3ABN Today Live - " Lanny Wolfe & 3ABN Family" (2018-12-5)

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I want to spend I wanna smell [Music] lord [Music] he loved hard I want to spend [Music] and they will people [Music] it feels so good just [Music] [Music] oh oh what cared less about comfort I enjoy God's children get together and sing praises to the king this feeling I just wouldn't rate it feels so good just [Music] there's just nothing [Music] so good just man just run and you will see happy faces we're sad faces used to be for Jesus saved us by his he placed us in this family and now this fellowship means all the world to me so just being here [Applause] [Music] children get so good just man [Music] there's just nothing like children get together so good just [Music] and all the people said Amen alright praise the Lord well welcome to 3abn today thank you for joining us as you do each and every day thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of 3abn as we endeavor to take this great gospel of the kingdom into all the world we are having fun today is it alright for Christians to have fun I'm telling you what we used to have a pastor that would get up and he'd say is everybody happy and people say yeah he said well let your face show it it doesn't know what your face doesn't know you're happy well today we're all happy in the Lord and without Jesus there's no hope right with him there's everything hope for eternal life salvation it's an amazing thing to get together with God's wonderful people melody just showed me um right before we started we actually recorded this song with your mother when you were what nine years old sometimes sometimes we'll have to play that a little bit little melody had this really high voice and we had this little trio together and about 95% of the songs we sang we're Lanny wolf songs let's introduce Lanny wolf he's at the piano Lanny is great to have you here good to be here you're not a stranger with the 3abn folk Marita Webster so good to have you here you know we love you right wonderful wonderful wonderful woman and woman of God and someone we've looked up to for a long time so glad that you're here and then standing beside me his brother Billy Blackwood i'ma hug you Billy it's so great to have you here it's an honor to be a part of the children you weren't supposed to be here you were recording on another project and was had to travel today but the Lord changed the plans and here you are beautiful yeah thank you for being here of course everyone knows Yvonne and Yvonne I'm so glad you're here honey all right you look pretty today how much that works so good lady love you look beautiful too right Tammy melody you all look great so we got ladylove smith we've got melody dawn over here melody Don Shelton Firestone Tammy chants Tammy Shelton chants and behind hers Ryan Day Ryan we're so glad that you're here in part of the three ABS family and of course Tim Parton is a huge part of our our family in so many ways thank you so much for what you do for the cause of God and so I just I'm blessed today and it's our hope and prayer that witness program is over you'll be drawn closer to do the Lord you won't just feel good you know outwardly but you will have a peace that passeth all understanding surely the presence of the Lord is in this place in the midst of his children the Lord said he would be it doesn't take very many it can be just two or three and then I feel that same sweet spirit that I felt of times before for surely I can sing that I've been with [Music] I see [Music] there's a holy hush around us as God's glory fills this place I've touched the hem of His garment and I can almost say nice man yes and my heart is overflowing with the father's joy I'm without a doubt that I have [Music] I see [Music] well people have asked me where do you get songs how do you get songs the answer is always I never know when they're coming and I never know where they're coming this next song we're gonna sing I was in Florida was supposed to be with Jim and Carol symbol for their Sunday morning service in New York so I was getting ready in my hotel room in Florida and God just dropped this on me and so I was planning on sleeping on the plane between Florida and New York well that didn't work out so on the plane I'm scratching out parts so I could teach this to Brooklyn tab so talk to them that day they recorded it's one of my favorite chords that somebody says we give you praise and that's what we're all about today [Music] praise [Music] we [Music] where [Music] well since the last time the lineal trio was taping for 3abn the third voice of the trio for almost five decades Dave Peterson passed away and last spring it's been very difficult for Morita and I and Bonita his wife and his family and just a host of friends around the world to just kind of come to grips with the fact that dave is not with us Dave he had this beautiful tenor voice that blended between Rita's voice and my voice so well and he had this wide range of dynamics his personality was infectious when he would come into the room he would just light it up with joy and laughter his love for God unmistakable his life he spent all of his life all of his life singing and preaching the gospel and so we want to dedicate this next song to Dave's wife Bonita and the rest of his family because dave sang on this song and sorry [Music] and Jesus really did mean everything today Peterson so we dedicate this to you and he was a drink of water on a hot summer day a light in the darkness that drives the fear away for a weird Jesus is all of these and more to my soul [Music] me [Music] he's a friend to the friendless when there's no place to go captain [Music] who conquered he's a shepherd full of greens a stray back to [Music] of these 30 [Music] means [Music] just to know [Music] oh how well do I remember all the days I spent in sin with no thought of doing all the things I need to be it makes me wash out [Music] just [Music] Justin oh I bet he makes now I'm on my way to heaven and I'm singing as I go my name is riff and the ball just a nois glass cleanse me and I'm ready now to go makes me wanna shop [Music] Justin oh love everyday raise me [Music] and my traveling days are older and I reach that happy place everything up there will be just like it should and when I step inside that city and I see my Jesus face gonna shop [Music] Justin oh I been redeemed makes me feel good I [Music] just enough [Music] Justino [Music] [Music] merci