Learn FreeCAD Curves Workbench [06] Divide split faces, blend merge surfaces. Discretize 3 way pipe

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to the free cad mini series for the curve workbench in this series we are looking at the curse workbench and the tools within there and how to use them in this episode we're going to be looking at the blend surface the discretized edge and the segment surface to create such objects in free head as this pipe here and this one here we'll be using the part workbench to create tubes segment out those surfaces and blend them together to connect them as one we'll also be working with the surface workbench and freecad to fill in voids using the surface tool and also we'll be using split curve as well as a discrete ice curve to fix certain arrows in there so i hope you're enjoying this free cab mini series for the curve workbench and let's have a look at this tutorial if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a kofi site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen fi.com mang0 so let's have a look at the tool and understand how it works and create a new document and jump into the curse workbench we're going to be using the blend surface and the discretised edge we're also going to be using the segment surface as well for our first demonstration we're going to learn how to segment a surface into a number of faces and the reasons why you would want to do that let's take a simple plane so in the part i'm going to use the great geometry primitives here and use plain simple plane like that i'm going to create three of them close that i'm just going to hide those two plates so we've got a single plane here which i want to segment the reason why i would want to segment that face is because if i bring back the other planes and transform them and transform the other place a bit of angle on this reason why i would want to segment this is that i may want to attach a surface between these two shapes on the same edge so at the moment i can connect this shape to this edge with a blend surface by coming over to the curves workbench and blending the surface between those so if i select this face control select the edge control select the edge control select the face and use the blend surface or surface blend surface and that creates a surface between them we can do that same on the other side so this is your first selection ctrl select the face ctrl select the edge this is your second selection ctrl select the edge control set the face it doesn't matter if you're selecting edges and faces along with your selecting an edge in the face of your first selection and an edge of face of the second selection and use the blend and we've got that surface blended between them and they're separate surfaces so they're separate objects there we've got continuity down here which i'll go into in another video we just need to know that we can blend surfaces between these because we're concentrating on the discretized edge there we're going to learn how to use that so we've blended these faces together but what happens if i take out these faces reduce the size of this to five the same on this side so what happens if i wanted to place a surface between both of these faces here both of these planes this one and this one and this plane here but using this edge here well i can't because at the moment we've only got one edge and we need to connect from one face let's do this one over here one edge to one face and one edge and blend those between like so but i can't blend this one onto this edge because it's already taken up so we need to split this face into two so i'm just going to take this plane and transform it over here so i want to connect this edge with this edge and this edge with this edge but we need two edges so we're in the curves workbench and what i need to do is take this edge or this edge and use the discretize tool so let's discretize that edge into a number of points long here come down to the discretize edge look at the number and let's change this to two so the moment we've got two points sit on the corners of that face there so we need three and that will place three points along there let's bring up the point size so we can see what's happening come down to point color point size bring that up to six you can see those points sitting along there now we've got that discretized edge we can divide up this plane click on the plane and there's an option here saying segment surface or up to surface segment surface that segmented that surface now and inside that we've got our plane sitting there which has been hidden if we click on the segmented surface come down to the data you'll notice an option there and at the moment it's auto let's drop this down click on custom we've got some custom options now and these options allows us to change the u provider of the knots and the v provider of the knots u will go one way and v will go the other way so let's click on the u and using the three dots on the end at this little button we can come in and click the discrete size edge hit okay it looks like it hasn't done anything when we click off that has divided that face into two so now we can click the face double click the edge control click the edge and the face and create a surface between now we can do the same on the other side and create the surface between we've blended those surfaces onto those two faces there we can change the amount of faces just by coming to the edge go into the number if we increase this by five then you can see we've got five faces there we can also come back into the surface and add the feed provider and use the same edge if we so desire or even a different edge okay that and now that's divided that into a grid of faces just be careful because our blend surface will need to be changed to the correct edges on here so where is this useful well let's get rid of these blend surfaces and get rid of the whole lot and start from scratch this is quite