3D Car Modeling Tutorial pt.5 | Autodesk Maya | Modeling a Lamborghini Huracan

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okay guys welcome back to our car modeling tutorial here what I'm going to be doing today is continuing with our Lamborghini Huracan model now in between episodes here I've just added a little bit of depth to the bottom so it's top view the under section of the car as well it's going to give us an idea of how the cars look in which so far it's looking pretty good so we're going to be doing it in this episode here is working our way back down with the roof hopefully to the very end and then hopefully actually we're going to get cracking on the rear section of the car as well so first things first what we'll need to do is have a quick squint at our reference image here so what we're going to be doing just now is working our way down this section of the roof here working down here maybe even bridge the gap across there and then we're going to be looking on the rear section of the car just above the diffuser here before taking our arch to meet our door sections or a fairly close now as it stands with the actual main basic mesh for this model so we're going to do first is like I said work down the roof of the car here so go into our top orthographic view and go ahead look at what we're working with so it looks like first interest is this whole section here needs to run all the way down to this rear section here through this crease coming down here and this section here needs to be extended slightly just along here before we get to the glass section on the back so we'll just double check here we can see all the way from this very point there we need to take that down so if we jump back in here looks like what we're going to be wanting to do is go from this edge here okay so this edge outside edge here so we're going to be going from taking this line and all this section down as well so we're going to do is we will extrude all of these edge sections here so talks about extrude and already in previous episode so we're going to hit ctrl e after selecting these edges and then this is going to allow us to push down to the next section here and then we can line that up nicely in our side views this one you can see here this is a little bit too high so whilst we're here we'll take that down just fit okay looking good so what we're going to do here then is we're going to align our vertices to the correct section there okay so we can see that we'll need to add in the cut in there some point and then we'll bring these sections down here here so see how that stitch there just like that so maybe if I move back a little bit there and again he took on the outside of that line this you can use it for now what we'll do is we'll just simply drag these sections down here to think we may need to quite see an edge on this idea we'll drop it down just for now we'll bring this one down just to get a little bit curvature that could be number one to have that edge to flap sure looking pretty good so we're going to do now is we're going to take this section here all the way down take the section here all the way down so we're going to use the edges here and we're going to take these two down to the very edge of this section I'll bring their earthly down to Ocean City so got that back section in place that's what we'll do is we'll pull these vertices slightly so tell me what to and again we'll add some detail between here afterwards so I think what we'll need to do here is as it's fairly unclear think that edge actually they run all the way up here we'll put that in places now and then we can adjust that later should we need to get okay and then what we're going to do is we are now going to have a look at maybe bringing this down to meet this edge just here so in order to do that what we'll do is we will extrude down on this section here bring this all the way down and again well how to add a little bit more detail to this after it's important to get our points and fish first perfect and then it is essentially going to be a case now of bringing this section extrude and again this edge will bring this all the way down here well hold down V in order to merge that there I'm going to edit mesh' and merge and then we're going to bring this down here to the edge of crease there cool so that's looking roughly how it should just let me double check out a vertical view down just a little bit okay that's looking good there so we're going to leave that section virtually low-poly just now so we're not going to add too much that the reason we're going to do that is because we want to make sure that our arch here is going to allow us to directly facilitate the amount of geometry that we have in here so first first things first is well start going on the back of the bumper then we'll know if we need to add any more to these edges here before we actually continue any further subtract this count here so in order to get the shape of this wheel arch what we're going to need to do is use the back orthographic view so inside our views here what we can do is we can go to panels photographic and then we can hit back one here that's going to bring in our back section so you can see inside here see inside here our model and see kind of got this front section here which can ignore snow but you can kind of see that the arch on this back section here does in fact in ever so slightly so we'll select that here and we're just going to fold that point in match looks like nice top one now just for good measure we'll add a little bit of a curve to this one just try make that switch possible okay so that's looking good just there so you can see that this next section here is actually part of the diffuser which we're not going to be working on just yet so what we're going to do is we'll bring this up to sit roughly