3ABN Today - State of the Dead (TDY016012)

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I want to spend my love Mandie broken people I wanna spend my [Music] moving Lord let my heal apart that I wanna spend my and we will I wanna spend [Music] maybe broken young people [Music] hello and once again we welcome you to 3abn today my name is Sara Marie and thank you once again for sharing just a little of your day with us this is another one of those special programs where we take an in-depth look as much as this one I will allow at one of the doctrinal points of the seventh event is church and the Bible we never want to separate the two we don't want to say this is a doctrine of the seventh-day Adventist Church no this is a doctrine of the Word of God right mind by the seventh-day adventist church believed by the seventh-day adventist church taught by the 70's church practiced by the 7-elevens church but not a seventh-day adventist doctoral or say a Bible doctrine Detroit that we believe that we practice that we teach I'm in the company of two eminently equipment to help me remind this subject the fact that the Thompson built seven day event is Church my pastor my friend John McCain good to be here pastor CA and the pastor and speaker director of the whole the lamb ministries pastor Kenny Shelton pastor good to have you here it's good to be here thank you for the invitation love to study the Word of God with you folks wow this is this is a wonderful time that we've been together now we need to warn you we say this every time we say it yet again when you get a study in the Word of God sometimes it gets so good that you cannot hold your peace so we have given each other permission we've given each other permission to if something comes up and it's just bubbling out just go ahead and say it that's right we're not cutting each other off we're not disrespecting each other no we're all putting our little bean in the pot and make a beautiful soup or stew that Obi speaks the word of gods and the joy that comes from studying the word of God so we don't get together in a room and go over notes no we just pick a topic we study we bring to this particular program what the Spirit of God has given to us and we don't pre-plan this we just share from the Word of God and that's what we're going to do today our subject state of the dead person there are few doctrines that have been more twisted and wrenched from their context and used to beat up people or scare people or turn people away from God then then the state of the Dead we see the television programs are rife with with vampire shows and shows about people coming back people exchanging there is so much confusion and ignorance on this subject we thought we would bring the antiseptic light of the gospel to this very important talk now if after john casick any if there was if if the story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told then the greatest lie ever told is found in the book of Genesis hmm Genesis after chapter 3 and turn to that with me as we read from the Word of God and then I will let you gentlemen weigh in because I know you've each studied this subject and know it well you didn't have to go and really study because something that we know in our hearts but Genesis chapter 3 verse 4 this of course is the temptation and fall of man then the serpent I'm in verse 4 I said to the woman greatest lie ever told you will not surely die well if there ever was a whopper told thank you that's it that's a banner more people have fallen under the weight of that lie have been misled by the weight of that lies and I think any other truth that has been twisted and torn up in the Word of God I heard a political candidate just this week talking about how his brother was looking down on him in a probation looking down from heaven and that that kind of thing and you could hurt the course of amens and the applause because so many people buy into and believe that and yet it may be among the biggest the greatest lies ever told and it came from the person who is a liar and deceiver from the voice of Satan himself you know we make these kinds of statement is though we have proof of it mm as though we they sent us an email I see you yeah no it sounds cynical but I'm really seriously we make these statements off-the-cuff yes as though you know here are they they're looking down on me now my mom is my my guardian angel yes the other one that really burns burns me up God took her by God is some kind of assassin yeah taking people no he needed another angel so he took my three-year-old daughter we make God to be a killer that has all these and if you think these topics are not important these are reflections on the character of God yes they are if I said well you know my watches miss and CA took it not I'm calling him a thief that's well no we good friends no you just call your good friend of sees right now we are i but not a lot of people he just takes whatever he needs when if he wants it he'll bring it back eventually but you just send that I don't need to have him come to my house because we need to see if he's a klepto mmm and so these are the statements about the Lord are these our character defamation statements that are made by Satan planted to make God look like a thief yeah make him look like a killer mmm you know God just took my mother in this car accident attorney did one more angel I've heard them all yes yeah and it's so sad when you hear that because I remember Robert Ingersoll the world's most formas former infidel he talked about why he became an infidel because his father talked about the death of a loved one and he used the phrase God took him and he said why would God and sorry his father preached on eternally burning hell yes why would why would a loving God burn someone and that's another program loving God all right burn some audio hell forever I never I never ever will no appeasement will end if that's the kind of God he is I don't want anything to do with him and so this topic about death and this eternal burning hell all have been born to murder attack the character of God yes so this why you you will not surely die like the way the Hebrew says it I am sure you will not die precisely yeah and so yeah when when when a devil for example if I said Kenny why don't you just do this you know bungee jumping thing here in Africa which somebody tried to get me to do that in Africa off of the Victoria Falls Bridge oh my soul yeah like they got insurance oh so I'm looking at the 600 foot to draw no 300 foot they said the rope was 300 feet that's 30 stories that's a fallen 30 stories over rushing river in Africa where insurance is not important yes yeah