John Lomacang, "Signs of His Coming" - (14SCM000010 )

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welcome to 3abn scab meeting 2014 the second coming and in-depth look well welcome back and we are having a really blessed time here at West Frankfort Illinois at the 3abn Worship Center and we're so happy that each one of you could be here with us and I just hope that you if you're within driving distance and you can join us for the weekend come right along and this place is going to be packed out Sabbath we're looking see if we can find a few extra chairs in fact maybe to put over here and we're just having a really wonderful time in the Lord as we study about the second coming and it's so encouraging as we look at all the things the Bible says about Jesus coming again and tonight we're going to appreciate Pastor John Loma King's message on the signs of his coming that we see certain signs that are just unmistakable that Christ is coming soon Pastor John is the pastor of the Thompson ville seventh-day Adventist church that meets here in the worship center and he has been ordained for over 20 years we all know that he's a well-known Christian recording artist and has many CDs that with all the beautiful music that John has he's sang with the heritage singers for years amazing facts it is written he has been all over the world 31 countries John has traveled sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ he also is the host of sharper focus here every Wednesday night and he's co-host of three abs House Calls which is one of our more popular programs and so we're going to have pastor John come and speak to us but before he does our good friend Tim pardon is going to sing for us and play God he's been good lately I've been looking back along this winding road to the old familiar markers of all the mercies I have known I know it may sound simple but it's more than a cliche for there's no better way to tell you than to say God's been good in my life and I feel blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night and though I've had my share of hard times I wouldn't change them if I could for through it all God's been good the times replay and I can see that I've cried some bitter tears but I felt his arms around me as I faced my greatest fears you see I've had more games than losses and I've known more joy than hurt as his grace rolled down upon me so undeserved for God's been good and my life I feel so blessed beyond my wildest dreams when I go to sleep each night and though I've had my share of hard times I wouldn't change them if I could or through it all my God's been good for you see God has been my father my Savior and my friend his love was my beginning and his love will be my end now I could spend forever trying to tell you everything but the best way that I can say it is simply this I'm sure that you agree God's been good in my life and I feel so blessed beyond my wildest dreams we're not gonna sleep each night and before I've had my share of hard times I wouldn't change them if I could for through it all Oh God's been so good so man thank you Tim amen to that song let us pray Lord we need to know that in these last days we serve a God who is good all the time you've spoken to our hearts you've anointed our lips and Lord I ask you now to do what you do best and that is to speak to your people and prepare our hearts for your soon return in Jesus name I pray amen they've given me the message the signs of his return well I like to give it a subtitle I refer to it as the not so often considered signs I'd like to begin with the scripture in the book of Matthew chapter 24 if you don't have your Bibles it will appear on the screen they're not so often considered signs Matthew chapter 24 beginning with verse 32 the Bible says now learn this parable from the fig tree when its branches has already become tender and put forth leaves you know that the summer is near so you also when you see all these things know that it is near at the doors we are living in the generation that will be judged not for the decline of its real estate but for the decline of its moral state we are living at a time where the agenda of a nation has become the corruption of its inhabitants we have arrived at an hour we're the only thing of lesser value than the dollar is the value of human life and the reason is the world has blinded itself to the evidence of Christ's soon return tonight based on what I see I know that Jesus is soon to come can you say amen to that the evidences are clear around us and so tonight I could summarize the message by saying the five not so often considered signs of the second coming of Jesus sign number one the rejection of evidence the rejection of evidence now here in Southern Illinois we know that the summer is coming because the evidence is abundant in the very same way I know that Jesus is coming because the evidence is abundant one of the signs that the Apostle Peter made very clear about the days in which we live the days just before the coming of Jesus he said consider the temperature of the climate if the people of God are students of the word it is impossible to miss the idea that we are living in the last days can you say amen to that Peter said in the last days people really would not believe that Jesus is coming notice his words in 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 3 n vs. 4 he says knowing this first that scoffers will come in the what days church and the last days walking according to their own lusts or desires and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep he says all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation now you know if you've been around half as long