FreeCAD Tutorial Assembly 4 Wobbling Disk Mechanism & Amination

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create a new file go to PS design create a new body create a new sketch on XY plane Jo Stadium 30 mm name it as Stadium Arrow as it will be used in other parts 20 mm diameter pet it 12 mm symmetric select an edge app P filet to all edges create dat pain so the origin select the x axis select object XY change the axis to X rotate it 30° s let dat pain create a new sketch section View draw a circle 18 mm pack it 30 mm select the pH PRS sketch to a circle 10 mm diameter P it 30 mm select the pH create a new sketch external geometry to get the center dra a circle 12 mm diameter we name the sketch pet it according to this equation sha s constraint Stadium Arrow divided by tangent 30° minus amm change the taper angle to eight select the pH cre sketch external geometry to get the circle draw a Circle S these two circles and make them equal p it to mm we name the sketch select vence give it a name sha d cre new body create new sketch on XY pain to a circle 80 mm diameter draw another Circle call the sketch constraint shaft d p it 4 mm symmetric cre new sketch on XY Paine dra to construction nice 27° from the Y AIS Jo to US 36 mm 70 draw nice to join these two ARS H it symmetric select the pocket and use polar pattern it six select the edge and P fate hi The View create a new body create a new sketch on XY pain draw a circle draw another Circle 84 mm 94 mm P it 4 mm symmetric create new sketch on XC pain dra a circle 3 mm diameter change C position to 40 ft P it 4 mm reverse select it and mirror the item select XC plane seeet The Edge and P fet hi the wing for new body cre new sketch new XY frame draw re tangle 240 110 cect the vertex at opposite side and also the center make it symmetric P 10 mm cre new sketch on XY pre section view external J mat dra rectangle 30 mm by 10 mm symmetric slap to the lines change C to 10 90 mm select the face re sketch dra a circle 10 mm 90 mm from the bottom how get it for all select the last two items mirror the item create new sketch on xwi PING exter Turnal geometry Jo T go 10 by six symmetric change C to 10 90 mm see that the face B new sketch dra Circle diameter external geometry 10 mm from The Edge p C MN s the last two item v CET XZ pain switch to Wi frame select the corner a pate 10 mm s corner of the other two and Pate vmm switch back to asss hide the base switch to assem 4 Create ASB file so all the parts are under the parts container create new sketch under assembly use default LCS dra a horizontal line use this form formula for the length call the sketch sharp s constraint Stadium Arrow divided by sin 30° plus 60 mm draw another line make this two nice equal PA new coordinate system M1 C 9 C tangent to Edge C vertex new coordinate system for the other ey M2 select the nine c tangent to Edge cect the vertex see n again seeet the vertex C tangent to Edge at variable mate set it to Z so the Sha new coordinate system S1 CTIC Circle concentric need to LCS duplicate this one we name it as S2 go back to assembly before new C coordinate system c a circle concentric change the color to Yellow hi the shoft so the view new coordinate system s that the circle concentric move the LCS to the center change the color to Blue hi The View so the wing new coordinate system see that the circle concentrate add to mm to Z to move the LCS to the center change the color to Orange hide the wing so the base cect The Edge also The Edge at the opposite side inertial CS change the color to Green hide the base insert P sha parent asembly M1 and S1 insert an another sta PN assembly M2 S2 insert base pattern assembly LCS origin lower the base by 90 mm insert view sha 01 s c add rotation to the shop variable. rotate for Shop number two minus variable. volate when the animation from zero to V60 the wheel volate with the shaft but the wheel is connect to the outer Wing so it should not volate rotate the wheel at opposite direction as the C axis of the wheel is in opposite direction to the Sha so no need to add a minus so the wheel is not rotating now insert the wing parent aamb LCS origin so two pins are at the top and the bottom the wing is not moving with the wheel set a varable to 90° so the wheew is at 30° so change the wing to 30° change the AIS to Y okay the wing and the vi match move it to 270 change the angle to minus 30 so in match so change the angle of the wing to side variables dolo times 30 okay hi the master hide the LCS one the animation open build turnable if you find this video interesting Please Subscribe and give it a like thank you for watching for
Channel: KK CAD
Views: 445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GDDJv0jSoz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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