so I thought to myself nah I'm not doing that and so there are those people that want you to just put your whole weight of life on this singular statement they make another one we're going to talk about these doing them another one to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord yes yeah that's not in Scripture anyway to be absent from the body is to be present of the lawyer you can't show me the scripture I'll show you the script where it comes from yeah but that's not what Paul says if I'm glad you picked out that one I've got that my notes too and we can we can exhaust that other because it's a great a great life hit you now Michael what to me was I always think about the subject in the subject matter and how it pertains to us as Christians today yes we know from Bible from prophecy that spiritualism will be spiritism we'll be on the rise yeah and and you say oh it's just here in the last day you know since 2000 doesn't know this is you know we can see it when it first came in on the TV sets we can come up with Casper the ghost some of them don't go back that far but they're a Friendly Ghost and every which a lot of these different things we call harmless and it doesn't matter and we can set in our home and see you today watch some of these things and it's not the enemy was planting his seed he did it back here you just read the passage yes he never changes so here in these last days we're seeing a rise because we know what's going to be happening the enemy is going to use people who say they've been here they've been on the other side they've come back they have a message so we need to even look at that today they come back with a message and this very convincing message but it's totally officer scripture hmm if we don't have scripture and a good understanding of what God looks at how Christ looks at how the Bible teaching of what happens when you die then we can all go off in different directions I'm thankful for a good foundation that we have which is my brothers and sisters is the Bible the Word of God the Word of God only can prove I like what someone said here one of you said that it's the Bible it the Word of God it's not a seventh-day Adventist teaching it's a teaching of the word of God it's in the Bible and see as we see that line upon line precept upon precept here a little and there little that we find these truths then we have embraced these truths offered and they just come alive and it's just something that you just it goes in your mind you if you can't explain it you just know that it's still right yeah because it's over over in God's Word so we see that swing of it we know it's going to be happening so the world needs to be warned through a program just like this yes I the truth of that passage on plastic and it gives you comfort and of course we're going to talk about that's just that a little bit Paul says that but knowing the truth is a comforting thing how did this idea get in a welder I mean you can you can call it what you can call a platonic dualism you can call it metaphysical dualism you can call it greek dualism yeah the idea that there is a separation of body and soul one is good the other is evil that that's not Christian it's Greek and it actually antedated the Christian moving it it's oh yeah it precisely it's old and as the church began to spread this idea weaves itself into the church and of course we have we have among others to thank Otto Steen for it I know who accepted this idea that bow I mean if you look at his life he lives a pretty pretty bad life and then we when he came to the Lord he found out that certain parts of his character still responding to that old metal stuff you know you look like you go to a club and you go and buy a club now and you're not you know in the club but you hear that beat and all sudden you you know he's a cat that beat and you don't want that beat in your head but it's there or you see a pretty girl automatically that old guy comes back so he said you know what there's got to be two separate parts he bought into that this body thing is bad and spirit thing is good and of course since he was one of the architects of Catholic theology it was woven into the church and became in part of the Christian doctrine that you've got this good soul and evil body so you got this dualistic thing again but the Bible didn't say that that God gave us a soul right Johnny wanna pick that okay so you give me a Genesis Genesis 2 and verse 7 there you go you know I know what happened and I went on a string a few texts together and I want to look at the théâtre to know what happens when you when your life ends we've got to know how it began precisely that's you know where I'm going well said yes well said you had to know why I came yeah I'm glad you're not deconstruct and me I don't know how to construct so so so we're gonna look at the scriptures in a very logical sense what you have to keep in mind is the Bible is very clear on what happens let's look at the beginning of man Genesis 2 and verse 7 the Bible says and I'm reading from the King James Version and I'm reading from this translation particular before because it uses the word soul mm-hmm this is where people get the idea okay so and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became together living also no notice man became less oh yes he didn't have a living soul right he became felt the difference is altogether obvious mm-hmm the flashlight did not become a bulb the flashlight of had a bold yeah there's a difference altogether yeah the flashlight when you when the bulb itself has a filament in it mm-hmm you know when the filament dies but it doesn't work in another lamp yeah it doesn't take a journey to another house and stop flashing over there when a bulb dies it's it is gone it's not working it up yes sir so am i putting together now so when the ball but when the ball blows that's the phrase yeah always blown we go by another one right we don't say hey you know Kenny I got a hole yeah did he work in my lamp and I'm know it's going to work in yours because he just wants a new lamp that's all there needs is a new land yeah we're teaching the idea that the soul come on this is what the common teaching is that the soul now needs another location it's moved on since you can't use this location any longer that's not what the teeth the Bible teaches matter of fact let's go to Janet let's go to job chapter 27 and verse 3 ah ok I know now remember this yes remember where did God breathed into Adam where what he'd read it into nostril did he not right what did he breathe in there the breath of life and I want you to read Genesis chapter 27 verse 3 pastor Kenny Genesis chapter 27 verse 