3D modeling FreeCAD Tutorial - Additive pipe modifier

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hello and welcome to another tutorial with me andrew today i'm going to be showing you how to use the additive pipe modifier within the part design workbench sweeping additive and attractive pipe are similar to the loft modifier which i did a video on last week which if you haven't seen click on the pop-up bar above it's similar in the way that you can connect one or multiple sketches into a single solid or surface however with this group of modifiers you can constrain it to a path so to kick things off i'm going to look at the additive pipe which can be found in the part design workbench and found on the top tool ribbon here here i have a simple setup with four sketches and three different planes we have two ten by ten squares on our x y plane which are two separate sketches we have a ten millimeter diameter circle on our yz plane and we have a sort of horseshoe shape on our x z plane which passes through the center of our sketch shapes so i'm going to click on the additive pipe and it's going to prompt me to select sketch or i can select the sketch and click on the additive pipe either way both work absolutely fine we'll then be showing this parameters box to the left in our tasks tab we can see our sketch already in the profile box and isn't visible on our screen in the path to sweep along box you can see that it is currently empty if you click on the object icon and click somewhere on our path it will automatically follow the entire sketch equally i can click on the add edge and select the edges individually just be aware when selecting your path it must be a continuous line with no branches so you unfortunately can't create 3d pipes coming off at different angles in the same sketch within the section transformation the dropdown is set to constant which is saying if we picked our sketch and picked our path it would be a constant unchanged shape like you can see on the screen for this we want to set it to multi-section because we have multiple shapes in different sketches i click the add section and i click on the circle i then click the add section again and i click on the square notice how i only clicked on one line but it selected our entire square sketch for this shape i'm going to leave the other modifiers as they are i will come back to them in just a moment to explain what they do when we click ok you'll see that we have created a solid which has flowed along our chosen path to explain the corner transition drop down i have moved over to this sketch which is a simple square alongside a line with two right angles clicking our square and clicking on the additive pipe icon you'll see that the corner transition is already set to transformed which is just taking our selected sketch along our selected path again i'm going to click the object icon and click align on our path as you can see our geometry is a little bit messed up on the middle section i'm guessing this is because it can't flow around the sharp edges so we have two ways to solve this either create a path that allows the sketch to flow or select another corner transition right corner which takes our geometry and turns it at a 90 degree angle and creates a sort of joint along our part and then we have round corner which does a similar thing but adds a radius on the outer bends which is half the size of your geometry so here we have a five millimeter diameter square which gives us a 2.5 rad on the corners if you'd like to have a radius on the inner corners it's pretty simple to do with a filleting tool now we'll take a look at the section orientation just like all the others i'm going to start the additive pipe as you can see the orientation mode is set standard if we click on the drop down we'll see there's four other options fixed frenet auxiliary and by normal if we select standard and then select our object you'll see this creates the shape on screen it stays constant to the path we've selected in this case a circle if i then change the mode to fixed this stops the selected shape from rotating with our path so i drew my square in y and it's fixed to that direction creating this geometry moving on to frednet this mode tries to minimize the twist in our sketch along a path you use this if you wanted the orientation of the sketch to be exactly the same at the top and bottom of your pipe like you can see here as i transition between standard and frenetted and this is what auxiliary mode will get you this one's a little more complex when it comes to creating geometry took me a few attempts to figure out how it works and to get a result that was presentable and explainable so what i'm going to do is i'm going to double click on the additive pipe and that's going to bring up our dialog box on the left as you can see i've got auxiliary selected in the orientation mode and i've got the object selected as the helix go around the outside we've also got our center line selected as our main path what seems to happen is it takes our sketch which we selected at the bottom it flows it upwards through our main path and then our secondary or our auxiliary path which then bends or turns our actual geometry so if i was to remove this or turn it to a standard as you can see it just gives us a straight up piece of geometry if we select auxiliary and we've got our object selected it creates this now i can also modify this so if i go to cancel and i go over to my sketch or my