I felt like I needed a tambourine [Laughter] so many have colds you the Lord but in your heart they know that it's not true for they have guns they have fortune [Music] but as for me my heart's reserved for you and you [Music] there's nothing [Music] there's nothing [Music] that is so beautiful Oh amen that is so nice Lanny woof all of these songs that God has given you over so many years and we just keep singing them and it's kind of like the Bible I mean you can read scriptures over and over and over and what you've written God has given you and depend and you've done it and they never get old when we listened to the message we have to be drawn closer to Jesus I am today and it's my hope and prayer that each everyone watching here today they hear some music and I'm privileged you know I started saying some of us aren't well I'll speak for myself not necessarily the greatest singers but we love being here worshiping the Lord through music and through song with Billy it's so it's such a blessing and I know you weren't planning on being here but the Lord changed it so you must be reason you're here to speak to us for a minute give us a word you know we all grew up with these songs and the one that we sang earlier surely the presence of the Lord is in this place I'm reminded of a scripture it says where two or three are gathered in his name there he is in the midst and so when we gather like this the very presence of God comes into the room and and I don't know if everybody thinks of it like I do but you know what's interesting God when we're by ourselves God can you know show up and minister to us but the place when there's two people jesus said where two or more of you then there's a reason he said that because the place of agreement the place when two people come together and seek the Lord he honors that with his presence in a special way and I we sense that today now we hope that you sense that you know the presence of the Lord is not intangible it's tangible it's something you can feel something you can know is real and not just know about him but know him and he will make his presence known to you we pray that as we worship today that that tangible presence of the Lord comes right into the place where you are because if you're like us you go through days where you need to know God is with you we're not exempt from that and we're you know we go through stuff just like everybody goes through we need to know that the presence of the Lord is always with us he's in this place today he could be where you are today I'm gonna sing a song that Lanny wrote and I don't know his story on how he wrote it said it was for Christmas musical but it's a song that I like to sing all year long it talks about the Lord seeking for us and the way this song is written it tells a story and when I think about the greatness of God his omnipotence all the glorious things about him and then he knew me a long time ago and in this first first verse it talks about from eternity past and he was seeking me even way back then before I didn't know I existed but he had a plan and he has a plan for your life and whatever you're doing today I want you to listen to the words of this song it may be God seeking for you and you haven't paid attention or maybe you haven't recognized what it was but you just keep praying and seeking his face and you'll know what it is so listen to the words of this song talks about this wonderful love that God has for us from the splendor the world I know from a major from the dark crashing through the corridors [Music] for me he was reaching for me but I resisted his touch instead I sought for other things I wanted sir things up [Music] I'd sort but all the time I was thinking I was seeking for he [Music] would reach down [Music] crying Lord hear my plea [Music] and out of darkness I saw his light stop oh praise the Lord Jesus found me when I gave me [Music] for me Jesus mercy [Music] me me me Jesus [Music] oh I knew it Jesus let's see [Music] or me [Music] for baby Jesus receipt [Music] well I was listening to a message and there was a line in the message that said my house is full but my field is empty now to me any songwriter in the gospel arena that would hear that should like sit up wake up take note but you know what's amazing to me is how different songwriters can be in the same place and not all be a what impacted by what I call moment of truth Joan Ewing Merle Ewing's wife who's a great songwriter she was in that same service she never wrote the song so I okay god I got it I got it so I wrote this song within two weeks my house is full my field is empty there is peace [Music] on this table there is singing and laughter has the ice comes the singing has the father's [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh push away from that look out through the window just be nicer [Music] and it's right [Music] but reap in the house Oh paired the children you the father sadly say [Music] or me [Music] Oh [Music] my [Music] No [Music] well I remember melody once again that song you were probably eight or nine years old singing my house is full when I was ten well we're trying to be truthful here today and maybe a little bit older than that but what an incredible song because that's really I mean that's a message from the Lord it's biblical if my house is full but my fields is empty all the harvest is there it's white unto harvest but two Reapers where are they and that's you and me each and every one of us Jesus says go ye into all the world and I always like to say the blessing of God is on the gold billing it's not when we're sitting around but the blessing of God is on the go so the harvest is ready so all you and I have to do is go do our part and God does the rest so he blesses us in spite of us so you don't have to have any particular Talent you just go tell your own personal testimony is your greatest asset of what God has given you it's not how many scriptures you know and how much Bible you've memorized it's it's your own personal testimony no one could argue no one can can debate you on what God has done for you in your life I mean God has been good to me he's been good to me through all the years just a few months ago I went through open-heart surgery and we say praise the Lord God has been good to me but you know what he was good to me way before that he's good to me he would have been good to me had a not gone through the surgery because the very next thing I see would be in the face of Jesus