Digging A SECRET GARAGE Part 3

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4 months ago this is what my drive looked like and you could go down the tunnel system from inside my house and you would reach a dead end as there is more digging to be done so we started digging the drive but we realized this was going to be much too hard so we got the Digger in and made a huge hole oh my god what have I done there is no going back but what am I doing this for so I'm building an underground garage linked to the tunnels which go up into my house so my DeLorean can rise up out of the ground subscribed this is going to be totally awesome this is the biggest DIY project on the [Music] Internet it's getting there right Colin what you been up [Music] to oh yes is this the year people when the DeLorean comes up at the drive okay welcome to secret garage update 3 now then people that have been subscribed to the second Channel thank you very much it has passed a million subscribers absolutely amazing you've been watching all the construction some of the long form videos of how this thing's been built now today in this video I'm going to talk about the design talk about the wise cuz let's face it I've been doing things in completely the wrong order it's been making my life difficult as well as the weather now up until now this has been my cad model my cardboard AED design as to what's happening what's going on but there's a lot of questions and a lot of people are obviously not quite understanding the scope and the full picture of this project so I think we need in true Doc Brown style we need a mle do whatever [Music] he ground what El here is a how cool is this this is brilliant now sorry for the crudeness and it's not quite to scale actually that is totally not true it is bang on scale we got to get you back to the future references in hav [Music] you now as you can see this is the scale basically 10 cm on here is 1 meter in reality so I think that makes this a 10 to1 scale now unfortunately my DeLorean I think is 18 to1 so it looks a little bit lost never need to find a bigger DeLorean model so you can see where we're at we got the tunnel sticking out down here just below the house very nice and then basically we've dug up to this little line here that's what we've excavated so far and of course the bit of room that we've made is this so This bit here goes in here that is what has been constructed so far so here we are in that beautifully fabricated steel room now while I was doing this well particularly when I was doing the ceiling that's when I looked up and I thought there is a lot of concrete going over the top of this it is not just really thick but is also really wide and at that point I thought I better just get this double checked so my design consisted of the steel room set in the concrete with some vertical steel joist welded to the side of the wall mirrored on both sides and of course across the top was some e of bigger steel joist so at the Central Point here the concrete was looking about being 5 to 600 mil thick and of course that across the whole thing that's a lot of weight that is so had a structural engineer check this this part actually okay it's in the reinforcing mesh application where things started to differ right so here's Collins's rebar he just slides that down into the concrete for the floor slab which by the way was a nightmare to put in we're not doing that like that I'll get on to that later but as well as that Mr structural man he wanted the second one ride up against the wall behind it now that would have been okay I'll just slide another one but no there's more complications he just didn't want it flat he wanted it bending and tying in to that bottom floor slab so it Keys into the bottom bit and as difficult as this was to get in it does make sense wish I can demonstrate with this wonderful test now all the forces on my walls are coming from the weight of the ceiling the expansion of the clay and The Rock basically trying to push itself into the room now if you can imagine this is the reinforced mesh in the concrete when something is pushing against it it's trying to bend it but also as it bends it loses height it gets shorter so basically what that's doing is it's pulling on the top slab and pulling up up on the floor and by bending that rebar round you divert some of those forces so they're not just pulling up but they're pulling across and then they're pulling on the whole concrete slab going across the floor Distributing that load even further now we can calculate these forces quite precisely cuz I had a geotechnical survey done this is basically a dude which comes out takes Rock samples and sends them off for Crush tests and then has this little twisty device which he puts into the clay tells him How firm the clay is tested it we're in firm clay what's after firm firm can you get is after firm is stiff stiff stiff after firm very stiff then very stiff we got a firm on we are now it's about 5 minutes into the video and before you see me struggle trying to get this bent rebar in and actually bend the rebar it's time for this choose a sponsor choose a VPN choose surf Shar choose to be safe on public Wi-Fi so the people next to you in that coffee shop can't steal your passwords and data choose to protect your privacy by changing your IP address to one that can't be