as I have you know that things have changed can you say amen to that I'm in the 50s I'm still the speed limit in some states not an Arkansas my wife and I just got back from Arkansas at 75 miles an hour there Oh would they get that kind of wisdom in Illinois but I'm still the speed limit in some states but if you look at the temperature and the horizon of the society in which we live if you look at what's happening on the daily news broadcasts if you listen to the news that come across our screen from night to night and read your Bible and study the newspapers if you simply daily take the temperature of the world around us everyone knows that this world cannot last longer than it has it cannot sustain itself like one of my favorite preachers said the world is like an old pair of jeans that been tearing on one section and tearing on the other and pretty soon you can't stitch it together anymore you just have to throw it away well this world is beyond stitching together God is going to give us a new heaven and a new earth but Peter made it clear the reason why the world is the way it is he said they willingly forget that Jesus is coming again how can you forget when twenty four-hours-a-day 3abn is dedicated to proclaiming to the world and undiluted three angels messages but I didn't stop yet one that will counteract the counterfeit can you say amen to that because Jesus hasn't returned yet does not mean that he's not coming the writer of Hebrews said these words and I commit them to my memory when I look at how bad things get you know sometimes you look at the news and my wife and I when we stand there and look at the six o'clock news or sometimes just before we go to bed we turn to CNN now some of our members don't have television that's their choice but I need to remain informed I need to know when I come to church on Sabbath morning that I'm aware of the condition of the world so I can inform those who may have been at ease in Jerusalem but the writer of Hebrews says this about the coming of Jesus he says for yet a little while and he that shall come say the next two words together will come and will not carry the good news tonight as Jesus is not canceling his second coming but just like 9/11 the world is comforted with false reports Jeremiah the Prophet and Jeremiah 6 and verse 14 says they have also healed the heard of my people slightly saying peace peace when there is no peace there is no peace the Pope is trying to get peace around the world he's busy traveling to different countries and different nominations he recently had a meeting with the Jews and the Muslims talking about the areas that they have in common trying to find a way for mutual respect to exist between the denominations but the only platform of unity I want to say tonight is Jesus and his truth can you say amen to that I could have mutual respect for your position as another Christian but the only platform by which we can be honestly unified is by a thus saith the Lord but this Pope is busy and if you're not aware of it this is one of the only Pope's that we've had matter of fact I believe it's the only one we've had that is a Jesuit and all you got to do is read the Jesuit oath to know that he may appear to be lamb like on the exterior but if you listen to what he's saying the dragon is reflecting every now and then through the things that he is saying apparently there seems to be statements of peace but when you say that you're not really openly condemning the condition of Christians that enter into the ministry and you'll understand what I mean in just a few moments when you appear and say that it doesn't really matter what you believe but we're going to all go to heaven anyhow you know that that's not from God's Word what do you say and so this this man that as they said on CNN they said we may not agree with his doctrinal position but we just love him so much I've heard the best way to kick down the doors with a feather and he's doing a very effective job by letting his agenda be known bite sweet soft tones but you've got to read the Bible to understand that God made it very clear that the last kingdom that will reign on this earth is the kingdom of Rome the Bible says it will trample down and break the residue under its feet Rome is serious about its prophetic place in history it's its nature has not changed and tonight I'm going to preach a very unpopular message but I believe that God's people that are listening to the message God's people in other denominations need to hear the truth of God's Word so that they can be aware that Jesus is coming and that prophecy is sure in the book evangelism page 704 Ellen White says this she says angels are now restraining the winds of strife until the world shall be warned of its coming doom but a storm is gathering ready to burst upon the earth and when God shall bid his angels lose the winds she says there will be such a scene of strife as no pen can picture that's happening even right now can you say amen to that I mean if you travel around the world as my wife and I pastor Jim Kelly bless his heart he had my all by oh it's not been 31 countries is 52 now and we have been to places where people say they don't even hear sermons about the second coming of Jesus anymore I remember standing up and hearing an aged preacher say he says I can think of the day I can't think of the last time that I heard a sermon about the second coming of Jesus preach from the pulpit of the church that I attend and I would wish to say that was a different denomination but unfortunately was an Adventist Church it is too late for us to adopt the gospel of another movement we've been called to preach and undiluted end times message what do you