so it's good all the time right God is good all the time so I'm thankful that God is good to me I was so lost till you came and found me I was so blind but now I see that I'm so blessed your love surrounds me - Thank You Lord would take eternity you've been good to me through all the years help me Lord you've been good to me through joys and tears I don't know if I make it through I want to thank you lord Oh for all you've done for me yes you been good to me through all the years [Music] when I was weak you're strong carried me we're alone I fell your hand in in all ice ups and down Oh Lord you've been there for me with a grateful heart gotta thank you one more time for you've been good to me [Music] I wanted [Music] I want to thank you I want to thank you [Music] you've been good [Music] and I can't I'll tell you I'm overflowing today honestly I think of the goodness of God that he could love us enough to come down reach down to fallen man and say I'm gonna make a plan of salvation a plan of salvation for none of us deserve it there's no good and that's whatsoever but Jesus loved us that much oh he's been he's been good to us and he'll be good to us continually when we're feeling like God's not good to us is because we're not listening we're not there we're not in the palm of his hand I'm so thankful for the love of God my favorite scripture for I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future here now a lot of people who are Christians they kind of have this visual image of the importance of this scripture put in your pocket stick in your Bible but this is how big and how important okay this scripture is for what God wants it to mean to us for I know the plans that I have for you that I have for you Wow all of my life I have lived by knowing that God has a plan for my life I was born with flat feet okay and didn't really know it until we started buying school shoes so we went to the the shoe shoe store then hello and what Buster Brown shoes now some of you don't know what those are Buster Brown shoes and we put cookie we put cookies in them okay we put cookies in them to kind of build up the arch support the arch okay cookies there call them cookies see it not real if you need them there it's showing their age there [Music] we put padding okay so I thought well you know I'll just live with this support or Thor newsflash I've got cookies in my shoes you know so seventh grade comes and I got out of PE because I had flat feet and at the time I thought it was really kind of cool hey I don't have to take visited so it was cool then but in retrospect Ryan now I don't know all the ins and outs all the details of football basketball baseball so if I'm watching a football game I don't really know about what's happening at the yard line and and the penalties and all that it's not really that important thank you very much okay so when when other when other guys were playing football I was playing the piano I took piano lessons at age nine from Frank Myer I probably passed on by now and he would sit there my 30-minute lesson draw cartoons so he gave me lessons seriously draw cartoons to Tim through my lesson so I I was with him for two years then he told me said I'm moving to Florida well I don't think he moved to Florida so I don't get that anyway so from there on out it was just God and me and John w Peterson an illness so I taught myself how to play by ear so at age 16 I wrote my first song okay and I didn't know much about songwriting yeah you're gonna hear if you don't laugh promise you won't laugh okay so this is what I wrote when I was 16 yes God is now these chords weren't at 16 these her later chords God is wonderful he saved my soul from sin I wonder what's coming I was once my soul is blind but now I see within soon I'm going home to live forevermore God shall be then more wonderful than before so that's why God gave it 16 was it wouldn't win an award but that's was a start got a scholarship to Ohio State University start out in architectural engineering after the first semester I could have stayed with that but I decided I didn't want to devote my life to building buildings so I switched to business education and math and after six years at Ohio State and two degrees in business God called me up said by the way my plan for you is not to build buildings my plan for you is to build songs now because I trusted God I went back to school I got my first degree in music education so it's like I wanted God's plan for my life the real problem we have is a lot of time Tim we we don't know exactly what it is we flounder around trying to find it it was 1968 and I was just ready to turn 26 so I got this invitation from the Army to take a physical we were in the midst of Vietnam war and I'm telling you but you were flat-footed I'm telling you when I got the letter when I got the letter my world crashed down because my mind was thinking about the 68,000 young men and women that didn't come back from Vietnam and I thought Lord if I go to Vietnam there's such a good chance that I will never come back I will never get to take advantage of all this schooling and so very reluctantly I took the physical well I had to there was no choice it was not an invitation I waited for the letter the letter came back and I opened it and it was we're sorry and for me that you have been rejected for service in the United States Army reason flat feet okay so after that I I started writing I got a second master's degree music for the trio we got a recording contract I started teaching young people in Bible College for 20-some years and right before my 42nd birthday 1982 I went to the Vincent Kompany with enough songs for two Second Coming musicals my plan my plan and the president laughed it off and they said churches won't by second come musicals but they will by Christmas Lani why don't you write a song about Isaiah 9:6 okay went away brought it back well we had sung it so we know what we felt he said no no no we shouldn't put in the Christmas musical and furthermore lay any quote you can write a better song and I beg pardon martyr did everything they finally let me put this song and the Christmas musical - turquoise name Jesus I suggested that we do a duet arrangement Don Marsh did one orchestration the president of Ben's company said I don't like it throw it away start over I mean this child had a difficult time being born so did a second arrangement I said let's pair up Sandi patty Lars and you know the rest is history the rest is