3ABN Today Live –"Who Are Protestants?" (TL017528)

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I want to spend my love man Dame bro I wanna spend [Music] three [Music] Lord let my word he loved heart I wanna spend my and we I wanna bend [Music] and they were again [Music] hello and welcome to another 3abn to today live program thank you for joining us as you do each and every day I was just telling our group here that's a good-looking guys here tonight or they're looking at each other already sitting now who is he talking about but I was telling this may be the most unprepared program we've ever done but on the other hand we prayed and asked for the Holy Spirit right in the beginning of for the program actually even started we prayed so tonight we have pastor John Lowe McCain brother Kenny Shelton and brother CA Murray and tonight I think it's a topic that really needs to be explained we were thinking about it this week but we didn't really plan this program that's what I was trying to say to a year coming in but we really didn't plan it but I called John the other night Pastor John I said we need to do a program on who are the Protestants because I'm amazed at how many people are Protestants that don't even know they are right and they don't know what the word Protestant means where it came from and so when you talk or say things I've noticed my own experience from a Protestant perspective people other Protestants get upset at you more than maybe people who aren't Protestant because they know what they believe in what they think or not so I said you know I'm amazed and maybe if we could talk about this tonight it might put a whole new perspective to so many people millions of people around the world that really maybe doesn't know what the word Protestant means or who is represented by Protestantism who seventh-day Adventist Christians we're Protestant right how about the Baptist brought up this Protestant alright I'll throw out a few how about Pentecost I think the key is so many claim to be but tonight as we define it we'll be able to put them on the Shelf where they belong okay Methodist okay clean blatant Protestant so we go on now Catholic no not even claim to be right they don't claim to be so all right we're getting a handle on this Oh tonight we want you to call your friends your enemies everybody and tell them to tune into three ABM because what we're going to do after this first hour we're going to ask you to call in if you want to you call in your questions because we are here live we're happy to take those questions and I'm glad that all I have to do is read the questions and because I've got a great crew here who can answer the questions for you you can call us at six one eight six two seven four six five one or you can email live at 3abn TV at six two seven four six five one or live at 3abn dot TV and we've had a busy week all of us I know I have them doing some building outside Kenny and I call brother Ronnie and he told me he was doing some building outside and I said oh we better not tell Kenny he'll be building something next door we just fell I'm just building a deck you know off the house but whether whether it's been beautiful but it's hot and it but it's praising the Lord every day I go outside and I say what a good god and I look at the sunsets and evening this time of year and you say isn't it amazing that we serve a Creator God someone who created this entire universe is and created you and me matter and we're here for a reason in the closing moments of verse history and I think what's happening around us I've always said Kenny I don't when you get a certain age and all of us are about this certain age and over that there's hardly anything that can shock you well but things I mean I'm finding things that shocked me almost daily that's going on in the world and I'm like that can't be happening I don't even know if I should say this I think a will apologize later all right but I was talking to Brian Hampton who works in the prison has a prison ministry went down to Marion federal prison and I found out that the federal government supplies some of the men who choose to be transgender say they're transgenders panties women's underwear bras hoes lipstick makeup the federal government's doing out of our tax dollars now now I'm shocked I mean I didn't think I was but I'm saying when I look when we look around at what's going on in the world and the crazy things that are happening in the government in and outside the politics and everything that's going on this world is quickly coming to an end that's right so if there was ever a time that we need to stand somewhere on something solid it's right now man so I wrote a book recently called spiritual vigilante yes and it's one of the reasons I wrote it Kenny is because that I see so many things and I say what happened to common sense what happened to spiritual sense is and so the Lord is blessed on that and I want to thank you first of all those of you who are supporting financially people are actually making donations and then with those donations we purchase the books and we give them to anyone church or organizations who will pass them out in the last about three months we've had over 450,000 orders and as of today I think 500,000 but we really don't have any money we said we'll give them away as long as the money comes out but by faith we're getting all kinds of emails we're getting phone calls from people who've said this book is life-changing now we give God the credit for that so I don't think any to the credit but it's I guess I'm all wound up here tonight because common sense is out the window and you look around and things that you and any of us sitting here many of you at home 10 years ago you woulda never dreamed you could turn on your television or your radio and hear language here are content subjects yes oh I'm talking about secular and even in a Christian world I mean I'm amazed at the directions some folks are going so I said we got to do something because first of all we need to find out who we are we're all sinners saved by grace that's a choice we have God created us he says he's coming back for his people to take us home to live with him no more sickness pain sorrow death what do we have to do we can't buy it can't work it it's just a free gift that we have to accept the fact that we're sinners and then we have to confess our sins and ask Jesus to forgive us from our sins the Bible says he's faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and will cleanse us from all unrighteousness so because of Christ shed blood the cross of Calvary you and me have the opportunity to privilege and it is beyond I have not seen nor ear heard neither as it entered the heart of man the things that God has prepared for them that love him but today you and me are going to be blown by every wind of doctrine if we don't know where we are and why we believe what we believe so as I was talking to people in the last few months especially writing this book and this book covers some of these topics I was amazed at people that would say well you had Venice I heard you on there the other day and you said such and such about the papacy what have you and you shouldn't be done that and I said well aren't you a Protestant you know well yeah I said you know I actually said to one man you know what that means you know I don't guess so tonight we're going to do it we want you to call in your questions your comments a little bit later on but I've got three guys that are given their lives to the Lord to a very well-studied on about any subject that we can put together a quick crew and so what I want to do is brother see a we want to open with a prayer and we're going to talk fast hard and fast tonight but we want to with God's blessings we're going to get our understanding we're asking for those of us who need blinders taken off of our eyes and we need is F so that we can see the Holy Spirit see what the Lord has feel the Holy Spirit senses see the plan that God has for us and I want to let you know something when Jesus was on the cross you were on his mind right so tonight let's say a prayer and then we're going to get into this subject tonight that I think it's going to go in a lot of different directions so I'm excited about it you know I'll say quickly for prayer it's vital I'm thankful for this subject over the conversation went the Holy Spirit was involved with it because I just talked to a man not too long ago he's a Protestant okay he is looking and studying and reading and he's looking around he said where are they oh and he said you know what I'm withdrawing from any church I'm just not going to go anymore because no one is protesting on truths that are out there so there you can over balance a little bit here and there but still yet he's concerned because we're not protesting yeah against air so I'm saying that you have people who have almost given up on the Lord giving up their relationship because of this subject that they do not really understand and I tried to say to him quickly I said him but listen I believe this you can say what you want about being a Protestant and so on and so forth but every time somebody tells the truth every time you approach is subject and you tell the truth you are protesting err okay I giving that record yeah yeah I'm thankful for that you say well I'm not proach yeah every time you tell the truth every time you give it for a subject that you are protesting too high to heaven you know okay so you know that this is real subject and people are making decisions right now so we're dropping out we pray add opinion we'll get to get in this pool again all right right pastor C a gracious thought that how we praise you and thank you for an opportunity to lift up the name of Jesus and the Word of God we know that spiritual things are spiritually discerned so we ask even now for the presence and power of your Holy Spirit and for we must say plain things we are called to say sharp things sometime and in these last days the waters have been so muddied and so homogenized by doctrines that have come together by half-truths almost truth near truth parallel truth alternate facts father we want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth we want to know and understand your will for us as a people and your will for this world which is fast coming to its close and so bless us bless the words that we say may Christ be seen and felt may this night we get a new glimpse of the king and the soon coming Kingdom and we thank you dear Lord for what you have already promised to do and answer to the prayer of faith in Jesus name Amen man amen what we're going to do we're going to maybe have music a little later on the program but I think right now John why don't you set a foundation for us and maybe you have some quotes and something that you can help us to understand and what it means to be a Protestant okay well since we're going to talk about not only Protestantism but the Protestant Reformation which October of this year is going to be the 500th anniversary of the breakaway the split from the Roman Catholic Church I want to bring up the first slide and this is just a basic definition of what a Protestant is it starts with the question a Protestant is a form of Christianity which originated with the Reformation a movement against what its followers considered to be errors in the Roman Catholic Church that's Oxford Dictionary the most basic to the point definition you can't have a Protestant madison's protested and Martin Luther although he's known as the father of the Reformation it goes further back within him and fast as he a and pastor Kenny probably knows this also the oldest Protestant churches started in the 14th century John his name was Jan Hus but we call him John HUS and they protested things that they call cemani on you may remember in the New Testament Simon Magus who offered money to the Apostles for the power to gain access to the power that the Church Fathers had he saw the work of the Holy Spirit he offered could I buy it so the so the Protestants saw that the selling and the buying of clerical offices by the Roman Catholic they sold positions yes and they called it cemani or simony and so the Protestants said well how could you do that how could you sell positions to the highest bidder whatever what position do you want how much you wanted for not only that they sold indulgences and there were many doctrinal abuses that the church began to foster and that were not supported by Scripture so those who believed in the solid foundation of Scripture they said we cannot partake of that so John HUS was one of the early first Protestant reformers but it began to build later on and now when Martin Luther came on the scene was called a later Protestant reformers but now let's look at the the Creed of the Protestant Reformation was a very simple Creed which is going to think I think is going to carry most of the program when we go to the creative the Protestant Reformation bring up the other side Sola scriptura and this one simply means latin by scripture alone Sola scriptura is a Christian theological doctrine which holds that the Christian scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith and practice Sola scriptura is a formal principle of many Protestant Christian denominations and one of the five SOLAS like fall of today you know by faith alone for a bit after Syrian sola gracia buggery by grace alone and so but but the Roman Catholic Church at the time known as the Church of Rome that evolved later gave it the unity of Catholicism a pagan religion baptized by the state of Rome and joined them together in beliefs that were not supported by Scripture but it was done to gain access to the Christians that were moving away