little bit of modeling a little bit of lighting a little bit of materials obviously that's definitely the coolest part and some animation to top it all off if you want to check out the animations I did in a little more detail then my Behance page is probably the place to go and if you want to play with the exact file I create today it is gonna be available on my patreon page and that patreon page is really just a way for you to show your support for my tutorials maybe you learn something or I've helped you out in the comments or on Instagram feel free to give me your money and that's what it is I'm not going to sugarcoat it there is a reward for all tears which is access to the tutorial files but the main reason is just to give you an option to show your support if there's any other ways you'd like to support me then maybe what you can do is leave a like on this video share it with your friends or maybe leaving me a comment telling me to stop talking and start the tutorial alrighty so let's go ahead and jump into making that animation so what I'm going to do is just use my default cube here and then in edit mode I'm just gonna make an edge loop cut there with ctrl R to kind of create well eventually be the top and the bottom and I'm gonna try to speak my hotkeys of course like I normally do but I did now turn on screencast keys KO people were asking for that so I check down here in the bottom right if you miss anything in particular we're gonna be lots of a middle mouse clicks as you can see anyways we've got a cut there so now what I want to do is just separate those pieces so I'm gonna go into my face select mode and then select all these top faces press P and separate them by selection so now what I have is a top and a bottom for my box and yeah it's pretty basic so we obviously would want to add some thickness to this we could do that with the solidify modifier but I'm gonna have a couple other kind of features and details here that I think will be easier to just model instead of using the modifiers there no it's just a box pretty pretty simple objects so what I'm going to do first is press e to extrude that scale it in and then in my front view wireframe I'm going to just kind of take a look at this bring it down to a nice thickness and then we'll obviously want to press F to make that a face and yeah now I have pretty much the bottom eye box so let's go ahead and make the top of the box I'm gonna follow a very similar process here select those vertices e to extrude them in s to scale it inwards to match up kind of with this thickness and then press E and Z and I'm just making a little bit of a lip here just to give this thing a little bit more interest I'll scale it in and then go up and really the top thick you're not even really going to see that but little detail so now when I have to fill that face in and yeah I've pretty much got my box modeled there but as we were just kind of eyeballing things we're gonna notice that it doesn't quite line up exactly so like this is kind of overlapping probably wouldn't see that detail but just for the sake of accuracy and kind of making things a little more nice and even I'm going to have kind of aligned things to the grid pretty good here but it's not exact but one way I can make it exact is by selecting both these objects tab into edit mode which is something new in 2.8 by the way is going into edit mode on multiple objects pressing a to select everything and then shift s selection to grid and it will snap all those vertices to the nearest grid points and since they were pretty close it did just what I wanted now this does depend on how far it zoomed in you are like it's gonna snap to whatever level of grid it can see so that's looking pretty good now I think the next thing I want to do is just take a look at this object here it's these edges are super sharp that's something you don't really want so I will go ahead and add I think bevel modifier just to round those out a little bit and you can kind of adjust this as you please I want this to be a pretty sharp cut still something like that I think it's gonna look pretty good and then maybe give it a couple more segments just so it's nice and rounded out and we'll shade that smooth that's looking pretty good let's do the same thing on the bottom we could do you know just type in these variables again but a faster way would be to select that bottom object shift select the top one and then press control alt control L and that will allow you to link the modifiers so now this bottom one and top have the exact same modifiers handy little trick can save you some time so with that shaded smooth we've got our box looking pretty good I'm just going to go ahead and move this down and and now what I'm going to do is set up a little bit of lighting and now it also be a good time to save your file if you haven't done that so ctrl s to do that now what I'm going to do like I said I'm going to move my camera into just kind of an interesting position well not too interesting I just wanted to be nice and lined up you can kind of get creative with it I encourage you to do so but I'm just kind of going to my fly mode here and that's shift tilde if you missed it and just get this place kind of nicely and then just even it out since I am a perfectionist I'm holding ctrl and just adjusting these values here and that's gonna just snap everything to two nice numbers there are a couple other ways to do that but that's what I think works pretty well so let's go ahead and save this file again and now what I want to do is I think set up just a little bit of lighting but before I do that I want to set up my viewport so it's working a little more for me so I'm gonna bring this down here we'll end up using this top tab here to work on some materials in a minute the fun part I'm telling