3 now you have to follow in mind now since the Lord breathed into Adam this could this construct he formed him from the dust of the ground I have a friend a pathologist and dr. Douglass where and he said one day he listened to a program and he said by the way if you're watching this dr. where and your wife hello to you he said I'm when you said that Pastor John that God formed man he says I'm a medical technologist and you have no idea what just happened when the corpus was the vein the lever seeing what God did when he formed man yes but look at what happens when we die look I mean look at look at what this hole is a joke chapter 27 verse 3 I didn't have that Yeah right before there we go job chapter 27 verse 3 and this tells you what is in the nostril yeah the breast sure ok verse 3 killed 27 all the while but my breath is in me and the Spirit of God is in my nostrils all the while my breath is in media and the Spirit of God mm-hmm now this is huge you got you must admit that your type time a little not up because I know it's coming cuz I know because you got to make the context that the contract between spirit and breath exactly what's there I know that's where your head but God's Spirit is there yes yeah so if anything's going back is God's Spirit by my spirit right right then the Spirit of God is in my not God breathed into man to nostril the breath of life the breath of life came from God God didn't breed a man into Adams nostrils he breathed his breath of life mm-hmm would you get that he didn't put a man in Adam no put his breath and Adam precisely okay so that's how life began so it has to you have to have a body exactly and then you have the Spirit of God breath of God and you become one and one - yeah become a living soul exactly I tell you things in Genesis it goes in in job it comes out okay in spirit nothing has changed yeah now let's go to Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7 pastor I want you to read that again yeah he's much Bible student yes boy we're going work on mouth and you're going to throw it at me in a minute say yeah here we go put out - Tom you clean out when you look at this yeah there you go now right after this and what you're going to see now friends as we read this text is you're going to see creation in Reverse yes okay okay we're going to see creation right after proverbs their third book right ago he Cleveland I over his Bobby go sin and it's like I can turn in yeah where were you all right ecclesiastical I had it here let's go I said and then shall the dust return to the earth as it was okay and the spirit shall return to God who gave it now get this now in the beginning God formed man from the dust yes then at the end of life the dust returns to the earth as it was and the spirit returns to God who gave it now this is huge what had where's man hmm that dust form of man went back to where he came from right and the spirit that returned to God was his spirit which is the breath of life not my spirit right they teach that man's spirit went back to God the spirit returns to God who gave it right amen okay now Psalms 115 verse 17 it's all on my head praise the Lord but Professor Kenny I'm having you eat all these sexy oh yeah I want you to register on this to Psalms 1 15 verse 17 look at this now this is huge okay so if man died and went to heaven this text needs to be deleted from the Bible okay okay pass this here you have it some Psalm 117 1 115 okay I look up looking up another day instead but the dead for 17 the Dead prays not the Lord neither any that go down into silence oh wait a minute we're dead do not praise the Lord so nobody up in heaven that died praising God says neither any of that go down Lotus down into silence mercy down into silence not up into praise yes look at the contract yeah yes we teach today the common pulpit of America and the television shows teach they help in heaven praising God now dancing on the streets of gold praising the Lord singing songs of hallelujah no they're not now what we're not seeing is that we're not saying that they won't one day we're saying they not now not now the Lord has established a process by which we will all get into heaven I got to give you some time so you could take it from here no I'm just thinking about you talk about the spirit you know in construction right you know you know that the illustration of it is that in construction Danny and I worked for many years and still do at different times I said you go out to the job site you know you have your lumber big lumber pile and then you put simple then way over here we have a 50 pound box of nails right now when you go out this is it we have to think about it when we go out to the site there is no one that would look at her and say whoa what a beautiful house this is right right it was that because you had they say this is the lumber this is the nail all you do is take that nail put it into the lumber and all of a sudden you've got a house right all it takes two things lumber nail put it together you have a house okay now what do I do when I reverse are you talking about this so when I reverse it I pull that nail out and I put it over here in the lumber back here so when I look at again I say oh that's still that's not a house that's lumber that's not a house that's a nail where the house go simply ceases to exist because you have to have the two things recycling body breath spirit beautiful well said this is the text of us looking at past when you called upon this is psalms 146 for okay read it cuz yeah right there right now his spirit departs he shall return to us earth in that very day his plans perish break that down here is spirit depart right he returns to he returns to his earth right where does he go goes back to the earth the spirit is is capital H his spirit exactly I think he lower H returns to the earth he or his rather lower H lowercase H plans perish but the spirit goes back to the God who gave it and the plans everything about our life pairs so the idea that mama comes back and come with you at night and that's not that's not in a word so but we have to keep in mind widows hit widows man return he returns from the ground out of which he came precisely he returns to his earth now here's this is huge since man returns to where he came from to teach that man goes to heaven would would intimate that he came from heaven mm-hmm to say he's returning mm-hmm means he came from heaven all right Jesus came from heaven right came down to the earth to create man he man became a living soul when the air the nails in the wood got my mother mm-hmm it was a house / house when you took them apart there's no house right apparently all got her don't