from the powers of Rome so how can we gain access to the Christians they baptized paganism and they brought into the church paganistic beliefs but those who believe in the Bible alone and Martin Luther started one of the largest pushes back to scripture alone and this became the clarion call Sola scriptura the Bible in the Bible only so coming to today the simple definition if your beliefs are found in the Bible then you are a Protestant but if your beliefs that you embrace are not found in Scripture but sound on traditional shelf such as from Romanism or any other any other Protestant any other denominational group that does not have a foundation of Scripture then you are not a Protestant but more specifically if your teachings merge with the teachings of Roman Catholicism you're not a Protestant okay that's the simple basic astha you know I want we're going to come to something in just a little bit and you talk about so many churches claim to be Protestant right we've we've got something that's going to cost a little bit that show that most churches aren't Protestant and and this comes from the Catholic Church itself I've got here with me the Augsburg confession which I want to look at and then I want to look at something that comes out of that that shows that most churches who claim to be Protestant many have abandoned their product and heritage and some never work so you've got this you've got this 30,000 plus Protestant denominations most are not Protestant most some never were Protestant and some are only pretend Protestant but I'm going to look at that also because John is correct there were many who were part of the Protestant Reformation we talked about John Huss well John Huss got his start reading the writings of wycliffe wycliffe in the 1300s John HUS later 1300s read Wyclef's there were people who had this idea of righteousness by faith which is at the heart of the Protestant denomination as back as Augustine in the 300s who were who were Catholics but you know there's nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come okay people like Augustine Jerome some of these early people who really saw righteousness by faith were such were so deep into the system they couldn't get free the thing that distinguishes her and Luther when he got started Danny he didn't he wasn't intending to start a new faith he would on a reform the Catholic Church he saw these abuses and he wanted to change the bad things in the church he saw them in particular this selling of indulgences he was German Johann Tetzel comes to Germany and he's selling indulgences and he's telling the people well as the money is you hear the clink in the bottom of the basket your sins in the past are taking care of your present sins are taking care and your future sins are taken care of and anybody else that you pay for their sins are going to be taking care and and Luther knew from this side that that cannot be right that cannot be so so the the I actually got the name for his 95 theses it's it's this interesting name the name was disputation on the power and efficacy of indulgences 95 95 different servants on the power and efficacy of indulgences basically saying this is wrong your your your can we return ripping people off yeah and and and and and you're raising money but you're raising money on a false premise and he knew that God couldn't be in that that's not like God first of all God doesn't lie and then you can't buy your way into heaven you know if religion was the thing that money could buy rich would live poor would die and he knew his heart told him that cannot be right so he started out to try to reform the church and it wasn't so much that he walked away from the church the church threw him under the bus I mean they got rid of him and and he simply could not stay because he could not be part of era and I think it before and I'm done that's something that each person ought to ask themselves today I need to be in something that if I'm gonna put my life and my destiny on this it's got to be truth that's right and if there's error in its doctrinal package if if what it teaches is doctrinally wrong then you got to find truth and you got to pursue truth mm-hmm amen you want to say pepsin Kenny well I'll just say just a couple of points you talk about the Protestant here and I you know I'm a believing spirit of prophecy I went to great controversy on ok how to Ridge innate it you know we realized where it came in in although it's nice I jot it down it's just a few lines I thought I interesting it says one of the noblest testimonies ever uttered by the Reformation was the protest offered by the Christian princes of Germany kind of interesting notice he says at the diet of spires in 1529 the courage faith and firmness of these men and it takes faith and courage try and firmness in this hour that we live as well as back then we'll see it you know heightened as we go along I said these men gained for the succeeding ages Liberty of thought and of conscience their protests gave to the Reformed Church the named Protestants its principles are the very essence of Protestantism and that's taken from the abhinaya vinay the historian we've got nice thick books out there's a lot of history involved in that and the other second point quickly was is exactly what Pastor John is brought down what CA just brought out Luther he went about he was interested in truth he went about convincing people the only way you could find out what really is truth is the Bible and the Bible only the Albany wrote that on there he said Luther had persuaded his followers to put no faith in any other Oracle's than the holy scripture named and so praise God I'm just thinking how that relates to us today doesn't it same thing and you know on the heels of the price of information you have people like John Calvin euros wing Lee these were other products and performers that built on the premise that Martin Luther champion but then even before him you may have heard there's a puzzle called Where's Waldo years ago but Peter Waldo who is the one who's cited as the originator of the Waldensian the Waldensian Christians he's credited with starting the movement that was once again they were a group that had really no definitive anchor but they just simply joined together with other people that protested things that were not supported by Scripture and so but where Rome shot back in what is known today as the Counter Reformation in 1565 Pope Reggio claimed and and created an edict saying that the Bible that tradition is on par with the Bible so tradition they called it sacred traditions which they said we make it sacred and since it's our tradition we consider it on par with the Bible but later on they passed another eating thing that tradition is above the Bible so what happens today is those as we say that claim to be Protestants are following traditions that are not founded on the Bible and the amazing irony about that whole thing is when you begin to examine it the only ones that really tell you the truth this is crazy well is the Roman Catholic Church okay they say they say we know it's not scriptural but the problem is you guys are following something that you say is in the Bible and we're saying to you it's not in the Bible look at this one slide and I'm going to go maybe if you bring the music up or after this yeah but we're not as an example this third slide and this is an amazing one here I brought this up for that very point the Protestant question there's that there's the reference at the bottom how prove you that the church have power to command of feast and holy days answer by the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday which Protestants allow of and therefore they fondly contradict themselves by keeping Sunday strictly in breaking most other feasts commanded by the same church well so they say that was written by not Protestants exactly was written by Henry Henry Tuberville the abridgement of the Christian doctrine 1833 a portion page 58 the references are there if you contact us we give you the references these and I have so many more will bring out tonight but the point of the matter is when Christians say this is scriptural and Rome says show it to me mm-hmm yeah and so they try to pull this out by saying well there was a John was in the spirit on the Lord's Day but they have no support for that being the president well the disciples broke bread on the first day the week well they broke bread every day well the disciples Anette they gathered birthday well they gathered on the first day in John for fear of the Jews because Jesus just died so all the way only have four attempts in the New Testament to solidify any scriptural support for Sunday in Rome says great attempt but let me clear up the confusion we establish Sunday therefore we are the authority by which you perish they bake boldly then it is Diebold II they don't hide it you can speak boldly right yeah when you especially when all you do is read or quote from their own writing yeah you know right well everybody here does it you you look in and they say that about themselves so you feel at liberty to go ahead because they already pinned it's already out there right and so you just say and people look at you like you lost your mind I'm at other ball the past is here but real quickly it's so easy to be clear what we're going to do on this program and let me just make it very clear this program is not for the purpose of bashing Catholics no it's not most of my family is Catholic this the purpose of this program is to calibrate okay and the question we pitched and we passed this here and I've done this on several occasions why do you do what you do and what is the authority behind it if it is the Word of God you are on a safe platform but if it's tradition and you're expecting God to endorse it you are on a shaky platform so we're going to calibrate and say if you're a Christian if you love the Lord that's not the issue here if you've been serving God based on all the like you've had that's not the issue here we're not condemning you we're saying we're living in a day and age as you said Danny with spiritual vigilantes people have taken God's Word in a vigilante mindset and twisted it to make it fit what they believe rather than the other way around we explained quite a bit of this the subject tonight Protestant Catholicism and how it came about and and how the Reformation started and some of these things because the effect what I was thinking about CA was a lot of people say well I've read Fox Book of Martyrs not I've read the history I know what happened you know thousand years ago I know about millions of people being persecuted by the Church of Rome I know about the brakeaway but today there's so much division in the world why don't we just all come together oh so why don't want you guys to address that you had another point I think you're going to make and then I want you to address what that actually sounds pretty good we're called the United States of America but we're sure not United what a mess be nice if we could get together you got all these churches would claim to be Christian but we're not United and so today most of what people and I think they're watching here nobody's probably going to argue with this so far because it's pretty hard to argue with the truth when it's out there any historian and in John Wetton is some years as on things like Wikipedia you can go to all of these dictionaries but people say but what difference does it make this is you know five hundred years later what difference does it make was here yeah your question why can't we all come together the Catholic Church says we are together you're still Catholic you know that early what what Kenny read past academic all you can t go do this short what Kenny read from Ellen White took place in 1529 that next year fifteen thirty those bishops and prelate got together to form what came out in 1534 as the Augsburg confession they presented it to Charl the fifth Holy Roman Emperor at that time it went through 28 fundamentals that are part of the Lutheran Church that were in line with Luther's teaching mm-hmm the Catholic Church was searching for a doctrinal premise to refute Protestantism and they met at the Council of Trent counselor Trent was 18 years of bishops meeting 18 years of convening and they were struggling they passed a lot of things just before the end of the consulate went John you know this they passed the idea that tradition and when you think of Trent you think Oh tradition tradition was equal with Scripture that in fact tradition Trump's scripture Richard and the church is the arbiter of tradition so the church determines what is scriptural and if what the Church teaches disagrees with Scripture you go with the church hmm so they're thinking what can we do to deal with this we need a doctrinal point John mentioned Pope Reggio while he was still Archbishop Reggio at the time Archbishop Reggio came up with the idea that every Protestant of Catholic canceled every Catholic theologian from that day to this has used in whole or in part it's called the Protestant inconsistency here's what they said you say you believe in Sola scriptura that's what you say mm-hmm sunday-keeping is not in the Bible so if you keep Sunday you don't believe in Sola scriptura you are de facto Catholic because sunday is our day mm-hmm and if you look at any treatise that defends Catholicism that reasoning is there in whole or in part that's right it's called the Protestant inconsistency you say you you build your kingdom on Sola scriptura but your main day of worship is not Sola scriptura it's Catholic we change the day it's our day we change it because we can do tradition over the Bible so if you're keeping Sunday number one you're not Sola scriptura