you and then down here I want to leave this as a 3d view but I'm gonna have this be kind of what my camera sees so we can move that into rendered view clicking this little button here will engage the rendered I'm gonna actually do this in evey though it'd be pretty much the same process in cycles but people are always super hyped about evey these days so we're gonna do evey just kind of pop over here into the scene tab and switch it to evey you can see it looks pretty much identical yeah so we're gonna just do it evey because it's fast and it's fun and it's new and people like it so I want to give this a little bit of a backdrop so it's not just looking into nothingness and the way I'm going to do that is by just adding a plane scaling it up rotating it on the x-axis by about 90 degrees though you wouldn't really be able to tell if it wasn't exact and then I'm just gonna move that back a little bit so that it's kind of framing our framing our frame there so now you don't really have to do this but for some reason I just like to kind of have it match the aspect ratio a little more something like that looks good okay so now to get a little bit more of an exciting look we're gonna want to kind of rotate this and that'll be just you know we'll animate it a little bit but this is just going to be a while we're setting up the lighting so you want to rotate it maybe something like this against stylize but it's not really a good idea to rotate these actual objects so what I'm going to do is parent them to an empty and then just rotate the empty object so let's add a cube empty and because we were working with our default cube this empty ends are coming in pretty much exactly the same size so I'm just gonna move that size out a little bit so it's a little easier to grab so let's select both these objects and then select the empty last and then control PS at the parent to that object now when we rotate this these will keep their orientations nice and even and you know zeros and one scale and stuff but we can just rotate this object and that's going to be handy when we're doing some animation in just a minute so for this contra view over here I don't need to see all these overlays so I'm just gonna hit this button and I'll turn them all off and yeah so now we just have a kind of clear unobstructed view of our renders gonna end up looking like pretty much so now to set up a little bit of lighting I'm going to I'm gonna leave this point lap I think I like that pretty much where it is maybe I like to turn on this transform here we just kind of move this down this would be kind of a nice rim light and it's also giving some interest to the background there we've kind of got like a cool gradient going on maybe we can make this radius a little bigger so it's kind of more kind of a soft light yeah that's looking good maybe bring the power down a little bit something like that should be fine and then I just want to add two more lights to the scene and these will help light the front of the object but they'll also be really critical when we're setting up our material to kind of help show off some of those glassy effects that we're gonna create so I'm gonna add an area lamp and then let's just move this over here and we will probably have to move these again later but I'm just getting them in there now so that I can start to have a little bit better scene to play with so let's um let's bring the size of this up a little bit and then the power will need to come up so you can see we're starting to get a little bit of light there and you know maybe kind of bring that over something like that and it's really hard to tell until we have the material set up but I think something like that looks pretty good let's duplicate it and then this light maybe will just kind of sit somewhere down here sort of a sort of going for a three-point lighting setup but this will be again a really big part of this is just to be able to reflect the glassy effects we're going to create so maybe bring that power up just a little bit and you can just kind of move your cube around here and see what see what it's looking like but for what we're doing now I think that that's going to be just fine so let's move into setting up that material a little bit don't forget to save now to set up this material I think what I'll do well well actually we'll just leave our set up how it is I tend to like this for some reason anytime I get rid of my like main viewport over here I always feel like I ended needing to click on something and I have to screw around with the windows again so I can see what I'm doing pretty well down here if it gets crazy maybe I'll switch actually you know what let's just do that so I'm gonna make my 3d viewport super big over here and then I'm gonna change this to a shader editor because I think this note is gonna be a little on the larger side but tell me finish so with that see look there I go again maybe what we do is turn on the overlays for a second so I wanted to select the cube and accidentally selected the lamp and I could tell because I was looking over here on this feature tree which is another way to select objects but um yeah let's just select it like that okay so we've got our material set up there it's very plain you know we can change the color and stuff of it if we want to but um yeah I want to probably first go ahead and just apply the texture so the way I'm gonna do that is by selecting this principal shader and pressing ctrl T oh okay so I had multiple things selected there I just want to select the shader ctrl T and then it'll set these nodes up for us and if you weren't able to press ctrl T it's probably because you need to go into your preferences and turn on the node Wrangler hat on it's quite convenient you should definitely use it so with that there it's not actually