go down grab a house don't have a house and that's very very crucial man was not given a soul grandpa soul of souls not time there he became and if if you become you can I'll invent a word on become if you don't have the constituent parts she's got to have breath and you've got to have body yeah it's the thing we need to wrestle with gentlemen because we've established that something does go back that's exactly does what goes back have intelligence is it alive is it thinking is it walking is it talking is it praising God is it looking over the ramparts watching you and Angie in the evening watching you and Chris as you stroll along nothing there that's alive and that's what we need to deal with now ecclesiastical five and time please yesyes chapter 9 verse 5 6 and 10 I remember this here it is yeah what would includes that I'm going to stay there for a minute or two you got a couple other texts there okay you want to you want to do that pass I'll go ahead yes okay Leslie already oh can i but yeah okay here it is chapter 9 verse 5 for the living know that they will die what's going to happen to the living they're going to die if the Bible didn't say they were going to die it was said the living know that they will keep on living well the living know that they will die but the dead know nothing not anything I think use version says but now let's look at what happens what's that conscious what is there conscious presence after death and they have no more reward from them for the memory of them is forgotten horses that doesn't mean that I forget them that means they no longer memory function right God exists verse 6 also their love their hatred and their Envy have now perished mercy never more will they have a share in anything done under the Sun never born so mommy ain't coming back like you said alright nobody got my baby not going to be walking the room same mom no no I'm not through the Long Island medium ain't nobody sending no messages see I just went to my G stack mode nobody's sending any messages from the grade back to the nobody and they're twisting the clock to ten after two nobody painted number 23 on your garage door door I knew of his basketball number one he was playing basketball when he was alive well this is we're going to show you where I come from there they have nothing more to do with anything here so there's no one upstairs waiting for you as a friend of my dad say send me numbers to play you know so I get hit a lot of that kind of thing that doesn't exist that there are there is a spirit that's responsible for that but dr. dead mother dead father we did uncle your friend we're in it like that the Bible says when when they die in that second thoughts perish that's right now verse 10 is the key verse 10 talk to the part ecclesiastical on verse 10 look what it says whatever your hand finds to do do it with your might and this is how awful it is for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going mercy can that be any clearer yeah listen my ass what happened where you going when you die in the grave why do you know that the Bible just said that amen but you know what the problem today is past the see a we take that single scripture to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord which is really not a scripture no and we build an entire castle with one nail oh one or is that an accurate accurate reading line of or understanding of that particular of the particular text we didn't look at that but good let's go to the next one now pastor Kenny you want to throw one in there but now let's talk about the familiar spirit as you're looking up you're looking up your yeah go ahead yeah how does how do we get to the place where people say I saw my mother I saw my cousin mm-hmm I saw I saw my uncle or I smell my my dad's Cologne in the house the same when we buried him in last year and well that's Cologne that ain't your dad but when you start seeing things that look like your parents listen to what the Bible says Leviticus chapter 19 verse 31 I'm going to read it regarde not them that have familiar spirits neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them ecclesiastical 20 verse 6 and the soul that turn adapt as such has had a familiar spirit after wizards I will even set my face against that soul and cut him off from among his people and the one that you know Isaiah 8:20 don't we always quote that absolutely you know what Isaiah 890 as a 8:19 is faster Kenny let me give you a chance to register here Isaiah 819 look at that very quickly because you know now the horse is out it's out to hold up look at Isaiah 819 we often read Isaiah 8:20 Percy you want to read as a 8/9 oh yeah and when they say to you seek those who are mediums and wizards who whisper and mutter should not have people seek after their God did they seek the dead on behalf of the little murder here you go yeah you go few people going to seances nowadays holding hands and dark rooms trying to conjure up a monitor it's good thinking that they're getting a message and then they have these new shows nowadays I don't know if the Long Island medium is gone but they have these programs nowadays with some lady who's a housewife said well I got I could contact the dead on behalf of the Living mercy so she's making millions of dollars yes Helen lies but I want to tell you these are Satan's emissaries yes they are bringing their messages from the dark but they're not bringing them back from year-round dyna-dude to see if you wanted to see you know I had a story one times many years ago then I'll read something it wasn't we need to know this truth even in our sleep mm-hmm even in our dreams yes and I was it's probably about two or three days after my my dad had passed away he was on my mind it was a Sunday afternoon or whatever and I just had the funeral anyway I laid down on the couch downstairs and went to sleep and I dreamed I heard a knock at the door and it was real to me you know isn't it and something oh I go up me at the door and so it had a double doors and I opened the door and then we had the full glass storm or sure and open the door looked at understood my dad now I'm looking eyeball to eyeball three feet away the door still closed and I'm looking at him like this and he says to me Kenny it's me I really I really didn't die look at me can't you tell my voice look at my mannerism everything it's me hm and I'm looking at him undead it can't be the Bible says you can't come back the dead know not anything he said it's me let me in just just open the door when I'll come in said as much as I did that you say how much you'd like for the to be repeated to come back I said no you cannot be and I took the other