3D Car Modeling Tutorial pt.20 | Autodesk Maya | Modeling a Lamborghini Huracan

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hello there guys and welcome back to our car modeling tutorial and today we are going to be working from the mesh on the front of pack and on this model here I've just imported some wheels from another model to see how it was all sitting here just now and it's looking pretty good in this episode we're going to work on the mesh after that we will work on the wing mirrors which is the bit that I absolutely hate department when it comes to caramel in and then once we've done that we'll work on building the actual planning et here con alloy wheels so the last episode we works and I realize here which are looking pretty good now what I actually did was I did decide to smooth them out and because the glue do look a lot better now that those spoons if I remove the wire frame ESP that looks really nice when on that colors inside as well so all I real did inside here was I added all the additional edge groups just like we did when we smooth vehicle where it was required on the harsher edges and then just simply smooth the out and form and see what we have here today and typically from the other side of the car there so that's good and in this episode then we're gonna crack down with the grill now this is going to be a little bit of a pain and I do actually see it being lonely easier than the wing Mary's here but it's gonna be a little bit annoying just to make sure that we can get the exact shape that were wanting so what we'll need to do according to our reference images is we're going to need to have a actual section that's running around all of the year and then we can drop the mesh inside now hopefully we'll be able to do all this from one episode and hopefully won't drag on too long but we can get the mesh in the back here as well so what we'll actually do first thing we'll do the mesh first because that means then you guys will be able to make the mesh and if you don't need to watch me go around the edge here I'm putting all that information now you don't have to now you can do that without having to follow along with videos or web make the Machine first and then after that so in order to make honeycomb mesh as a few different ways to do the mesh that we make here though is a little bit different because you see ungroup it's here that it's kind of got a few different angles to it now I've been having to think about how I'm going to do this because what we're going to want to do is make a small section of it and then we're going to want to duplicate it merge it and then extrude it the problem is here is that these sections aren't uniform and the not uniform in such a way that actually looks really awkward to get it all laid out and I think the perfect way would have to do it would be to make a huge section of mesh and then edit all the required parts but in the interest of time we're going to make a small section and we're going to make it look as close to this as possible now what we're going to do with this and saying here is firstly we're going to scale it up thank you for this and just see a plate yielding only slightly and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to boost up the subdivisions for work with you just now ten to birds we're not going to need a lot of these so people temperament so what we're going to want to do here it will make our mesh is we are going to want to select all of these six so we're going to select all of these lines run at horizontal here so we want to be one away from the edge because we're going to use that to shape we want to skip two and then we want to go again want to skip two and then when you go again and I think actually what would you like in case increase the divisions here if you go to 13 just realize - sighs but I'm gonna get halfway through it and then it turns out that we didn't have in a submission sighs they're over 13 by 13 units mission square for now and again we are going to select the edges here skip two rows let's all the edges skip to collect again skip two that works fine that is about if you've got too many over on the side so now with all these section select key what we're going to do is we're going to go to edit mesh and we are going to hit level so you can see now that is kind of that as a little bit of a shapes going here and on the fractions section here what we want to do is want to boost up the one so because you now that we've got the full honeycomb shape that we want you so we can see in between all of these edges that we don't really need right now we've got the general ship that we want now I want to do is get rid of the actual ones we don't need so you'll need any of the faces down this edge here because what we're going to do is we're going to stitch this edge to another edge when we start tiling they follow me the way around bump so we're going to one to keep a little portion of this now so we're going to want to have a uniform edge here so I have a uniform edge here we'll have an edited edge as an edge and uniform edge so that means that from ear downwards appear our tops good speed now we want to make sure we have uniform edge on either side so that this edge here converge to this month we can have all of the fancy dodgy sections thank you but she dressed okay so what we want to do now title this up a little bit especially we don't want this line going straight down the middle so we're going to highlight that whole line and I will view the edge and the vertices