history and the name of that song of course was not God is wonderful but 26 years later more than wonderful can you imagine Yvonne when I was just a 16 year old kid trying to figure out what God wouldn't me do and he gave me a song and he's thinking you don't understand this now I'm giving you your first song but if you could understand what I see 26 years down the fight I'm gonna give you a song that's more wonderful than this one now put it in perspective if I had my way at the Bentson company and we would have written a second coming musical the song more than wonderful would never have been a sign it would never have been written it would never have gotten a Grammy it would have never got it would not have been but I know the plans that I have for you and I'm here to tell you folks that like we serve a good God and He loves us and he has a great plan for us so sandal arnelle's they sang it to about him for he's more so Ryan and Yvonne on the new give Him glory project we put the camera at a different angle and so now instead of singing about him we've made it praise and worship and they're singing to him and you're more wonderful watch out sandy and Laura now give God the glory amen [Music] Oh wheeler promised us that he would be [Music] mighty God and the Prince of you promised us that you would be [Music] Oh said that - - Mort I know would not begin to tell Jesus just you really [Music] my my [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen praise the Lord Wow beautiful Wow Wow Lani we've got about 6-7 minutes left what are we gonna do this is your program I am enjoying this and being blessed aren't you all I would like to relay just a short story about a missionary I'm for furlough and he told this true story to his church congregation Michigan he served in a small hospital unit in Africa every two weeks he would ride his bicycle through the jungle to the city to get medicine and supplies and so on one trip to the city he saw two boys fighting and one was severely hurt so he he attended to his wounds and he told him about the Lord went back home and everything was fine two weeks later went on another trip back to the city and that same boy came up to him and said Oh remember me and he said yes I remember you he said well we followed you because this was a two-day journey and in the middle they had to like camp out in the jungle so the boy that he had attended to said we followed you we know who you are he said we knew you had medicine and drugs and money so we followed you and when you camped out we he came up me and my five friends and we were gonna kill you we were gonna steal your drugs and your money but when we were coming up to your camp you were surrounded by 26 armed guards and the missionary said no no no no I was there by myself no no no no and the boys stopped he said no no you don't understand no there were 26 armed guards I know all five of us saw them and we counted them at that moment a gentleman in the congregation jumped up to his feet and said what day was that and the missionary said that it was this day and the gentleman said that evening in Africa was morning in the States I was playing golf ready to putt and God stopped me and said pray for this missionary and this gentleman said it was so powerful he said I had to get out my cell phone and call men for my church to meet me a church to pray for this missionary we got to the church and we pray for the missionary and and the missionary and he said would all you men who joined me at the church stand and the missionary was not concerned about who they were so much as counting the men there were 26 men who stood that's the God we serve wrote a new song has simply says you're in our prayers folks you may think you're alone you're not alone you serve a big God and he'll call up the armies of heaven if he needs to you're not alone if you've got a problem out there we just wrote a new song and we're gonna sing it for you right now you are in our prayers you're in you never [Music] before and you're not sure just what tomorrow has in store but where two or three are gathered God has promised to be there so now in faith believing we lived your name and pray [Music] we touch them [Music] sometimes you feel you're falling tears are cried in vain but God counts them all and with compassion feels your plane acquainted with grief and sorrow the Lord knows how much you can bear he's laid you on all right so now we lived you up in [Music] [Applause] we touch the throwaways for you [Music] trustus [Music] [Music] you're in our prayers best of all [Music] brother Ryan I wonder if you would just say a prayer we have so many people here today that are hurting and people we don't know the needs but God knows all of them as we join hands together and as we agree or Billy said earlier two or three gathered together and we want to do that for those today to really know and understand yes you're in our prayers but most of all you're in God's hands our loving father Lord you are truly more than wonderful praise be to you God because you are worthy Lord where would we be without you we recognize as sinners that without you we are nothing and we praise You God for this opportunity to be able to come together and lift our voices and song for you what I pray for my brothers and sisters those who may be struggling those who may be in despair experiencing sorrows and pain I pray father that you will bless them cover them with her spirit reveal to them your love that that when they lift their eyes they will see Jesus him upon the cross crucified for them we praise You God we thank you so much for all that you are for who you are and we ask these things in Jesus Holy Name Amen amen amen well we've been having fun around here I hope you have too but also I've been drawn closer to the Lord so I want to thank all of our family that's been here today thank you for coming and being here with us and we want to thank you but right after this hour we got a special surprise for you we're gonna do a diamond jubilee for Lanny wolf we'll explain that later because we're just about out of time with merita Lanny and Yvonne and myself we're gonna be here for another hour and got some great music lined out for you we'll be back in just a moment you you [Music] welcome back to 3abn today life thank you for joining us then we have an incredible first hour oh you know it's so great when you can just sense the presence of God and and and for all of us I mean we hope that it was the