door and I closed the door hmm and then I opened the door and he wasn't there you're gone and I was thinking you know and my Michael we think about these things we think it happens we may be confronted reality with those things someday mm-hmm how will we stand on the issue the Bible says he re quickly in the book of Job verse 10 we know this well where you need long times you read it you know and the funerals different things said that man died and he wasted away because he goes back to the dust that's right I hope 14 a man giveth up the ghost what go spirit a spirit is breath of life where is he that's what everybody said where is he what he died he's gone where is he the BIOS desert verse 12 so man lieth down and rides us not till the heavens be no more yes they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep and we no sleep Jesus talked about it we met his invention what 50 sometimes a New Testament sleep is death right not going to be waked out at the way God Ed verse 14 so if a man died here's a question now this is for people maybe who never read if a man die shall he live again mm-hmm I will say all the days of my appointed time will I wait where's he going to wait and the great and the great till my change come somebody's also your change comes it comes at death what is first Corinthians say about when their change comes go for it first Corinthians the Bible said verse a chapter 15 verse 51 Paul says I behold I show you what the mystery we shall not all sleep Paul knew about it all about death you knew it was sleepy said we shall not sleep but we all worked going to be change changed you say okay when the change Joe with someone waiting the grave concerns okay what's my change in a moment the twinkling of an eye at the last he turns from its right yeah the change comes you got to see at the last Trump the last trumpet sounded when Jesus what he comes yeah that's right so sound the dead shall be raised what incorrupt yeah and we shall be changed for this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal notice this must put on what him more and more when are we given immortality at the last trap the last Trump at the coming of Christ the finishing touches has given to his Saint that's a sequence that's the sequences oh and when it's going to happen I was going to happen out I want it to happen you know it's a wonderful about that wonderful the point that the Bible is making I won't even say the point that past you know the Bible like the Bible is making is you cannot go to heaven in the same condition you're here now and all right you've got to be changed from Mortal to immortal exist in the presence of an immortal God thank you and only God the Bible says has immortality you're not born see I don't have it one yeah one verse in the Bible describes me but now that's whole thing about coming back to their house the finished attack no no listen to job chapter 7 job chapter 7 verse 9 and 10 as the cloud and write these down job chapter 7 verse 9 and 10 as the cloud disappears and vanishes away oh well so he goes down to the grave yes so he who goes down to the grave does not come up he shall never return to his house nor shall his place know him any more than right now clear that that's so clear so this idea got mama diaper bag and daddy coming back getting a message from the Long Island medium yeah you know they have these phrases that you go to funerals nowadays they have these lies that are coming from the pulpit of America these are men that are under Satan's influence to continue to proliferate these if they say they know the Word of God am i telling the truth that you're telling the truth how could you say you know God's Word and tell a lie and it's not in God's Word yes I could you give it such credibility you know my brother is in heaven right now looking down on today oh not the truth let me go ahead and you know they have these phrases say first the first days to call it home going services mMmmm I mean that's a phrase he said yes he said but now they call a home going let me give you let me give you some credibility for the home going idea job chapter 17 verse 13 and then we're going to go to the new test alright because there are some people that teach well in the Old Testament they had to wait but then after Jesus rose and they go directly to have oh that's another untruth that's not their job chapter 17 verse 13 he had that look at this he says if I wait for the if I wait mm-hmm what you there pal we the grave is mine how read it if I wait the grave is mine house I have made my bed in the darkness exactly hmm if I wait the grave is my house I've made my bed in the daughter in there because in job chapter 14 job said hide me in the grave yes till your wrath is passed appoint me as said time and remember me that's a job said yes so job is saying I'll wait right here till your wrath is passed what wrath the seven last plagues and then you appoint me at the time and remember me yeah you know and then I know what's going on the heads of the people but now let's go ahead and deal with this absent from the body ten you know before we do that I just want to put a little little nail here in the coffin as though we're in the Old Testament if you want a definitive statement I'm in Ezekiel 18 all does it twice in the same chapter Ezekiel 18 north of verse 4 mmm-hmm behold all souls are mine the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son are mine the soul that sinneth shall die so the soul does that it ceases to exist and of course it is this is reiterated in verse 20 yeah soul that sins shall die can't even plainer than that no the son should I better go to the father nor the father barely go to the son but that's soul that sins shall die so souls do die they cease to exist when the breath is separated from the body now the words breath spirit are interchangeable particularly in the Old Testament we've got the word use some 377 times but in no instance does it give any indication passage on plastic any of a conscious integer no going back seven it's just air or breath in the New Testament its Numa from which we get pneumatic tiles air or breath but there's no consciousness to that air breath it is the same breath that God breathed into Adam returning to the God who gave it there was no evidence anywhere in scripture of a conscious entity in soul going back to heaven to live a wondrous life really an actual focused in the some of my sermons if if we go to heaven when we die then Christ is coming back for nothing and he's wasting gas yeah we're already there no why would you come back down here waste gas come back down and say who if you're there's no need to come back for a trip