doesn't have any texture going into it so no you know if you tried to render this at probably pink but what we can do is load in our sticker sheet so what that is I might have mentioned it earlier it's just a it's not the right way to do UV texturing is basically its interests of it the act the number of downloads on this video will probably correspond almost exactly to how many people are really good at you v's and are gonna die when they see how I do this but I basically just created this what I'm calling a sticker sheet and I'm just gonna place my UV Islands around on this and try to get kind of an interesting look going on so I've just got a few different elements here and we're going to kind of apply those to the objects so with these objects both selected I can go into edit mode press tab and then I'm gonna press a to make sure everything is selected and I'm going to person you and I'm gonna smart UV project and that will unwrap both these objects and now the first thing I like to do is just scale everything now really all and put it in a nice and white area where nothing's happening and now I can go back into my Canyon review and maybe start to set up this material a little bit so this is feeding into the color and we're in rendered view over here so we can should be able to see what's happening so what I'm going to do first is just hmm I think what I want to do this is where it gets really confusing I think I want to have the Dirk logo just kind of right on the front here but maybe well let's let's actually place the I'm just going to put a big twenty-two over here on this side and again this is this is a part that can take some time just depending on the look you're going for I'm just selecting a face in the object mode in my viewport over there and then just bringing it over to where I want on this sticker sheet here and I'm just going for kind of an abstracted look maybe we make that kind of so I kind of big there we could just kind of fill that side again this is just kind of a stylized look do whatever you want so got the 22 there now for the I think right here I want this logo to wrap around so back and head and let's select those faces and then okay so we have an issue here where these did not unwrap a way we kind of expected them to so I'm just gonna re unwrap those so with these faces both selected I can oppress you and then instead of smart UV project I'll just do unwrap and since this is just an edge like it knows how to unwrap it without having any seams or anything so now those should be together and you can see it's working but what I'll do now is just kind of scale this up and just kind of move it over and now we have a nice effect kind of wrapping wrapping that edge something like that I think looks kind of cool you would make it a little bit bigger once you scale it too far it'll start to come in on the other side something like that I think looks pretty good so cool look at the 22 we've got the dark now let's just add maybe a couple more details let's take this top here and maybe make the open here text it's upside-down which I don't want it's kind of cool actually let's let's still turn it right-side up maybe this goes like over here or something now let's just Center it that looks better cool maybe we could put one on the other side just in case we end up seeing the other side when we're doing our animation move out there maybe we leave that one upside down just kind of for some cool effect got the 22 I got the Dirk definitely need to get the website on there let's put that on the put down on the top by the way depending on when you're watching this tutorial there's really no reason to go to Dirk comm ever or as many times as I say it it's like there's not really much on there one day there will be but today is not that day all right so we've got our super artistic box and then oh I had one more detail I didn't use let's put that little let's put that thing on the bottom this little piece of text here and by the way this texture if I didn't mention it is a 4k texture it's just a JPEG I made it doesn't need to be like huge for this effect to look decent but um just kind of you know get something good so here's one more tip I'll actually use so let's say I want this just to be in that corner but as coming into the other part of my I don't want the 22 there what I could do is again this is kind of bad practice because we're adding geometry here but I could add an edge loop there and then now I have a separate it shouldn't mess up any of my other you v's but now I have a separate face here and I could just scale it down and move it off so we were able to kind of have some control and sometimes that can happen where things kind of intersect and again this is all about not being perfect but just having a quick quick fix for something now I do think this probably added some extra geometry because of the bevel yeah it did so I don't want that there I am trying to keep it a little clean here kids so let's get rid of okay so we just need to give the bevel a limit method let's change it to angle and that means only angles above this number will get the bevel so this is basically an angle of zero so shouldn't be getting it let's go back to our rendered view there looking pretty sweet so now we get into the part that's a little more confusing get rid of this window we are going to set up some actual materials so so far we're just playing with this color input and that's cool and all that's some kind of more basic texturing and that may be all you really need to do but I'm gonna take it another step further let's um let's get into our let's get rid of our overlays there save again and then okay I got selected so the first thing I think that I'll do is add a little bit of a bump to the text and the way I'm going to do that is by adding a