say a lot of people want to be liked God has not called preaches to be like God has called us to give the Trump at a certain sound and I've said a number of times and I reiterate this again tonight I'm going to make sure that when Jesus comes I preach what I found in his word so that the only blood that I have to answer for is my own blood can you say Amen of that I said that somebody wants before I'm going to say it so clear that your blood will not be on my head but if you look at the world today the conditions of our world are parallel to those of the days of Noah this world is ripe for the second coming of Jesus notice the commentary from Genesis chapter 6 and verse 11 the Bible talks about that day the world that existed just before Jesus destroyed the world the Bible says the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was together filled with violence pastor john bradshaw talked about the two twelve year old girls that were so caught up in this fictitious world of slenderman that they tried to take the life of one of their friends sometimes you got to turn the news off because it's so bad it's so sad that you got to go back to the Word of God to find that there is still some good news in these last days but I was I was moved by the story I saw the video I couldn't help they talked about this on CNN about this young man this 22 year old sent a bra a college student that methodically planned a shooting spree because he was rejected by young ladies he said that he said and I quote if I had it in my power I would stop at nothing to reduce every one of you to mountains of skulls and rivers of blood that's the kind of world we live in Genesis 6 and verse 5 makes it clear that the world that we live in is just like the world and Noah's day the commentary says then the law saw then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was what great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil how often continually even got a watch you've got to be careful what you watch shows nowadays they they teach you how to be vengeful shows like revenge when God says vengeance is mine you can't watch a show like that and not start becoming vengeful can you say amen to that you can watch some of these shows like they call it the new normal or Modern Family you cannot watch what the producers that are motivated by a satanic power from beneath are producing and expect your mind to be prepared for the second coming of Christ in conflict and courage Ellen White says we are living in an age in an evil age she says the perils of the last days thicken around us and the reason is given clear because iniquity abounds the love of many does what waxes cohle then Paul the Apostle gives us also a snapshot of the Gathering Storm he says and this is amazing when I read this I thought to myself if Paul the Apostle was alive today he would be amazed at how accurate the Spirit of God gave him a description of the days in which we live this is amazingly accurate about the conditions of our world today and it says to us but the only way that you can be unprepared for the coming of Christ is if you ignore the evidence notice what he says 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 1 to 5 this know also he says that in the last days what kind of times church perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves what's happening today covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents lord have mercy for the parents today I got a pause here and just say something I know we'll we'll bring the slide back I was in I was in Walmart one day and I was watching a kid really take his mother to task and her it appeared as though she did not want to embarrass her kid in public and I thought my mother was different come on you know what I'm talking all right my mother was different she didn't bearish you in public and then embarrass you back home in private come on say men I was raised in the day where the neighbor will whip you tell your mother she would whip you and then she'd say wait till Papa c'mon Minea with you I went to school and I don't want to say this too much but Yvonne Lewis dr. Yvonne Lewis her father was my principal and I can tell you he knows how to swing a really good whip whenever I visit with him in the care home there and in West Frankfort I remember one day when he saw me he said Loma King he said I want you to know I own some of that success unashamedly he said that but I never forget the day when mr. Hodge called me he said it so nicely he said to me because I don't know what I did I think I brought I brought the wrong book report to school or I put the wrong cover on it and he said he didn't say I'm going to whip you he said lo McCain we've got to talk and he didn't say a word the whip said it all but the problem with our world today is that our modern culture has taken the ability to discipline our children out of our hands and I'm not talking about child abuse I'm talking about balanced discipline I'm talking about when I was raised I remember very well I I i disobeyed my mother and she taught me well and I've discovered that punishment works a whole lot better than sometimes the spanking does I said well I should not have said to her and when my birthday came I sat in my bedroom and I watch all the kids in the kitchen blowing out my candles eating my birthday cake and nowadays children would take their their parents to task nowadays you hit a child they'll call the police on you they walk around with their lawyers card in their top pocket I remember my sister and her daughter one day her daughter was getting on her she's up in her 30s now but one day her daughter was getting beside herself and and she said if you