same for you we just sensed the presence of the Lord here and it's so great to be able to minister these songs and be ministered to at the same time that's right absolutely and and all Annie Wolfe songs I know we got a couple little cuts in there you know like I think what I basically did said we'll do the program as long as you put into some Marita Webster thank you all for being here and that first hour you sing under anointing of the Holy Spirit you know the Holy Spirit was just there from the beginning to end there were two or three places where he just really let it yeah let it stop yeah yeah I know I'm sorry I almost didn't make it through my I'm glad just praise His name what we're gonna do we promised you we were gonna do a celebration and this is a Diamond Jubilee celebration if you want to look it up and dictionary whatever you can figure it out yourself but we're just gonna call it Diamond Jubilee and so we went to a birthday party in Houston Texas and that was a lot of fun too a lot of great people and so we actually went Brad went and we did a little wasn't a big remote shoot but a little remote shoot and they've worked on it for a long time and got some great audio we have a number of clips and so we want to show you you can actually join in with us today on this celebration and be blessed and so I don't can't promise you any birthday cake or anything but we're saving them the calories I found out you know we let ladylove leave but she said Smith leaving she said I've got something for Lani and she made you a great big coconut coconut cake and right here the award for the best coconut cake in the world and she went to the trouble to make one for me she's so well-known because in the studios anytime we're in the studios musicians I don't care if they're there the people you know in the orchestra or the rhythm section backup singers is like lady love did you bring any coconut you didn't leave so absolutely so Lani you've been blessed God has blessed you all these years and we want you to kind of walk us through this celebration a little bit and we're going to tell people by the end of the program if you would like to get this it's all on DVD now and CD and CD so we've got it ready to go but we want to give you some samples of what the music was there and what a great time we had and hopefully that will come across to but we'll have you share with us who some of the musicians are and if you're ready I mean we can go right to some of these roles absolutely talk about something else it's your program absolutely well it was such an exciting event we had 40 artists from across the nation and they were just such fabulous singers many of them were 3abn artists that you'll hear on that list all that list is just unbelievable the original trio was there Jaron Davis and kindred souls was there a lot of members of the landing of trios over the year were there it's Sharon hey good Nancy Granquist be Michael McKay on and on and on and on and on and I just thought that I couldn't contain it all it just we would start with one and my cup would be full as I can't take any more and so like the Dida was longer than an inauguration this thing in fact what time we were through we're ready to celebrate the second day but it was great if you'd have been there you'd enjoyed it yeah every minute of it it was the DVD actually has close to four hours so it has all the concert it longer than Gone with the West it has interviews it it has some music interviews yeah it's I think the first thing that we are going to roll is Jim and Carol cymbal up from Brooklyn Tabernacle yeah we've been very with them for probably 40 some years and I've worked with their choir our trio sung there and they're just great friends and so on a Sunday morning they were kind enough to do a birthday tribute from them Oh Birkins hibernacula choir and the congregation okay great let's go to it this Sunday the choir behind me congregation in front of me and I just want to say how much we love you we appreciate how God has used you you've been a blessing to this church you encouraged my wife to write music before anyone ever did all those years ago you've always been a Stallworth friend so I want to say on behalf of the congregation before we sing to you I want to say happy birthday to you we love you Carol Lanny the Brooklyn Tabernacle loves you like my husband said you've been a blessing for decades we've sung your songs the songs have ministered to people people have come to Christ through your music and you are truly a friend of this church and thousands of other churches so we just want to celebrate this day with you we love you so much choir do we love Lanny wolf god bless you Lani and we're gonna sing right now happy birthday to Lani Walt Brooklyn Tabernacle are you ready all right here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] harmony [Music] happy birthday Lenny wolf [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] god bless you oh great now let's see my birthday Carol let's that's amazing water we had to privilege thank you for taking us there and meeting the folk and going out and with them - is it juniors yeah very very well we're out and spend the evening with him and wonderful people and what an amazing choir great this next number that we're gonna feature surely the presents okay what's what's kind of special about this is the fact that we were interrupted marina didn't know it was gonna happen and so there's a special presentation because I wrote the song at a church dedication in Columbia Mississippi and so I God gave it to me just in the service while while we're waiting on the trio to sing and so I had the program for that day and I just scratched down the lyrics and it was it was just kind of it was kind of intimidating because I heard a progression that I didn't normally use but I didn't have time to go someplace and work it out so I got up and I just taught it to read and Dave and the congregation on the spot and of course since then it's been around the world sung had so many kinds of dedications and funerals and weddings just so many occasions well they found that original piece of paper that had the scratch lyrics on in the organ bench in the Oregon bench and so they showed up at this event and they presume that to me it was very special Oh surely the presence in the midst of his children the Lord said he would be it doesn't very many it can be just three and I feel thank you Jesus that same sweet spirit that I felt so