to make another trip back down here if you go up but he's coming back he says I'm coming quickly in Revelation 20 and my reward is with me right that's when you get to reward not when you die that's right first Corinthians chapter 15 the entire passage but that's not where I'm going I'm going to John okay we're gonna go see we got to go faster okay the key I want down John chapter 14 John chapter 14 I'm with you okay John chapter 14 okay and I'm going to first start with John chapter 13 mmm verse 33 now in John chapter 13 verse 33 and in verse 36 Jesus speaks about two different destinies he's talking to Peter 1 he's referring to going back to heaven secondly he's referring to going to the cross hmm remember Peter was crucified upside down mm-hmm so now let's look at the first one prosit 33 of John chapter 13 Jesus now he says in verse 31 now the Son of Man so when he had gone out jesus said now the son of man is glorified and God is glorified to him in him if God is glorified in him God will also glorify him in himself yes and glorify him immediately numbers 33 little children I shall be with you a little while longer you will seek me and as I said to the Jews where I am going you cannot come yes yeah so now I say to you well yeah what I said to them I'm telling you I said it to the Jews so now I'm standing to you where I'm going you cannot come on chapter 14 verse 1 2 3 pastor now if he's not if we can't go there how are we going to get there John Cho I don't write through it break it down Bible said verse 1 says let not your heart be troubled and it says believe in God believe also in me setting ups and principally setting at something you can trust me yes yeah you know I like it where he says I will come in the Word of God it's in the tense if it's already yeah yeah fine after yeah in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you and if I go to prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also yes see they're receiving unto yourself comes when he comes again I apologize I miss quarters cooked a moment ago I said revelation 20 it's revelation 22 verse 12 behold I come quickly and my reward is with me yes so so the sequence is I come then you get the reward that's right you get the reward at that right there in the reward and it's clear so when you read the scripture he says I will come again and receive you precisely I'm gonna come back to get you now let's look at the come back and getting part first Thessalonians chapter 4 I'm going to come back anyway that's written the way that's written in the Greek right I will come again right as though hey it's already taking place I thought that was interesting right as though it's already taken we know second come he's not coming yet right the way it's written we can count on it we can thank God how beautiful he said right he's saying this in the affirmative sent a man not in the sense that it is already known but in the affirmation you can other words you can count on it yeah equal to the bank this is going to happen you can I will come again we'll be coming so we say why we wait but why are we waiting for the coming of Jesus because we know what the coming of Jesus there's something that's going to happen that has not yet happened and you know what's been deleted from Christianity as you go to 1st doesn't of long is chapter 4 you know it's been deleted pasture pastures the resurrection has been deleted yes Oman the resurrection has been ignored if we really believe in the resurrection then we would state clearly what the resurrection is all about well now I've heard there's some songs nowadays the Christian songs secular songs that talk about you know I'm going I'm dying and going home tonight oh well you're going home like to the mausoleum in the graveyard that's the only home you're going to not trying to be cynical but these are the methods by which these done choose a toll now let's talk about the coming of the Lord yeah now I want to just want to start with and we're going and I knew we all get to this verse right yeah I did 117 funerals at my last Church I did this you just texted every single one of them so I want to start with the back end okay therefore comfort one another with these words saying that when you know the truth about this it's a comforting thing it's a it's a company thing if if if my loved one is in heaven watching me and suppose I'm having a bad time of life suppose I'm strung out on drugs suppose something better how can they enjoy the heaven experience watching me down here suffering it makes no sense how how can heaven be heaven that's right they're looking down here on the earth full of sin and people taking God's name in vain and rape and torture and war and murder and you're down looking on that and that's heaven does not ever that's hell that makes no sense but the truth about death and what happens at death yes we're told it's a comfort comfort one another with these words now let's go to these work now let me let me throw something in the before we that because this is something that people don't even think logically on the angels don't even see us from heaven mmm the Angels have to come down here mmm the only one that's omniscient omnipotent and omnipresent is God who's got alright so so how do we now wherever heaven is get the ability at death to see all the way from heaven mm-hmm down to earth and look at the affairs of men how do we do that it doesn't go back to the very life state and totally Eve you will be like God yeah on good and evil you will be if you disobey you be just like them well we can't we're going to read that text but we have to we have to deal with this absent from the body okay I'm reading two scriptures okay let's get through the message that's a test like a they don't want to drop that on you don't you kind of walk us through that good for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven I'm sorry oh no way out good with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of god is and the dead in Christ will rise first okay pre comma okay dead in Christ so those and I and I was to say that say this at all my funerals that I conducted death in Christ is not such a bad thing right better to die in Jesus than to live without him so that yeah in Christ are going to rise first now those are the quote saved folk that's right they're going to rise first at the second coming then coming up first and of course well I want to jump I don't want to jump jump jump the tracks here but the dead in Christ say people are going to rise first okay that's very very important because they didn't get to heaven they're not in heaven they're coming up from the ground alright just like the original