hit me I'll call the police you said no I'll call him for you she forgot that her mother works for the police department so she did she called the police and she said I want you to tell her that if she starts mounting off in this apartment i'ma kick out and I have y'all come and get her to move our stuff out while she's still with a mom to this day the Bible says disobedient to parents we count over underestimate that children are disobedient in so many avenues it's amazing today that people that don't raise children are saying that the only thing you need to do is counsel a child but the Bible says the rod of Correction will drive all that disobedience far from them not only that unthankful go back to the side unholy without natural affection the Bible says trucebreakers cannot keep a promise false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors the Bible says heady highminded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God the reason is clear having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such the Bible says turn away the only assurance we have in these last days I would say is on wavering faith in Jesus you got to look at the signs you cannot ignore the signs the signs are sick around us as God's messenger says they are everywhere all you've got to do is open your eyes and based on the signs I know that Jesus is soon to come that's sign number one but look at sign number two legislated immorality legislated immorality in Luke chapter 17 beginning with verse 28 notice what the Bible says to us in these last days it says likewise as it was also in the days of lot they ate they drank they bought they sold they planted they built but on the day that lot went out of Sodom the Bible says it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all now I don't want to be a beer bad news but I want to say based on what I see another destruction is coming can I can I talk tonight can I be clear the human heart has been amoral since the fall of man but we live in a world today that that exalts sexual depravity can I be clear tonight one of the signs that we are living at the time of the end is modern society applauds things that animals that we call dumb won't do you told me to be clear I'm going to be clear Luke 17 verse 30 talks about this condition says even so it will be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed I had to get this text amplified and I began to do some research to find out how this applies how the church has been affected in the last days by the conditions of the city that lot lived in the city of Sodom we are living not in a city of Sodom we are living in a world of Sodom and it's becoming increasingly illegal to speak against it I told my good friend John Dinsey who's the head of 3abn Latino I said to him one day at at fellas ship lunch and I said now John you want to share a jail cell with me and he looked I said huh what do you mean and I said when it becomes illegal to preach the truth I'm still going to preach the truth I guess you don't want me to do that because it's illegal in some countries to speak against immorality it's illegal in some places that are getting very close to us to speak against all these sexual immorality 'z that are beginning to wrap our globe in a dark curtain of the last days but I was not aware of how much the church had been affected by it listen to this in the United States the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Episcopal Church have both approved rules to ordain openly gay and lesbian clergy is that an oxymoron that's just the beginning in 2009 the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America decided as of 2009 to accept gay clergy in sexually active monogamous relationships so in other words if a man is with a man as long as he's just with one man it's okay that's what they may say but that's not in God's Word can I get an amen somewhere in 2011 that same church in Canada decided to accept gay clergy in sexually active monogamous relationships and right now somebody told me they were listening to 3abn in Canada they said good thing we could get it by 8 ways because you can't come to Canada and preach that message you get thrown in jail I heard about one of our clergy out west that lost his job because on a Sabbath morning when he was preaching he made it clear from God's Word and he you can't even preach in the pulpit you might get fired from your secular job that's all right our Lord will provide come on say Amen somebody but Paul the Apostle makes it reason makes it very clear why this condition exists but notice God's response to those things that are exalted in the eyes of humanity notice Romans chapter 1 verse 26 and 27 here are the words of God here's what he says for this reason the Bible says God gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust for one another men with men committing what is shameful and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was do no matter how popular it gets God does not approve it what do you say but I made up my mind if rejecting the LGBT agenda brings persecution I rather be persecuted by man than prosecuted by God come on somebody if speaking out against prevailing immorality brings persecution I'd rather be persecuted by man than prosecuted by God if preaching the truth brings persecution I'd rather be persecuted by man than prosecuted by God and I want to make something very clear I don't preach this in a judgmental way as I've got family members in the same category somebody once said to me you don't understand I said I understand what I'm preaching I want to say tonight very clearly God loves homosexuals but God is not like at all at all homosexuality come on