number two you ain't Protestant you are de facto Catholic so the Catholic Church says there's no division you are just bratty children who don't want to pay attention to the mother oh but you are Catholic you are not product in that's right so as Pastor John said in the very beginning a whole lot of churches just got put on the Shelf because they're not they're not Protestant the Catholic Church says you're Catholic believe it or not your doctrine says you can maybe it's a good time to say that God has people in all churches through so tonight when we're talking we're not I've got some very good friends who are Catholic what do too and we don't talk doctrine we talk friendship when a high school together things like that we're in fact one of them we're getting ready to go eat with the family and do some things because they're wonderful people right and so tonight we don't want to be mistaking that we're old Catholics or bad Protestants are good it's not that way at all only God says man looks on the outward appearance God looks on their heart but what this is about is about education and spiritual education because we're living in such a time when the world is such a mess that if we're not standing firmly on the word of God we can fall we will fall we can be blown by every wind of doctrine but we can't live and survive on tradition we're not all tradition maybe is bad I'm not going to say that I'm just saying we can't live on tradition we have to live our lives based on principle from the Word of God so what we're saying is though God has people in all churches as we learn what the Bible says it's up to us to accept it so that's one reason I love watching 3abn and I'm so thankful to be a part of it because where are you going to turn what network are you going to turn right that you're going to hear this kind of conversation no people can do it and it's civil when nobody's name-calling because what these three have said that's so important is nothing you will hear us say tonight for instance we're Protestants not Catholic not followers in Catholic Church nothing we will say tonight about the Catholic Church did we make up we're only going to repeat to you what they say and what they claim about the selves so that's not bad other words Kenny Jonah me we get mad at each other well fun fun and so yeah not only on the basketball court but we get upset at each other and so John says something and I repeat it well that's no big deal John said it but if I say well he I know what he was thinking he said now I've got I've got off-track you know what we're doing here we're saying tonight we're not putting down people but we're trying to get a point out getting somewhere that where are we today and how it before the program is over we want you to understand how is this going to affect you today people say oh I don't really care what I am I don't know if I'm Protestant I don't know if I'm Catholic doesn't really matter well maybe it does matter and hopefully tonight Kenny when this program is over people if nothing else we've prayed that the Holy Spirit will agitate your heart in your mind to really delve into the Word of God and say Lord what would you have me to do I want to draw closer to you I want to be prepared for this time of trouble and we are in a time of trouble right now this thing I mean is going quickly this world is literally coming to an end quickly and we need to be prepared so studies like this help us to understand the question and see we talked about it some why is it important because people say you know what let's just come together they're evangelicals meeting with the Pope and other we've seen that for a number of years it's really getting there bunch of our political leaders look to the Pope for answers for spiritual answers you know what is wrong with that was looking something the other day reading it just kind of what you were thinking here about the comments cominis let's all just come together yeah but how can you and there's to calm it build a bridge okay let's build a bridge between a solace ISM and Protestantism and how can you build a bridge that's worth anything when you're trying to mix truth and air together right okay you're going to have problems with the structure of that bridge it's going to give way it's not going to be able to hold under the weight of scrutiny that's going to come because like Scripture you can you can test it and you can put acid to it and it's going to be strong but when the when the Roman Church says to Protestant they look at you right in the eye and they'll say you are a harlot that's what they called it a charity one of his word is a harlot well you know so that we in turn say okay they've written that down we have said that now I'm going to and you're doing it we're doing here I'm protesting that okay good it's okay to do that I wrote a lot of sin means your protest I'm protesting that because that is not the truth okay you see and that's what we do on every angle that comes up and the communist thing that's how the enemy is going to work and that's how he the Roman Church was started was on the principle of compromising we have to be careful about compromising any kind of truth you can never compromise it and why it says rather than do that let there be what war mmm verse let there be war rather than compromise any aspect of the truth so it's time for God's people to put on the armors time to stand up and protest your life any time you can't how can you sit still when you hear somebody that's why I can't be honest I can't listen hardly anything outside state 3abn what has it seems I hear at least in my opinion what air is I know the enemy is speaking and it goes off immediately and some people don't know that cannot make a judgement on that but still yet is still air and I know where the air comes from I protest that man okay the Bible says try the spirit come on in first John and your company we're just talking about some things you're doing that jobs now that word try in the original greek has to do with with a piece of lumber come on and it says before you use that lumber you got a test that lumber to see if it'll hold the weight that is that is supposed to carry so it means put your weight on that piece of lumber make sure that it's solid okay so so you know if your eternity if you're going to give your life to something you need to make sure that it can hold the weight yeah that I can it can carry the weight you don't want to be a teacher of a consumer of a purveyor of error you want to be the truth when somebody talks about Danny Shelton you want them to tell the truth about you and as a person who's had on shoes told about you you know what kind of pain that that that brings you well it does the same to God wants the truth to be told about him if a Church's teaching that God burns people forever that's not the truth about God okay that hurts God so God doesn't want you believing that just lest we cannot be I'll be done real quick fella and I told the story the other day a fella called me he was angry of God angry because he when he was in church a few years ago his pastor told him because they didn't know of his wife's past in the church or out of the church well the pastor Tony Westland burnt is gonna burn forever so he's done with God he isn't done I don't I'm not serving a god like that I'm not going to any church yeah no he did he's slippin proclaim and he hears a message that I preached on the state of the Dead and he said it's like the clouds rolled away no more he just had a call and we stayed on the phone a good time a good long time he realized that first of all there was hope for his wife and - she wasn't burning now she will not burn forever so he immediately went to an Adventist Church he said then they hit me with this Sabbath thing he said well by the time we got to Sabbath I was so happy in Jesus Sabbath there's no problem because I dealt with my objection which was state of the Dead so if you're preaching the state of the Dead you're giving a false impression of who God is ask me I got it also so we talked about the the church changing Catholic Church then changing the Sabbath and and speaking boldly about it that they did where did and that's a I mean a very important topic about burning forever and ever where did that doctrine come from because Protestants churches who claim to be Protestant preached it all the time very few yeah preach anything differently we're one of the exceptions where did that come from hit it faster that was a paper guy I was a pagan belief when I mentioned a moment ago Roman Catholicism was nothing more than baptized paganism a church adopted by the state of Rome to give a religion to it so that it could become attractive to those who want religion and they began totally on a traditional basis but the assimilation was very gradual let me give an example they said okay they call two keepers Judaizers yeah and they said it's a burden it's a day you can't do this you can't do that just like the devil said to Eve you can't eat anything when it's that God gave her everything so they made it such a burden and then the Creator today called the festival days days of families now what's amazing about that is just last year in America this is being introduced and it's a congressional introduction that we should sit down at the table with people of different denominations on Sunday to find out what we have in common and what we don't have in common they call it the family day the very same thing done in 168 ad mmm it began as a tradition and that day was their feasting in large meals and pleasure-seeking but by the year 321 ad the only ones that did not have to honor Sunday were those who dealt with agriculture in the farms because the people had to eat the body of 538 ad everybody had to keep it for fear of death or losing your property but the point of the matter is Rome doesn't even deny that so this idea of burning in hell this came in during the Dark Ages Rome uses us to develop two other teachings on the on the assimilation of the pagan belief of in the Greek goddess Hades the Bible uses warden Hades the god of the underworld this is the old pagan istic teaching so now how do we raise money how despicably deplorable but if we can get people to believe that there's an ever-burning hell and your mother is not baptized she's going to go to purgatory and she'll be there for 30 days this is something else Martin Luther protested she'll be there for 30 days unless you pay the bishops or the Pope's to pray her out of purgatory straight into heaven but if your baby died and was not baptized this is limbo the baby goes to a place called limbo for 30 days and if you pay the Pope he'll pray that baby out of limbo into heaven but if not your parent and your baby will burn in hell forever and ever never so who wouldn't pay to get their baby of hearing and because they took the scriptures away so in this dark here of the Dark Ages they were able to build these teachings it wasn't just a Sabbath purgatory limbo eternally burning hell the she came along later on what to tell me that you grew a secret along later on so there is now internal that's from the Bible not at all Francisco Rivera and Luis the alcazar - commissioned - commissioned Jesuits by Rome to push to the future the idea that Rome represented the Antichrist system and the Protestant reformers clearly tarred and feathered her as the Antichrist as the Bible description clearly defined the Church of Rome but now this rapture the secret rapture came and was pushed to the future now so many Christians with Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins entire series on left behind are looking for a single European Antichrist some guy that's going to come out of Europe somewhere and but-but national Geographics as did an expose on the secret rapture and they said millions of Christians believe and adhere to this belief that has no scriptural support Wow so there's a lot of things not just a sin so that's why it's important what we're talking about here all these things were starting to hit on right now maybe you believe those whatever church whatever denomination you are and you thought they were the Bible I'll never forget Kenny after our father passed away in 1974 my mother met Earl and they married sometime later and so he was a different denomination and then wasn't seventh-day Adventist and so they were talking and they would talk religion and take Bible studies and so he was finally saying you know I think maybe you're right about the Sabbath but one night day he was talking to our mother and and said well you know when rapture comes mmm such-and-such and my mother's away to stop doing that and who said that's not right he goes what do you mean it's not right as well she said actually it's not even in the Bible oh yes it is she said well can you give me a scripture show me the rapture in the Bible and he said well I mean I'm not that good at it but I know my pastor can she said now you said that what about this abotu and you saw now that he was wrong and he said but I know he said he just prayed preach don't last weekís they just preached on the rapture and so I've heard it all my life and I know it's in the Bible so what do Kenny she says well call him call you pastor and talk to him so he called a pastor as his Herald and said yeah I want to talk to I'm talking to go to here and she says that the rapture is not even in the Bible and so can you give me some scriptures because I want to show her that it's in the Bible and he's like my mom could hear the other end she's hearing him like well well I mean you know I'm not I don't really know where these scriptures are I'm like you I've heard it on my life but to tell you the truth I I don't really believe it myself he said