creation they'll be recreated as they're once created they get to rise first okay all right you want to pick up the second my lord okay then we which are alive and remain what until all though shalt by no means what mmm-hmm prevent prevent those who have what fallen asleep that's okay now the very next verse mm-hmm that's seventeen seven seventeen then weak because you're actually conflating two technically but then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air so Christ is not technically coming back down to this earth at this time he's coming to the proximity and he's drawing us up to him he's bringing us up to him we come to meet him at that time who's meeting him yeah well yeah I went ahead of myself two dead in Christ a raised right first then we who are alive are caught up together with them with them to meet let's say that word in estimating me oh yeah which means we haven't met him yet right right we till we are taught by popular churches they met him when they died but how would they meet him if the living in Christ didn't meet him yet and precise because the living in the dead together yeah the dead Ethelred I read the important point John they meet together yeah yeah they didn't they didn't they didn't the text that you alluded to about those preventing for God has given us something better in Hebrews but that they didn't they didn't get there before us no we all meet together and go there together right so we meet and go to gate and that's a very crucial point after the sequence the dead and the living meet him together yeah you don't get there before me you don't get there one second before do we get there together praise God and the text you alluded to here is verse and I'm going to go ahead and read it he was we're going to continue go ahead Hebrews chapter 11 Hebrews chapter 11 the Bible says in verse 35 they others were tortured not accepting deliverance yea that they might obtain a better resurrection in Venice over 40 of Hebrews 11 and God having provided something better for us yes they should not be made perfect apart from us or from a right person those if you look at you look at Abraham and Isaac and the and and Moses and David and all the great people from the Bible they don't get there one second before John McCain gets there before Kenny shale right yeah they suffered in his leg they died but we all go out up together and he in a powerful proper wheel in the air okay yeah you intent we want to carry verse 16 verse 54 16 16 of the Lord Himself yeah for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ has talked about long ago shall rise first I'm thankful we have a Lord promised he's going to come he Harmon out of heaven we understand that he's going to have a shout mmm it's going to be noise there's nothing secret about this thing at all that the shout and the trumpet blast will pierce the ears of the Dead yeah we'll call them back to life that's the can you touch myself it and and mind that just a little bit that this idea of secret rapture yeah this sauce about this shout loud enough to wake the dead is yeah this is got a secret no that nickel way yeah again the Bible is very clear yeah I do is do what the Bible says that learn truth what is it line upon line precept upon precept here a little and there a little and if we can look at what the Bible writers had to say on the same subject you'll come up with the truth oh yes lovely yes yes so we're going to be caught up so now let's very quickly go to first Corinthians chapter five I want to show you to context and we're going to probably wind up but we have a few more texts if we can make it fit here I'm going to show you when Paul talks about absent and present we got to understand what he's talking about here first of all first Corinthians chapter five verse three mm-hmm let me show you verse three okay first Corinthians five verse 3 Paul is talking about being not being with the church look what he says in verse 3 for I indeed as absent in body not but present in spirit is have already judged as though I were present come on then concerning him who has done this deed Paul Paul is on a journey somewhere yeah he writes a letter though I'm absent in the body I'm with you I'm present with you Lutheran I'm going to make a decision about this as though I was already there that's right so he's saying I'm not there but I want to make a decision now let's go so so sometimes when he says to be absent and to be present sometimes Paul is referring to I'm not there right but you know what I think my hardest my heart is yeah I'm with my love to be a thief of things giving but know that my love is with you precisely that's some of the times but now let's look at the 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 we should have done this earlier but we'll go ahead and get through very quickly because Paul was a very same one that said all these things about being changed from Mortal to immortal being caught up to meet the Lord when we come when he comes all these things he talks about the resurrection but now notice this for second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 for we know that if our earthly house this tent is enjoyed we have a building from God yeah a house not made with hands eternal in the head in the heavens yes 1st Corinthians 15 talks about the celestial man and the terrestrial man the man of the dust and the man of the glory but let's go on verse 2 for in this tent we groan you know what that means we have trial yea man in this tent we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is what from heaven indeed verse 3 having been clothed we shall not be found naked now watch this he talked about the naked and the Nate he's talking about here is the unclothed aspect of it and that is simply talking about the unrighteous aspect the same thing revelation says blessed either keep its garment less he walks naked look at verse 4 now this is the key apex of the whole thing for we who are in this tent groan do we have burdens here or being burdened not because we want to be unclothed well but further clothes that what mortality shall be swallowed up by life and he says he and here's let me break this down so far Paul is saying as long as we are in these mortal body we're gonna have trials I cannot wait the mortality a man swallowed up by life that's what he said thirdly said we will put on immortality air that's what he's talking about he's not talking about leaving the body no now let's go to verse 5 now he who has prepared us for this very thing as God who has given us the spirit has a guarantee mmm in other words God's Spirit has confirmed this now here's verse here the two verses therefore