FreeCAD: Easily Add Text / Numbers to Faces in Part Design. Beginners Dungeon Masters Dice

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and today we're going to be looking at how to create numbers on the sides of faces like this so this is basically a very simple dice and on the sides we have the numbers on there now it's easy to create sketches on here and pocket or pad those in there but how do we actually create text and numbers and attach them to these sides and allow us to do the same either pocket or pad these so this is a question that's been asked by a viewer on the channel i hope this answers the question and allows you to progress for that project if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen for slash ming0 i also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at mango solutions any money that's kindly donated will be used to expand the channel so i'm in free head i'm in the part design workbench and i've created a new document so we can come over to task and create a body and create a sketch place it along the x-y plane so we can see that plane is sitting there so if we're looking down from the top we can see the planes there hit okay and we need to create our dice now i'm going for basically a square dyson here so add our square and we'll add some dimensions so i'm going to say this length here is 20 millimeters now i need to make this length and this length to make this a square equal and then we'll use this point and this point and the center of our sketch and use the symmetry constraint okay so just done a basic square in here so a simple square so it's 20 millimeters we're going to close that and now we're going to make a cube by using the pad i'm going to bring this around we've got tasks we've got pad on this side the sketch has been selected so you can see the model of the sketch has been selected click pad and then we can type in a length so 20 millimeters and we've created our basic cube for our dice now i'm going to make this a bit more interesting because i want a few more faces in here so to do that i'm going to chamfer this cube so increasing it from six faces up to eight faces to do that i'm gonna take the top face here and control click the bottom face now i've got a number of options on the left hand side that will come up and i'm going to select chamfer from the face tools when we increase the chamfer you can see what's happening if we go past the size of nine millimeters then it actually goes into error and we get the cube back so we've got make this something like 9.8 and we have basically a little facing along here let's see if we can reduce this down a bit more so 9.9 and add a 9 on the end and there it goes it's basically gone for this demonstration that's all we need so we have this diamond dice so we need to add some numbers to this now i don't want dots i just want the numbers on here this is quite easy to do once you know how like everything in life so go over to the draft workbench and we're going to be using the draft tools on the draft workbench so we're utilizing another workbench but the thing is we can use those in the body so if i wanted to add texture here well how do i get it onto these faces first things first we need to show the grid so we've got this waffle icon down here which we can show and hide the grid it's not down there we go to utilities and go to toggle grid and that's there so at the moment this grid is actually lined with that face what normally happens when this comes up is that it will be aligned down the bottom so it'd be sitting on the bottom i'm just going to change that so i'm going to make sure nothing's selected coming to the utilities and select plane i'm going to select top so this is your default what would normally be your default i've got to move this plane onto one of these faces to allow me to add geometry on there so we've got these geometry along here very much like the sketcher but we've also got this tool here create a shape from a string this is the one we're going to be using we click a face and we've got to move this grid which is known as the working plane so once the face is selected come up to utilities and then select plane that moves that grid in onto that face that means that we can do some geometry on there or we can add text and also our snapping works so we've got a number of tools up here the move and rotate which we'll be using to actually move those items next thing to do is add some text so come up to this tool here or we can go to the drafting and shape from text you can see that we've got across hairs and it's asking us to put text somewhere on screen now if we got the snapping enabled snap lock on we've got a number of snapping options up here so we've got the padlock the snap to end points and when they're highlighted that means they're activated so at the moment i've got snap to end points and the center snaps so i can center snap to the center of these faces and the center of the object and also the endpoints so these end points here so i'm just going to pick an arbitrary point over here so around about here and this is just show we can actually move this over onto our object you can see our x y and z have changed and they stuck so i can move around here and these don't move we've got the option to reset a point or we can click and pick other points around our scene and coming to the string so this is our text i'm going to put a one in here so i want the one to be placed on the screen we've got the height i'm just going to leave that as is for the time being and we've got the font file now this will be the location new fonts i'm on ubuntu so i'm going to go back a directory go to user and then come down to share and then come down to fonts so this one here this font go into that and then we use true type fonts and then we just pick the font that we want i'm going to pick dejavu and i'm going to go for the bold and we'll open that that's added that font there now if i hit ok our text will be added to the screen now if we look place some angle on here you can see that our working plane is aligned with that text i'm going to use the move tool to actually move this into place now again we can use the snapping for this so