many times before [Music] I have been I get to interrupt you guys I didn't want to do it for 40 years he's interrupted us when we were sleeping in Chapel Jean and I and I know I I didn't want to do it but while you were singing but I had explicit instructions because you don't want to know about this we have found something so incredible July the 16th and the 17th to 1976 the landing wolf trio was at the Woodlawn church dedicating their new property there and that is where brother Wolfe wrote surely the presence of the Lord is in this place so I started going through the organ bent at wood line and I came upon this piece of paper where brother wolf had wrote surely the pen what it was church dedication and during the service you pinned the words to surely the presence of the Lord is in this place and of course he made Dave and Maria sing it at the end of service yeah never rehearsed it and so this was 41 years ago and I don't know about you but surely the presence is one of my favorite that he ever penned and so I drove all the way from Tupelo Mississippi ten hours for you to hand you this and deliver this to you and I hope you enjoy [Music] I made about that it was so special and what a great song surely the presence of the Lord is in this place I'm probably singing it a few hundred times myself so it's very special you have no idea when you're writing those things how it affects other peoples and their lives and and and around the world as you say people are singing in different languages all around the world when my father passed away we gathered around the bed and we sang it and Carol Simla says that when her father passed away they sang it around yes I had a friend that worked for the Benson company he went with it was a kind of a gospel rock group called striper I believe striker striker in the 70s or 80s and so they were visiting pastor Cho's Church in Korea mm-hmm and you know they only have million people there like 11 service a hundred thousand people each so he was in one of those services and he said they were singing surely presents hmm in all these languages all at the same time he said it was so heavenly I would love to have been there and isn't that just like heaven I mean all you know every nation kindred tongue and people will be represented there will probably be speaking the same language but still I mean it's just the idea of English Spanish friends and wherever we travel and Johnny Anna da here of course they had a Latino they say when you get to heaven you everybody will speak Spanish you know this song surely the presence when I've sung it you know many many times but we would be in a service and sometimes I would start to sing it and I think no okay we're gonna sing surely the presence do we feel that presence we're singing we feel the presence of the Lord in this place and it seemed like every time that I would start singing it it's like the Lord was so gracious and he would just send his spirit spirit we were acknowledging him and he we our desire to feel his presence in service and he never failed you could always feel his presence and it wasn't just a song one of the artists in the lineup of 40 artists was Sharon Haggard's it's been a long-term friend she's saying God gave the song on the Alleluia oh that was a good one yeah yes what's that I hear and God gave God so she all the way back there she's saying that and but she sings it better and he does and she she always has this kind of bubbly personality but she has this unique tambour and her voice and so I've had her sing she actually sang only Jesus for this musical that we did was the first musical Don Marsh ever ranged for Benson a graters heat so she was a soloist on it all the way back then I couldn't think of having this event without having Sharon Haygood sing only Jesus can satisfy oh yeah and you know what I never thought about it I was kind of looking at the music how much Don Marsh in his arrangement of the orchestra was influenced by Irving Berlin I mean if you listen to his Arrangements carefully Wow he was terribly influenced it's only this is Sharon Haygood and she just has just one of my favorite voices in the whole world only Jesus satisfy your soul [Music] [Music] Oh Wilson [Music] [Applause] what a wonderful lady - we had to privilege a meeting her there and and she and I are like Facebook friends now that we we've talked everything from religion to politics to you name it so she's a great great person she was like the first song on the first artist out after the opening with jaren's group and when we got finished with only geez my cup was full I was ready to like go eat cake the start of it precious blood that has been such a powerful song in our ministry and the soloist at this event was Gail Creason and Laura Carruthers so they stepped in to the shoes of Dave Peterson and mereta they became the first the first ones to try to even step into shoes you know did a great job did a great job so they're saying precious blood at this event and Wow it's just it's just that power a powerful song I I remember having cellulitis the crowd was in Cincinnati Ohio and I couldn't continue the tour I had to put somebody else responsible for it so they took me the emergency room and so I'm there in there drawing blood which you know it's not my favorite thing to do but it's I've had it done before but it's what I call as a songwriter a moment of truth when I saw them take the blood from my arm that particular time God impressed me about his blood and how it was different than my blood it was precious so I got that song in that hospital room in Cincinnati now again so many songs that God has given me I really equate with no pain no gain had I not had cellulitis had I not gone to the emergency room this song whenever been written but again God knows how he has to work all things together for good so that's why this song is very special just blood [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] such a powerful song oh yeah just ministers to people yeah because there's power in the blood you know there's some churches that are more than anxious to take the blood out of any part of their religious arena take it out of the hymnals I'm sorry without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and if there's no remission of sin there's no ticket to heaven sorry you know so what's neat about this Yvonne I was thinking when it was singing here these folk most of them the background was the UPC right yeah I cannae Pentecostal