useful when it comes to bodies like cylinders so more complex body if i jump over to the part workbench and create three cylinders in here and we're going to transform these cylinders and rotate them and do the same with the other one and we're going to place them close to each other so we can see this being used to connect up something like a box kite a wendy house where you have this t-junction there a tent poles of the tent will come in and connect up and this will be connected in the middle so how do we connect these faces we should use the same method come into the curse workbench and first thing we need to do is segment out these faces here so click on your object use the segment surface to create a segmented surface there and do the same for all the rest now we've got those segmented surfaces let's get rid of the cylinders now you can see we have shells flow cylinders there we now have to take an edge and discretize that edge so click on that edge use the discrete eyes tool click on this edge do the same and this edge now remember if we can create a surface across here we need to divide these up into equal faces so i'm going to use four on each of these so for that remember we use the discrete eyes edge so i'm going to control select all those and change those as one so i'm going to come down and change those to four points and also highlight those come into the view point size and i'm going to bring that up to about eight so we can see where those are at the moment because i've done that i've actually caused myself a bit of issue because we've got our discretized edge and our segmented surface i won't be able to connect this segmented surface out to this discrete ios edge because it will create a circular reference and we can see that when we click on the segmented surface come into data option to custom come down to the knots and try to select the discretized edge we've only got one and two in there so let's cancel that and we can't pull this surface out because that won't allow us to actually drop that higher up because it's parametric so when we create our discretized edges let's get rid of them bring back the surfaces make sure you create them from the cylinders let's bring back the cylinders pressing spacebar to unhide those make those visible highlight the segmented surfaces hide them and we've got our cylinder back and now we get the discretized edges of these cylinders so selected all the cylinders all those edges there and use the discrete eyes edges and we get those three edges coming out i can select all those three edges change the number to four and now we can see going to view the point size bring that up to about eight we can see those points there now when we bring back our segmented surfaces so click one shift click the top one press space and our cylinders are actually sitting inside here so we can hide these if we so desire open that one up control set that one press the space we can now select that surface which is segmented surface come into the u provider scrutinize edge okay that click off and you can see that's now segmented that surface correctly and we'll do the same for this one option custom view provider and this one is surface 0 1 so it's edge 0 0 1 and we do the same for this one option custom if you accidentally select the v provider and use the edge there then it'll go this way we'll cut along this way which we don't want to just come back in click your surface and just click on that button on the end hit clear hit okay come into the not you provider and use that edge now we can link up the surfaces on here but you've probably already guessed that we'll end up with a hole in the middle we'll do all of that in a minute i'm going to zoom in and i'm going to select this face this edge this edge and this face and click the blend surface let's create a blend surface between those and we're going to do the same with this face this edge this edge and this face when that and the same with this edge this face this edge and this face blend that you can see the hole we have in there deal with that in a minute let's flip this around and do the same this edge this face let's look at this face and this edge different way of selecting them but it still doesn't matter still adds them in this face this edge let's face this edge blend those this face this edge it's like the edge this time and this face show it doesn't matter there we go so that's all blended in but we've got this void here so we need to fill this void to do that come over to the surface workbench and i'm just going to quickly save this and i'm going to fill this with a surface we can use either all of these surfaces i'm going to use this one here creates a surface from two three or four boundary edges and hit add edge and we need to work round so select this edge select the next edge that connects up to it so this one here and then it looks a bit weird here but don't worry about that it's like this edge you can see that's not actually working if i hit okay it's coming up cursed disjointed if you get that error then it's either the selection you selected let's cancel that let's try that again add edge this one here this one here and this one here and you can see that's connected up correctly now if you still have problems then it's worth using the split tool to split that edge into two and then trying it with that so you can use that edge to create the surface across there hit okay let's flip this over and do the same on the other side let's use the other tool this time in here add an edge click click and click that's added that in there perfectly hit okay so we've got two different surfaces there it doesn't matter we still get the same effect i'm going to make this solid so i'm going to close up these ends here as well and come in click on the surface add edge and click on these edges close that one up hit okay bring this around do the same add edge click on these edges working our way around the circle okay bring