connected to your digital identity choose to protect unlimited devices in your family from one policy choose to surf in a wed with no ads trackers malware with a clean web feature choose a service that doesn't track or store what you do online choose camouflage mode so even your internet provider doesn't know you're using a VPN choose to watch shows outside the subscribed region or stream native Services while away lot Sports and catchup and choose 247 expert support B and live chat and choose to get 3 months extra free at the link in the description or by scanning the QR code on the screen now so choose surf shark they're a lovely sponsor now let's see how I choose to bend this rebar now despite only being 10 mil thick rebar is pretty strong and very difficult to bend so I fabricated myself a little bending device which you just slot on and it makes it very slightly easier but the problems don't end there now getting this round and under here is going to be a bit of a peg trimming the rebar trimming the Rocks getting it stuck getting me stuck working in a confined space this was a tricky job now adding to this already difficult job is the fact in an Ideal World this stuff doesn't want to be touching anything other than concrete doesn't want to be touching the ground doesn't want to be touching my steel room so as well as trying to bend it and fish it under the floor I need to hold it in a position so when the concrete comes down it doesn't shove it and move it all around and get it in the wrong place now we achieved this by welding pegs onto the steel room and onto the rebar to hold it into position and this worked an absolute treat even with concrete flooding round it it never shifted anywhere and once it's all set we're good to go with the next bit so we're left with this about 400 mil of rebar sticking out of the concrete and the 400 mil is important cuz every time we join our rebar we have to go 40 times its diameter if it's 10 mil of course that gives us 400 mil boom so now we need to bring another bit down and overlap it and connect it onto our rebar but it still has to not touch the room and then of course after that we need a secondary layer in front of that one now to attach this rebar to the lower part there's two common methods you got old school with a tie and a tie wrap wrap it around hook it on spin it until it goes tight and then just fold it over or there's the modern method one of these a tie gun basically just put the Jaws over it pull the trigger and it ties it automatically absolutely fantastic saved me so much time with the pegs we welded on to hold the rebar in place removed we carefully lowered the new rebar down into the garage I proceeded to put it into place tie it to our bottom bit of rebar I then bent individual pieces to tie to our vertical rebar to wrap around the corner to form a continuous mesh then with the secondary layer fitted and spaced off it's time to fill it in with concrete now it's very difficult to know how much concrete you're going to need so for this project we've been using a volumetric mixer this is basically a cement mixer which has separate Bays for the sand and the gravel and the concrete they come down a conveyor belt mix at the entry port and then of course you can use as much or as little as you want and also you can make it as wet or as dry as you want or you can change it halfway through the process this is ideal for our application to get it flowing at the right consistency and to the level we require that's all gone off nicely as you can see in there now we didn't form this whole wall in One concrete B for two reasons the first one is weight concrete is heavy when we were doing the bunker we absolutely piled loads of concrete down on top of the tunnel and we noticed a very slight bow forming in the walls so to mitigate that we just distributed the concrete more evenly but these walls are a lot taller this room is a lot higher they're going to suffer from that even more so we've got thicker box section but also down this side wall we put a load of 45° braces to properly hold it up and if you remember when I actually built the room I had these plates of all the little circular holes in so we're halfway up they'll get knitted in so once it goes off the proper solid it's good and now the second reason is damp proof membrane Now The Damp proof membrane doesn't come all the way down to the bottom because at this layer of the rock this is better draining than anything when we dug the tunnel anything below this point was bone dry the whole time we've done it any moisture or water that gets down to here will just dissipate through the rock but as well as this we want the concrete to fill in all these gaps so like properly Stitch it into the ground cuz any stresses any forces any movement pushing against the room the more it's connected to its surrounding area the better so bit of dprof membrane down to there fantastic there's your second P [Music] boom I've got this great idea to get me out of here right we've got our rebar up we've got our membrane down and we've got concrete to here the last part we need to do to complete these walls is to add a horizontal rsj beam across [Music] here now this is to basically take the expansion of the clay because this top seam is in the clay when that gets wet it expands it is going to push on these walls with a lot