vector bump about what it sounds like we'll plug that into the normal and then let's uh let's move this stuff over here a little bit just pressing G to grab that and then let's unplug this from the color and then so that we're not looking at this weird green color let's uh let's make this kind of like a just a medium gray and we don't need to be looking at our camera view here necessarily and I think this jagged edge has something to do with some Eevee settings I'm not an Eevee pro yet guys so give me a break I think we probably want to turn on ambient occlusion I don't know for the heck of it sure turn on screen space reflections okay that did something I'm like in that indirect lighting we're not gonna mess with that I don't think high bit depth and soft shadows yes it was the soft shadows thing so don't worry too much about what that looks like when you actually render it in Eevee it does a pretty good job depending on how many samples you have but that's gonna be good for me so while I'm setting this up I'm going to drag this color into the height factor here and that will give us our bump effect so that that is like super quick super easy and let's grab our empty here and just rotate it around and kind of see the light effect that that's having and you could use an HDR I by the way to help see these effects a little bit better but I just have my scene lights and you know what let's actually go into the look dev mode here and that's gonna automatically use like a built-in hgri that's going to be a little easier so let's actually just stay in that look down mode there's also like a tab up here for let's see I think texturing or shading what I like automatic a set your viewport up in kind of an ideal way which I never used this but it's looking pretty darn convenient right here let's uh let's actually use it I'm alright blended 2.8 I'll drink the kool-aid I'll use the I'll use the layouts so the strength is super intense it wouldn't necessarily be as bad if this wasn't just like a JPEG but for what I'm doing it's really it's gonna look fine promise so let's just bump the strength down and it looks like those effects are going in I kind of want to bump out so I'm just gonna hit that invert button and yeah that's looking pretty good to me this should just be a subtle effect so not too much not too much in the way of strength and yeah that's cool so the bump is working you know if you were gonna use color you could plug that into but for a while we're setting up these effects I just want this to be all one solid color so that we can really see those a you know that gloss and the bump effect so about that gloss let's do that next so what I'll do is unplug this so that I can focus on this cloth specifically and flip it into the roughness and now we can see what's going on here that is pretty darn cool we've got kind of a spot gloss effect going on and the reason that's happening is because in our texture if we take a look at it here we can see there are black areas and there are white areas and so the white areas correspond to a value of one and the black areas to a value of zero so what we can do then is assume that if we link that back up I'm using a couple node Wrangler hotkeys by the way right there that's what all the cool kids are doing so I've got zero roughness in the black areas one roughness in the white areas and that makes perfect sense so zero roughness is shiny and looks pretty shiny to me that's what those uh that's what this is for this look devmode it's very handy I should use it more it's actually quite impressive and the white areas areas of one so they're not rough so let's combine these now we should have bumpy shiny areas that is the money right there that is pretty cool you know you can turn this bump strength down a little more make it even more subtle of an effect but that's looking pretty darn cool I mean I mean yeah so the last thing I want to do is show you just a quick way to add a kind of a cardboard you looking texture to the whole box again just to give it one more a little bit of detail we're going to do that also with a bump map so let's unplug these two things and we're gonna run ourselves into a problem after this I'll show you how to fix it I'm gonna add a let's just duplicate this and then plug this into the normal I'm gonna do this with a magic texture so I'm gonna press ctrl T just like I did earlier and then oops I press some button and then I want to change this instead of an image texture I'm gonna shift s and change it to a magic texture and then this should be poignant to the height and it's working but just to make sure things aren't stretched weird because of the UVs I have on this object has changes to the object input and yes now we have a very cheap cardboard effect I don't know why I liked when I was first doing this project I just randomly like tried the magic texture I was like oh my god it's freaking perfect and I didn't do anything else with it so yeah no big secrets there he could obviously make your own texture or play with these settings some more you know like adjusting the distortion will kind of give you some sort of cool effects but comes out of the box looking pretty good to me so we'll leave it at that I'm gonna bring this strength way down I want this to be pretty subtle you know so that we can really see our effects and then so now we need to figure out how to bring back in the rest of this so what I can do I think now is just plug this into here and they should combine okay so yeah so we've got our bump working again and we also have the magic working let's see is these affecting these individually because I think there's a couple different ways you could do this like I think if we maybe if we plug this one into the sorry this one into here I'm trying to see if the order is important and don't