somebody help me out we've got to lift up our voice like a trumpet and show the people their transgression but show them Jesus is still the answer of deliverance from any sin the problem is in America we've made this sin so unique for so long that now it wants its own special category I've said why don't we have special categories why don't we have why don't we have support groups in our churches for people that drink alcohol we got those they call them AAA but we don't speak to those individuals and say just keep on drinking for the rest of your lives we say there is deliverance from alcohol come on somebody help me out to that nowadays it's not about deliverance is about it's about it's about acceptance it's about here my story leave me alone we got to preach against darkness but we gotta hold up Jesus as the light and the answer for deliverance what do you say that's why I don't support traditional marriage I don't support it I do not support traditional marriage after 31 years of marriage I don't support traditional marriage just don't cut off the TV until I'm done I support biblical marriage come on help me out somebody traditions change but God's Word never changes so when they start talking about traditional marriage well the problem with our world is tradition in vain the Bible says do they worship Me by their tradition I don't do what I do because it's traditional I do what I do because it's scriptural can you say amen to that God never intended for sex to be between a man and a woman either don't worry about it just keep your pacemaker going God never intended for sex to be just between a man and a woman God intended for sex to be between a husband and a wife hallelujah somebody we got this thing all mixed up we think that while she's a woman I'm a man that's okay and the problem in nowadays is we have exalt we have so embraced this immoral world of sexual deviation that nowadays people don't even talk about adultery anymore it's like it's the except it's like a normal sin this guy that spoke out on the LA Clippers Los Angeles Clippers for this racial remark they ignored the fact that he was in an adulterous relationship they made more noise about his racial mark than the life he was living that's what the problem is nowadays so many people living in morally they just pick the thing they want to amplify but in God's word you cannot pick and choose what you amplify God amplifies at all can you say amen to that which brings me to my third sign orchestrated degradation orchestrated degradation John chapter 3 verse 19 notice what the Bible says about the orchestrated degradation the Bible says and this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were what we're evil now if we just turn the lights off in here for a brief moment do it but if we turn the lights off in this room was absolutely dark you couldn't see things right away you know why because your eyes take time to adjust to the darkness but the fact of the matter is the world has turned the light of God's Word off for so long that their eyes are now adjusted to the darkness let me tell you something don't let your eyes get adjusted to the doctors come on somebody help me out because if you're in darkness long enough you start seeing things that ain't really there am i right this world is orchestrating it so that our eyes can get adjusted to the darkness and when you speak against darkness now nowadays is very unpopular I mean look at some of these television preachers that's why I'm so glad that 3abn is in the mix come and help me out somebody you want to hear it like it is you tuned to this network the undiluted it's too late to dilute anything but there are those nowadays that preach social you know the social gospel and the prosperity gospel and you know relationship gospel that's all well and good but if that's all you got that's not going to get you ready for the coming the Lord because you can preach in the Word of God as the Bible said and we just read the text ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth you got to tell the truth come on you got to tell the truth right but Hollywood's plans today is to get our eyes adjusted to the darkness look at Isaiah 60 in verse 2 the Bible talks about the condition in the last days Isaiah 60 in verse 2 notice what it says for behold the darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee God wants sons and daughters that are willing to reflect to the world the glory of God as revealed in his word can you say amen to that the glory of God all you got to do nowadays to be unusual is don't don't use a don't put a tattoo on your skin have I told you all you got to do nowadays to be weird don't put a hole in your ear I feel bad sometimes I go to the mall I see those parents pull their kids up baby about six months old they got a shooting holes in the baby's ear and I'm thinking they ought to pass a law that you can't do that till they 18 come and help me out somebody at least I asked me if I want one but nowadays to be normal seems abnormal and people meet you they what kind of tattoo you got the only tattoo I got is be a I'm born again come on help me out the blood of Jesus has been applied to my life that's the only tattoo I have now but i'ma going to tattoo an eternity because God is gonna write his name on my forehead not literally but he knows those who are his we don't need to follow the world we follow the world so much the church has been impacted so much by the world that when you speak up against it I always get people sometimes after my sermons and come up and say to me pastor John I didn't like what you said but I say like my favorite preacher pastor CD Brooks he says it's strange that son could