more Force so that is to basically keep the whole room level and straight across the whole thing all good and then we need to get some rebound and attach it over the top here to knit the two bits together and we do this with these little Hoops which I've had pre-formed very [Applause] nice and this isn't just to uh make it look very nice cuz the whole thing runs around nice and level does look very good it's so when we do the rebar going across the top which of course needs to take all the weight of the vehicles it all ties in and knits together so that goes onto there like so then there's a lower one which will also come underneath those beams and the whole thing will stitch in and that is where all our strength is so got my rebar walls formed then we got a bit of shutter in shuted this end off here just underneath the horizontal bar filled that up with concrete and that gives us like a bit of a boundary wall and of course remove the plywood you can see that looks very nice we've got an extra bit of rebar which is going to head over the roof as well then after that we took all the lead off and everything and it can expose the project for the actual scale it [Music] is thank my good it time I have known known and that brings us back to the future back to the present day now I've been working on this for about 3 to 4 months which is a very long time but this was always going to be the most difficult part getting this all set out getting it aligned taking the time to measure everything cross reference it making sure we're building this in the right place because this has to be parallel with the house the garage the garden and everything are all funny angles and all go off at a different tangent so I can't use them as references so I had to use the house and we're not quite under the house yet so this was all have to be done off the walls which we can't see from down inside the hole so what's left to do with this bit well first off the concrete which goes down up to the little boundary wall we've ped and across the top of this rsj that's all going to be done with a lighter grade concrete and because it's so big it'd be a victim of its own weight but we're not going to cast that yet we're going to wait till we finish doing the whole room now then what is next Colin we need to dig a bit more out but how much more okay I hope this bit is going to clear up a lot of the questions as to what this project is all about where it's going and where everything fits in so the next dig we cannot dig a massive hole as wide as what we've done before because we've got the doorway and the house to worry about if we undermine this little door frame here and this pillar here too much then we risk of destabilizing that possibly having some cracks forming the walls so we need to dig up to about the side of the door there and straight down but as well as that we need to go a little bit deeper as well now if I get my extra piece of model this is stage two so that is the next bit of room that we need to for now don't know if you noticed on all the reinforcement that come down here and everything there was all the bars sticking out all the 400 mil bars we've got that to build off so this bit is going to be a lot easier cuz we're not having to worry about where everything is we're just extending the room now I know what you're saying Colin why is it going a little bit deeper well we've got the car to worry about and how it gets lifted in and out and where is that happening that is happening here now get the rest of the model I I can do this that knock in the camera this is the rest of the room it is going to be big [Music] look at that this is the grand plan people so the car will come up out the floor here where's my DeLorean I've been looking online for a bigger one can't find one even the Playmobile one is the same size as this the Lego one might be fractionally bigger you will drive onto the drive this bit here will have a lift mechanism and the whole thing will lower down down into there and then I'm going to have a turntable system so the whole thing can turn around and then when it compl back up again you'll be able to drive off forward amazing we can all agree that that is going to be the best thing ever to happen to a three bed semi detach now the reason why this bit has to go deeper is because when this floor lowers down obviously part of this L mechanism has got to go into the floor cuz I want the floor to remain completely level I don't want you to walk into the room and then the car be up on a plen or anything like that I want it all be level so that has got to sink into the floor now the exact depth of this I'm not totally sure yet but I've got a rough idea it's probably going to be the same distance as the bottom of this horizontal bar to the surface because when the floor comes up this is kind of like a bit of a point where we can't go past very easily with the lift mechanism because that sticks out past the wall of the actual roof and it's the Turning of the car which is why it has to get lower over here and not just underneath the car cuz if you can imagine like a massive circular disc that's got to turn round that's got to sink into the floor as well hence why the floor is lower right over here and right over here as this is the scale you can see if I put the camera in here it's going to be a big old room but