there and then what we want to do is delete though of the line that's going down here this time you don't want to do the edge and a good feed what we're going to do it Italy could want the Betsey's to maintain that tuition then again these sections here you've got to be quicker we want to just get rid our edges here [Music] okay Logan hit delete so now we're left with the money comm section here so not sure how many of these we're going to need just yet but we want our bottom to match our top things do need this need to look like this so that this one can fit nicely inside here I'm going to want to do with this now is we're going to want to make so the Edit to these sections again but you can much help you she's going to ask you so what we're going to want to do here is we want to make sure that this edge stays straight this edge district and the reason we want to do that is because we're going to tell this like I said before if we made one huge sheet and then went through and honeycomb back honeycomb it would be so much better we'd get so much more in it we get it looking exactly how I wanted to do but we've got a tile here so gonna have to compromise a little bit so we want a straight edge up here that means these ones here what we could do is we could join them but what we'll actually do maybe at this point view I could actually use the blueprint to speak to a number on the right page the triangle is as close as possible even though we are going to compromise if you modify with a sense I could [Music] so it looks like that Matthew to back up they're pretty good there like I said we're going to try and get it as close as possible but we're not going to get it exactly which meant it's up that in mind that looks pretty good so what we're going to need then is a straight edge on top so that means this these two 15 here what we're going to do is when I grab our scale tool and we're going to pull them close together just to look something like that then we're going to leave a straight edge here I'm going to go to the next section and then we're going to expand and then we're going to need this straight edge here so this straight edge is going to be essentially attaching to this once we do TK now what we have here is we want these ones to maintain their integrity with one these ones to maintain the integrity so we're going to go in every odd one so we made those ones smaller so what we'll do with this one is one make this one bigger and then we'll jump down here again want to make sure that we have straight lines on these bottom sections there that should work nicely and we'll increase the size but this so it just kind of got like a dodgy look shape going just there but we're going to maintain these as they are because we are going to use the pile that means now we'll keep a straight edge here so keep this face this face and this face it's not mean-spirited peace now so this is going to be our actual file section this is going to be the actual honeycomb and how the one set on actual people here so that's going to be roughly our working with just there that was good so what we're going to want to do here now is we're going to want to create the we're not going to want to start extruding because that's just gonna make it try to be difficult for what we're going to do is we are going to make the large square block which is going to go all the way to the center here and further filling in to and it's going to start here and go along as a square and it's going to go along if that means that we can make this one section we can duplicate it we can take it to the rear of the car and delete all the unnecessary sections and we'll pop that in there and then we're good to get again and we'll make sure that we've got all the required sections here and front of the vehicle so it's just quickly how it looks see that at the back when I go to the front we can see that it does run around practically the whole sections it's in the lower section this high section need me there is all these so it looks like it runs at least along the lower section so what we'll do is we'll do the first one together and I'll probably speed the video up a little bit so I'm just going to call this one Q so this is where we're going to tell from so what we'll do for the section here that we're going to hit ctrl D to duplicate and then we'll pull it into position I could go either side anywhere just now [Music] we're just going to place a trophy on top and then what's like a boss I'm gonna hit mesh and combine now let's just do that just like to see where actual join it so I join in here so we'll hit mesh combine and what we're going to need to do is join all of our vertices here by using the merge tool make sure I'm selecting the right section here okay so now we have one section of our finicum mesh put together and what we'll do is again we're going to duplicate and this time we're going to move over now this time we will move over we're not going to obviously have it aligned up too well here so we're going to pull it in and we're going to pull it up we're going after a minor key fighting like this to do that I will put the requisition and again if it's not quite an effective will help you identify the edge so collect for it mesh combined and then we can go down here and edit mesh merge all of these it's going to be a little bit tedious as we go through but once you've got one of these laid out you can then get that just elated nicely and you can then start going to get to the bits in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys so hopefully you still here with us and you're still awake and ready to crack down with the next phase here about the combat so we're going to need to do this we are going to need to and what we'll do first actually it will duplicate this little bit out of the way just in case and we messed that up there yeah you know the meshing place should be needed so we're going to select this here and we're going to use our bases option I'm going to select every single face on the body here every single one and then we are going to ctrl e so can extrude these now we'll see Instagram when we do that we've got a lot of fighting here it's going to try and hold these spaces together which we don't actually want we want to make these spaces separate from each other so on a dialog box here we have a keep fists together up you what I want to do is want to turn a half and if you don't have if you have an older version of Miami - in the chat box editor you'll be able to the faces to 0 or turn off that means we'll be able to edit each individual face of this mess you so what we're going to want to do inside is we're not going to want to scale this all uniformly down just a touch now before we do anything else we want to do it on its vertical axis here because of the width on these is going to take inside a lot more than uptick in on the top and the bottom fine and what we're going to do here is we are going to ever-so-slightly extrude in I'm going to do that just so that we've got a little bit of a point on the edge you we are then going to hit control key again and this time what we want to do is it doesn't matter if the fishes are together or on anymore but we're going to do this time is we not going to take it down just a little bit and maybe the list then we're gonna check in a little bit much to give us a little bit of a rounded section there now and then I'm going to control e one more time and take it all the way just so we've got a little bit of amp your commission I'm outside now I've seen on the reference images again if we look at our blueprints on the side view here we could see that there's quite a little bit of debt to this section so we'll pull that in quite a little bit and we'll do that now because if you don't do it now it's going to be quite awkward to do a little bit it would take the images there looks pretty good looks like I've got to do some depth and lastly what we're going to do here is we are going to hit get we're going to delete all of those inside faces so now that we can see that we've got a really nice-looking mesh going on there I remove the wireframes here see that really nice when I come back kicking it there okay so what we're going to do is we are going to ctrl D duplicate it and we're going to take this to the back of the car and what we want to do is on the z axis is we want to just pick someone with it [Music] you can see now that is duck man just so that when it come up in size that's going to be our area section so what we'll actually do together is we're going to do the rear section together and then they pick speed up different like this for a few positions to see them succeed I've got an awful lot of information here now that we don't need we're going to jump into our rearview after all the facets here that we don't actually won before we are strictly anything one will do is let's get this lined up a little bit of curvature in there too but you will align it up here with these center then do the rest this kind of deform a little bit under the curve that's fine what we'll do now is going to select the first of these and look in Italy all of the ones that we don't actually need we're going to delete all the faces here that are just underneath the actual lip of that section they're going to do all the faces that are just above we're going to leave a little bit of wiggle room now we don't want to take it all the way down so want to delete too many maybe less than that pants down okay so that looks pretty good sounds pretty good they're just there now what we want to do is we want to actually create the lining or the section so if we open up our rear views [Music] you can see here that we have to have a line in that runs all the way along the top section there so this is the first thing we're going to do and the way that we're going to do this is something we could do it off of a plane company in this phone for us this way bring this up here into position let's just take away all the I'm 91 I support this would you have a keyboard and tips around we're going to do this very similar to how we went around the realize to be sub sub I'm just going to bring this into place we're going to have it run all the way along and then we'll just fix to tin possibly require so I love that move you [Music] what we'll do with this just cut us down the list I struck too much and what we're going to do with this is we are going to drag our vertices on the side here into the sentence chimera this now specially let's bring this up and let's have a look so we do have a little bit of a gap there to look like there's a slight gap so we'll build it a little bit lower before we build it a little bit lower what we're actually going to do is we are going to actually [Music] you plan so they're all fun smooth but we're going to do with this is we are going to bring it in first I'm going to bring it in a lot of movies speak and we are going to snap it to leave the scene the existing excuse about sonic spin here we're going to snap this here stop this one to the same