this around again the last one and add a surface add an edge add edge edge edge an edge okay so that's a fully close shape but it's not a solid as of yet it's just a number of surfaces let's go back into the curse workbench and let's make this a solid so to do that we can use the parametric solid there it gives you some information there try to build solid from selective faces if not possible it falls back to a shell then to a compound so faces also mean surfaces so let's click the bottom surface work our way all the way up to the top click this top blend surface we've got all those selected we still need to select some more so i can use the control now and hold that down and select those three i think we've got them all and then click the parametric solid see what's happened everything's been hidden so for these edges so let's just hide those edges as well pressing spacebar on those and we've got our solid there and we know that's a solid because if we come into the part and if i union this with say a sphere let's transform that sphere and just move it to round about there okay that and click solid let's face click the solid control click the sphere and do a union of those two shapes you can see they've union together with a fusion let's get rid of that fusion by hitting delete on it and that's this time click the solid which i want to keep control click the sphere and then click the make cut of two shapes and you can see that's not hollow in there that's solid so we've created a solid there from a number of surfaces but what happens if we wanted to hollow this out because what we would normally do is come in and select this face here and use the thickness tool utility apply thickness now you can see a minute i click on it click pipe okay we get a b rep api command not done so there is a way around that and that is to create a tube and use two faces on there so use the inner and outer face to create a pipe throughout that so to create this as a pipe i'm going to create a new document and start from scratch and create a new document and this time we're in the part and i'm going to use the tube so create a tube in there in a radius let's say four millimeters so we've got our tube there and i'm going to copy this and paste it ctrl c ctrl v so we've got free tubes right click transform and let's go to the front and just transform this around and place it out to about here okay that and what i'm going to do is take the other tube right click transform and bring this around and transform this out so we've got our tubes and we want to create a surface between them i'm just going to just do a bit of adjustment here so i'm going to start with the inner part now i'm going to repeat the process by creating a blend surface between the inner part and a blend surface between the outer part and then we're going to surface the sides let's do that jump over to the curves workbench and i'm going to select that inner part here use the segment surface on there and work my way around using the segment surface on the inner parts of these tubes i'm going to deal with one part of the tube first just the inner parts and then we'll deal with the outer parts after we've finished we've got our segmented surfaces just hide those so we will select the edge of this tube the inner part and use the discrete eyes tool there so set the inner part of that edge there and also we'll do it for the other edges as well come in select that we could even select the back edge because it's the same but it's best practice to select the edge that you're going to connect to so selected all those edges come up and use the discrete eyes i've pulled all those edges out and inside you can see those tubes click those tubes control click them and hide them we don't need those anymore let's discretize edges we need to change those so let's let them all come down to number select four on there so we've got four points on each bring back segmented surfaces press spacebar to make those visible and then take each of those segmented surfaces and change the option from auto to custom so i'm going to control click all those selected all three and change this to custom click off and click one not view provider come in select the correct edge for that segmented surface which is discrete edge two okay click this one segmented surface notch u provider and that was discretized to edge okay the last one not q provider on surface zero zero one so this would be edge zero zero one okay that so those are all split up now and then we do the same with the blend surface so click control click click control click blend click control click ctrl click ctrl click blend blend those there's one side done come around and we will do the other now holding down control selecting those edges and faces blend those face edge edge base blend base edge match face blend i wasn't going to save this always save this before you move on to the surface workbench because i find sometimes depending on what machine i'm on the surface workbench has a tendency to crash out so let's select our surface add edge click edge click this edge this one okay that and flip this around do the same on this side create a surface add edge this edge this edge and this one okay i'm not going to close the ends of these now what we want to do is i'm going to hide all these surfaces and these discretize edges here matter of fact i need that tube there so let's press space on there and bring the tubes back this tube and the hidden in this discretized edge here that tube and now we're going to segment the top surfaces jump into curves click the tops and segment top segment top segment i've got those segmented surfaces down here just highlight all those three and hide them because we need the edges so this edge here this edge see we can chop and change between those so that edge that edge and this edge as long as it's the tops come in scrutinize those click the edges change the numbers to four now that doesn't unlock its work