harden clay and melt butter at the same time that ain't the son that's the problem is the condition of your life that's why today God is calling us to be children of the light in a generation of darkness all God wants is to have the world reflect who he really is because this world has so misrepresented Jesus the God wants his children to turn the light back on can you see him in somebody that's why nowadays I'm I'm preaching from an iPad but I want to tell you something we've got to control our devices and do not allow our devices to control us I've seen some young people nowadays I saw a picture of nine young ladies standing together in the group and they put a caption over their head social media all nine of them were oblivious of each other because the heads was straight down matter of fact I had two young ladies sit on my couch with an ax in my office they were talking to each other in one turn to the other said did you get that I said get what she said I just sent you a text wouldn't it be a lot easier just to turn around and talk to somebody Amen now they I mean our devices are controlling us and I put this in here I want to say it some smartphones are turning us into dumb Christians come on say Amen you better be smarter than your device nowadays all you got to do is get your kid a computer a cell phone and iPad and their own internet connection and you won't see them for months and they'll be just fine about that come on parents can I get a witness somewhere but nowadays all you gotta do is take away their cell phone you know what they say right away I'm bored but the problem with that is they are so caught up by their devices that they cannot spend a thoughtful hour studying God's Word because things come so fast nowadays in nanoseconds in milliseconds but God's Word is not that way you got to spend a thoughtful hour or half an hour you got to dig into this treasure-house of values in order to find something that's lasting but nowadays if it can't come quickly in a nanosecond I've got all kinds of Bibles on my iPad but I want to tell you nothing replaces turning the pages of God's Word can I get a witness oh folk matter of fact I always say if your Bible is falling apart it belongs to someone who is not you also have to decide you got it really by God's leading carefully decide what real entertainment is you got to decide about your entertainment with eternity and view and one of the reasons why Satan is creating all these devices I got a call from Dish Network not too long ago and they said can we upgrade your via you know your digital recorder I said to what they said to the sling I said what's the difference they said you'll be able to watch television no matter where you go I said well how is that they said well if you get the sling you can watch on your cell phone you could be on the plane you could be in the bus you could be driving you could watch anything you want 24 hours a day now I don't know if you don't see a demonic plan in that see Satan is trying to give us 24-hour access to entertainment because God has already given us 24-hour access to his word help me out somebody you got to decide which one is going to make it into the kingdom sling so I decided no I don't need a sling I need to get I need to get some quiet time at the Word of God can we help me out some I don't need a sling David had a sling I didn't have this thing I don't need a sling as I was putting this together God gave me this text Psalms 101 verse three listen to this this is definitely the last day text here it is David the Prophet says or david the patriarch says I will set nothing wicked before my eyes I hate the work of those who fall away it shall not cling to me you got to decide even what you watch because by beholding come on say it together we become we become at least impressed but you look long enough you become changed that's why there are certain shows coming on television this takes me to sign them before I only have one more sign but this takes me to sign them before one of the other on obvious signs of the last days is rejection of truths rejection of truth now Pastor Bradshaw talked about wars and rumors of wars nations rising against nation but rejection of truth consider this this is the generation that supports its doctrinal beliefs based on a movie think about that for a moment they began way back in the 50s when Charlton Heston came out with the Ten Commandments everybody thought that that was the accurate biblical account of the Ten Commandments it's nice it's entertaining but you cannot formulate what Bible what the Bible teaches based on the movie help me out somebody you got to know for yourself they made it look like Moses had a had an affair with the Pharaoh but with the with the with the Pharaoh's wife oh you know in the movie ten commands oh she loved Moses they may look like has some kind of secret crush on Pharaoh's that's not in the Bible a distortion of the character of Moses but that's how it began then even in the movie passion I was down in Nashville when they showed the movie the passion to all about 6,000 pastors that are down there people from media and all these various groups they showed the passion and they said that Jesus was so violently beaten that people had walked away with the idea that the reason why Jesus died is because he was beaten to death that's not why he died he died because of our sin come on somebody say Amen you can say they beat him to death to take the guilt away from our sin but by the Bible says by His stripes we are healed but people look at these movies and decide well the reason why Jesus died he was beaten to death that's not scriptural that's not sound we've got to make our decisions