place and we'll just bring it down in my name now we'll do the same you and the reason we're going to do like this is because we're going to emerge it to get the exact carriage that we have and then we're going to pull the section away from the actual body and then we can extrude in so it's going to allow us to get the exact same courage that we're going up in the main aspects of the model here I'm going to extrude this out do this a few times here come on more stuff look just now this is a little bit thicker than what we would have to be quiet - we'll just pull down tally of them [Music] [Music] how far around here that's the goal the way to the corner and cut down friendly to the end here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what I did there is I just followed it around and then just merge these points to the point of I'll just put them down a little bit now the reason I put them down just a little bit is because I want them to I'm sure the extrude in here so this is going to be the top part that we're going to acute down and then we can go underneath and so using a side view you going to be able to bring these out to roughly where they need to sit now we're now going to bring them down because we're actually gonna move this whole shelf down a little bit gonna try and maintain what we have to here I'm going to be working just above the curve you see how it goes in side view here and then we'll just make sure it's nice and uniform can i perspective you special I've got a carriage nailed on these points here should be able to sit nicely just before the illusion there that point magical Catholics pretty good now let me make sure I'm sure that we have here good [Music] that's patella she bats just mixed up [Music] ilex pretty good so what we'll do now is we'll grab all these edges [Music] think in this one don't want this one to be saying how is just complexion here [Music] [Music] one thing will one this to do another one this one to six [Music] here this one here come out there yep expect ops got a nice curve to it okay Doan we want that to need a bitter will it to be actually okay cool so what we'll do now is look up this just pull down ever so slightly just so we've got a gap then we'll also grab all the stage here not including [Music] couple of these faces and we'll just pull them in so they're going underneath that section there we've got the gap but we're not going to end up any lie traveling through your overlapping in those sections Sonny's from fitted here we are going to grab all of them I'm going to hit ctrl e and on the world option C it appear we are going to pull down and we're going to pull down the whole way [Music] pull down the hallway [Music] [Music] listen I'm not too worried about curves looks like it's been good down [Music] [Music] just going to make sure that's looking okay what we'll do is we'll now extrude this line in I think again see our path you can hit ctrl key again here and again is our world view and welcome down again and this time with them to want to go enjoy it as far as we need to be there [Music] in our review here check nasty now should look like so and all these my dear could be paws up okay and one last finishing Tony to the base here we're going to insert an edge loop going to go all the way around the edge here and we're going to push that out up the turbine trigger now it looks like the monster [Music] so it looks like we've just got straight section [Music] okay so firstly then what we'll do is we'll create the section that runs along the bottom here and we'll do that the exact same we did so speed this bit up and move on to the next you guys look at that section in there now what we're going to do up here is we are going to smooth this off so let's smooth off all the elements around so see them into little bit work now in terms of the lower section I don't think this is a good smooth it but thank you so much as necessary doesn't mean to be which way indeed - what nothing but we watched so what we'll do is we'll grab all the edges of this year and with the settlement here what we'll do is we'll go down because we're going to need to merge this and we will insert a stick around at SP the - we're also want to [Music] strip a buffer and looks like four ones to match I'll have a look here - thanks [Music] Peter [Music] French people together quite nicely there and Alex friggin forgot that shape now right now and we also want to do them to use the element of you looks like or LS has fallen how we would want to do what we'll do is we will insert a few as you can you just have to be tense secretary come up fairly close thank you who need drunk Oh [Music] [Music] can be helped out here as well I'll mention my curve that's enough speakers do you have an issue good look at that after that's when they're looking pretty decent do have a little bit here device will grab the edge here because we have a nice section inside here just going to have a look at what's going on here and I'll be right back [Music] yes I think that was just a dodgy marriage but internationally pretty good there some looks to me here that these now look pretty good just about following exactly how we would want it to there now it's a case of dropping the mesh inside you so of mine [Music] hopefully this shouldn't be too tricky to get into position so we're going to want to do then is drag this in I'm going to want to drag it into a point against that's nice and aligned inside here pull this down see I think I should take one ask chopstick I think that's