this is what we've got to do so there is a lot of work ahead of me a lot of work but as you can see it's going to be epic now this hole here is just purely so you can see through it but I have left another hole over there because there's been so many requests for you to still be able to see the rock because obviously the rock face wall we've got at the moment does look pretty cool and when you come around the corner and you see that it is kind of impressive so I'm going to try and leave that exposed I am worried it is going to condensate up and it's constantly be getting getting wet damp on the other side of the glass not the room side the other side now you can use those systems that they use in skyscrapers there like a magnet and a squeegee that you could go around but if it gets to that point I might make it so if it doesn't work you can kind of retrofill it in and go over it because I don't think we want you know condensation and stuff everywhere got enough problems with that at a minute that is the grand scheme of things which will do this bit next just up to the doorway and then this bit will probably be done in another two sections yes there is a lot of work for me to do a lot of work but it's going to be well worth the effort now before we dig this next bit there's a little bit of prep that we need to do outside before we go digging out a load more first up we need to do a little bit of power weeding and pulling a tree up with the JCB but fair not people I don't believe in chucking trees away and it has been replanted in the countryside although I think the journey has took its toll on it slightly fingers crossed it pulls through then next up we set out some supports to move the massive metal thing we made originally that the van was going to park on while we dug underneath it then it's time to remove the boundary Stone between me and my neighbor's driveway which of course I will be replacing afterwards to add some tracking down now what this is is to save the gardens being completely chewed up by the JCB and Tom when he brings a digger in for the second time this is a sort of stuff that you get events that you put down on like concerts and stuff so this will keep the ground protected while we drive all over it and then it started raining again I'm like come on wether Tom is ready with his Digger okay we're all ready to dig some more out now of course the next bit of room is going to be 12200 mil it's going to be that because that's the thickness of a sheet of metal now this time we're going to put the reinforcing mesh and everything down first we'll put it up the walls and everything before we even start building the room and if you're wondering well why didn't you do that before Colin I've been doing the tunnel for like two or 3 years and the methods of which we used there are kind of ingrained into my head and I just continued it coming out here but of course the tunnel is slightly different it's a smaller room it's not so high the concrete walls are if not just as thick as what we're using here and what we used there was fibrous Concrete where you get like the polymers mixed into the concrete and that's kind of like reinforcement but within the concrete now that is okay for the tunnel but out here of course we need to be a little bit more stronger because we've got cars we've got all sorts you got the width the height and everything all to consider so we'll put the stuff in first and then we'll build the room and then we'll put the concrete around the sze and everything afterwards but you don't need to worry about that that's my problem and if you have a look in here look little milk and tea mugs they're still available on the website thank you very much to Barrett steel for supplying all the steel for this I'm sort of keeping a an eye on cost so at the end I can give a a notice to how much this cost if you want to try and guess how much this whole thing is going to cost by the time it's finished that's a good thing to put in the comments and if you've got any other questions questions put them in as well because I'm going to do a questions video on the second Channel next because even though I've done my best to explain what I can here there's no doubt going to be things I've missed or things that I've explained in a slightly weird way which I think's okay but you guys might not so they are that is the project subscribe don't miss any of this it's obviously going to take a long time I want to try and get it done this year but I'm going to have a couple of weeks off it now because I'm kind of after working for three or four months on this thing I'm sick of the sight of limestone so I'm just going to go and do something quick and then I'm going to come back on it and hopefully the weather have improved as well cuz we have had officially the wetest February ever and boy do I know about it right see you in the next one I hope you like the model though all those times it was raining and I couldn't get on I was making this and it kind of feels kind of retro is it to have a model where everything now is done on like computer simulations and stuff this is [Music] cool [Applause] like mov scenes I'm going to set myself [Music] fire
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 4,530,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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