as the diffuser goes there then will allow us to position this in our side view here so what wanted to do here then is we are wanting to firstly think about the mesh that is required for this section here just above the diffuser think about what will be required for the diffuser as well but also consider what mesh we already have in this section here in order to bring this to meet perfectly with this section here so first things first we can see that we have one two sections now we're not going to count this one because this space is going to go inside the air intake on the side here so essentially what we're going to have which comes over this section is going to have this underneath it we're going to have this front facing section here and this filtration section here which is going to go inside so in theory or we really need on this section of the wheel arch is two bits that we already have so we're going to do with that first one here is going to bring that into place just above the skirt feature specific intake we're going to bring this one down into place here so we can see that that's going to look good because it's fairly straight edge as we go down which will allow us then to bring this in here you get it and then we will bring this section in as well so now I'm going to want to bring all of these bits out so what we're going to do is select all of these sections here we're just going to extrude until it's roughly taking over the arch there now we can finalize these movements inside here try our best to maintain the curvature that we have yes looking fairly good there cough so in a 3d view here now we can see that that's all kind of gum slightly misshapen can bring that out here again we're going to be messing with that section in a slightly later episode chill and then if we look at our reference images here we should have a good idea see that this comes down here almost incredibly straight then maybe we come in slightly at the bottom so it's actually we in here maybe take this bit in as well we know about this section here actually goes crap okay so we have our section here we don't need to worry about this one as it will be gone underneath and so will this one that means that we have one two three four five edges here these what this edge is probably going to run up here so it's not going to be too much of an issue this edge will probably run to meet this section here so that means that we have one two three four one two three so we just need to add one more edge loop inside here so that allow us to put them up with more space between swimmingly you go with Windows bring this down here these are insert edgeloop here to slightly though so looks like probably should bring these close together as not getting to go to curvature he Chester bring that down so that means that these sections here one two three four is going to meet one two three four and then our sections here this one's going to run all the way up here and then this one is going to end up in the top of our arch with there this looks good so the back section here looking pretty good at the top can adjust this one slightly over here that's going to mean we can run one edge here and then we can insert another edge loop just on the line where the bumper meets the body here so then we take this one down which is going to meet the indicator on the side and then I'll have another edge will go just under there okay so that's our arch - we'll check it in 3d perspective view here it's looking pretty good so while that's going to allow us to do now is we're going to be able to extrude around the side of the car here so in order to do this again with the need to go to our panels orthographic and back it's going to allow us to see our back section of the car here again I'm just going to make sure that everything here is looking good too bad [Music] just a touch and this looks good so what we're going to do here is we are going to extrude along the back section of the car before we do that we will make sure that side edge here so we're going to hit the edges here we're going to select all the faces we require to extrude so we don't need this edge here because we're going to make sure we go up and around there and what we're going to do is we're going to extrude out to our first line here so I'm going to hit ctrl e hit that world option and we're going to drag this out in our top view here we can bring it straight in to position around here so we'll prim these to where they need to be and doesn't look like we're going to be able to go all the way up ass kangoo go go all the way out first we used to do okay we'll see how that looks in the rearview as well it's looking good just make sure this section here is match perfect what we'll do now is we will use our mesh tools and we'll insert edgeloop and we'll drop it in this section here now as soon as we've dropped it in what we're going to do is we're just going to pull it out slightly just to give it that curvature that we're looking for all the time and drag this up into position here so maybe have to round this off a little bit better and to actually signal someone's telling okay looking good to me maybe what we'll do with this is we'll pull it up until there's check and abuse mixture exactly where it should be okay awesome okay guys so what we'll do is we'll finish this episode here then next episode we're going to continue running around the back section of the car there cool
Channel: 8fifty2torials
Views: 34,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D, Modelling, Tutorial, Autodesk, Maya, 3DS, Max, Adobe, Photoshop, Photo, Shop, Learn, animation, beginner, intermediate, advanced, car, lamborghini, huracan, rigging, 8fifty2, 8fifty2torials
Id: 0qSSI_t8-K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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