about where we want to be in the middle of this view so it looks like we are going to need to take a few more these spaces perfect and I just need the very top like you what's the chicken forget to get a little teaser these runs here trying is that just nothing yep see inside you here Martin a son looks pretty good looks like we want to actually broke it [Music] looks like yes they do [Music] thanks Chris yes know what we want to do here is we want to be able to call these points and we want them to have nationally so what we're going to do is we are going to select our fifties and we are going to drag down this one tiny here so we want to try and bring these over as uniform as possible what we're going to do is we are going to hit B what B will do is it will bring in our Fox legends we could be here now that if I was to pull down the single line that we've selected it's going to take it kind of a not keep with everything else just exactly one so what we want to do at this point we want to take the we want to take the same here on each edge as we have on the other edge there this will allow us to this will allow us to bring these in together [Music] come back then we will find you let's go back let's go in again now in our tool settings here we can go down a selection and the fall-off radius is going to determine how much this we're going to bring what we're going to do is we're going to try and get a certain area in the middle we say maybe five grid six Alex pretty good we're going to get a ye SMS in the middle this is going to allow us to from the side view of mine this is going to allows all these mines into position just pass there you can see now that as part of this here we've got fairly decent curvature in perspective let's go back let's take this down maybe for money we still want this to be fairly straight I would imagine - maybe about here so it's time for my work little bit nicer there stripe on that indicated just worked a little bit better for us maybe even less for maybe Walker Reed now your values may be a little bit different or depending on underwear that your unit shop in your file so it may be that you might want to just do sizes just a little bit to make sure that you're on track there that's looking the load there see here in color references here it comes up real close to this edge here maybe we'll take it just a little bit more and we can see now why we overshot it because got a mole load here that don't need yet those sit quite nicely ok it looks like we're saying good on one side but not so good I need filler so let's just take these ones on their own I'm actually might be [Music] football anymore their bulk ecology if you get and then through this should allow us here to get these locked position well [Music] [Music] looks like expect more yoga kamyelle big discrepancy here bring these back out [Music] [Music] - good convertible the cup on this side view [Music] okay I'm so happy with that so what we'll need to do now is we need to go through and delete any of these faces that we don't want this part of this mesh and then I think to the most fun I'm pretty good so I'll do the face and then just now [Music] and we can hit B here to turn soft selection and what it really is and make sure that we're not affecting what we actually have inside here so we'll go around it fairly rough to start and we'll zoom in closer we'll add a few edge loops in if we need to so speed this part of the video up and talk about what we've done [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] okay guys so on this side here it looks like we do have a small problem and which is fairly easily rectified what we want to do if we ever have if you guys have the same here we have a have any sections that have to turn out here can drag an su pin we can put the edge loop in as far as we need to so that we come here now we'll do that stand for the top and a bump and then that will allow us to delete the faces without taking the ones that we can see and the ones that we need and complete those we'll do this down the other side should we need to [Music] [Music] okay guys so let's like we're just about around all of the exterior edges - this is looking pretty good now in my opinion here once these are the same Miriam and a dark material can adjust merge into each day you are won't really see it different so incredibly happy with that now I don't think we're going to have time to the front section in this episode here so captain zaps we've got our rear and grills inside there which is looking pretty good and similar process around the front that we're going to do and the next episode sort of the more tricky depend on the angle as well plus we've got the lining to add side as well so we'll leave that for the next episode and then after that we'll probably move on to and wingers which they're going to annoy me a whole lot more then the grill has today okay I guess so hope you enjoy the episode please like and subscribe so glad that you have kept with me with this for this long and I'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: 8fifty2torials
Views: 16,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modeling, Tutorial, Autodesk, Maya, 3DS, Max, Adobe, Photoshop, Photo, Shop, Learn, animation, beginner, intermediate, advanced, car, lamborghini, huracan, rigging, 8fifty2, 8fifty2torials
Id: oeTUt-LQu94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 40sec (3040 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2017
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