we are always confident knowing that while we are ahead at home in the body we are absent from the Lord do you see anything absent from the body present the Lord while we are at home in this body while we're living here while we're living here we're not living there ready zazen stance all the way and that's it you can't read any more into that now I'll be honest I can't be there so how do we are there so how do they walk seven before we walk by faith not by sight yeah we are confident yes well please rather yeah to be absent from the body and to be what present with the Lord all we're going to be absent from these mortal bodies can't praise gonna when yeah that is coming coming before now do you think that's what I want that's what I like that's what I want to be out of the body and present with the Lord that's not saying that's what I am that's what I want well that's what we all want now we all notice the other keys I want you know not once and his death was talked about not once was death lynches precisely because that's not the sub that's not a bird yeah but now we got to hit the last one first Corinthians 15 to put it all together verse 22 22 this is the key okay verse 22 for as in Adam first Corinthians 15:22 for as in Adam all die even so in Christ all shall be made alive this is the same Paul mm-hmm verse 23 but each one in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterward those who are Christ's went ahead a standard common now you need to underline these those who are Christ's at his coming not at your death not when you die at she's coming that's when the reward comes and it comes with him and that's why he says in verse 24 then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father when he puts an end to all rule and all authority and power he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet laughs tell me that will be destroyed yeah now wanted to destroy it at the coming of the Lord didn't destroy it now at all and you know what if you know what's going to happen when it's destroyed first Corinthians 15:57 but thanks be to God who giveth us who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ and the very last things he says in first Corinthians chapter 15 he says verse 56 Oh death where is your sting or grave verse 55 Oh death where is your sting o grave where is your victory yes why because when Jesus comes we will have victory over the grave right now we have the assurance but when he comes we will come forth very quickly passed a CA you got to hit this very quickly John chapter five verse 28 and 29 we got asked we does it got it squeeze it in new text let me get back to it because I know where you're gon come in 5 verse 28 and 29 if you have ever Kenny to resurrect is new girl I'm at verse 28 exactly do not marvel at this for the hour is coming in which all those when the graves will hear his voice were they now and the gray integrate and come forth those who have done good to the resurrection of life those who have done evil to the resurrection of damnation yes resurrection is everybody is in the grave when they hear it some fun thoughts of the resurrection of life that means when the resident resurrection of life comes to mean they come back to life yes and I live in now yes yes yeah the idea of resurrection is counterfeited if you if you go to heaven there are so many sound Bible doctrines that are just trumped by the lie that you go when you die right oh that's a run Trump has a logic to go and you die we is it you don't go in it they don't want you to go in Christ comes back you are resurrected and the resurrection is one of the greatest and most marvelous and most wonderful ideas and doctrines in the Word of God that's right yeah that's why he's coming back if I change our vile body to be fashioned like unto his glorious yeah we've got to go to our news break but isn't it wonderful Christ is not gonna send a cab come on or or have you wander into heaven on your own he's coming back to take that's right you know I tell people if you really love your wife she says honey come get me yeah that's right I'm coming along the way come you know I'm on the way Amy's on the way yeah cuz he loves you just that much right Wow yeah we've got to go to a news break and we'll come back and put a little bow on this before we say goodnight and that's good information you know we've had a great time talking about this most crucial doctrine the greatest lie ever told we tried to debunk that today Ken you got a closing particles in Swift Rafael we were just talking there was just a breaker just second ago and I said this is a typical way that the enemy works he quotes a lot of truth but he always puts a little bit of his lie in there and people will seem like they go for the lie more than they go for the truth or even the weight of evidence so that he started in the beginning he still continued to do it today yeah we need to by the grace of God to untangle the lies of the enemy by going to the Word of God line upon line again precept upon precept and you'll find the truth and I love the truth about what happens when you die we rest of Jesus comes amen amen Pastor John want to put period on that why would Jesus need to come back if everybody that has already died for the last six thousand years already in heaven yeah no sense coming back just to get the rest of us he could just say come on well and we could by the power of the Lord just and sent up there and the beauty of the second coming is that we shall all be changed yeah we shall all be changed friends here's the key until the change from Mortal to immortal happens which is at the last Trump nobody can go anywhere in the same condition that we are in now mortality must be replaced with immortality when that happens Jesus will now take a beautiful or eternal well said well said number Paul said wherefore comfort one another with these words the truth about the state of the Dead is comforting well our time again as fast lipped into eternity allow me in closing to wish you both Grace and peace to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we'll see again soon bye bye and God bless [Music] No [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 4,916
Rating: 4.7966104 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Danny Shelton, yt:quality=high, Life after death, the state of the dead, life beyond the grave, absent from the body, present with the Lord, Bible Study, You will not surley die, spiritualism, ghosts, haunting, Soul, CA Murray, John Lomacang, Kenny Shelton, dust to dust, return to dust
Id: izz5_Hv-240
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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