I don't know much about it myself here's a pastor but he's even preached it but he said I preached it because that's what I've heard all my life and I really don't know how to so that's when when he hung up he said okay that's my last time at that church because too many things are not biblical and we're finding out that these these doctrines if you will these beliefs are not solar Scripture they're not from the Bible but they're actually from from Rome okay so many things come to mind there are so many things that are that are not that are taught that we just we just accept without it when you and Shelly wrote a Antichrist agenda and then the the a bridge 10 commandments eyes remove how many pastor said you're not my teaching and stuff for years but I've never I've been parroting what I've been told and I think we need to say again we're not we're not bashing any particular denomination but the only way you can judge or rate a church is by what it teaches its doctrinal package that's that there's no other way and it was not to teaching truth then you've got to separate yourself from that because it's not it's not of the Lord and my mind is playing games with me because I had enough thought in that but I would come out of her behavior so what would you say and like the three angels messages I come out of her my people because it's an end times message found in Revelation 14 chapter 4 10 times people so how can you come out of something if you don't know you're in it yeah you don't know unless you're studying it so you got to find out what are you coming out of you're coming out of spiritual confusion that's right so that's what God is calling us to do thus the reason for this program is to get your mind a jeté today I'm a piece of it nobody can retrack anything that just said they've said it's there for the world to hear and we hope they do because we can assure you if you call your pastors and you talk to them about anything these been just said they can't from the Bible and I'm going to tell you that right now I've been in this a long time they can't tell you from the Bible what these guys said it isn't true I don't care who you pastor and what church you go to they won't be able to say well that's not true there is the let me show you the rapture in the Bible it's not there they can't say well let me show you the change of this half of the Catholic Church didn't change the Sabbath jesus said let me show you about they can't do it it's not there I don't say that with arrogance but I smile because I can't tell you how many times over the years people will call in and say well I know better than that one night Kenny I offered a million dollars I said further if you call in and you show the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday in the Bible and the Bible alone I'll give you a million dollars the phones lit up like crazy yeah and so I said wait you don't have to hurry just take your time because everybody who does it will give you a million dollars if you can prove the Sabbath was changed you know Saturday to Sunday in the Bible well I'll give you mean dollar I'm going to pray for an increase of faith because I did that one time and just offered ten thousand three alligator law increase once I did a million dollars and you know people started calling in and so we got people live on the phone we and we could hear them and she said well I wanted to call because I wanted to be one the first I don't know the exact scripture but can I come I said no we'll wait you call your pastor and tell him to give you the scripture after a little while later she said he well it's not I guess he can't find it right now I did no one claimed that only indatus because it's not there now don't say that with arrogance what I'm just telling you that the reason Protestant means to protest you're protesting the the Church of Rome too during the Dark Ages persecuted millions of millions of people you can understand why people want to get away from that but they came with such powers such authority decided you know what we we're going to make up our own rules and they will as he said Trump the Bible and this is what everybody's going to do if you don't do it then you're going to suffer the consequences so now that's where Protestants I think Catholic doesn't that mean universal the word univer Universal so that's everyone the Protestant means we're protesting that they are not going by the Bible and that we are when we answer to God we have to answer to what we know from the Word of God not any Church including 7th avenues Baptist Methodist we answer to God so Protestants today when we ask you in the beginning of the program you know maybe are you a Protestant but what church you go to are you Protestant we're going to get your minds thinking the time this program is over are you this is your church really Protestant if they believe some of the things like we just saw the first day a week I don't care how big the church mega church it is it didn't come from the Bible when these mega preachers teach on Sunday and talk about Sunday worship it doesn't I saw on the news well on on Sunday morning that turned on the news and one of the news commentators said Donald Trump is the verb is a observing president Trump is observing the Sabbath this morning now it was Sunday morning the news commentator did you hear that term Sabbath yeah he did he said that it's just donald trump is keeping the sabbath this morning well he can't keep the Sabbath he president the United States that no matter how hard he tries and he can't keep the Sabbath on Sunday because my Sabbath is not on Sunday it's on the seventh day of the week which is Saturday magnetars that's the way and you know the thing about the truth let me just broaden it we're not really protesting wrong we're protesting error okay that's good we're protesting error whoever embraces error we've got a protest at a man because error if Jesus sorry because Jesus is the light of the world he says he who walks in darkness we cannot say you in Christ and walk in darkness you can't have fellowship what fellowship does light have with darkness you cannot have it and Jesus says I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth in truth yes now why are people being to see today because they received not a love of the truth that they might be saved and what happens God sends them a strong delusion that they believe a lie now God doesn't send a strong illusion but they say to God I don't want light so only have one thing left on my shelf darkness because they don't receive a love of it and what happens what we're appealing to Christians today because this is the this is the point of the program we're not trying to straighten out your relationship with Jesus you may love the Lord more than people who keep the Sabbath not the purpose of the program but your love for Christ must require you to follow what Jesus has said and not the traditions and the Maxim's of men the Word of God is the only safe GPS that will guide you from where Jesus found you to where eternity is going to embrace you so no matter what the teaching if it's not scripture alone get rid of it and embrace the truth today magazine well in the i4 era he died the truth he died for anybody who wants to walk on the light if we walk in the light as he is in a life we had a novella ship with one another that's the only reason you did you come about right because we're walking in the light good news about all of the craziness in the world today it is making people stop and say you know what I really just want an old truth I see people though all this craziness going on so what is going on in the world and they're open for truth then that's why again I bring it up the spiritual vigilantes because a vigilante is someone who takes the law into their own hands we know that in the physical sometimes there's even who take the law into their own hands somebody didn't get sentenced to prison way they thought they should or did something so these secret groups get together and they become judge juror and jury and executioner of these people and it occurred to me that in the spiritual vigilante is organizations for spiritual leaders who take the law into their own hands and try to attempt to change the laws of God and then pull the wool over your eyes and tell you that this is coming from the life this is a book and everybody needs this is what it needs to go far and why because touching in even more depth I think than what we went through here that really helps us there's a couple things that served over the years and the read there are two things one of them is with the pastor John got my mind thinking faster CA did the same thing while ago as they mentioned with forced-air and tradition of men I call air and tradition of men nothing more than a leech that is attached to the truth Oh see it has to air has to attach itself to the true - suck a little bit of it out and so there you have a combination there error and truth together okay and that's poisonous so air is a leech and there's no one who likes leeches well I just had a pastor call me from the South this week anyone to talk to me not not an Adventist and said this book is amazing timely can I give him can we pass them out I want my congregation to pass the mountain I'm gonna give them to everybody and so then there's another Sunday pastor who actually came here got the books and said I've read it and and I want to give these my congregations going out on Sundays passing these books out that's amazing and that they're doing it so again all are doing is we're trying to set up truth and that's what we're talking about is truth and that's why we're saying when people say well why don't we just all get together and everybody you know we can we can join hands together and be one faith and and don't have these differences we can't do it unless we're joining hands with twos that's right hey truth in air don't come from the light-dark doesn't mix a bank here I think John's recitation of first John one is very important if we walk in the light as he is in the light at that point we have fellowship and the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin so the thing that unites us is light amen and if you're not in the light then we cannot have true fellowship because you've got to surrender some light yes if we're going to have fellowship in darkness someone asked me the other day we were talking about right and wrong and he's saying do you think the evidence Church is is right and I said yeah I do because I've studied do that he said do you really believe that you're right and everybody else is wrong pretty heavy question would be my answer to him was do you think all 33,000 Christian denominations can be right okay everybody be right you know you saying can everybody be wrong I'm saying though can everybody can everybody with all of those different nuances can everybody be right yeah they can't they can't and if we're not following the Word of God they're not right well how many ways can you tell the truth only one away well fed yeah and watch this listen how simple it is to narrow down to know where the truth is going to come from okay I want to know where the truth is going to come from I don't want to try to study 32,000 nominations the Lord has given a simple litmus test the acid test today and then I want to go here it's how you know where to find the truth first John 2 verse 3 and 4 Oh now by this we know that we know him what does he turn life that we know him yeah now by this we know that we know him first on to verse 3 if we keep his Commandments member first for he who says I know him and does not keep his Commandments is a liar and the truth is not anyone right away eliminate 32,000 995 I'm not being facetious no wherever the commandment God a not kept or told it's been nailed to the cross is no longer relevant you're not going to get truth from there Isaiah 8:20 to the law and to the testimony I fear the article had a quarter this is because there's no light or like yeah and then Old Testament and New Testament job together to let you know where you're going to get truth coming from okay well I can't believe this first hour is just about gone and so the second hour now we're going to be taking some questions so you may want to call in if you have questions we'll try to take them we may not be able to get all of them but six one eight six two seven four six five one or live at 3abn dot TV so call or email us your questions we're going to study a little more I'm interested in some of these other topics like we not only the Sabbath where we talk about the the the burning forever and arrow we got about the rapture that so many things are not in the Bible that they're actually come from tradition or from a group of people who say we have power to change God's law hey we're going to be back in just a moment [Music] hello and welcome back to 3abn today live and I don't know about you but I've had a great time and I said I told them during the break I'm sure glad we didn't get together and study or practice this out here because we really didn't as my fault I walked late on the set here about 5 or 10 minutes before we went live but we really didn't but I know that the Holy Spirit we prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to be here there's a reason I ask you gentlemen to be here because I know that you're been prepared and have taught these things for many many years and I know that there's questions that are coming in we're getting few already so we're going to ask you if you want call us six one eight six two seven four six five one or if you want to email us live at 3abn dot TV please do so with your comments and questions because in a bit we want to do it but John we as seven to