mind my experimentation here so I think the order may be important but we're not here to be scientists today it's working let's stop messing with it okay so now there is one thing and maybe this is where the order matters so okay we're not done with it yet I don't want the cardboard texture on the bumped up text part so again let's use that theory and it's not Theory like let's use the fact that these areas are black these areas are white one thing we can do to effect where bump appears and I'm like holding my can't see me but I'm holding my finger in the air like making a point so if we turn this distance down to zero the effect should be lost okay so it's still getting normal info from that okay so let's change that back up to one so if we change this one down okay it gets rid of and maybe the end maybe that's where the order matters anyways if this distance is zero it's off if it's one hits on so we can just actually like plug into this right here and effect that so now where it was black the distance is zero or it was white it's one so it's getting the full effect and this is able to be controlled kind of independently now that is pretty cool let's now add back in our roughness input so now it's shiny and then the other parts not shiny and then let's also we could now add in our color if we wanted to again you don't see the effect cool but if you wanted to and obviously if you don't want the cloud to be black and white you can add a color ramp and then just adjust the black and the white so maybe I want it to be you know white maybe I want it to be like a like a deep gray or something and then maybe this would want to be like similar but a little bit just a little bit darker or a little bit brighter I think just a little darker it looks kind of cool let's go in our keen review here oh and then let's actually switch back into our rendered view nice nice got that got that studio lighting going again looking pretty sweet let's just press a hard twice and kind of look at this oh yeah it's looking pretty sweet but now when we do come back into this environment we're seeing that our reflections we're seeing those planes of very sharply and depending on the look you're going for you might want that you might not I don't so I'm going to affect this roughness value a little bit I don't want it to just be straight up you know black and white a zero and one I like the one value for the cardboard and maybe actually I don't want it completely white but anyways the way I can adjust this is again with a color ramp so this is going from black to white now but if we just take this white value and then move it down a little bit that will start to become a little shiny and now we can really see that cardboard texture a little better don't want to quite that shiny so let's maybe bring that back up to something like that just uh just a little effect there and then the black obviously what I was talking about I don't want that to be super shiny so let's just make that kind of like a you know a point 0.31 we do whatever you want don't use these exact values just mess around until it looks good so that's cool we've got a nice effect there it's a little bit more a little bit more blurry just a little more exciting kind of looks like a rubberized pretty cool look I'd say and I'm really not liking what I do with the color here if we just make it white again yeah you could make a metallic what would that look like oh snap that's freaking cool oh my gosh shall I leave it metallic actually okay super sidetrack here this was not supposed to be part of the tutorial I know it's already getting like crazy long so but this is what you guys are here for right you get for the good stuff let's let's use that input one more time and adjust this metallic value okay so let's see again we want either you usually either want one or zero for your metallic value so this is gonna work so I'm just gonna without even thinking about it plug it in okay so I think it's backwards so the black was zero and we actually wanted to be the other way that's right so I'm going to go into converter or sorry where the heck is it I want to invert it I want to change the white to black and come here oh wait no it's color we're doing colors Derek use your knowledge okay oh yeah baby now we have alright this is too cool this is too cool I should be charged for this just kidding it's free I do have a patreon by the way this file will be available in there though and now maybe I'm a little more interested in my color maybe we do okay so we've got the color in there so this end was the black let's make that like a like a gold maybe rose gold bringing back the favorite color from the old days and it's time to start doing some animation I'm tired of moving this box manually so it's kind of like a coppery rose gold let's make this a white and we're gonna we're definitely need a blast this with a little more light here let's um let's go back into our layout you've done very well shading tab I do appreciate you okay so that's our let's go here okay got that I'm gonna be cool with shader for now I think that's I think that's good so let's change this one back to a 3d viewport while I adjust my lighting a little bit so I'm want the white to appear much brighter than it currently is maybe bring this up so we get a little more a little more heat from the top oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah maybe I want that all the way over there it could add a second light maybe move it down up I don't know this is stylistic thank you for all the kind comments I was getting on my lighting and questions I get about it this is how I do it and just move stuff around until it kind of looks cool okay let's leave it at that that's pretty freakin sweet and let's let's go ahead and actually just give this a material all