about what is true based on what God's Word says not only that this recent movie called Noah I won't go to see it come on help me out somebody I ain't going to see it I got a phone call from Shabbat somebody they went to see if they said is five percent truth and 95 percent lie made it look like no barely made it in the ark may look like Noah had a battle with some antediluvian warriors or something like that I don't even know I'm not gonna go see it I haven't seen it come on help me out somebody you cannot base what you believe on a movie but it gets even deeper than that some people don't go to the movie so the devil is bringing it to a television near you now ABC has a show called the resurrection I don't even want to ask because I ain't watching it because I know about the real resurrection come on somebody it's going to happen at the first trumpet people ain't coming back to your house if somebody rings your door but that look like somebody that died you better keep the door closed and get on your knees help me out because the Bible says he shall not return to his house and his place shall know him no more job chapter 14 he ain't coming back but the devil now because you know for so long I've been preaching it and I think the devil is listening to my sermons because so long I said and I have a series I said for so long nobody's talking about the resurrection I've been saying this a couple of years now on my sharper focus Wednesday nights nobody's talking about the resurrection devil said okay I'll talk about the resurrection so now he's got this fictitious show where after 31 years a little boy shows up at the front of his father so we found your son I show the commercial I ain't watching the show and I said lord have mercy the devil is talking about the resurrection a fictitious representation of the resurrection then coming out until Jesus gets back and I can tell you the movie producers are probably coming out in the second resurrection but the devil is not done yet because we talk about heaven and he has this new title called heaven is for real and it is for real but I want to tell you no little boy went to heaven and just came back come on help me out somebody and that's how the devil does use these little innocent faces like oh he can't be telling a lie well he may not be telling a lot but he's into some serious deception because here's the point it's getting to the place where we're going to argue with people toe-to-toe because they're going to say this is my experience and I'm gonna say but this is what the Word of God says that's where it's headed it's going to be experience based on God's Word when the devil comes it's going to be what do you see based on what God's Word says because the world is getting ready for the great deception of all time the appearing of Satan so he's laying the foundation and so all these things that are molding the minds and shaping people to believe whatever God's Word doesn't say are going to accept with open arms when Satan shows up and looks like Christ Jesus said don't go out then so I ain't going out now come on help me out somebody second Thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 10 describes the conditions and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish and here's the reason why people accept darkness they receive not the love of the truth that they might be what saved if you don't want the truth the devil give you a lie matter of fact it's not possible to say I love Jesus and reject the truth because Jesus and the truth are inseparable but the devil knows that our only safeguard is to understand what the Word of God says and so he seeks on a daily basis he seeks on a weekly basis he seeks on a sabbath to sabbath basis to separate many of us from our bibles that's why seventh-day adventists when you go back home if you're a Christian at all if you're watching this program tonight next time you go to church you better have your sword with you help me out somebody because you can have on a perfectly good uniform but you go out there in the fields of Iraq or Afghanistan with a pretty uniform and say boo see what happens devil don't care about your uniform you don't care about your denomination either help me out somebody you don't care about what you claim to be you don't care about what you think you believe you better know what you believe because if Jesus needed it is written to defeat the devil in his time of trial do we need it as written today yes we do that's why the Lord is not looking for worshipers he's looking for true worshipers anybody could worship but God is looking for true worshipers notice John chapter 4 verse 23 and 24 notice what the Bible says but the hour is coming and now is when the true worshipers will worship the father in what church spirit and in truth for the father is seeking such to worship Him God is spirit and those who worship Him what's the next word must worship in spirit and in truth Satan has substitutes for everything that God has the truth for think about it Sabbath Sunday Second Coming secret rapture death is the end of life death as an alternate route to heaven the only the righteous go to heaven everyone goes to have and have you noticed that everybody that dies go to heaven where is he in a better place I'm going to tell you New York City the cemetery is a better place if you want to be safe sleeping a cemetery in a big city in a bygone mess with you on one side destruction in hell on the other side eternal torment the truth the resurrection is at the second coming of Christ but the devil's teaching the resurrection happens now sin on one side but alternate lifestyle in the devil's camp marriage with Adam and Eve on