church and I said I doubt they ever thought they would end up because back in the day you didn't do television or radio I doubt they ever thought they'd be on a television seventh-day Adventist we are channel reads being sent around the world but it's interesting how God brings people together and how we can minister to each other and it's really neat again this was Lanny Wolf's birthday celebration so these were people that's been in your life for 40 50 years whatever a long time and so you they all came together on landings behalf to say thank you this is to show we love you we appreciate you and the music that he has written has changed many of their lives and as they have ministered others have changed other's lives so we'll never know until we get to heaven but interesting how all this comes together and an example of that of course would be gerunds group Jaron Davis came and studied under me his wife Becky came so they met each other at Jackson College and ministries and so several years later jaren's sister Allison came and she met Shelton Luverne who grew up in the Jackson Mississippi church so they all came together because they were studying music under Lanny wolf so they can blame their marriage on me in part so Jaron was in charge of the live music did a great job this clip we're going to hear is God's wonderful people which was the the kickoff number and so a lot of different people were singing on that you know there were so many people we wanted to include and couldn't because you know you can't go much farther than the time we did and had people still away but it was great and Jaron Davis for those that don't know you probably all of our viewers have heard his music too one song in particularly particular holy ground and so we've sang that song literally as 3abn was being built we had property and we just put a shell of a building didn't have any money to finish marita we didn't have didn't know anything about television but we did know how to build my brothers and our carpenters so we built this nearly 16,000 square foot building in faith that God would give us the finances and allow us to build a television station to reach the world but it was a week-by-week we needed diesel fuel for the backhoe so we buy it five-gallon at a time and when that money run out would you know that that's the way the building was going up but we would go on Sabbath afternoons we would go once we got to shell up in the winter was coming on we'd go inside and hold hands and we would sing we are standing on holy ground and I can't tell you the number of people over the last 34 years that when they come to 3abn they say we feel like we're standing on holy ground that's right might not know anything you had a similar experience I did I did when I came with pastor CA and Irma Marie picked me up from the airport in st. Louis and I fell asleep in the back seat and of course and when we got arrived when we arrived on the property I woke up and I said where are we and and pastor C I said we're just getting on 3abn s property and I said wow I felt the Holy Spirit's presence I mean it was just so powerful it was so powerful I'll never forget that we are truly standing on holy ground so anyway jaren is not doing it on this clip but he's the one that wrote holy ground but he's going to be doing something else for us yes so it was the kickoff number for the evening God's wonderful people okay Sharon Davis and kindred souls and our folks okay [Music] gods [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yawns London [Music] and man yeah it was and a lot of God's wonderful people and they were there from all over yes we're gonna listen to a clip heaven for me which was a special song and Dave Peterson is singing the soda on this and a census event Dave passed and you know is sorely missed by so many people absolutely he was with our trio for almost five decades you can't even find words to express and just the greatest guy great voice he loved God and he devoted his whole life to just singing and preaching the gospel so this actually was one of his very last events that he ever sang at and probably the last song that he's sung and so fitting that he would sing heaven for me absolutely Evon for me Dave Peterson would you welcome Dave Peterson [Music] Oh it's one please [Music] is for in that placement heaven my soul to be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of it [Music] [Music] what [Music] what amazing [Music] [Music] amen great let's talk about it a lot after we met him just a few years ago and he came when he would come here talk about an easy keeper he liked anything you did if you wanted to go here to eat or if you just wanted to would you sing this or do you want to do that he always was fine with it love to make people smile yeah always did that yeah it had a way of he's gonna make you laugh yeah brag on his wife and tell yes what a great pianist or piano player you know in the music so we were very blessed to have three Abyan personalities Danny and Yvonne and melody lady love is very special and of course it was just so very kind of you Danny to sin camera people there too to video this event we just are just so thankful that you were so gracious to do the happy to do it you do a tremendous amount for us so one of the outstanding songs of the evening a high note in the evening literally literally and figuratively seeking Yvonne Lewis Shelton praises oh I love this song so we didn't have time to play at all because the introduction is a whole minute longer so you have to buy the CD or the DVD just to get the whole impact so we're gonna cut in here after the second verse praise His Holy Name featuring the one and only Yvonne Lewis Shelton [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's a two-hander sometimes one hand sometimes you do two hands I need two more hands than I brought everybody to their feet it was a Holy Spirit's presence there you know when he he shows up you just more outstanding voice I mean you're two times we were so blessed okay so to to do fair time to her husband well and I'm seeing with her husband oh well in a pair time this is a song that Danny and I co-wrote he wrote the chorus the chorus and I wrote the verses and he suggested that we end the evening with this which was a marvelous again it was perfect great song Lord you've been so good to me and it was the perfect way to end this event so here we have Lord you've been good to me wolf Danny Shelton I was so lost till you