right there use the tabs use the tabs shading okay let's make this a new material call it the wall oh no you just know the material in the slots oh yeah got that didn't you let's turn to definitely don't want that that's ugly turn the reference all the way up specular all the way down it's good way to get a really nice flat color by the way is specular down roughness up we can make this a pure white looking good we might end up needed to use that's a lot like it's bright of a white as I want we could make some more adjustments in this material but yeah it's complex enough anyways which by the way if you I don't know whenever I'm watching the tutorial with node setups like I always have to like move through YouTube to try to find like the one spot where they have it full frame easy you have to see we do think stiffly differently here on the dirt channel we give you it exactly what you're looking for here it is enjoy it in all its glory let's get back to it donate to me on patreon if you'd like my notes it up and and subscribe to me on Instagram or follow me on Instagram I always forget to say like like and subscribe oh thumbs up I don't think I've said thumbs up thumbs up this video alright sorry I'm wasting your time let's let's do just a little bit animation I think this is looking pretty sweet yeah so this background we did then that looks good we should make it like a black yeah ooh that's okay this is good we make it a dark gray that way the white will pop a little more dude this is looking way cooler than I expected okay control s save that bad boy let's keep it coming keep it coming I'm going to do just a little bit of animation so that this thing is freakin cool I hope you guys are having as long as as much fun as I am well let's get some animation going I think what I want to do is have the box kind of fly backwards and open up so how long do we want this thing to be let's have it be a kind of like a logo intro animation and since I'm an adult now and I'm working on higher quality stuff I've been using 30 frames per second lately yeah I know pretty fancy done with that 20 for business let's do this at let's just say five seconds I have 30 frames per second okay so that gives us a hundred and fifty frames to work with I think that's pretty good so where do we want this - we've been kind of looking at it are we gonna mess ourselves up if we leave that now we're not really tied to that angle so let's start this kind of forward oh yeah and it's cool because it's like out of the light and then it comes into the light oh yeah so let's start it right there maybe it would like fade in from black or something this is be kind of like a cool like motion graphics logo template or something insert a single keyframe there and then pretty quickly I think maybe over the course of just one second I want that to fly back into position I have where where's back into position zero insert single keyframe cool let's save so that starts off it flies in and maybe when it maybe as it flies maybe as it flies in it like does a spin - so maybe right here it's at oh so that would be the z-rotation insert single keyframe and then right here it would be like so like that value plus 360 if we wanted to do a full rotation is that cool doing like that maybe that actually happens kind of a little more slowly let's drag that keyframe over here and by the way if you're not enjoying the progress speed at which I'm moving I do apologize it's gonna get up just a little bit slower but I want to use this tutorial to really show you guys the steps that it takes it's not always easy I will try to knock this off soon I think we're getting pretty close so I wanted that Z let's hide the wild location I want that Z to happen more gradually so let's maybe let's have it maybe it starts spinning really fast so let's uh so right now it's closed down speeds up I wanted to start fast and then slow down and then maybe you know throughout the animation it does like a little more rotation so let's just like let's just duplicate this have it start to move back again and I'm not gonna try to make this looping so not worry about getting it exactly on the numbers okay so it doesn't need to come back that much so we just want to kind of keep some movement in there something like that I think it looks pretty sweet and I saw this in somebody else's tutorial the other day you can turn it on I was actually on the blender channel I didn't realize but you could turn on motion blur will be better not bloom too if you know anything about being cool intensity baby give it to me okay that's too much it looks cool though right it's that cool tell me is that cool all right I think it's cool I like that now oh yeah what was I doing I was doing the motion blur motion blur I think you got to turn it on and then I think it's supposed to work like based on the camera I don't know maybe it's just when I render it let's try a little control s and let's try render what maybe I picked a bad frame to render it on so should be moving pretty quick right there let's try is it is it going I don't know much about motion blur but I know you can turn it on where's the shutter speed okay I assume it's working you there's an adjustment in the camera here Oh while we're at it definitely want some depth of field let's start it off blurry let's have it focus right in the center so let's change let's turn that on focus object I'll have it be the empty and then I'll turn the f-stop down so it gets kind of blurry but when it gets back there I should be pretty clear yeah that looks good I'm liking the way that looks maybe turn it up just a little bit so it's not so intense and then so back here it's blurry oh yeah that's cool and dude look at he be just freakin flying here I'm watching my animation like alive besides a few small details like the