that's because we still got the tubes showing let's take those away and bring back the surfaces so those surfaces now go and match those two so surface five auto option click custom come down to the not skew provider surface 5 to edge 5. h5 okay that's that one done this one surface three two h3 option custom new provider edge free as h3 and surface 4 custom to edge for not shoe provider and edge for so it's all done now we need to blend the surfaces between them so again it's the same process of selecting faces and edges from the different surfaces there making sure you hold down the control between them to multi-select and same on this side face edge edge base use the blend surface tool that's one side done flip it around to the other side and base edge edge face blend face edge edge face blend and this one here face edge edge face and blend so now we've got those we've got to deal with the shape in the middle so go up to curves and click on surface zoom in save that a second and select our let's go for the other one this surface here and edge click the edge click the next edge and then next edge okay that and do the same on the other side surface and edge this edge this edge and this edge that's wrong it's not working because i've disjointed so cancel that and try again add edge so let's try this edge this edge and this edge still got a problem there so let's cancel that and i'm going to select this edge here come over to the curves and we're going to use the split curve so we made a split in there let's come back to the surface and see if we can use that so that split curve there so let's let that surface just hide that surface i've got a split curve create a surface and edge this edge this edge this edge and this one and that's created that there so there's a little trick for you so just split that curve there and that's taking that edge nicely okay that and then we just come back in where was that surface that one no lost surface split curve blend surface there we go that surface is back now we can bring back in the other surfaces so we're going to close up this face partly now come in here all these surfaces that you see i like them all press spacebar to bring them back you can see that's sitting in there we need some more surfaces back that's not all of them these surfaces here there's a space bar there we go spacebar spacebar now we can create a surface between this edge there sitting in there and this edge here so this is a bit long-winded so let's click on our surface add edge this one this one and can we do this one and this one no we can't so let's remove that edge with that edge remove that edge okay and the same add an edge renew surface this one this one okay now i'm doing this and i'm thinking let's carry on a second but do something out different in a minute add edge this edge and this edge okay add the edge this edge on this edge add it first this edge on this edge so let's close that up let's see if we can be a bit clever here so let's okay that let's bring back the tube so let's bring back that tube there we've got that edge there which is part of that so what i can do is come into the curves workbench click on that face that runs around there and use the extract subshape we've got the substrate extracted from there cube face two and come up to the cube sorry tube face two not cube phase two and that's come up to the tube the tube is hidden that's good so that's there i'll hide that face you can see the internal there show that face again so we've got that there that one's there which we surfaced and we want the chew for this one as well so that's come up and not that tube not that tube i want that one click on that face there and extract that face so that's hidden now we should have a face down here that makes life a lot easier so we've got all those we're just going to keep that on surface there let's let all these surfaces and use the parametric solid so we want the two tube faces all the surfaces control click that blend surface control click that surface these and that one segmented surfaces that surface all these blends control clicking all those and the last three surfaces let's do sweep around let's make sure we've got everything yep i think i have why is that looking all there oh that's our drawing curve we did there to close that surface up done that click on the parametric solid and we should have solid there brilliant let's get rid of that split curve like that and these edges find those edges as well so we've got solid now which means i can right click transform that and we've got a nice solid model there with the pipe that runs all the way through and again we can go up over to the part and use let's use another sphere you can see that sphere is inside there and transform that sphere and place it wherever we want so i want to bring this up that's inside at the moment let's bring it it's just there okay get a bit more radius 10 mil and click the solid i want to keep ctrl click the sphere and do a cut and there you go control set that and get rid of the sphere so that's how you would make something like this shape and create a solid object from a number of surfaces using the blend surface the surface workbench and some part objects so in our next video we will actually carry on with the surface workbench and the curves workbench and use the blend surface with something a bit more interesting let's have a look at some helmets or crowns and create those in there now how you would use the blend surface to create those surfaces i'll show you a few tricks in there to make your life a lot easier for modeling those type of objects if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a cofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen fi.com ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 3,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD
Id: lRvR_2GB--0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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