came and found me I was so blind but now that I'm so blessed your love surrounds me to thank you Lord Bertie eternity or you've been good to me through the years he's been good to you through joys and fears I want to thank [Music] to me to all when I was moved you're strong [Music] when alone I fell your hand in in all the ups and downs are you with a grateful heart gotta thank you or you've been through all the you've been good to me through doors and I wanna thank you lord you to me [Music] you've been good to me singing with us through all [Music] [Applause] yeah oh that's so nice [Music] we're going to hear Jaron Davis and kindred souls do happy birthday and I believe that's going to be followed by a group out of El Salvador singing happy birthday to Lana in Spanish not the birthday this was at the 50th and I didn't realize somebody had a camera [Music] [Music] [Applause] happy birthday to you happy birthday to you one of my favorite songs the beauty of the name and then I think we may going to cherish that name melody singing beauty the name and then joy gardener Oh with us and then Danny sings the beauty of the name I love this song some may wonder where the beauty lies in the knee I am hold so dear well it's not just in the wait sounds as if [Music] and it's in the way it looks when it's written [Music] the beauty at the sound of his name every demon has to be [Music] is given to set the helpless every sin disease and sickness must fold [Music] to that name and for it surrender we're all of time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you [Music] [Music] just [Music] [Applause] 30,000 feet flying over Cincinnati Ohio God gave me this song cherish that beautifully [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love that song and Joy's husband Landy Gardner Drake Jesus we crown you with praise and past this event Landy past and so we've dedicated this project it's not only Dave but to Landy and praying for joy there's just special to have them there whatever it takes probably one of the the most impactive songs that God's ever given to me featuring Marita ladylove and Danny whatever it takes never get tired of this song there's a voice from an old blood dream and it whispers draw closer [Music] that's what I was talking about while ago there are new place a new place take the dearest things to me to draw sir and let the dish [Music] without this yeah like you take my houses [Music] change my and or I'm lacy in your and if you call me to far away [Music] we obey [Music] [Music] great sound the words are really you know when you think about what you're saying do whatever it takes for my world to break but my will to break that's a very soul of every one of them I remembered a mercy from Brooklyn Tabernacle said I can't sing it yet because I'm not at that place yet where I can be honest and sing this song mm she's a sweetheart I know he is a sweetheart yeah we have the cyber choir project which was so wonderful oh that's new yeah yeah it's it's an intriguing new kind of technique so people can go on their a laptop or computer and so they can sing their part so we have 116 voices from all over the world that are singing God's family and so that's one part of the technical aspect the other part is mixing all of that you can't just mix it like we normally think of mixing because you have to have all 116 voices mixed so you'll see you don't see all of them but you'll see some faces on the screen and all of these people are singing you allowed people to just to submit that yes streaming internet and you took it and put it all together that's great yes Steven Gregory and his group his crew had this monstrous job of making sense out of all that yeah and then at the end you see all hundred and sixteen and there you see them moving slightly they're all singing okay so they're all see so this is God's family cyber choir project and what an exciting part of the evening it was [Music] sometimes together [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when a brother beats all we all [Music] wait [Music] we are very [Music] - yeah [Music] [Music] just didn't fly the sea [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen what what a great idea you know what I'd like to do I want to make sure we have time there are folks who maybe want to watch this whole four hours and production the CDs or DVDs what we'd like to do is put up brother Lanny's address and so if you'd like to contact him not only about that but they have we have a book here and they have I don't know how many projects CDs DVDs from way back years ago wonderful project music books all kinds of stuff yes Christmas so whatever it is that you're looking for you may do so here at the following address be sure to check out your one-stop source of all of Landy Wolf's musicals choral projects song books folios and accompaniment soundtracks by visiting lani wolf comm there you will find an extensive collection of lani wolf trio and national music ministry conference Mass Choir CDs and DVDs that website again is lani wolf dot-com for more information you may call paradigm music productions at two eight one seven seven two two seven 62 or write to them at paradigm music productions post office box 1957 Sugarland Texas seven seven four seven eight 1957 alright tell that so yes that's the way they can get it our time is almost gone we have time for one more little clip we had birthday greetings from different people Evie remember her and Reba and Donnie and the ball brothers are singing I've been following in love with them high school we are the ball brothers from Chickamauga Georgia and you might not be familiar with us but we are fans of your music we want to say happy birthday and thank you for inspiring generations of singers with your music we want to sing one of your songs [Music] I keep falling in love over and over [Music] again sweet sweet [Music] [Music] have a very happy birthday alright thank you praise the Lord I hate to say this Lanny and Marita and Yvonne but our time is all gone so until we see you next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more and you could ever ask [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 52,191
Rating: 4.8057394 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Music, praise music, worship
Id: Fb1LfIroJoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 42sec (6942 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 07 2018
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