quality will improve but that's like a pretty accurate look and honestly let's just for the sake of checking it let's see what this looks like in cycles right now I bet it's like almost exactly the same okay yeah so cycles obviously the master but Evie working amazing yeah look at that so quick okay let's just do a little bit more animation here maybe once it gets back there I don't why the top to start kind of coming off and then maybe slam back closed so let's let's have the top and this is one reason we worked with the empty earlier if we just move this on the like local Z or global Z it would go like up that way and we don't want that we're going to go out and so since we're working with the empty that's working very nicely so so let's say it stays attached right here and then so let's insert keyframe and then it'll slam back close I think at the end some are right there so it can start a keyframe there and then maybe it kind of opens so I guess if it's gonna slam at the end and this keeping needs to be pretty far forward have that go up insert single keyframe going up BAM I think that looks pretty good and again you probably heard me say good animation is really gonna take a long time to get looking right but play with these curves as much as you want to get the look you're going for but I think that's gonna work pretty good and then at this keyframe maybe I also want this to pull away from it so that would be this Z location maybe comes down a little bit something like that and then we'll have it slam back together at the same time so put that back to zero history single keyframe and then maybe this is like up here right around then looking very cool put your logo on there oh you know maybe even while this is up here maybe like spins around so when it's at the peak right there we'll have it insert single keyframe and then I'll have a spin and I'll slam back down so maybe here it's a 360 full rotation which it doesn't need to be I guess it could be like 90 it would actually that could be an interesting thing I would say that that is interesting let's do that that's minus 90 so that it goes back down in a different place which that would actually be cool so like wait do I have info on one of the other sides so there's the upside-down one yeah that's kind of cool so maybe we just make it do a 180 or a multiple of 180 years know multiple let's do 360 plus 180 and see the places single keyframe so did I did I mess that up no we're good I just got the one so now you know that wouldn't be something you wanted doing it loops if you wanted it to loop but now it slams back down upside down pretty trippy pretty cool okay so I'm liking that guys I think we're pretty much done here if you liked the tutorial please feel free to give me a thumbs up give me subscribe if you want this exact file and the thing I will do while we're talking here then you may be interested in joining my patreon which I recently set up it's really just there as a way for you guys to give me some money I'm gonna call it how it is yeah I put these tutorials out pour my heart and soul into them for free because I have been using blender a long time and this is how I learned how to use blender so I want to be able to train people the same way that I learned it and I figured what better way than to share some of my knowledge so this isn't working out for me so yeah so if you're interested in giving me some of your money there's a couple reward tiers and they're really just yeah you just you know you need me like two bucks or 15 or email me if you want to give me a million I'd be happy to take it yeah so all the levels have the same reward which is just getting the files the 3d files you know you don't have to give me anything obviously all right this is dragging out too long what am I doing here okay I want to sign this oh yeah there we go okay so I wanted to make it glow from inside is it working I guess maybe that's not really gonna work because this is easy and you can't actually see it okay well that looks kind of cool you know what we could do maybe here's a cool effect and by the way the tutorial is over so please leave this is don't complain about the tutorial being long if you're still watching let's name that material this is cool so now in it now when it opens Oh we'll get a glow effect and I'm not even gonna worry about the fact that the inside actually so that we can see we're doing maybe let's just uh okay so let's get rid of it there wants to sign it's the original material and then maybe right here we'll do this and we can give this the new material the emit material so yeah yeah if you're interested I will put this file exactly as it appears when I finally stop blabbering on my patreon you're welcome to play around with it for as little as two dollars a month and yeah like subscribe I hope you guys enjoyed this I'm gonna render this bad boy out hopefully it doesn't have those weird effects we'll find out it does and yeah thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time leave comments and stuff I should have rotated so you can see the bottom anyways thanks for watching I'll see you next time peace
Channel: Derek Elliott
Views: 178,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender, b3d tutorial, blender 3d, easy blender tutorial, beginner blender tutorial, derek elliott, derrk, blender animation, easy animation, blender 2.8, b3d, blender 2.8 animation, fun animation blender, blender 2.8 tutorials, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender tutorials, blender materials, 3d animation, learn3d, how to 3d, 3d packaging, box animation, package animation, asmr, packaging, eevee, eevee materials, blender texturing, blender design
Id: 4SRwODk0oOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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