God's side marriage with Adam and Steve on Satan's side I'm not even making light of that immorality immortality on God's side immorality on the devil side and if you look at the two words the only thing that's the difference is the cross but Paul makes it clear 2nd Thessalonians 2 and verse 3 let no one deceive you by any means for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed the son of perdition countless Christians are affected by error but I got some good news John 10:16 Jesus said other sheep I have that are not of this fold them also I must bring and they will hear my voice and there will be one fold and one Shepherd what do you say God's got fokin every denomination that's why we've got to tell the truth if I gave you the wrong directions you'll be upset but nowadays people can lie from the Bible and it's acceptable if I gave you the wrong amount from your check when you came to the bank to catch you be upset wouldn't you by cheating you about five cents you come back to the bank but people nowadays allied and go back to church every week to hear another lie that's why Tony Palmer recently said told a conference of pastors that doctrines don't matter he said God will sort out our beliefs when we get to heaven which brings me to my last viewpoint sign number five the very last one and I'll get this done I got five minutes but I'm a New Yorker dismantling of Protestantism you see the modern call to return to Rome began in 1980 notice this article New York Post November 17 1980 Pope to Jews and Protestants time to heal the scars look at that article Pope to Jews and Protestants time to heal the scars that started in 1980 so what you're hearing nowadays is the ending of that when Tony Palmer came to Kenneth Copeland then he talked to a whole lot of Protestant leaders a whole lot of evangelical leaders he said the protest is over if the protest is over he said why are you still protesting you know why because it ain't over come on help me out somebody he talked about only one thing that Martin Luther did not accept but there 94 others protest ain't over because Martin Luther does not fully speak in my behalf God's Word speaks in my behalf can you say amen Church revelation 13 verse 14 tells us about what's happening revelation 13 verse 14 notice the Bible the Bible says and he deceives those who dwell on earth by the signs which he has which he was granted to do on the side of the Beast telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the Beast who was wounded by the sword and lived Rome was wounded in 1798 it has been healed and all the world is being called back under the umbrella of Rome wake up one of the unobvious signs of the last days but look at my last quotation for the night testimonies volume 5 page 451 notice for God's notice for God's reliable messenger and I know by this statement that she was anointed by God look look at what it says when Protestantism shall stretch her hand across the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism when under the influence of this threefold Union our country shall repudiate every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant and Republican government and shall make provision for the propagation of papal falsehoods and delusions get this then we may know that the time has come for the marvelous working of Satan and together and that the end is near we are living in the time of the end same and some body Bureau if you ignore all the earthquakes which was simply the beginning of sorrow don't ignore what's happening in Rome don't ignore what's happening in the evangelical world don't ignore what's happening with the busy itinerary of Pope Pope John Paul II Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are sealing this thing up and Protestants are now reaching their hands Protestants are no longer protesting they are embracing the fourth beast of Daniel chapter 7 that's what I said and God is saying by these things we know that the end is near my challenge tonight is this in this hour of descending darkness it is time to get back to the light of God's Word what do you say tonight in this hour of moral corruption it's time to get back to holiness in this hour of rejection of truth is time to get back to the Word of God in this hour of invitation to go back to Rome it's time to get back to Jesus what do you say is the I'm praying for those folks that left the church I'm praying that some Adventists that read the great controversy will remember what they read and see what's happening around them and get back in their car and find an Adventist Church somewhere somewhere nearby what do you say and then those who don't know this message will see it we'll read about it well know that is truth and fine a safe harbor and a safe haven in and among the remnant Church of God what do you say finally my brothers and sisters in this hour of complacency it is time to get ready for Jesus to come you see the signs of thick there all around us the signs are being fulfilled in rapid success and I believe tonight that the final movements will be rapid ones what do you say there happened don't fall asleep pay attention to the signs don't dismiss them pay attention to the signs as you drive pay attention to the signs as you read God's Word pay attention to the signs for God's Word says and I end with the statement when you see all these things know that it is near even at the door let us pray
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 35,986
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Keywords: 3ABN, Second Coming, John Lomacang
Id: -0Qa0Fha9QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 25 2014
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