have ins Christians we believe still yet in the Bible in the Bible only yes and and we believe that we still are Protestant because we keep all the commandments of God and teach all the commandments of God yes including same-sex marriage abortion seventh-day Sabbath many of the things that that people have just kind of compromised and that's the reason we put out literature like yeah that's why I want to begin the second hour and I want to just talk directly to those of you watching if you're in your car listening or wherever you might be listening through this to this program that's why Danny I'm so glad you took a brave step and you know what a lord impress you to write this book spiritual vigilantes this is the age where if you look at what's happening in Congress today now I'm not saying what it's right or wrong but right now there's this big you know this inquiry what is happening in our government did the president say the city did not say this everybody's looking for truth and the false truth and the alternate truth and all this stuff but what we're talking about is people want to know yeah but what is more important to know about than the thing that impacts your eternal salvation there you go in this in the book spiritual vigilante that Danny wrote this book comes it's a it's a book for this time in a day and age where people don't like their message watered down they don't want to dilute it we live in a in your Facebook generation they want to clear under the point this book deals with it scripturally contemporarily issues that are in the in the political circles today and so I would recommend I mean there's so many people that want to pass these book out books out but what we'd like you to do if you've never had a copy of it you can send for a copy of it but what I'd like you to do if you're a church leader or a pastor of any particular denomination because this is not a branch is Adventist pastor people of Sunday churches are passing this out because this is one of the very few books written today that deals with issues that affect every denomination that's what's wonderful about it every denomination moral issues political issues the the erosion of the family and society the marriage these institutions that are scripturally sacred if you are I'm going to use an unusual phrase if you are tired of giving darkness the first seat if you are tired of era being pushed and even rubber-stamp politically we're calling on you to say I want to stand I want this book to be passed out in my community in my church in my denomination people need to know because here is a reality if you are a person who loves the Lord I don't think you could sit by idly and watch your family walk into darkness and be lost needlessly so I'm encouraging you these books are free to those that called for it but your donations I'm going to ask Danny to give the information on how the donations can be sent in people might say well I want to send checks and there it is on the screen here you can order that at 6 to 7 mm m61 8 6 to 7 4 6 5 1 or email us at mail room at 3abn TV but this is not only to order the books we want you to send in your donations c---- i like to send in a hundreds of thousand 10,000 people sent in large checks and what this allows us to do is for people that want to pass these out miss the beauty you can pass these books out put zero dollars yeah but we can't print them for zero dollars right so by you given to the nation's we can send out thousands a hundreds of that that's the beauty of it the concept is we're not saying oh man they're just selling this but they're selling this with yourself no we're actually giving the books away free and as I said we've had 400 and I think 50,000 being printed we've got orders coming up to nearly 500 thousand just in the last two or three months but our problem has been so far we had enough money to - so what's happening people donate so tonight if the Holy Spirit's impressing you want to have $10 that'll pay for I think close to 20 books because we're buying so many you're getting them down at a very very cheap price so what we're doing you give some people give $1,000 that's a couple thousand books and what happens is all the groups if you want these books tonight you can call us here and email us tonight and order sad like 500 I like a thousand but we need to know who you are and what church where you're from a little bit information about you and all you pay is eighteen and a half cents a piece flat rate or a horse or four we have per book as yeah is 18 and a half cent Oh I mean that's that's cheap right that's no it's $18 for a hundred books and so you get a hundred books for $18 now we've decided on that if people aren't willing to pay $18 for hundred books you're probably not that interested in the books right maybe you don't want to get the books but this way you make a little commitment on it and so they're shipped so that's that's anywhere and I think in America I want to say that maybe some of the other places but call center will tell you so if you would like some of these books tonight all you do please call in email us and let us know yes I would like however many a lot of people doing 500 doing a thousand we've had some big order some one of the conference's ordered two pallets which is almost eleven thousand because they said the message especially the same-sex marriage abortion some of these things we hit the Sabbath these are things within our own church that our own people need to read today another conference ordered two pallets which is almost eleven thousand books and then one on the East Coast one of the conference that the pastor's came to me and said this is something we need I'm having a struggle in our own Church with these with these some of these topics because the Sabbath is easy but now some of these other things are creeping into the church so while we are here saying truth is truth is truth is truth that's not just for everybody that's all of us so if you're Church I don't care if it's seven to heaven in store Baptist or whatever if we you see truth creepin compromises Joe Cruz wrote that book into our churches we have to put it out we have to stand up and talk about that too that's right I can't just hide it well that's our church we don't want to talk about it or deal with it so if you're like those but the only way we can do it and keep up to do it as those of you who maybe you can't pass the books out but say I'll give $500 I'll give $100 even if you give ten dollars or 20 of that mounts up so if you do it to donation tax-deductible just send it here to 3abn like you normally would those watching overseas you can do it through PayPal if you want to donate and a lot of folk are paying for these we're looking at even getting the books translated into Spanish because there's demand for it there so again they're free all you have to do is call give us some information we just want to make sure they're not sitting in a garage that they are getting out on the streets and we're getting tremendous reports from people and it's so encouraging when that happens so it's not going to cost you anything just the shipping $18 for a hundred books and you figure that thousand books is only $180 sort of culinary church this isn't this is a mistake you don't want to make is when you make your order you just order a few I can tell you why from personal because last trip we were on yeah there was a little bit of shuffling shuffling going on because they didn't order enough of those books only had people who wanted them and some other people beat him in line and they were trying to save now that I would think you know I need this book okay after had to promise to call and get more books don't make mistake just order a few order a bunch and of course they send since amount to cover those things I've got the same the same story for my sister Donna ordered just a few and I think she had that little bit of shuffling also she has something going on because they go but you know I heard just this past week or press last week that JK Rowling the author of the Harry Potter series yeah I sort of thing around 10 11 million you know not never watched any Harry Potter moves never read the books but I've seen digests of what the material is all about wouldn't it be nice if the Christian community got together and put out the word of truth in those kinds of matters oh you know to push back against the darkness Canon doesn't someone asked me the question is this book mean is you know is it because it seems like is going against a lot of stuff and as I've heard the term no-holds-barred I'd rather culture it as lovingly Frank you know it's written in love but it doesn't shy away from those things that need to be said but so did so that's how Christ works and Christ did not walk away from the truth he said I didn't come to to just sort of go to dinner and have martyrs I came to bring a sword but I came to to draw a dividing line and if you're going to stand for something that means you're going to be against something else that's just the way it is if I stand for a I can't be a and B I can't hold passports in two countries I got to be a citizen here or citizen here so that means if I'm in this country I can't be in this country at the same time so if I'm on the Lord's side then I've got to be on the Lord's side and everything that is not of the Lord I cannot support that and that's what the book does it asks us given the commandments of God given the requirements of God for us whose side are you going to be on it's a nipple event choose you this day that's nothing new who are you gonna serve if God be God service if he's not God then find a God and serve Him so you're saying God is God we need to serve Him and all that entails and we really need your financial support we would want this thing to dry up because there were those who were not willing to give there are many who are willing to pass now remember that group we met in New York City of people that we entered and again Oh excellent I don't how many books they got Dave Jenyns you know who I know that cousins yeah there has passed everything because they live to do that that's that's what is the pass out literature well we they're going to need your help because they need more books there are other groups it need more books we really need to financially get up under the load of this know that as many as one can get and the word of god can can be remnant publication isn't done for a great price to get them them as low as they can for them you know last week I was in New York just about we were finishing the week at Ephesus Church in Harlem and we were walking down 34th Street and we saw this long long line well and and she said what are they lined up for and I just had to ask what you you guys in line well I mean I don't see anything out here what do you miss what are you guys standing in line for they said spider-man movie oh it premieres today spider-man movie every age in class I saw people in suits people in contemporary black white children Spanish English every denomination of people with their blackberries in the with anywhere from the hip hop look to the dressed up student I'm thinking mmm you guys are standing aligned it is spider-man yeah this fictitious guy who's sliding from building to building on spider webs doesn't really exist we have been so drugged in a man oh we have been as a people sold but it robbed and inoculated by hair foolishness and when you talk about truth it sounds like why would I do that why would people stand in line to prepare for something that has no bearing on their eternity but just because it entertains in America has done that's exactly what America has done life liberty and the pursuit of happiness if we could just all get along why don't we just get happy so here's my point Jesus said for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light the devil stops at nothing to inoculate our minds to get us ready for nothing amen Christians who are hearing this program sitting on their couch they sit and they are unmoved in this shaken world nothing amazes me more than Christians that are unmoved so we want to challenge you and I wouldn't talk about some other topics answered the questions out here point we want you to be moved while you can be moved yeah because tonight is coming in which no one can work while we have religious freedom in America to pass out whatever this is the time that your energy and your finances will count was somebody's eternal salvation including York now that just about a week and a half ago I got a call people want to talk to me it's a pastor it's a some type of Pentecostal church and his wife they were on the phone and he said I ordered we ordered your book because we read your book because we watched some of your camp-meeting they're from the Northeast and says we watch you camp meeting we heard about it and so the sermon I'd given a sermon on Sabbath and he said when you talked about you know the same-sex marriage and abortion it's amendment that stuff's creeping into our church and I said we got to get this book and we want to read it we want to get our members reading it but he said little did I know little did I know that now I have to deal with the Sabbath and he said because you took me all the way there he said you got me into that and I said man all the way he said I was reading and I said well this is good my members you know I'm having this trouble my church they're trying to bring in this other stuff and and he said I said man this guy he's got it going this is good and all of a sudden and he said dad all of a sudden you went right from there to the Sabbath and his wife said that's not so hard to understand he said that wasn't so hard to understand so we're going to