the sketch of my line i can adjust how this is so if i if i put this right up here and click close you'll see how it dramatically affects the end result if i then make it go back down again or make it in line with our helix you'll see how it creates more of a straight or stubbier helix now we're going to move on to the buy normal mode i'm just going to show you how i made this so i'm going to do is i'm going to quickly create a new document and i'm going to click on the drop down and set that to part design i'm going to click sketch click on the xy plane say okay and i'm going to grab the circle tool i'm going to move that out doesn't matter just sort of rough and i'm going to close that i'm going to click off the sketch click sketch again click on the x z plane and say okay i'm going to roughly sketch a square like so make it a little bit bigger maybe just so we can see it and again i'm not going to constrain that so i'm going to close you should have something that looks a little bit like this i'm going to go to my model select the square click on the additive pipe select the object and i'm going to select the circle and now this is what we've got as the standard orientation mode so if i set this to buy normal you'll see that nothing changes but if i start changing the x y and z coordinates you'll see that things start to change so i've just put a one in the x and a one in the y and it creates something like this now you can have a mess around with this i think that's probably the best thing to do because i still have no idea really what this does or what we can actually use it for um so we say okay to that you'll see that it creates something like this which is sort of the start of what looks like a mobius strip i've looked through the freecad wiki and it doesn't really give much explanation i found a few posts on the forums but again i feel that not many people know how to use it or have any use for it at all the most i'd get out of it was a twisted square around a circular path which does look pretty cool moving on to the final part of the additive pipe i'm just going to quickly delete all of what i've just created including that one and i'm going to double click on the circle and delete that i'm going to click on the drop down here and click end points to run points and i'm just going to create a rough arc i'm going to grab the polyline tool click on the arc and i'm going to go up in the vertical and constrain that to the vertical i'm going to close that click off and create another sketch this time i'm going to create sketch in the yz plane and say okay and i'm going to find the end endpoint of our vertices which is here and i'm going to click endpoints and run points again click roughly whereabouts it is and i'm just going to create another arc i'm going to close that and as you'll see we'll end up with this sort of 3d path i'm going to create a circle that will then flow along our path so i'm going to click on our center line create a datum plane set the pitch to 90 degrees so that it revolves itself i'm going to move this in the x 20 i'm going to flip sides and it should end up about here just on the outside of our first arc click ok click on the datum point click sketch and i'm going to roughly sketch a circle just along the horizontal and roughly near our vertex point i'm going to click close hide the datum point and we've now got our sketches now i'm going to click on the circle click additive path and i'm going to click on the object which is going to be our path along here now you'll notice that it hasn't continued it along our third sketch or a second sketch technically our second arc uh now if even if i try and click add edge and click on the arc it'll throw up an error and it just won't work so i'm going to cancel that click on our sketch again or hide our data point click on our sketch click additive path click on our object and this will create again our pipe i'm going to say okay to that and just like the additive loft instead of having to create a face binder and click on the face click additive pipe click on the object click on our arc and this will now create our 3d sort of pipe so i'm going to say okay to that and there we have it a 3d sort of pipe which goes in three different directions that'll be all for today's tutorial hopefully i've given you another tool you can mess around with and make your creations come to life i did want to try to include the subtractive pipe and sweep modifier but i understand this video is getting a little long so that will probably be next week's video if you liked the video give it a thumbs up if you disliked the video give it a thumbs down thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it have an awesome weekend and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Andrew CAD
Views: 37,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, Tutorial, Learning, 3D design, design, 3D, Design engineer, design engineering, engineer, CAD, Quality, how to guide, create, datum, detailed, version, 0.18, 2020, learn, how, to, howto, explained, sketch, workbench, part design, tools, module, tool, freecad, cad, modifier, subtractive loft, education, educational, descriptive, creating, part, how to use, Freecad drawing, plan, geometry, plane, constrain, pipe, additive pipe, flow along, auxiliary, binormal, fixed, frenet, round corner, right corner, examples
Id: -mKzkGJxv1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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