we've got the snap lock on and i've got it on endpoint and center so when i select the shape string and then come up to modifications and move or use the move tool on the toolbar we now got the crosshairs you can see we've got a location xyz over the left-hand side and i can snap to this i can place this on the center and we just click once and release and this makes this mobile so i can drag this about now i'm going to come over and i can snap this to that face or if i don't want to snap i can come up take the snapping off and just place that on that face like that i'm going to leave snapping on and i'll just place it on that face and now i can click on that shape string i'm going to rotate this again up to modifications and rotate and we now have a snapping before the rotation so i want to snap to the center i want to click once and then i move a line out so this is going to be my handler to actually move this so i've clicked and unclipped and moved the line out i'm just going to come out to about here click and then i can rotate this so i've just clicked released and rotated and i can move this screen with the shift or whatever touchpad controls you're using so i'm on the touch pad so i'm going to say navigation control so we've got a number of navigation controls i use the touchpad one here so i know that shift moves my screen and will come up and i can either use the snap in so i snap to this point or i can just place this somewhere like that just click and our numbers on there i'm going to come down and change the size of this this is two bigs click on the shape string come down to the size and we'll reduce this size you hit ctrl r on the keyboard so i can see the changes happen so that will do me i now have to do some modifications on the placement so again modifications move and we'll take let's take this point here and we'll move that let's take the snapping off and i'm going to move it to about here and press the left mouse button so now we've got this one against his face let's do it for another face so it's the same process we haven't finished with this yet we still got to use this in the body and we'll show you how to do that in a moment so i'm going to select i select this face this time let's face face next to it utilities slip plane now i'm going to get a couple of numbers on here so i can show you how you can change the properties of all at once so now we're on that face we're going to use the shape text which is this one here can take it from the toolbar this time and place that on here just click and we'll go for a default string of two and the font file you can see that's zeroed back out so we have to remember our font but i'll show you a trick with this in a minute so we go for deja vu sans bolt and open that and hit okay again we need to do some modifications so make sure it's selected and we can use the move tool and we'll move this into position let's change the size of this as well what's the size of that other one it's eight so let's change the size of this to eight and also we need to rotate this i'm gonna select that and hit rotate and again let's put the snapping on and we'll snap there's nothing really with this that we can snap to so take that snapping off and just click that face flat to come out the line and rotate it around this way let's drop it and finally i'm going to move that down to here so now they're more or less in position and do some finer adjustments i'm going to show you how to actually change the properties of these at once so to do that we just control click both of those click one ctrl click the other or shift click if you have a number here just click one and then shift click the last one and that will highlight and everything in between we now got those selected if we come down to the size we can change this and this will affect the size if i hit ctrl r of both of those items the same if we come down and change say the font this font here come in and we'll change it to a different font so let's go for ubuntu and you can do c and hit ctrl r and that's changed that font there so you can see how we can easily change those if we change the string i'm not saying one is one and two if we change that to something then these will both be updated to that string so we don't really want to touch that one let's just change this back now we'll go for the bold hit ctrl r and those are in place now we've got those numbers on there how do we pad those or pocket those into the object they sit outside at the moment all we'd have to do is in the part design i'm just going to take this grid off so click the grid so it's invisible come over to the part design come up part design and we take the shape string and drag it into our body and that places it inside the body this can now be just used as normal geometry so we can take that shape string and pad or that into our object so i'm just going to go in one millimeter on that and hit okay so you can see that in there so that face of that shape string has been padded or pocketed depending on what one you choose into your object let's do the other one just pocket that hit the pocket and one millimeter and now those are in the object if we've pocketed these in here we can still go in and say i want to change the number of this one this one here can come into that shape string this one pressing the spacebar just to show it and i'm going to set this one to say eight and that will change on that pocket so that's it that's how to get the numbers and characters on the faces of a part design object use the part design and giraffe workbench i hope you found this useful hope you found it interesting and i'll see you again soon if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen for slash min g0 i also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at for slash mango jelly solutions any money that's currently donated will be used to span the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing and i'll see you again soon
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 22,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners, freeCAD 0.20
Id: IwcT72R06ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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