have to make some decisions aren't we go that's the way you already are you called I said you're already making the decisions so he said I didn't know that when I got into it but I have to deal with that now because any said is not that I didn't want to just never thought about a baby and a pastor like for years never thought about it just never no reason to but he said oh my so thank you so does our some of the reports that we're starting to get from these and that's why we're excited the other night I turned on a another network and all I ever see is just there's nothing wrong with being happy but it's happy and they were doing a praise it's on better I call them baguette on but I watched and they've been doing it for nearly a week their goal was four and a half million and they were people as they were talking it was going to point they already had over two million 2.4 million two point four point one it was climbing up in a matter I went to other challenge turned back an hour later it gone up to half a million dollars and I thought in that amazing how people will give to hype it was a lot of just hype they didn't say what they're going to do with it they weren't investing it in books to give to the world they didn't say just support us we need it and people were doing it but they had everybody up with clapping sing and shout and running and I guess that must help the wallet so but I'm not that good at dancing so I'm not going to try it out here tonight I wouldn't do any good but thank you for those of you who give and do support 3abn the ministry and those who are supporting us to be able to get this book out you know how far Danny does and I'm almost all stretch just a little bit here and you can stop me if I stretch it too far but this passage of Matthew 24:14 I'm thinking of your book I'm thinking your book but we've been talking about this but we're talking about need to get it out need people support that giving it away free but there had be those who wanted you know give to this but it's that you know you know it well said the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached into all the world for a witness and then shall the income mm-hmm how far do we put this in perspective of your book I know gospel and you know when you define it in what the gospel is the gospel also encompasses what is truth does it not that's right this book it's part of the gospel and I don't want to gain by all upset about it's part of God because it's covering aspects that's vital to people's for today and when this message goes into the whole world then he's going to come people are making decisions for this book they're reading it and they're making decisions for Christ and they're confronted with it and as you say some time with they're put in a position when they're honest in heart when their arms and hearts are put in position because of the way that it's you've worded it they have to make a decision amen and this is all God's promise they're going to hear it and they're going to make a decision I think are the Gospels this book Danny something to allay people's fears you know if you were like many ministries and took your cut from this mmm you could you could do well you know you could you could buy some ice cream with that I know if you if you if you if you took your cut but I think we need to say that you're not making a dime off of this that the money that comes goes back into buying a book so we're just circulating what you're doing is just supporting the ministry it supporting the ministry that is carried on by this book dad and I can retire on this book you forget half a million you could do pretty well we have a million books but that's not what you're doing trouble is they're missionary when you say that ten million of Harry Potter's they sell for twenty thirty bucks these are missionary prices so you're dealing with something at fifty cents or whatever there's not a lot of money being made anyway but I want to get to to offer here less we dwell on this this is just came in just now John and it's so important and thank you guys because you're supportive this because of what's going out here thank you so much for what you've said about it because again this is something that we believe is truth that needs to get out and it needs to be we're asking people in our own church but somebody's watching this tonight says I'm a Baptist come on my whole family are Christians if I worship on Sunday instead of Saturday will I be lost our Sabbath keepers the only ones gone to heaven oh very easy answer very easy answer we've never said let me just speak since you're watching the program when I talk I record to you we have never said that people that go to church on Sunday would be lost here's what we said and Jesus made it very clear in John 14:15 he said if you love me keep my Commandments you find this simple question you have to ask yourself if you really if you love the little since you level with it but since you love the Lord how difficult it is to show your love by action you see we can make a decision but a decision has to be followed by an action I could say yes I do love the Lord but how is XT if you let me keep my Commandments the commandments of God are simple the fourth commandment is remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy it's not for the Jews it was made at the end of creation week for all humanity look at your Bible mark 2 verse 27 and 28 this Sabbath was made for man so if you love the Lord the acknowledgment of the Sabbath and here's the key look at Exodus chapter 20 verse 8 to 10 verse 8 to 11 it says the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God so here's the question who's your God well if what Rome has established acknowledge if you acknowledge the supremacy of the Pope above the words of Jesus then keep Sunday hmm but if you acknowledge the words of Jesus above the supremacy of the Pope then honor the Sabbath why if you love me Jesus says keep my Commandments the Sabbath is a sign between you and God Ezekiel 20 verse 12 moreover I gave them my Sabbath to be a sign between me and them that they might know that I am the lord that sanctifies them so if you love the Lord it's a no-brainer we're not asking you to give up anything we're asking you to step into the blessing not to give get rid of the blessing because when you love the Lord John 14:15 if you love me keep my Commandments and I will pray the father and he'll send you another comforter he'll fill your life with the Holy Spirit one testimony Chris and my cabinets were radio app test right they said she had for 30 years resisted the Sabbath message she lives right here in the community yeah every time we talk she saw 3abn being built mm-hmm yeah they said there goes those evidence against our mother Sabbath she said you turn the radio off but her church gave her some placards to put on her lawn to advertise Bible studies when she put it on her lawn it had the to come ten commandments the tables of stone honden thing said well Mike look at that well yes and commandments she said there's something about that so the next time a sermon came on about the Sabbath she listened to it and here's what she said to me in my Sabbath School class she said when I accepted the truth about God's Sabbath the fourth commandment which is just one of the ten mm-hmm she said everything else started becoming clear so in my Sabbath School class I saw it gone like this I said are you writing in your Bible she said no I'm erasing I'm a racer I believe this and that and this and that and I've discovered I accepted the light of God's Word on the Sabbath everything else began to be clear so yes if you love the Lord the Sabbath is a no-brainer I like what he said because it's it action action you were challenged with the truth and it demands action because the word says to him that North to do good and do it that not to him it is sin so hear this message God is challenging three beings challenge to get this message to the whole world yeah so that they can see and understand and then make a decision because if you you know if you just say well I don't want to I'm not going to sin lies at the door if you understand that Bible Sabbath as the truth we are required by the Word of God to keep it so I'll just be doing we're only without if we enter the light we have that's exactly as you as you're walking you know that's why you can say God has people in all church that's right as we get near to the use of time and people looking for truth truth and that's what we're doing here at 3abn is lifting up high the law of God and there's no people to lose it now we've got a lot of questions coming in so we're going to try to start along a short a topic so we're going to do some short answers now if that's possible with all of us okay well I mean here's just a comment then I'll go the other question what do you think about mailing to all the sunday churches and would someone from 3abn go to speak in different areas some people are doing that you can actually remnant is publications people are sponsoring whole ZIP codes in their area for everybody to get books so you can call 3abn and ask about that this one says do you have a source concerning the theory of the eternal Hellfire being formulated in the dark ages you talked about well go is there any source that you can show that that you didn't just off they make that up here's all you have to do and have to see I want to have them shut me down somebody all right we'll give you a minute for you look up look up this look up this phrase and do the homework you have it a computer look this up look up kneel plate read in the middle look that up and the whole thing about death eternally burning hell will all come into play in just that one take Neil Platonism mm-hmm so the Scriptures makes it clear that they'll be burned up and become ashes amen but this teaching that is an old teaching of Neoplatonism brings all the whole doctrine of the hell the eternal soul which is not scriptural and and what happens when you die in LA okay if they look at that data that'll do it so there there's lots of information a caller from Huntsville says she's given out or they've given out 700 the books and has been such an eye-opening experience for them it says and for this time in Earth's history so thank you so much for doing that we have a question about Christmas it says where does then how do you deal with crisp Christmas you know and where did it come from oh I see yeah Pat I've been talking a lot of no yeah and because when we talk about tradition traditions per se are not bad we have a tradition at our house that on our anniversary we do something special that's rooted tradition traditions become bad when they cross those lines given to us at mark 15 and in not sorry Matthew 15 and Mark chapter 7 when you're teaching four Commandments the traditions of doctrine of men when your tradition goes against a commandment then your tradition is dangerous and the tradition becomes an idol because it replaces a command of God at that point the Bible says it is vain it is vain tradition Christmas is is not a biblical concept the birth of crisis December 25th is not that is something that came in through through the church and it is not defended in any way by the Word of God having said that it is a good time to turn men's minds and hearts towards okay if you step away from Santa Claus and all of this nonsense that's there and talk about the birth of Christ what is not a biblical concept per se can be used to lift up the name of Jesus anything else I could add some too much of that well Jaden is quickly quickly whenever a tradition removes a plane command of Scripture unlike Sabbath and Sunday okay then it is a removal of truth and again and acceptance of error there is no command to honor any day in reference to the birth of Christ but to acknowledge his birth and December 25th is a traditional day that does not remove any command of Scripture there we know we know Christmas is not just we know it Sonny 15 I know you know it's Christ wasn't born then right but we're saying take advantage of the time when you go on Walmart other stores only time of year and here share Christ music with about Jesus being played so share of crises yeah if you say Christmas December 25th it's pagan as a day as long example not leave it that you know of it but like I say you can turned around try to get the attention so little way to do it but you know there's no use to mess around say well there's parked this part that exactly the truth it is or it isn't this all paganism gained from rolled so okay this viewer just says they appreciate what what we're offering tonight as all this information they would like to do more of this this one here says what do you do when you see a drawing away from Protestant Protestantism within your own church in this case they say we see some things coming in and we are seventh-day Adventist so what do they do come on sorry but I'm going to give somebody else a chin I think you've got to live lift lift up the name of Jesus without and within we always need to set a plumb line without but we also need to look at ourselves and make sure that and that's see again you're mitigating in favor of the book because that's what the book does it tries to redraw reestablish the the foundational roots of our church keep the commandments of God do not stray from the commandments of God if you love me keep my Commandments and that's what you do you you you judge everything in the church out of the church by the commandments it's not in the word then you've got a jettison it and find what's in the words probably have a roll call that in or in they actually want or than what we're saying up here because usually when when they protest against some teaching or something's going on in the church they want to know what to do if they're somebody's not going to follow that truth that are going to throw it aside step aside and whatever in it so I think our obligation is to stay in there and present what is truth that's the way you counterfeit air is present the truth it's not going over air and talking about air is presenting what is truth and that would not actually expose the air revelation 2 verse 1 5 I have this against you you have left your first love what do you do when you see things creeping in revelation 2 verse 5 remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works that's what you have to remember where you fall and repent and do the first were first words else I will come to you quickly and remove your lamp from its place unless you repent so we have to repent and go back to our first love recover the truth if you know that you're walking away from truth go back to it repent and the Lord will pardon us and we come back to what is truth okay we have a caller that says how do you know that the seventh day Saturday really is the Sabbath I see because you know there's calendars in Europe it has you know they've changed those a little bit and so the seventh also in tongue is funny because everybody knows which day's Friday everybody knows which day is Sunday somehow somewhere you're going to find in the middle of that the seventh day Sabbath they had no trouble finding any other day do they everybody finds Resurrection Day on Sunday the first half and of course we look at the time and so on so fit again what day is a resurrection day not Friday what is they no Trek Sunday yeah on that or something yeah thank you yes what they would what day is Good Friday yeah that's right okay good yeah good fried them yeah Friday this is in the Bible Luke 23:34 256 Jesus was placed in the tomb on Friday they took him down because the Sabbath was drawing near he stayed in the tomb on the Sabbath and when they went on the first day of the week behind the king that you would keep on that's how all of the Gospels say loose in Matthew Mark John as a Sabbath us pass the trials began to dawn towards the first day of the week we know that Christ rose on the first day and the day back or 4 is 7 doesn't back up one day and there's everything but in the Jewish community but don't forget you you almost done well when if you go first then you go back one hits seventh yeah give back one more it's 6 yeah put it into 206 which all the Christian world traditionally honors Good Friday for that very reason they honor Easter Sunday for that very reason whereas a race to Sunday cannot be the Sabbath because the Bible says Jesus and the women the women that followed him rested on the Sabbath according to the commandments 23 verse 54 to 56 in Luke 24 verse 1 no just use the Bible it doesn't say Saturday it says preparation day Sabbath and first in you know we kind of to chuckle a little bit don't wait a little bit we don't mean to do that because people are serious when they do that but it just seems so simple after at you know as you look at it but we are so programmed in your book you talk about it about the mind and the way the world's going is to where you always hear like the weather and so on they'll say the weekend you're most a week what weekend is you know Saturday and Sunday Saturday and Sunday is not the week sunday is not the weekend that the first day of the week but we're programmed to say the weekend did aren't we deckers off work Saturday Sunday you're off so the weekend we're going to have no Saturday is the seventh day of the week that ends the week sunday is the first day of the week but you never hear anybody say even the weatherman yeah this is a look at the ancient Hebrew how they number the days and a degree here's how the Hebrews number the day and they still do it to this day one unto the Sabbath two unto the seven three into the Sabbath for into the seven five into the Sabbath eve of the seven seven so when you when you're number in your days like that it's kind of hard to get off you know because your days are numbered with respect to the Sabbath throaty paraskevi again it's not movin well yeah but but what did these were numbers in the in relationship to the Sabbath so when you got numbers instead of Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday it's hard to get off because your days the number I'll see you on three unto the cabin well that's one or two the Sabbath I'll see you in two days so you can't you can everything looking forward runs up to the sad recite and that's beautiful fun thing I say to people is is what day does the Catholic Church say is the first day of the week Sunday now thank you today they they're sure yeah Sunday's first day of the week they have no doubt asked any Jew that's been keeping the Sabbath 4,000 years since Christ's time what day of the week is the Sabbath following the seventh day yes which one he's going to tell you Saturday so other words the Jewish people have never lost track or there's no controversy between them and the Catholic Church of one saying well there's no first day this is seventh day the Catholic Church says Sunday's the first day yeah and when we Easter Sunday and the Jews say Saturday's the seventh day so some of that is we say common sense when you get to thinking about it is if they've never forgotten you know they haven't won the billion Catholics never forgot no the Pope's never forgotten no you have an in the mud you know what day is Friday okay yeah so here's the thing this is what this is what brought somebody to the truth very quickly look at these five words and I'll say it slowly Sabbath Sunday seventh day Thursday and Saturday Sabbath Sunday seventh day Thursday and Saturday whatever you find take it to your pastor and ask him to explain it the Roman Church will tell you which day is a seventh day to knowing which today's the first day they'll tell you will tell you seven days a week they said Saturday's as well as well they actually do yes there's there's a few scriptures and I'm going to take a chance on this so okay look up Matthew five eight and nine it says please read these Bible verses okay Matthew 5 verses 8 and 9 all right okay would you read it in shorts as a blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God okay what is its and what it is is trying to convey the pure in heart be pure in heart and be peacemakers okay that's clear that's two of the beatitude okay and alright and what did David remember David prayed about a pure heart or a clean heart clean your hands you remember again that's getting sin out of our life yeah that's doing and following what God has asked so if we're playing a little bit then about being a peacemaker because you talked about while ago saying go to war Kenny then over here it says peacemakers so can you explain what it is the difference in peace and standing up and other words being controversial and being you know strong I know what he meant Jesus himself said I didn't come to bring peace but a sword or a monk a sword is the word of God sharper than ancient the sword divides light from error and so when he said I came to bring not peace but a sword that's what Kenny is talking about he's not saying God and inside an insurrection again no but the government is going to incite an insurrection against those who stand for truth that's true that's what the Lord said John 16 look at that pastor Ken and John 16 verse 1 2 3 this is exactly where it's headed and any one of us to read that with nastusya Christ is saying I came to make you make a decision I've come to make you make a decision I don't want peace for peace sake we can only have fellowship again as we're walking in your life 16 1 & 2 John 1:16 wanted to say 1 2 3 read that one these things have I spoken unto you that you should not be offended huh they shall put you out of the synagogue a the time cometh that whosoever kills you will think he doeth God oh boy service and these things will they do unto you because they have not known the father nor me right so that's what's going to happen those who stand for truth will become enemies of the state not the way around we're not enemies date when you stand for truth the persecution will come your way but we must stand for truth like the Reformers did like the martyrs did yeah but for the battle came to them they didn't go to fighters wrong you know how deep that is when you really think about it too because there are people who who today suffer and you know even even in church capacity because they stand for what is truth maybe they don't handle it properly or whatever it might be but you know anytime you stand for what you believe is true you're taking that position to where you might it might come time to act that's right you've had to do it as a pastor I've had to do it as a pastor but but this is what it says is going to happen is the end result so we shouldn't be shocked we shouldn't be surprised and you stand for truth you know all live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution so I've had a few people within our own church and some and pastors who said you know I don't really support this book because there's some very controversial things and I said well can you tell me which one I already knew well it does you know I'm on same-sex marriage I'm not saying I support it but there's a it's not a cut-and-dried and easy thing and so you know those are topics I think we should stay away from and he said abortion he actually said this to me abortion and same-sex marriage is law of the land so there's no reason for us not to accept it this was a setup it was the law of the land for no one to pray Daniel what about he prayed with his window open would end up in the lines in what happened God delivered her a sample what's right you'll never know the power of your God until you take a sample without I got a letter this week from a man who basically told me the same thing and he's a Sabbath School teacher and he says you have to stay away from some of these things when they're law of the land you only cause confusion and get people upset stick with the Sabbath yeah it says stick how I would have health and we've been taught and even when we were small in the Word of God in principle this is a spirit of prophecy and when the law of the land crosses over against law of God you must stand for the law of God doesn't matter what the Congress passes Mary what the President signed as law to me if it goes by God's grace that goes against the law of God that's where God's people have to stand up because I was going to ride and written him back yet but he's watching he'll know who I'm talking about what one of the things I'm going to write back in then is well as soon as the National Sunday law is passed I guess you keep Sunday right because if it's law of the land sir how would you resist it yes you know can we sign as a witness you know and it's so hard to do some of these questions well short very quick lemon in first John 2:15 do not love the world or all the things that are in the world if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in there is no date tunt there's no rapprochement but you cannot wave a white flag there's no syncretism you've got to draw a line between those who are on Christ side and those who are on the side of the enemy don't love the world don't be involved the world the next chapter of the last part of this chapter if you know that he is righteous you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of him righteousness is right doing you have to do what you know is right and I hope that person not saying because I'm sincere and pure in heart then I can do anything I want but the proof is in the pudding it's what you do come in town if you have good intentions but I wouldn't say you are safe through your good intentions you got to practice what is right once you know what is right to do you got to do what is right I might sound like a zealot tonight but you know the face the road to hell is paved with good intentions a doer Peter said acts 5:29 we ought to obey God rather than man that's okay amen you didn't read verse 60 on that Pastor I read it now because you tell me you said it no it was the Bible says it says in verse says that's first John 2 verse 8 he that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as he walked at the time you can be safe my brothers and sisters not just walked away Jesus don't worry about how he walked and she walking there walking today what walk walk yeah it doesn't matter what all how did Jesus walk what did he what did he say what did he teach what did he do I could be Satan following him all right walk is he what the Bible says and he comes before John good did we tell you not to preach in his name did we did we tell you that's what I'm preaching in his name Peter yeah he's a weirdo obey God man you you you'll like this one we've said tonight it says we've said tonight that there's no rapture you said tonight that when people died it or died they don't burn forever and ever right next you'll be saying when people die they don't go straight to heaven McGregor that's exactly true let go into the gray thank you yeah wait they wait in the grave and you know why is the Bible teacher resurrection this is a text in my mind John 5 verse 28 and 29 jesus said do not marvel at this I marvel not at this yes for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth yes they that have done good unto the resurrection of life they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation as the King James Version is under the resurrection of condemnation that's the New King James Version what has happened in the Christian world under Neoplatonism is we have eliminated the resurrection oh man the resurrection is the very trumpet sound the dead in Christ when Jesus descends the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will be raised first and what's going to happen will be caught up together to meet them in the air this whole idea that we go to heaven the number one reason we cannot go to heaven when we die is Regis Scriptures first Corinthians 15 we have not yet immortal immortality happens when Jesus returns you have it see here this this needs sincere people I don't know what here's I'm going to just read exactly what they say all these people says she's very confused all these people have near-death experiences and heard different things about death she says I can't believe that all these people all these people can be wrong she cannot believe that when you die you just die and go to the grave because there's too many people yes talking about when they had near-death experiences they went to heaven they went they have a light tunnel that that's got to go by the word one of you Tech for what John said first Ionians 4:16 and onwards so that we're back in this up with Scripture you can write that down Christ says revelation 22:12 I am coming quickly and my reward is with me so the reward comes when Christ comes you don't get your reward before if and I was teaching from that I said you know if you already go to heaven and Christ comes back here he's wasting gas you know it's not enough gas for no reason yeah but if you're already there there's no need for him to come back the problem is you started with a faulty premise the faulty premises Souls live forever you're born with an immortal soul once you start with that faulty premise and you build your building your carpenter your buildings going to lean more and more and more and more pretty soon it's gonna topple down once you have an immortal soul when a person dies you got to put that soul somewhere you got to invent another doctrine that says you either burn forever you go to middle heaven so ligh heats itself upon ly error upon error here and you get further away from the truth of God the truth is rely on the grave the dead shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together and so shall we ever be with the Lord we get our reward when Christ comes back so we already do just simple passage in Ezekiel 18 said the soul that sinneth it shall die yeah I mean that's just real simple to me because the thing they sing song that the underlying soul or something like that and just to back up what you're talking about Jesus comforts Lazarus you remember that the sisters there he said then said Martha to Jesus Lord if thou had been here my brother what he will die I know that you now whatsoever thy will ask God will give it to it jesus said in her thy brother shall rise again Martha said unto him I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection of the last day even Jesus sent her I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live okay thank you one more scripture job chapter 14 first of all very quick psalm 115 verse 17 psalm 115 verse 70 and hear me carefully the dead do not praise the lord nor any who go down in silence not up and appraised down into science but now let's hit it my head jokes job to 14 verse 10 but man dies and is laid away indeed he breathes his last and get the question and where is he in verse 11 of Job 14 as water disappears from the sea and a river becomes parched and dries up hear me carefully soul man lies down and does not rise Amen till the heavens are no more they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep what the job asks oh that you would hide me in the grave that you would conceal me till your wrath is past that you would appoint me a set time and remember me remember have you heard the phrase remember me before visa to Jesus on the cross remember me when you come in your yearly no okay it all that's the same thing keep on the cross but didn't Jesus say today you'll be with me in paradise but Jesus didn't go to heaven until three days later the third day yeah why would he tell him today you'll be with me in paradise and then not go himself because he didn't say I'll be in paradise today he said I'm saying to you today he's making the promise that day right the thief is not making the journey that day common Jesus himself didn't even make the dream that day so James got to come a long way I'm on the wrong place comma in the wrong place but I guess Bible first printed right there wasn't punctuation as it were like that so then later put a widget landing no accommodate the teaching of no you know somebody say how you know so you know Jesus didn't say it in that context because he himself didn't go because three days I had touch-me-not I'm not yet ascended the guy so he didn't go recently okay toss in Ecclesiastes 9:5 - so it's weird if you can here it is here it is ecclesiastical your hands fine to do do it with your might for there is no work or knowledge or device or wisdom in the grave get it going where you are going okay and nine five nine five Italy for the living know that they shall die but the dead know nothing they have no further reward for even their name is forgotten so they're not up in heaven congratulate you when you make the winning shot in a basketball game and you know what I'm saying this kind of thing is not so the dead know nothing because they are indeed Dania we have to say when people here say this they misinterpret that we're saying they're not going to heaven we're not saying you're not going to heaven we're saying we're all going together precisely that's the purpose of the coming of Jesus John 14 verse 1 2 3 he said in verse 2 if I go and prepare a place for you when I will come again to receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also there very chapter before that jesus said to the disciples where I'm going you cannot go that's right ha ha why am i 7 chapter 40 I'm sorry go ahead hit ya he the Bible talks about all these great men of faith this will have done so many great things and then it says that God has provided something better for us that's right that they shall not be made perfect without us so even those great men Moses Abraham all of those great men to do such great things are not there yet we're all going to go together so God has provided something better that even those great men will not get in 1 second before you get in God is determined that we all go ok we're winding down we only got five six seven run off left but I want to kind of get back to where we were who are Protestants so what we're finding out and what I'm hearing from from you all is that some of these very very important beliefs that sustain us that give us faith and to give us encouragement and a peace that passeth all understanding come directly from the Bible yeah if I don't put my foundation and I don't grow there then my foundation as you said it's going to fall and so that's why you tonight you're setting their script many are scratching their head saying I didn't know all these things and there's other things that are not of the Bible that maybe you do with all good intentions but now is the time I've leave because as you said John we live in a generation just tell it like it is tell me the truth Thank You fan wounded people either going to love you or going to hate you the Bible says all who live godly we all suffer persecution a man what I find is layman that if you leave him alone and they read the Bible Richard bland always told us in prison ministry he said I never went to a prison you would be surprised how many people in America that grew up and didn't know anything about Jesus other than as a cuss word and yet when I gave him a Bible they'd never studied a Bible they read it I come back and they asked other chaplains how come we gone to church on Sunday exactly whatever told him he said they just read it yet you talk to pastors who've been pastors for 30 years 40 years and they'll say you know well you should go to church on Sunday these people if you give us a my Bible he's never read it no one would be a son to keeper that's right they're going to tell him the truth you know you tell me never be a Sunday keeper and the other enclosing the the ecclesiastical 18 was at a funeral I think I told you once at a funeral and a guy the man wasn't a Christian or died and I was glad the pastor didn't preach him into heaven but he did say for those of you here remember your soul lives forever so what you want to do is you want to make the right decisions now because your soul will either live in hell for eternity or live in heaven for eternity and so after the service I shook the pastor's hand I said pastor good job I'm glad you didn't usually they preach them into heaven I said I have a question can I call you this afternoon he said sure so I called him and I said I have to ask you a question did you go test well I've got my protested I tried to be good so I called him and I said pastor and I heard what you said but you said the soul that sins lives forever the soul is forever and he said yeah that's true and you said you'll either live in heaven or hell and I said well if you look up ezekiel 18:4 it think it right look it up it says the soul that sinneth it shall die I said how do you explain that and you know what he said to me he said well that's your interpretation of of it and but my interpretation is a soul is forever whether it's good or bad so I said well put them in anything I said maybe I'm misunderstanding something so do you have your Bible there yes I said could you I didn't want to be argumentative but I said I want to know could you read you read it for me I won't read it you read it sure I'll read it the soul that sinneth it shall die and I said so does that still say to you the soul that sentence will live forever and he said yes and I said wow can you say that he said because if it didn't say that if it didn't say that then it would mean that we died and were just in the grave til the Lord comes and he said he said and who once think that you're just dying and going to grave so he said if I don't believe that then I'd have to believe that you know that you just you just burn out you know and that's what light does Danny light turns light on for the light yeah you turn the first idol and you go deeper in the darkness turn another light on go deep in the tunnel turn turn another light on yeah well most people that don't want light and I said that because they receive not a love of the truth mhm they receive a strong delusion okay we can read the text and say this is your interpretation because I prefer this interpretation I want to say that those of you will not believe is in some of these topics you can write us here at 3abn we have other materials on this right so you can get the full study on what happens when you die you have a burning hell the truth about the Sabbath we don't want to just tickle your fancy or just kind of agitate you we really want those of you who love the Lord to know the truth because Jesus is coming soon yes amen anybody's good we have just a closing time if you there's a few minutes left I think they'll be in the call center if you want to call and you want to order some of these books spiritual vigilantes you can do so all you do is pay the shipping on it which is 18 and a half cents book I thinks what they said flat rate given by the mail carrier six one eight six two seven four six five one or mailroom at 3abn dot TV and also thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of three amen we can continue to take the gospel to the world and we can continue to get these books out to in the hands of many many people so closing can you see a somebody give us a little closing thought about products and why it's important that churches that that if we say we're Protestants we should be Protestant and in by doing so means we're going to have to throw out a lot of the traditions that we have taken from the Catholic Church that's a CA when you saw it you shall know the truth and is the knowledge of the truth that sets you free if you want to be free you have to pursue truth and when you find truth hold on to truth then you will be free Amen I just believe that what I think it's Jude verse three that we need to be contending for the faith so we need to be defending what is truth and what is righteousness and what we understand is the message of the hour so by the grace of God each one is here contending for the truth that's what he's asked us to do okay simply choose you this day whom you're going to serve if you want to follow Jesus if you do what he did you'll never be lost and you know what Jesus kept the Sabbath and then he said keep my Commandments if you love him it's simple let his word be your guide and you'll never have reason to protest against heaven follow the example which is Jesus mm-hmm amen I want to thank each of you pastors for being here and the Minutemen whenever if I called him an hour before and they didn't have other plans that were gone somewhere I promise you they'd be right here doing what they're doing and then they don't get any money for this they come they're glad to share their face so pray for each of these brother Kenny we're praying for your health is getting stronger all the time I see you coming back and John and CA and all of us is we endeavor to take this gospel to the world our time is all gone until we see next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 14,990
Rating: 4.6551723 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, protestant, adventist, SDA, Danny Shelton, Martin Luther, Bible, Scripture
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 0sec (6960 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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